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tech 1: lesson 1-18



To understand the meaning of educational technology, it may be good to begin with the meaning of technology.
The word “technology “ comes from the Greek word techne which means craft or art.based on the etymology of
the word “technology”, the term educational technology, therefore refers to the art or craft of responding to our
educational needs.

Many people think that technology refers only to machines such as computers, tv, videos, and the like. All these
from part of technology but educational technology is all these and more! Technology is not just machines. It is a
“planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes – a process not a product. Technology is the
applied side of scientific development. “ (Dale, 1969) technology refers to any valid and reliable process or
procedure that is derived from basic research using the scientific metho.” (http//
-technology#perspectives _and_meaning) technology refers to “all the ways people use their inventions and
discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires”. (the World Book Encyclopedia, Vol 19). So, educational technology
refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their educational needs and desires, i.e learning.

Educational technology is a “complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas and organization
for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved
in all aspects of human learning” (Association for educational Communications and Technology, 1977. The definition
of educational technology, 1-16, Washington DC: AECT)

Educational technology “consist of the designs and environments that engage learners …and reliable technique
or method for engaging learning such as cognitive strategies and critical thinking skills” (David H. Jonassen, et al

Educational technology is a theory about how problems in human learning are identified and solved. ( David H.
Jonassen, Kyle L. Peck, Brent g. Wilson, 1999). As a theory, educational technology has an “integrated set of
principles that explain and predict observed events.

Educational technology is field involved in applying a complex, integrated process to analyze and solve problems
in human learning (David H. Jonassen, et al 1999)

Educational technology is a field study which is concerned with the practice of using educational methods and
resources for the ultimate goal of facilitating the learning process (Lucido and Borabo 1997).

Educational technology is a profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory,
intellectual techniques, and practical application of educational technology (David h. jonassen, et al 1999)

From the definitions of educational technology given above, we can say that the educational is a very broad
term. It is the application of scientific findings in our method. Or procedure of working in the field of education in
order to effect learning.

Technology in education is “ the application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the
institutions which house the educational enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food. Health, finance,
scheduling, grade, reporting, and other processes which support education within institutions”. (David H. Jonassen,
et, al 1999).

Instructional technology is a part of educational technology. Technology integration means using “learning
technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplements and extend skills.” (Williams, ed.2000).

Educational media are channels or avenue or instruments of communication. Examples are books, magazines,
newspapers, radio, television and internet. These media also serve educational purposes.

Which of the terms above are very much related to educational technology? Which one is least related?


Technology is a blessing for man. With technology, there is a lot that we can do which we could not do then.
With cell phones, webcam, you will be closer to someone miles and miles away. So far yet so close! That is your
feeling when you talk through a cell phone to a beloved one who is far away from home. Just think of the many
human lives saved because of the speedy notifications via cell phones. Just think of how your teaching and
learning have become more novel, stimulating, exciting and engaging with the use of multimedia in the classroom.
With your tv, you can watch events as they happen all over the globe.

However, when not used properly, technology becomes a detriment to learning and development. It can destroy
relationships. Think of the husband who is glued to tv unmindful of his wife seeking his attention. This may
eventually erode marital relationship. Think of the student who surfs the internet for pornographic scenes. He will
have trouble with his development. The abuse and misuse of the internet will have far reaching unfavorable effects
on his moral life. The teacher who schedules class tv viewing for the whole hour to free herself from a one – hour
teaching and so can engage in “tsismis” , likewise will not benefit from technology. Neither will her class truly benefit
from the whole period of tv viewing.

In education, technology is bane when:

· The learner is made to accept as Gospel truth information they get from the internet

· The learner surfs the Internet for pornography

· The learner has an uncritical mind on the images floating on televisions and computers that represent
modernity and progress

· The tv makes the learner a mere spectator not an active participant in the drama of life

· The learner gets glued to his computer for computer assisted instruction unmindful of the world and so fails to
develop the ability to relate to others

· We make use of the internet to do character assassination of people whom we hardly like

· Because of our cell phone, we spend most of our time in the classroom or in our workplace texting

· We use overuse and abuse tv or film viewing as a strategy to kill time.

Let’s go back to the question asked at the beginning of this lesson. Is technology boon or bane to education? It
depends on how we use technology. If we use it to help our students and teachers become caring, relating, thinking,
reflecting, and analyzing and feelings beings, then it is boon, a blessing. But if we abuse and misuse it and so
contribute to ruin and downfall and those of other persons, it becomes a bane or a curse.



