Communication in Practice

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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Task-1: Presentation........................................................................................................................ 3
1. 1: Theories of communication ............................................................................................. 3
1. 2Communication skills in a health and social care ................................................................... 4
1. 3Methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication ................................... 7
1. 4The use of strategies to support users of health and social care services ............................... 8
Task-2: Essay ................................................................................................................................ 10
2. 1Communication process is influenced by values and cultural factors .................................. 10
2. 2Impact of legal, code of conduct and practices ..................................................................... 11
2.3 The effectiveness of organizational systems and policies in promoting good practice in
communication .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Improving the communication process ................................................................................... 13
Task-3 ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Executive summery....................................................................................................................... 15
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Access and use standard ICT software packages to support work in health and social care .. 15
3.2 Benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services ..................................... 16
3.3 Legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care ............................... 16
Recommendation .......................................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 17
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 19
Reference ...................................................................................................................................... 20


Communication means to send a message and the person receive the message understand the fact.
So, it is between two persons interchange their thoughts. In this report I will demonstrate this topic
on health and social care. Communication is needed in every sector but in HSC how it is important
or how it will enhance their performance will discuss in this report.

Fig: Cycle of communication (Moss, B.,2007),

Task-1: Presentation

1.1 : Theories of communication

Communication is necessary for every organization. If it is related to health and safety
then it is more important than organization. Naturally communication is two-way process.
Sender sent the message in encoded way and receiver decode that message in his format.
After hearing that message receiver also give a feedback that he understands the message.
In health and safety there must be good communication skills between client and
employees. Employees must listen to the problem of the customer and they give them
feedback related to their problem. There is so many theories regarding this
communication. According to Maslow there is several theories (Moss, B.,2007),

Humanistic Theory: This hypothesis clarifies that all people who require love are cherishing
individuals from the general public and have an extraordinary potential to be great. It is appropriate
in circumstances where confidence, respect and respect of the individual is included. In health and
security, the employees are offered preparing a person in more natural way.

Psychological Hypothesis: This hypothesis is executed all of a sudden. This is identified with the
cerebrum as well as knowledge of a person. This arrangements with coding, encoding, preparing
and capacity of specific data.

Social Hypothesis: It is an investigation of social realities. This hypothesis manages exchanges

over numerous reliable techniques.

Behavioral Hypothesis: This hypothesis manages the conduct of a person along with how to
manage it. It is the investigation of a person mental position.

Psychoanalytic Hypothesis: This hypothesis manages the pressure, feeling along with some sort
of conduct of a person. It is the obligation of the health and social care to prepare their workers
with a specific end goal to give right channel to communicate their clients. These procedures ought
to be actualized utilizing learning and abilities.

1.2 Communication skills in a health and social care

There are several communication processes to several organization. But for health and
social care there are several communication techniques invented to provide better and
satisfactory service to their customer.

Fig: Types of communication (Kolb, D.,1991)

In health and social care communication is like blood. If must flow through every
channel. No interrupt will acceptable in this process. Staffs and customer maintain proper
channel to speak their problem and they give feedback through that channel also.

 To know the cycle of communication

 One has to know verbal as well as non-verbal language
 Difference between culture
 prepare effective questionnaire
 Ready to arrange a discussion.
 Utilizing aptitudes to proceed with a sound discussion.
 Utilizing listening aptitudes

Present day gear and correspondence helps are utilized to screen the administrations gave by the
care laborers to the people. To improve better communication, process the employees in health
care give proper training so that there will be no mismanagement in communication process. In
every floor of the care the management followed by a book where every detail included by the
employees. All the event happens in that organization updated in that book. And there is also a
board which says that which employees has night shift and which has day shift and which patients
admitted today (Kolb, D.,1991).

Relevant communication skills:

This include to use easy and flexible sentence that the customer easy to understand.

Don’t hurry to give the answer take time to allocate the exact answer.


To express your answer by body language when they feel tired to talk. It is also a
way to make the communication effective.

