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Strategic Management Project

Please find below instructions for the project. Please do let me know if you need any additional information.

Please select a company and submit a report that includes an introduction and discussion of all strategic management
topics mentioned below and a conclusion.

Advisory Notes of the assignment:

• Use appropriate models in your discussion

• This is 80 pages group report (approximately 24000 words). It is not possible to explore all aspects of the
strategic management process in the company you have selected
• It is strongly suggested that you select an industry which you are familiar with.

PATRT-1 Corporate mission, stakeholders, ethics and social responsibility

1) Find out whether the company has a formal mission statement. Does this statement define the business, identify
major goals and articulate the corporate philosophy?

2a) If the company lacks a mission statement, what do you think its mission statement should be? Or
2b) If the company has a mission statement, do you consider it appropriate?

3) Identify the main stakeholder groups. What claims do they place on the company? How is the company trying to
satisfy those claims?

PART-2 External analysis: industry opportunities and threats

1) Apply the different model discussed in our unit to the industry in which the company is based. What does this model
tell you about the nature of competition in the industry?

2) Are any changes taking place in the macro environment that may have an impact, either positive or negative, on the
industry in which the company is based? If so, what are these changes? How will they affect the industry?

3) Identify any strategic groups that may exist in the industry. How does the intensity of competition differ across the
strategic groups you have identified?

PART 3: Internal analysis: resources, capabilities, competencies and

Competitive advantage

1) Identify whether the company has a competitive advantage or disadvantage in its primary industry.

2) What distinctive competencies does your company have? Are strategic assets, efficiency, quality, innovation,
organizational architecture, responsiveness to customer or a combination of these factors the main driver in your

3) How differentiated are the products or services of the company? What is the basis of their differentiated appeal?

4) What is the company’s strategy towards market segmentation? If it segments its market, on what basis does it do

PART 4: Designing organization structure

1) How large is the company as measured by number of employees? How many levels in the hierarchy does it have
from the top to the bottom?

2) Based on these two measured and any other information you have, would you say the company operates with a
relatively tall or flat structure? What effect does this have on people’s behavior?

3) Draw an organizational chart showing the main way in which the company groups its activities. Based on this chart,
with what kind of structure (functional or division) does the company operate?

PART 5: Managing strategic change

1) Find example of recent changes in the company’s strategy or structure.

What types of change did the company implement? Why did the company make these changes?
2) What do you think are the major obstacles to change in the company?

3) Given the nature of the company? Can you find any example of conflicts that have occurred in the company?

PART 6: Evaluating strategy performance

1) Identify a strategy that the company has implemented.

2) Find out whether the company has evaluated this strategy.

3) Identify the type of evaluation process – intended or emergent – that the company has followed.

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