1. To identify the roles of educational technology in learning.


For the traditional point of view, technology serves as a source and presenter of knowledge. It is assumed that
“knowledge is embedded in the technology (e.g the content presented by films and tv programs or the teaching
sequence in programmed instruction) and the technology presents that knowledge to the student (David H.
Jonassen, et al,1999).

Technology like computers is seen as a productivity tool. The popularity of word processing, databases,
spreadsheets, grapic programs and desktop publishing in the 1980’s points to this productive role of educational

With the eruption of the INTERNET in the mid 90’s, communications and multimedia have dominated the role of
technology in the classroom for the past few years.

From the constructivists point of view, educational technology serves as learning tools that learners learn with it.
It engages learners in “active, constructive, intentional, authentic and cooperative learning. It provides opportunities
for technology and learner interaction for meaningful learning. In this case, technology will not be mere delivery
vehicle for content. Rather it is used as facilitator of thinking and knowledge construction.

From a constructivist perspective, the following are roles of technology in learning: (Jonassen, et al 1999).

· Technology as tools to knowledge construction:

o For representing learners’ ideas, understanding and beliefs

o For producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners

· Technology as information vehicle for exploring knowledge to support learning – by – constructing:

o For accessing needed information

o For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views

· Technology as context to support learning – by – doing:

o For representing and stimulating meaningful real – world problems, situation and context

o For representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments and stories of others

o For defining a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking

· Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing:

o For collaborating with others

o For discussing, arguing, and building consensus among members of a community

o For supporting discourse among knowledge – building communities

· Technology as an intellectual partner (Jonassen 1996) to support learning – by – reflecting:

o For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know

o For reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it

o For supporting learners internal negotiations and meaning making

o For constructing personal representations of meaning

o For supporting mindful thinking

Whether used from the traditional or constructivist point of view, when used effectively, research indicates that
technology not only “increases students” learning, understanding and achievement but also augments motivation to
learn encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem – solving
skills” (Shracter and Fagnano, 1999). Russel and Sorge (1999) also claims that the proper implementation of
technology in the classroom gives students more “control of their own learning and.. tends to move classroom from
teacher – dominated environments to ones that are more learner – centered. The use of technology in the
classroom enables the teacher to do differentiated instruction considering the divergence of students‘ readiness
level , interests, multiple intelligences, and learning styles. Technology also helps students become lifelong



1. To know what is systematic approach to teaching

2. To enumerate the elements of systematic approach in teaching


As depicted in the chart, the focus of systematic instructional planning is the learner. Instruction begins with the
definition of instructional objectives that consider the learners’ needs, interests and readiness. On the basis of this
objectives, the teacher selects the appropriate teaching – methods to be used and , in turn, based on the teaching
method selected, chooses also the appropriate learning experiences and appropriate materials, equipment and

The use of learning materials, equipments and facilities necessities assigning the appropriate personnel to assist
the teacher and defining the role of any personnel involved in the preparation, setting and returning of these learning
resources. ( in some school settings, there is a custodian/librarian who take care of the learning resources and
technician who operate the equipment while teacher facilitates). The effective use of learning resources is
dependent on the expertise of the teacher, the motivation level or responsiveness, and the involvement of the
learners in the learning process. With the instructional objective in mind, the teacher implements planned
instruction with the use of the selected teaching method, learning activities and learning materials with the help of
other personnel whose role has been defined by the teacher.

Will the teacher use direct instruction or indirect instruction? Will he/she teach the deductive or the inductive
method? It depends on his/her instructional objective, nature of the subject matter, readiness of students and the
facilitating skills of the teacher himself or herself.

Examples of learning activities that the teacher can choose from, depending on his/her instructional objective,
nature of the lesson content, readiness of the students, are reading, writing, interviewing, reporting or doing
presentation, discussing, thinking, reflecting, dramatizing, visualizing, creating, judging and evaluating,
Some examples of learning resources for instructional use are textbooks, workbooks, programmed materials,
computer, television programs, video clips, flat pictures, slides and transparencies, maps, charts, cartoons, posters,
models, mock – ups, flannel board materials, chalkboard, real objects and the like.

