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Đề 1:
Part 1:
1/ Do you work or are you a student?
2/ Where do you live?
3/ Do you live in a house or an apartment?
4/ What do usually you do on holiday?
5/ What is the most popular holiday in you country?

Part 2:
Describe a garden you liked visiting?
You should say:
What type of it?
Where it located?
Who you visited with?
Why you liked visiting this garden?

Part 3:
What Vietnamese people usually do with their balcony or garden?
What do you think about the role of public green space in cities?

Đề 2:
Part 1:
Do you work or are you a student?
Are you interested in robots? Why?
Do you like robots to work at your home?
Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?
Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?
Part 2:
Describe an event that you are waiting to take part in

Part 3:
Do you think patience is important?
Do you think being patient is an important part of being polite?
Would you say you are a patient person?
Have you ever lost your patience?
What do you become impatient about?

Đề 3:

Part 1:
1. What kind of housing/accomodation do you live in?
2. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
3. Do you think people will drive more in the future?
4. What will become the most popular means of transportation in Viet Nam?
Part 2:
Decribe a quiet place
Part 3:
1. What are the places that are free of noise?
2. Should we stay at quiet places or participate in outdoor activities?
3. What the different-aged groups do at quite places?

Đề 4:

Part 1

1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

2. Is music an important subject at school in Vietnam?
3. Did you often watch television when you were a child?
4. Do you often watch TV recently?
5. What kind of TV programmes do you like most?
Part 2:
Decribe an experience that you spent time with a child.
Part 3:
1. Why childhood is important?
2. How did you spend your childhood?
3. Who was your childhood hero? Did you want to be like him/her?
4. Why do children tend to be happier than adults?
5. Do you want to be children again?

Đề 5:
Describe a thing you have received without paying for it

Đề 6:
Describe a website you usually visit

Describe a coffee shop

Describe an important invention
Describe an advertisement
Describe a piece of technology
Describe a website you visit
Describe an important event in human history
Describe a thing you have received without paying

Đề 7:

Part 1:
What's your favorite time in a day?
Was your routine different when you were younger?
Would you like to change your routine now?
Do you like to travel by bus?
Which do you prefer, bus or the underground?

Part 2:
Describe a sport you enjoy watching.
Part 3:
Do you like sports?
What's the most popular sports in your country? (Em nói football)
Do women like football?
What's difference between watching sports in TV and watching sports at the stadium?
Do you think parents should encourage their children to go to the stadium?
Should parents encourage children to play sports?

Đề 8:

Part 1: Hometown, Accommodation, Travel

Part 2: Describe a job you think you would be good at in the future.
Part 3: Employment
+ what kinds of job are well-paid?
+ What are the benefits when a company motivates workers?

Đề 9:
Describe a statue you have seen

Describe a coffee shop

Describe an activity in the countryside
Describe an invention that changes the world
Describe a successful shop
Describe a time when you were not allowed to use smartphone
Describe a memorable occasion when you were a child
Describe a situation that your family was proud of you
Describe a kind of weather you like
Describe a famous person

Describe an interesting conversation with a person you dont know

Describe a quiet place

Part 3:
Compare life in the city & rural area

Đề 11:
Part 1:
- Tell me about the place you live. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
- Do you enjoy it?
- What kind of house do you want to live in in the future?
- Do you like traveling by bus?
- Do you prefer to go by bus or by underground trains in the future?
- What are some ways do you think that can be done to develop buses in years to
- Are you into art?
- Have you recently been to an art gallery?
- What do you usually do on your birthday?
- What did you usually do on your birthday in the past?
- Do you think birthday is important when you grow up?
- What is the most important birthday in your culture?

Part 2
Describe a work of art.

Part 3
- What kinds of art do people in your culture enjoy?
- Do young and old people in your country like the same art?
- Some people say that most artists are not appreciated of what they do. What are
some way to tackle this problem?
- Should government pay for public exhibitions?

Đề 12:
Part 1:
+ Sport
+ Email
+ Politeness
+ Major
Part 2:
Describe a sport you usually watch
Part 3:
+ Importance of sport
+ famous sportspeople

Đề 13:
Describe an English lesson that you really enjoyed
Part 3: Hỏi về English teachers & how to become a good teacher

Đề 14:
Describe a book you have read

Đề 15:
1/ Describe an exciting book
2/ Describe a rule at your school that you agree/disagree
3/ Describe an invention which has changed the world in a positive way
4/ Describe an English lesson that you enjoy

Đề 16:
1/ Describe an organization or company where you live that employs a lot of people.
You should say:
What it is;
How you knew about is;
What this company does;
And explain what you think about it.
Part 3
Do you think a good job means high salary job? Why?
What kind of job do most people like to do?
What kind of job do you think worth well paid? Why?
How to make employee work with passion? Who take responsible for this? Why?
Do you think it is hard for teenager looking for a job?
Do you think universities should support student to seeking jobs?
What kind of job do young woman like? Why?
2. Describe a furniture in your home.
You should say:
Who bought it;
What it looks like;
What it is used for;
And explain how you felt about it.
Đề 17:

