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Mark’s Lutheran Church

A Faith Family Celebrating and Sharing God’s Grace for 150 years!
400 S. 6th. Street, Atchison, KS 66002 (913) 367-0417

June 2018 Newsletter

Being on the Receiving End
expressed concern for me and my welfare. Several
I was very frustrated! Fran and I had been planning
were upset that this would ruin our vacation.
a vacation to one of the all-inclusive resorts in the
Everyone told Fran that they were praying for my
Caribbean for many years.
recovery. Fran came home and told me, “They sure
13 days before we were to leave, I was spring love you a lot!”
cleaning my garage. I over did it. My leg started
Five days before we were to leave, I developed a
hurting quite a bit, but it was a beautiful spring day.
terribly itchy rash on my sore leg. I couldn't sleep it
I kept pushing to finish, “just one more thing.” When
itched so badly. The next morning I headed back to
I was done, my left leg was very swollen.
the Leavenworth VA Emergency with a bright red
11 days before we were to leave, the leg had leg. To counteract the severe allergic reaction to
developed cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin the antibiotic, they gave me lots of medications.
and tissues beneath the skin. It hurt a lot!
By Sunday, the cellulitis was almost gone! The rash
10 days before we were to leave, I had the privilege from the allergic reaction was worse and now
to conduct Jim Murray’s funeral. I know how covered a lot of my body. Since the cellulitis was
serious cellulitis can be. Over the years I have had under control, I decided to lead the worship service.
many congregation members hospitalized with Everyone there greeted me with care and concern
this disease. Jim Murray had been hospitalized and love. They asked about the trip, about how I
several times due to was feeling. They asked what they could do for
cellulitis. I couldn’t help but Fran or me. They made sure I stayed off my feet as
St. Mark’s Officers think about that during Jim’s much as possible. I believe that every single person
funeral. I explained what at St. Mark’s said a word of support to me.
President: was going on with me to
Sarah Dunning Jim’s wife, Alice. I also told
Monday morning, two days before we were to
leave, I got to see my doctor. She said, “You need
Vice President: the women working the
to stay out of the sun for at least a week.” She
Cathy Crockett funeral luncheon that I
wrote me a note for my travel insurance company.
believed that I needed to
Secretary: We canceled our long planned Jamaican vacation
Amelia Kaczmarek get to the ER. Everyone
and went to Branson to see shows out of the sun.
graciously said, “Of course!
Treasurer: Kim Smith Get going. Take something For more than 40 years I have been taking care of
Finance Secretary: to eat!” I went to the ER at people as a pastor. I do my best to let the people I
Patsy Porter the Leavenworth VA minister to know that God loves and cares about
hospital. I was quickly seen them and I do also. These past few weeks, the
Council Members and given an antibiotic and table was turned and I was on the receiving end of
Carlie Clary told to keep my leg elevated the care and love. Luther talked a lot about the
as much as possible. “Priesthood of all Believers”. We are all called in the
Mike Crockett
kingdom of God to serve one another. We serve
Shelby Kremske
Fran took the worship
the world for the sake of Christ. These past weeks I
service on Sunday so that I
Alice Murray have been well loved (served) by you. I thank you
could keep my leg up all
and I thank God for all of you.
Rev. Craig Lantz day. So many people asked
her how I was doing. Many
WELCA and Social Ministry will not meet in June. St. Mark’s 150 th. Anniversary
On June 5 the group will host the Retired Teacher’s Please make your reservations and encourage
Luncheon. family and friends to do like wise.

Wednesday, June 13 at 10:30 am United Methodist Leavenworth National Cemetery

is hosting Coffee and Conversation in their
fellowship hall.

Thursday, June 14 and 28, Quilting at 9:30 am.

Sunday, June 17.