After instruction, teacher evaluates the outcome of instruction,. From the evaluation results, teacher comes to
know if the instructional objective was attained. If the instructional objective was attained, teacher proceeds to the
next lesson going through the same cycle once more. If instructional objective was not attained, then the teacher
diagnoses what was not learned and finds out why it was not learned in order to introduce a remedial measure for
improved student performance and attainment of instructional objective. This way no learners will be left behind.




1. To define cone of experience

2. To enumerate the sensory aids in the cone of experience

3. To identify the implication to teaching


The cone of experience is a visual model, a pictorial device that presents bands of experience arranged
according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. The further you go from the bottom of the cone, the
more abstract the experience becomes.
Dale (1969) asserts that:

The pattern of arrangement of the bands of experience is not difficult but degree of abstraction – the amount of
immediate sensory participation that is involved. A still photograph of a is not more difficult to understand than a
dramatization of Hamlet. It is simply in itself a less concrete teaching material than the dramatization (Dale, 1969)

Dale further explains that “the individual bands of the cone of experience stand for experiences that are fluid,
extensive, and continually interact” (Dale, 1969). It should not be taken literally in its simplified form. The different
kinds of sensory aid often overlap and sometimes blend into one another. Motion pictures can be silent or they can
combine sight and sound. Students may merely view a demonstration or they may view it then participate in it.

Does the cone of experience mean that all the teaching and learning must move systematically from base to
pinnacle, from different purposeful experiences to verbal symbols? Dale (1969) categorically says:

…No. we continually shuttle back and forth among various kinds of experiences. Every day each of us acquires
new concrete experiences – through walking on the street, gardening, dramatics and endless other means. Such
learning by doing, such pleasurable return to the concrete is natural throughout our lives – and at every age level.
On the other hand, both the older child and the young pupil make abstractions every day and may need help in
doing this well.

In our teaching then, we do not always begin with direct experience at the base of the cone. Rather, we begin
with the kind of experience that is most appropriate to the needs and abilities of particular learning situation. Then,
of course we vary this experience with many other types of learning activities. (Dale, 1969).

One kind of sensory experience is not necessarily more educationally useful than another. Sensory experienced
are mixed and interrelated. When students listen to you as you give your lecturette, they do not just have an
auditory experience. They also have visual experience in the sense that they are “reading” your facial expressions
and bodily gestures.

We face some risk when we overemphasize the amount of direct experience to learn a concept. Too much
reliance on concrete experience may actually obstruct the process of meaningful generalization. The best will be
striking a balance between concrete and abstract, direct participation and symbolic expression for the learning that
will continue throughout life.

It is true that the older the person is, the more abstract his concepts are likely to be. This can be attributed to
physical maturation, more vivid experiences and sometimes greater motivation for learning. But an older student
does not live purely in his world of abstract ideas just as a child does not only in the world of sensory experience .
both old and young shuttle in a world of the concrete and he abstract.

What are these bands of experience in Dale’s Cone of experience? It is best to look back at the cone itself. But
let us expound on each of them starting with the most direct.

Direct purposeful experiences – these are first hand experiences which serves as the foundation of our learning.
We build up our reservoir of meaningful information and ideas through seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and
smelling. In the context of teaching – learning process, it is learning by doing. If I want my student to learn how to
focus on a compound light microscope, I will let him focus one, of course, after I showed him how.

Contrived experience – in here, we make use of a representative models or mock – ups of reality for practical
reasons and so that we can make the real -life accessible to the students’ perceptions and understanding. For
instance a mock – up of Apollo, the capsule for the exploration of the moon, enabled the North American Aviation
Co. to study the problem of lunar flight.

Remember how you will taught to tell time? Your teacher may have use a mock – up, a clock whose hands you
could turn to set the time you were instructed to set. Simulations such as playing, “sari – sari” to teach subtracting
centavos from pesos is another example of contrived experiences. Conducting election of class and school officers
by simulating how local and national elections are conducted is one more example of contrived experiences.

Dramatized experiences – by dramatization, we can participate in a reconstructed experience, even though the
original the original event is far removed from us in time. We relieve the outbreak of the Philippine revolution by
acting out the role of characters in the drama.
Demonstrations – it is a visualized explanation of an important fact, idea or process by the use of photographs,
drawings, films, displays or guided motions. It is showing how things are done. A teacher in Physical Education
shows the class how to dance tango.