1.3 Methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal

Communication is an important tool. It can make a person unimportant to the whole community.
It is vital for health and social care also. In this modern ear there is lot of new technology, devise
and way to make the communication effective and efficient. I the health care don't understand the
problem of the patient because off proper communication how can they provide them treatment.
Every staff of the organization bound to help the customer according their needs but to provide
them they have to understand their needs and give them acquaintance according their wants.

Different relational abilities like verbal along with non-verbal is actualized keeping in mind the
end goal to accomplish the destinations. Every organization try to use verbal communication
because it is effective and easy to understand. There is no vague in verbal communication. On the
other hand, non-verbal communication is done by facial expression and body language. It can't be
clear as verbal communication. But there is some situation where verbal communication can’t be
don't, there non-verbal communication process used (Johnson, R. J., & Wolinsky, F. D.,1993).

Fig: To overcome barriers in communication (Johnson, R. J.,1993)

Interpersonal skills develop inside of the staff. To develop interpersonal skills, they
need motivation from their supervisor. In care interpersonal skills developed by giving
proper training, counselling and motivation through proper needs.

1.4 The use of strategies to support users of health and social care

There are various types of communication channel, for example, non-verbal communication,
gesture-based communication, verbal, reading through lips, communication through mouth and
composed word. Communication should be precise and clear. If the patients don’t understand the
information he can affected physically. The physical condition might be a stroke, hearing or visual
issues prompting increment the issues in correspondence. The procedures to take care of different
complex issues in communications are:

There is a problem where people want to demonstrate his/her situation but he/she unable to clear
it. It is called "phobia of speaking". He knew what he wanted to tell but somehow, he makes it
complex and can’t tell the exact thing. This problem can be solved by listening their talking and
encourage them to talk and make them believe that he can do it (Bales, R.F.,1990).

Two person one is deaf and other is blind. In this case communication is tough to create. But if the
keep patience and give courage them to communicate with one another, it can overcome by

Stroke damages internal cell of a person. After surviving the stroke, one lost their communication
power. So, in this case communication build up by staying at their side, analyzing their behavior,
and make attempt to realize their strength.

Task-2: Essay

2.1 Communication process is influenced by values and cultural


Communication is a tool to spread different types of culture amongst the different people. In
health and social care, it is most important to care each other cultural through communication.
Through communication one encourages to know their language, ritual, habit, liking and disliking.
Social care the communication is influenced by their culture. A staff came from a rural area and
a staff came from urban area. Their life style is not same. Their working system is not same. But
their language is same in one country. They share their thoughts, values and their habit through
the language which is the most effective tool of communication (Rajendra P.,2009).

Fig: Cultural Values and Factors (Argyle, M.,1992)

Beliefs: Trust or believes is the key to build a relation. In health care it is one of the most essential
criteria that the patient trusts their employees.

Age: Human mind differs age to age. An adult need different types of communication than a
child. So, the staffs need to know how to talk remembering their age.

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Sex: Whole world the communication system vary man to women. Even to call a female we use
‘Madam’ and a male it is ‘Sir’. So, staffs have to maintain communication channel between male
and female.

Education: The people who are highly educated can understand easily than uneducated person.
So, communication to educated people are much more easy and flexible to communicate.

Social Class: There are different class in society. But care staffs keep in mind that all the people
are important. people in higher class get advantage and lower class get less advantage, this type
of discrimination won’t happen in health care.