Part 1
House & apartment
Part 2
Describe a helpful person in work or study.
You should say:
Who the person is;
What this person did;
How this person helped you;
And explain how you felt after this person helped you.
Part 3
What are the qualities of being helpful?
Do you think children should be taught to help others?
Do you know someone who really likes to help others?
What can parents do to cultivate children quality of helping others?
Đề 18:

Describe a good news you received from a person you know well
Đề 19:
Part 2:
Describe a person you are interested in when you read or hear in the internet
Part 3:
Do you think making friends is the best way to understand about the country that you
want to know?
Đề 20:
Part 1
• Your feeling during the first day in high school?
• How did you feel about your friends in high school?
• Do you think tourist attractions in Vietnam should charge fee for international
Part 2
Describe an achievement that you are proud of
Part 3
• What should young people do to have a good job in the future?
• What benefits should companies have to attract new staffs?
Đề 21:
Describe a TV drama series you enjoy watching
Part 3
1. Is drama series popular in Vietnam? Why?
2. What is different between young people and old people’s favorite TV drama?
3. Do you think TV drama reflect what happen in the reality society?
4. What kind of TV drama does older people like to watch in your country?
5. Do you think people will change thier preference of TV drama when they getting
6. What is diferent between Vietnamese drama and foreign drama?
7. What’s the influence of foreign shows on Vietnamese?
8. Somebody says soap opera doesn’t come from real live, what do you think? Why?
9. Do you think soap opera will have bad influence on children?
Đề 22:
Part 1
• House
• Fruit
• Jewellery
Part 2
Describe a person who solved problem in a clever way
Part 3
• Do you think smart people are always happy?
• Are you intelligent?
• People are intelligent when they were born or after they grow up?
Đề 23:
Part 1
1. Are you student or employee?
2. Where are you working?
3. What kind of field do you study to get that job?
4. Do you get any training in the job?
5. Have you been on a boat?
6. Do people travel by boat a lot?
7. Do you want to have a holiday on a boat?
8. Do you want to own a boat?
Part 2
Describe a time you feel relieved that you have had your mobile phone
Part 3
1. Do you think people use a lot of mobile phone these days?
2. Do you think that addicting to mobile phone is good?
3. What are advantages of the social network? Do its advantages outweigh
Đề 26:
1. Describe a time you are pleased when you use mobile phone or cell phone
2. Describe a thing you bought recently.
Part 3:
1. Tell me about some things that people in your country usually buy?
2. People tend to throw away things rather than fixing and using again? What do you
think about this?
3. Goods are cheaper and more diverse? Do you think it is good or bad?
Đề 27:

1. Describe a place that people usually go to listen music.

2. Describe a journey you had by car

Đề 28:
Part 1
- Where do you live?
- You prefer to live in an apartment or a house? Why?
- What do you know about your country's history?
- Do you want to learn more about history?
- Have you ever visited to any historical places in your country?
Part 2
- Describe your favorite pieces of clothing.
Part 3
- Do you like shopping?
- Do you think people in Vietnam like to shopping with their friends?
- What do you think about the appearance? Is it important?
- What people wear at the wedding/ event?
- Do you like shopping online?
- Do you think that people judge other people because of what they wear?
Đề 29:
Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone you did not know (with a

Đề 30:

Part 1:
The place you live:
- Tell me something about the place you live.
- How long have you lived there?
- What is the thing that you like most about the place you live?
Teenage time:
- Did you enjoy your teenage time?
- Do you spend time with teenagers now?
- What activities do teenagers in your country like to do?
- Does your name have any special meanings?
- What are the most common names in your hometown?
- Is there anything special that people in your country do when they choose a name for
a baby?
Part 2
Describe a time you are pleased to have a cellphone/ mobile phone with you.
You should talk about:
- Who you were with?
- Where you were?
And explain why you felt the phone was helpful in that situation.
Part 3
- How has the media changed people's life?
- Do people care much about information online?
- Do young people spend too much time on social network sites?
- Do men and women have the same interest in information online?
- Do online information bring all benefits?
Đề 31:
Part 1:
1/ Work / Study
Are you working or studying?
What is your future plan?
2/ Hometown:
- Do you live in this city? Is it your hometown?
- What do you like most?
3/ High school:
- What was your most impressive teacher?
- First feeling in high school?
- The best part when you were in high school?
4/ Name:
- Does your name have special meaning?
- What are common names in your country? And why people choose those names for
their kids?
- When giving a name, do people do anything special?
Part 2:
Describe a way to stay healthy
You should say:
- What is it
- How often you do it
- When you do it and whom you do with
And explain why you think it’s a good way to stay healthy
( 1 câu hỏi trước khi qua P3: if you know good method to stay healthy, would you like
to share it with your friends? )
Part 3:
1/ Who will be responsible to stay healthy? Individuals or government?
2/ People nowadays are healthier or less healthy than in the past?
3/ Do the farmer want to poison the fruits and vegetable?
4/ Should government ban junk food?

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