Study trips –these are excursions, educational trips, and visits conducted to observe an event that is unavailable
within the classroom.

Exhibits – these are displays to be seen by spectators. They may consists of working models arranged
meaningfully or photographs with modes, charts, posters. Sometimes exhibits are “ for your eyes only” . there are
some exhibits however, that include sensory experiences where spectators are allowed to touch or manipulate
models displayed.

Televisions and motion pictures – televisions and motions pictures can reconstruct the reality of the past so
effectively that we are made to feel we are there. The unique value of the messages communicated by fil and
television lies in their feeling of realism, their emphasis on persons and personality, their organized presentation,
and their ability to select, dramatized, highlight, and clarify.

Still pictures, recordings, radio - these are visual and auditory devices which may be used by an individual or a
group. Still pictures lack the sound and motion of a sound film. The radio broadcast of an actual event may often be
Liked to a televise broadcast minus its visual dimension.

Visual symbols – these are no longer realistic reproduction of physical things for these are highly abstract
representations. Examples are charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams.

Verbal symbols – they are not like the objects or ideas for which they stand. They usually do not contain visual
clues to their meaning. Written words fall under this category. It may be a word for a concrete object (book), an
idea (freedom of speech), a scientific principle ( the principle of balance), a formula (e=mc2)

What are the implications of the Cone of Experience in the teaching - learning process?

1. We do not use only one medium of communication in isolation. Rather we use many instructional materials to
help the learner conceptualize his/her experience.

2. We avoid teaching directly at the symbolic level of thought without adequate foundation of the concrete. Learners
concept will lack deep roots in direct experience. Dale cautions us when he said: “ these rootless experiences will
not have the generative power to produce additional concepts and will not enable the learner to deal with the new
situations that he faces” (Dale, 1969).

3. When teaching, we don’t get stuck in the concrete. Let us strive to bring our students to the symbolic or abstract
level to develop their higher order thinking skills.




1. To label guidelines that should be considered in the selection and use of instructional materials.


One of the instructional materials used to attain instructional objectives is fieldtrip.

It is not enough to bring the class out for the fieldtrip and make them observe anything or everything or use their
instructional materials for no preparation and clear reason at all. Perhaps this is what happened to the field trip
joined in by Linus, that’s why he seems not able to cite something specific that he learned from the field trip.

For an effective use of instructional materials such as field trip, there are guidelines that ought to observed, first
of all, in their selection and second, in their use.

Selections of Materials

The following guide questions express standards to consider in the selection of instructional materials:

· Does the material give a true picture of the ideas they present? To avoid misconceptions, t is always good to
ask when the material was produced.

· Does the material contribute meaningful content to the topic under study? Does the material help you achieve
the instructional objective?

· Is the material aligned to the curriculum standards and competencies?

· Is the material culture – and grades – sensitive?

· Does the material have culture bias?

· Is the material appropriate for the age, Intelligence, and experience of the learner?

· Is the physical condition of the material satisfactory? An example, is a photograph properly mounted?

· Is there a teacher’s guide to provide a briefing for effective use? The chance that the instructional material will
be use to the maximum and to the optimum is increased with a teacher’s guide

· Can the material in question help to make a student better thinkers and develop their critical faculties? With
exposure to the mass media, it is highly important that we maintain and and strengthen our rational powers.

· Does the use of material make the learners collaborate with one another?

· Does the material promote self – study?

· Is the material worth the time, expense and effort involved? A field trip, for instance, requires much time, effort
and money. It is more effective than any other less expensive and less demanding instructional material that can
take its place? Or is there a better substitute?

The Proper Use of Materials

You may have selected your instructional material well. This is no guarantee that the instructional material will be
effectively utilized. It is one thing to select a good instructional material, it is another thing to use it well.

P – prepare yourself

P – prepare your student

P – present the material

F – follow – up

To ensure the effective use of instructional material, Hayden Smith and Thomas Nagel, (1972) book authors on
Instructional media, advise us to abide by the acronym PPPF.

Prepare yourself . You know your lesson objective and what you expect from the class after the session and why
you have selected such particular r instructional materials. You have a plan on how you will proceed, what question
to ask, how you will evaluate learning and how you will tie loose ends before the bell rings.
Prepare your students. Set reasonably high class expectations and learning goals. It is sound practice to give
them guide questions for them to be able to answer during the discussion. Motivate them and keep them interested
and engaged.