2.2 Impact of legal, code of conduct and practices

When a machine is used on a patient, it is important to enough look at the condition and essential
conclusion of patient. The Moral thought requires the comprehension of four fundamental rules.
Health care communication is an honorable profession. Several methods used for achieving its
target The Demonstration concocted for Information assurance is a huge benefactor of enactment
inside the association. Any health and social care data ought to be protected against the potential
risk of knowledge burglary to total patient destitute any endorsement of the care client. Along
these lines this demonstration endows the shielding of data of the administration clients that
supports great wellbeing administration practices as well as smooth operational capacities
(Schramm, W.,1994)

Several rules and regulation in the care need to follow but there are four basic rules that must be
followed like non-corruption, self-care, strict administration and the machine used on the patient
was well equipped. Non-corruption build trust to the organization as well as safety, self-care ensure
that all the basic rules is maintained through proper channel, strict administration won't allow any
fault in the process of caring the patient, and the machine equipped reduce the accident rate of the
care (Hare, D. J., Emerson, E.,2004)

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After basic principle followed by the care there is another one which also maintained. The machine
used by several cases must check their pros and cons after using it one the patient.

Third rules are that to implement the machine power to a patient to improve his/her current status
and at the same time the forth consideration will be how much important to use that machine for
improving his/her condition. his help to comprehend if there is any need of innovation, assess
diverse options, recommend non-innovation choices.

2.3 The effectiveness of organizational systems and policies in

promoting good practice in communication

Health and social care is a noble profession. A good organization policy and systems can provide
effective communication between the staffs and customer Care. Staffs in health care are highly
trained up. They knew how to maintain their communication to the patient.

There are several communication types but which channel is used by the staffs is depend on the
patient criteria like for adult there is a specific channel and for children that channel differs some

 Listening and speaking known as oral communication

 To develop the future plan of the care it must be written
 non-verbal communication procedures;
 electronic correspondence (messages)
 Some uncommon method which is suitable for the health and social care.

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2.4 Improving the communication process

There are numerous different procedures that are utilized to help vulnerable person in health care
areas. Nurses of Health care are advanced day to day of their work and they gain experience for
their daily job used to in advance technology and provide necessary support to the needy people.
Hardly any methodologies used to help Ms G with her particular correspondence needs are:

Makaton: It is a method for communicating people utilizing sign and images. It utilizes cards,
outward appearances to make discussion simple between two individuals. This technique will
assist a person with getting well-known to the utilization of English along with talking and
interface with the general population around her (Bales, R.F.,1990).

Mechanical guides: It manages the utilization of electronic guides. For instance: A person can
utilize her cell phone to converse with her children in India when she misses them. This can give
her a sentiment fulfillment and joy.

Human guides: This incorporates the utilization of mediators as well as interpreters. An individual
can utilize such sort of human guides to express her needs and associate with the general population
around in their dialect. It helps her to express her thought to the other people around her.

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Executive summery

ICT is a comprehensive sector. The branch of ICT spread rapidly. In HSC ICT is a tool which
combined all the factor and give us a great outcome. This portion of the report discuss about how
we use ICT software and what is the advantages to use it also its legal requirement which need to
follow by HSC.

To this 21st century health and social care is a noble organization where all the record of patient
and staffs are recorded through a computer or digital machine. This will help the specialist to know
the previous fact at any time by clicking the file of that patient.

3.1 Access and use standard ICT software packages to support work in
health and social care

This is the era of technology. In health care is not fall behind from this sector. They also adopt
several ICT packages to improve their service. The utilization of ICT inside HSC setting
incorporates an extensive variety of ICT applications, going from "surrounding associate living,
clinical envisioning preparing, choice help, e-treatment, electronic wellbeing records, and versatile
wellbeing programming applications". One of the cases of the utilization of standard ICT
programming bundles is Web 2.0 is a friendly advancements and social programming that are
fitting for the application in HSC field. These ICT applications incorporate "long range
interpersonal communication administrations, communicant sifting, social bookmarking,
folksonomies, social web indexes, document sharing and labeling, mashups, texting, and online
multi-player diversions". Web 2.0 advances help to oversee online data as well as learning sources,
e.g. clinical and explore data in the field of HSC. Actually, HSC specialists confront certain
difficulties concerning the adequacy of the utilization of ICT.

