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 Y To understand the operation of an ohmmeter
2 Y To construct and calibrate an ohmmeter


MilliammeterY Y  Y
   YY YY
Electronic VOM/ Digital VOM  Y
   Y Y YY
Y  YY YY Battery Holder
Experiment board/ Bread board

The ohmmeter indicates resistance by measuring the current flowing through a series
circuit Although the indicator is deflected by current, the meter scale is marked off in ohms
(ё) If the voltage is held constant, by using a dry cell or other fixed source of voltage, then, by
c  Y!" current will be inversely proportional to resistance Most ohmmeters do, in fact, use
a dry cell or battery of cells as the voltage source Since the internal resistance of a cell
increases as it ages, its output voltage drops under load and an    adjustment, usually a
rheostat is used to compensate for reduced output During the ‰
we will
calculate the required internal resistance of an ohmmeter, then construct one, check its
operation and calibrate it

  How much voltage is required to drive the milliammeter to full scale
when in the Y range?

  Œalculate the meter resistance for the Y range
________________________________________ #Y$Y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

   Œalculate the total circuit resistance required to limit the current to
Y with a power source/supply of Y
_________________________________________&$ __________________YY

  aart of the total circuit resistance is the meter resistance Œalculate the
additional series resistance required
 &Y'#Y$Y  ______________________________________________________
Y ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________  = ________________YY






  Xsing dry cell B, milliammeter, resistor R and potentiometer R2, (wired
as rheostat), connect the circuit shown in fig  Œonnect minigator leads to the
negative terminal of the cell and the bottom of potentiometer R2 These will
serve as the ohmmeter probes

  Set the rheostat knob to the maximum counterclockwise position

   Œlip leads A and B together and adjust the rheostat for a full-scale
indication of the milliammeter Is mAdc flowing from the circuit? ____________

  If a resistance was connected between leads A and B, would the current
 ! Y Y  ! ? ____________________ Explain ___________________
Does a full-scale deflection of the milliammeter indicate zero resistance between
the ohmmeter probes? _____________________________________________

  Mark the full-scale deflection as Yon the meter scale shown fig 2

  Open the circuit by separating leads A and B

  Set the electronic VOM to the ohmmeter function and measure the
combined series resistor of R plus R2
  = _____________________ ё

   Is the substantially the same as the resistance calculated in 

 ! If the resistor R4 was connected between leads A and B, would the total
circuit resistance be doubled?_____________________________
 How far up-scale would the milliammeter indicator be deflected?_____________

 ! Œonnect resistor R4 between the leads Mark the location of the inter
indicator as   on the meter scale of figure 2

 " You will now calibrate your meter scale between  ё and  ё Wire
potentiometer R3 as a rheostat

 " Xsing the VOM as an ohmmeter, adjust the rheostat  ё at a time, to
resistances of  through  ё Œonnect leads A and B across the rheostat for
each  ё increment and mark the meter scale of fig 2 at the position of the

 "  Œonnect potentiometer R3 into the circuit in place of potentiometer R2,
short leads A and B and adjust for a full-scale deflection of the milliammeter

 " Repeat 
" for resistances of  through 9 ё, in steps of  ё

 " Œonnect potentiometer R2, back into the circuit and adjust for a full-scale
deflection of the milliammeter

 # Measure the resistance of the following items and verify them with the

 ‰‰% &c

‰arge coil =__________ё __________ё

Small coil =__________ё __________ё

Œoil,  mH =__________ё __________ё

Œhoke, 8  H =__________ё __________ё

Resistor, 3 3 ё =__________ё __________ё

Nichrome wire =__________ё __________ё

Resistor, 22 ё =__________ё __________ё

Is the resistance scale you constructed in fig 2 linear? ___________________

Did all the resistances measured by the milliammeter agree with those measured
by the VOM? __________________ Explain ____________________________


 Y Repeat 
, using the -  mAdc range of the milliammeter Show your work
____________________________ RT= _________________________________ё

2 Y What value of additional circuit resistance would have to be added to the meter
resistance of Question ?
___________________________________ RS= __________________________ ё
3 Y Why is a rheostat usually a part of the internal resistance of an ohmmeter?
4 Y Is the current through the series ohmmeter maximum or minimum when it indicates
zero resistance?__________________________________________________
 Y Refer to fig  Œalculate the lowest loaded terminal voltage to which cell B can drop
and still cause full-scale deflection of the milliammeter
__________________________________= _________________________Vdc


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