Present the material. Under the best possible conditions. Many teachers are guilty of the R.O.G syndrome. This
is means “running out if gas” which usually refers from poor planning. (Smith, 1972) using media and materials,
especially if they are mechanical in nature, often requires rehearsal and a carefully planned performance. Wise are
you if you try the materials ahead of your class use to avoid a fiasco.

Follow – up. Remember that you use instructional materials to achieve an objective, not to kill time nor to give
yourself a break, neither to merely entertain the class. You use the instructional for the attainment of a lesson
objective. Your use the instructional material is not the end in itself. It is a means to an end, the attainment of a
learning objective. So, there is need to follow up to find out if objective was attained or not.




1. To identify guidelines should be consider in the selection and use of the instructional materials

2. To distinguish where should these direct purposeful experience lead the learner for meaningful learning


Whatever skills or concept we have did not come out of the blue. We spent hours doing the activity by ourselves
in order to acquire the skill. The same thing is through with the four (4)narrators above. They learned the skills by
doing. The Graduate School Professor had to do the computer task herself to learn the skill. The secretary learn
from her mistake and repeatedly doing the task correctly enabled her to master the skill. The Grade IV pupil got a
crystal clear concepts of the size of the elephant and giraffe. For the Grade VI teacher, the statistical concepts of
positive and negative discrimination indices became fully understood only after the actual experience of item
analysis. All these experiences point to the need to use, whenever we can, direct, purposeful experiences in the
teaching – learning process.

What are referred to as a direct, purposeful experience? These are our concrete and firsthand experiences that
make up the foundation of our learning. These are the rich experiences that our senses bring from which we
construct the ideas, the concepts, the generalization that gives meaning and order to our lives. (Dale. 1969). They
are sensory experiences.

These direct activities may be preparing meals , making a piece of furniture, doing power point presentation,
performing a laboratory experiment, delivering a speech, or taking a trip.

In contrast, indirect experiences are experiences of other people that we observe, read or hear about. They are
not our own self – experiences but still experiences in the sense that we see , read hear about them. They are not
firsthand but rather vicarious or indirect experiences .

Climbing a mountain is a firsthand, direct experience. Seeing it done on films or reading about it is vicarious,
substitute experience. It is clear, therefore, that we can approach the world of reality directly through the senses and
indirectly with reduced sensory experience. For example, we can bake black forest cake or see it done in the tv or
read about it.

Why are these direct experiences described to be purposeful? Purposeful because the experiences are not
purely mechanical. They are not a matter of going through the motion. These are not “mere sensory excitation”.
They are experiences that are internalized in the sense that these experiences involved the asking of questions that
have significance in the life of the person undergoing the direct experience.

They are also described as purposeful because these experiences are undergone in relation to a purpose, i.e.
learning. Why do we want our students to have a direct experience in conducting an experiment in the laboratory? It
is done in the relation to a certain learning objective.

Where should these direct , purposeful experience lead us to? The title of this lesson “direct, Purposeful
Experiences and Beyond” implies that these direct experiences must not be the period or the dead end. We must be
brought to a higher plane. The higher plane referred to here is the level of generalization and abstraction.

That is why we speak of “hands – on, minds – on, and hearts – on” approach. Out of the direct experience ,
thoughts or meanings following reflection must flow or run the risk of a lesson consisting of activity after another
activity enjoyed by the learners who cannot make connection with the activity themselves.

The Grade IV pupils zoo experience of the elephant and giraffe as given in the ACTIVITY phase of the lesson
enables him to understand clearly and visualize correctly an elephant and a giraffe upon reading or hearing the
words “elephant” and “giraffe”. The Cone of experience implies that we move from the concrete to the abstract (and
from the abstract to the concrete as well.) Direct experiences serves as the foundation of concepts formation,
generalization and abstraction. John Dewey (1916) has made this fundamental point succinctly.

An ounce of experience is better a ton of theory because it is only in experience that any theory has vital and
verifiable significance. An experience, a very humble experience, is capable of generating and carrying any amount
of theory (or intellectual content), but a theory apart from an experience cannot be definitely grasped as a theory. It
tends to become a mere verbal formula, a set of catchwords used to render thinking or genuine theorizing
unnecessary and impossible.

If direct, purposeful experiences or firsthand sensory experiences make us learn concepts and skills.