8:30 am Worship & Music Committee
Following Worship – Church Council

Through April, expenses have exceeded income by


Brent Clary and Tricia Clark will be attending God Blessed America
Camp Tomah Shinga in July. They would like to
"They defended our nation, they liberated the
take on some projects to earn money to help pay
the $810 costs. (Clean garages, work in yards etc.) oppressed, they served the cause of peace. And all
Contact Cathy Crockett at 370-0595 if you might Americans who have known the loss and sadness
have some work. (To make a donation simply of war, whether recently or long ago, can know
make so on your check or on an envelope.) this: The person they love and miss is honored and
remembered by the United States of America."
Thank You --George W. Bush, Memorial Day Address, 2004
*Thanks to Pastors Craig and Fran for purchasing
grab bars for the rest rooms..
*Thanks to Jerry for installing the bars. "That we here highly resolve that these dead shall
*To all for Jim Murray memorials. not have died in vain; that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom; and that
June Birthdays government, by the people, for the people, shall
Ardena Loch 6/01 not perish from the earth."
Candice Jaegle 6/01
--Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1863
Lynn Shannon 6/03
Miriam Dunavan 6/04
Maggie Porter 6/10 "The United States and the freedom for which it
Mike Crockett 6/14 stands, the freedom for which they died, must
Lurena Hansen 6/19 endure and prosper. Their lives remind us that
Debra Mikkelson 6/19 freedom is not bought cheaply. It has a cost; it
Brent Clary 6/22 imposes a burden."
--Ronald Reagan, Memorial Day speech, 1982
In 1887 Rev. Diven resigned and was
replaced by
Rev. William
In 1880 Mrs. H.E. Monroe, daughter of Rev. professor, for a
Earhart, moved to Atchison and established her short period
school, The Atchison Institute. Father and daughter until replaced by
worked together to reestablish the Atchison Rev. W.F.
congregation; their letters to the General Synod Rentz in April
Headquarters resulted in Rev. W.I. Cutter, a of 1888. Rev. Rentz confirmed St. Mark’s first
retured missonary to India, accepting the Atchison catechism class. The growing congregation now
mission. sought a place of worhip adequate to their needs.
On the evening of August 8, 1880 a group of Contractors A.S. Zimmerman and B.D.
twenty three met at the home of Henery Snell for Zimmerman, members of St. Mark’s, undertook
the reorganization of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. construction of an edifice sited at 400 S. 6th Street
Officers of the congregation were J.H. Berlin, W.H. which was dedicated on December 16, 1888 as St.
Kuhns, N.D. Kistler, J.L. Heisey, W.D. Kistler, Mark’s Lutheran Chapel.
John Tusselmann, J.H. Talbott, W.D. Smith and S.J. The building and equipment cost $4,010.
Clarke. The Atchison Institue became their The congregation had established a home. In
temporary worship site. The work of the church addition to Worship, there were Confirmation
could progress. Classes, Sunday School, Choirs and groups for the
From its refounding in 1880, St. Mark’s men, women, and youth of the congregation.
embarked on a journey of spiritual and numeric The settling of the lower Missouri River
growth. In chronicalling events one tends to assign valley had prompted discusssion about the need for
an accomplishment to the individual in charge at the institutions of higher education. At a meeting of the
moment of completion, but that is a distortion. St. General Synod at Omaha in 1887 formal proposals
Mark’s was blessed to have pastors who would for siting a college were presented by a large
embrace the work of their predecessors and help number of Kansas and Nebraska cities. Based upon
bring the dream to reality. Similarly, St. Mark’s a wide variety of factors, including the City of
was blessed to have a congregation and lay leaders Atchison’s promise of financial support and gifting
who demostrated a constancy of purpose. of land and the pledges of private citizens, Atchison
Rev. Cutter enjoyed working with struggling was selected to be the home of Midland College.
congregations and moved on westward when the The College began at Mrs. Monroe’s
services of Rev. George Diven were secured in Atchison Institute and subsequently developed its
1884. From there, a strong Sunday School was campus on donated land. In 1895 training for the
established, catechism classes began, and a church ministry was added at Midland with the formation
college was contemplated. In 1865 the President of of the Western Theological Seminary. In 1897 a
Synod reported that this field was “growing in German Department was added to the Seminary in
membership and influence”. The pastor reported cooperation with the Breklum Seminary in
sixty members. Germany to allow their students to study for a year
In May of 1887 St. Mark’s formal or two to complete their studies and/or become
constitution was adopted. In the same church accustomed to living in America.
register is an alphabetical listof the church
members. There were seventy in number.

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