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The application which is built for the HSC has some strict rules and regulation like one had
operation, reliability of the data and maintenance. Then again, HSC experts don't believe the
outcomes gave by the ICT applications, e.g. with respect to precision of the best possible medicinal
information, some conclusion related issues, and additionally information security. By and by,
HSC experts ought to perform standard techniques to address the issues of the ICT applications
(Argyle, M.,199).

3.2 Benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services

ICT is used almost every sector of our life.

There are several advantages of utilizing ICT in Health care for the purpose of patient, staffs as
well as the organization. The utilization of ICT adds to the changes in HSC arrangement and results
through powerful observing practices. Exceptional strategies as well as activities have been created
to address the requirements of care specialists and care administrations. Some of these advantages

 ICT upgraded the management work and it also improved the service quality. ICT helps
the HSC to work on an easy space. They just build a software which need one click to know
the report of the desired patient.
 It helps to find out the relation between treatment and the medicine that the doctor
prescribed. It finds the flaws and mitigate the future loss of a life as well as organization
 For involvement of ICT in health care it will reduce the failure rate in the operation. it will
also help to research the cure of the previous illness. It collects data from the patient life
cycle and give us the result in one click that we have to seek for several days.

3.3 Legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social

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All of the things have negative side. ICT is a technology it doesn’t have a brain so it can’t take
decision. It just makes a result based on the data that we insert. Some legal aspects should follow
in the use of ICT in HSC sector. Some are given below.

1. To maintain the standard of the ICT

2. Give proper training to staffs

3. Maintain the basic maintenance of the equipment

4. Don’t use for personal advantages

5. use authentic data

In the end, the data collected from the patient must be hidden and don’t compromised in any
situation. The security of the data is legal consideration for the patient.


1. to give proper knowledge to the staff

2. Provide them basic training
3. Maintain the key aspect of the machine
4. Don’t use biased data
5. Don’t rely only ICT tool


From today’s point of view all the organization must adopt ICT. They need to focus how to develop
their ICT tool relation on their organization. ICT makes social and health care effective to do their
service. Without ICT tools HSC management can’t maintain their daily chores efficiently. ICT
makes health care organization productive to their clients.

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Grundfest, W. (2000). Health care technology policy I. [Piscataway, N.J.]: IEEE.

Harlow, E. and Webb, S. (2003). Information and communication technologies in the welfare
services. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Moira, D. (2017). Communication Skills in Health and Social Care. Practice, pp.1-2.
Moss, B. and Moss, B. (2012). Communication skills in health and social care. London: SAGE.
Roebuck, A. (2011). Rethinking communication in health and social care.

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In the end of this task we can conclude a result that without effective communication health and
social care can’t exist. The staff need to use proper channel to communicate the patient. If they fail
to communicate then it is a matter of time to fall their organization. ICT helps them to communicate
with patients as well as their clients. They can monitor their patients also in the help of ICT. In a
context we can say that, if there is no communication between customer and staffs then there will
be no health care.

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Argyle, M. (1992) The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour, Pelican. London: 3nd ed. P 167-
Bales, R.F. (1990) Personality and Interpersonal Behaviour, Winston, New York: 2nd ed. P234-
Kolb, D. (1991). Organizational Behavior : An Experiential Approach. Prentice Hall, New Jersey:
5thed. P 134-145.
Moss, B. (2007), Communication Skills for Health and Social Care Sage Ltd, UK: ISBN
Rajendra P. (2009), Communication skills, Himalaya Publishing House, India: P 48-50
Schramm, W. (1994). The process and effects of communication University of Illinois Press.
Urbana, 4th ed. P 3–26.
Hare, D. J., Pratt, C., Burton, M., Bromley, J., & Emerson, E. (2004). The health and social care
needs of family carers supporting adults with autistic spectrum disorders. Autism, 8(4), 425-444.
Johnson, R. J., & Wolinsky, F. D. (1993). The structure of health status among older adults:
disease, disability, functional limitation, and perceived health.Journal of health and social
behaviour, 105-121.

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