1. To define contrived experiences

2. To distinguish varied types of contrived experiences

3. To know the advantage of using contrived experiences

4. To determine standards that can be used to evaluate contrived experiences


The model of the atom, the globe, the planetarium, the simulated election process and the preserved specimen
fall under contrived experiences, the second band of experiences in Dale’s Cone of Experiences.

What are contrived experiences? These are “edited” copies of reality and are used as substitute for real things
when it is not practical or not possible to bring or do the real thing in the classroom. These contrived experiences
are designed to stimulate to real – life situation.

The atom, the planetarium are classified as models. A model is a “reproduction of a real – thing in a small scale,
or large scale, or exact size, - but made of synthetic materials. It is a substitute for a real thing which may or may not
be operational” (Brown, et al, 1969).

The planetarium may also be considered a mock – up. A mock – up is “an arrangement of a real device or
associated devises, displayed in such a way that representation of reality is created. The mock – up may be
simplified in order to emphasize certain features. It may be an economical reproduction of a complicated or costly
device, to be observed for learning process. Usually, it is prepared substitute for a real thing; sometimes it is a giant
arrangement” (Brown 1969). The planetarium is an example of a mock – up, in the sense that the order or the
arrangement of the planet is shown and the real processes of the planet’s rotation on their axis and the revolution of
the planets around the sun are displayed. A mock – up is a special model where the parts of the model are singled
out , heightened and magnified in order to focus on that part of the process under study. The planetarium involves
of model of each of the planet and the sun but it focuses on the processes of the planet’s rotation and revolution and
so is also considered a mock – up.
The preserved specimen fall under specimens and objects. A specimen is any individual or item considered
typical of a group, class or whole. Objects may also include artifacts displayed in a museum or objects displayed in
exhibits or preserved insects specimen in science.

The school election process describe above is a form of simulation. Simulation is a “representation of
manageable real event in which the learner is an active participant engaged in a learning behavior or in applying
previously acquired skills or knowledge” (Orlich, etv al, 1994). In addition to the election of class and school officers
given above, other examples of these are fire and earthquake drills which schools usually conduct. Organizers of
earthquake and fire drills create a situation highly similar to the real situation when an earthquake happens.

Another instructional material included in contrived experiences is game. Is there a difference between a game
and a simulation? Games are played to win while simulation need not have a winner. Simulation seems to be more
easily applied to the study of issues rather than to processes.

Why do we make use of contrived experiences? We use models, mock – ups, specimen, and objects to: 1.
Overcome limitations of space and time. 2. To “edit” reality for us to be able to focus on parts or a process of a
system that we intend to study, 3. To overcome difficulty of size. 4. To understand the inaccessible , and 5. Help the
learners understand abstractions.

We use simulations and games to make our class interactive and to develop the decision – making skills and
knowledge construction skills of our students. Orlich, et al (1994) enumerates ten (10) general purposes of
simulations and games in education:

1. To develop changes in attitudes

2. To change specific behavior

3. To prepare participants for assuming new roles in the future

4. To help individuals understand their current roles

5. To increase the students’ ability to apply principles

6. To reduce complex problems or situations to manageable elements

7. To illustrate roles that may affects one’s life but that one may never assume

8. To motivate learners

9. To develop analytical processes

10. To sensitive individuals to another person’s life role.

In addition to the election processes describe above, what are additional examples of simulation? A famous
example is a “bomb shelter” simulation. “you are under attack. The bomb shelter can accommodate only five (5)
persons. There are eight (8) of you in the group. Decide who must get in. other famous example of simulation In
school are play stores. One Grade II teacher used play store to teach subtraction of numbers involving amount of
money . Another example is an awareness – raising experience about common disabilities for secondary students.
Mark J, Hallenbeck and Darlene McMaster (1991) had this experience: students without disabilities simulated the
experiences of visual and hearing – impaired people and those with physical disabilities on “simulation day”. They
claimed that students gained a new perspectives of the needs and feelings of student with disability.

In the English subject, David Sudol (1983) found that literary concepts could be successfully taught by involving
the students by having them develop characters and then develop a plot. Sudol also suggested that similarly, you
could select some classic quote, for example, the opening paragraph from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens,
“it was the worst of times” and ask the students to stimulate a plot, a story line, character and location. Use the
current year. How closely do you think the students might parallel dickens? After the simulation, “A Tale of Two
Cities” could be read both for knowledge and for comparison to the students outline.

Games are use for any of these purposes: 1. To practice and or to refine knowledge/skills already acquired. 2. To
identify gaps or weaknesses in knowledge or skills. 3. To serve as a summation or review, and 4. To develop new
relationships among concepts and principles.

If you want a class that is fully alive, think of how you can integrate native games in your lesson. Refer to Science
and Mathematics of Toys , a sourcebook for teachers, published and printed by the Institute for Science and
Mathematics Education Development of the University of the Philippines.

Here is the game that you can play at the beginning of the year, the Human Intelligence Hunt. Armstrong (1994)
suggests that you use this when you are introducing Multiple Intelligences theory at the beginning of the year. How
is it played?

Each student receives a list of tasks like those below. On your signal, students take the task sheet along with a pen
or pencil and find other students in the room who can do the tasks listed. There are three basic rules:

1. Students must actually perform the tasks listed, not simply say they can do them.

2. Once a student performs a task to the hunter’s satisfaction, he or she should initial the blank space next to the
appropriate task on the hunter tasks sheet.

3. “Hunters” can ask a person to perform only one task; therefore, to complete a hunt, a student must have nine (9)
different sets of initials.




1. To contrast what do these dramatic experiences include

2. To organize their uses for effective teaching


Something dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting or moving. A dramatic entrance is something that
catches or holds our attention and has an emotional impact. If our teaching is dramatic, our students get attracted,
interested and affected. If they are affected and move by what we taught, we will most likely have an impact on
them. So, why can’t we be dramatic all the time?
Dramatized experiences can range from the formal plays, pageant lo less formal tableau, pantomime, puppets
and role playing.

Plays depict life, character or culture or a combination of all three. They offer excellent opportunities to portray
vividly important ideas about life. Pageants are usually community dramas that are based on local history, presented
by local actors. An example is a historical pageant that traces the growth of a school. Play and pantomime require
much time for preparation and so cannot be part of everyday classroom program.

Pantomime and tableaux, when compared to a play and a pageant are less demanding in terms of labor, time
and preparation. These are purely visual experiences. A pantomime is the “art of conveying a story through bodily
movements only “(Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary). Its effect on the audience depends on the movements of
the actor. A tableau )a French word which means picture) is a picture – like scene composed of a people against a
background. A tableau is often used to celebrate Independence Day, Christmas, and United Day.

Dale (1996) claims the puppets, unlike the regular stage play, can present ideas with extreme simplicity – without
elaborate scenery or costume - yet effectively.

As an instructional device, the puppet show can involve the entire group of students – as speakers of parts,
manipulators of the figures, and makers of the puppet.

Types of Puppet

· SHADOW PUPPETS-flat black silhouette made from lightweight cardboard and shown behind a screen.

· ROD PUPPETS -flat cut out figures tacked to a stick, with one or more movable parts, and operated from
below the stage level by wire rods or slender sticks.

· HAND PUPPETS -the puppet’s head is operated by the forefinger of the puppeteer, the little finger and thumb
being used to animate the puppet.

· LOVE-and-FINGER PUPPET-make use of old gloves to which small costumed figures are attached

· MARIONETTES-flexible, jointed puppets operated by strings or wires attached to a cross bar and
maneuvered from directly above the stage.

Hand puppet Rod puppet Marioneette

Shadow puppet Love and Finger Puppet

Sample Puppet Stages

What principles must be observed in choosing a puppet play for teaching? Dale, (1996) quoting from the
puppeteers of America offers many suggestions, among which are the following:

· Do not use puppets for plays that can be done just as well or better by other dramatic means.

· Puppet plays must be based on action rather than on words.

· Keep the plays short.

· Do not omit the possibilities of music and dancing as part of the upper show.

· Adapt the puppet show to the age, background, and tastes of the students.

Another from of dramatized experienced is a role – playing. Role – playing Is an unrehearsed, unprepared and
spontaneous dramatization of a “let’s pretend” situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles
in the situation described by the teachers.

· How is Role – playing done? It can be done by describing a situation which would create different viewpoints
on an issue and then asking the students to play the roles of the individuals involved.

· How did you, as actors, feel? Would you act/think that way in real life?

· As observers, would you agree with agree with what the actors said or did?

· Any lessons learned?



1. To define the word demonstration

2. To discover techniques and strategies in making a demonstration work


In the demonstration of a new product, the speaker shows the product, tells all the good thing about the product
to promote it in order to convince the audience that the product is worth buying.

In the activists’ demonstration, the activists air their grievances and publicly denounce the acts of a person or of
an institution, like the government, against whom they are demonstrated.

When a master teacher asked to demonstration in teaching on a teaching strategy, she shows to the audience
how to use a teaching strategy effectively.

In all three instances of demonstration, there is an audience, a process of speaking, and a process of showing a
product or a method or proofs to convince the audience to buy the product, use the strategy or rally behind their

What the n is a demonstration? Webster’s International Dictionary defines it as “a public showing emphasizing
the salient , merits, utility, efficiency, etc, of an article or product..” in teaching it is showing how a thing is done and
emphasizing of the salient merits, utility and efficiency of a concept, a method or a process or an attitude.

What guiding principles must we observe in using a demonstration as a teaching – learning experience? Edgar
Dale (1969) gives at least three:

1. Establish rapport. Greet your audience. Make them feel at ease by your warmth and sincerity. Stimulate their
interest by making your demonstration and yourself interesting. Sustain their attention.

2. Avoid COLK fallacy (Clear Only If Known). What is this fallacy? It is the assumption that what is clear to the
expert demonstrator is also clearly known to the person for whom the message is intended. To avoid the fallacy, it is
best for the expert demonstrator to assume that his audience knows nothing or a little about what he is intending to
demonstrate for him to be very thorough, clear and detailed in his demonstration even to a point of facing the risk
of being repetitive.

3. Watch for key options. What are key options? Dale (1996) says “ they are the ones at which an error is likely to
be made, the places at which many people stumble and where the knacks and tricks of the trade are especially
important”. The good demonstrator recognizes [possible stumbling blocks to learners and highlights them in some
way. What are usually highlighted are the “don’t’s” of a process or a strategy.

To ensure that the demonstration works, we ought to plan and prepare very well before we conduct the
demonstration. In planning and preparing for demonstration, Brown (1969) suggests methodical procedures by the
following questions:

1. What are our objectives? How does your class stand with respect to these objectives? This is to determine entry
knowledge and skills of your students.

2. Is there a better way to achieve your ends?

3. If there is a more effective way to attain your purpose, then replace the demonstration method the more effective

4. Do you have access to all necessary materials and equipments to make the demonstration? Have a checklist of
necessary equipment and material. This may include written materials.

5. Are you familiar with the sequence and content of the proposed demonstration? Outline the steps and rehearse
your demonstration.
6. Are the limits realistic?

You have planned and rehearsed your demonstration, your materials and equipment are ready, you have prepared
your students, then you can proceed to the demonstration itself. Dale (1969) gives several points to observe:

1. Set the tone for good communication. Get and keep your audience’s interest.

2. Keep your demonstration simple.

3. Do not wonder from the main ideas.

4. Check to see that your demonstration is being understood. Watch your audience for signs of bewilderment,
boredom or disagreement.

5. Do not hurry your demonstration. Asking questions to check understanding can serve as a “brake”.

6. Do not drag out the demonstration. Interesting things have never dragged out. They create their own tempo.

7. Summarize as you go along and provide a concluding summary. Use the chalkboard, the over head projector,
charts, diagram, power point and whatever other materials are appropriate to synthesize your demonstration.

8. Hand out written materials at the conclusion.

What questions can you ask to evaluate your classroom demonstration? Dale (1969) enumerates:

· Was your demonstration adequately and skillfully prepared? Did you select demonstrable skills or ideas?
Were the desired behavioral outcomes clear?

· Did you follow the step by step plan? Did you make use of additional materials appropriate to your purpose –
chalkboard, felt board, pictures, charts, diagrams, models, overhead transparencies, or slides?

· Was the demonstration itself correct? Was your explanation simple enough so that most of the students
understood it easily?

· Did you keep checking to see that all your students were concentration on what you were doing?

· Could every person see and hear? If a skill was demonstrated for imitation, was it presented from the
physical point of view of the learner?

· Did you help students do their own generalizing?

· Did you take enough time to demonstrate the key points?

· Did you review and summarize the key points?

· Did your students participate in what you were doing by asking thoughtful questions at the appropriate time?

· Did you evaluation of a student learning indicate that your demonstration achieved its purpose?



1. To predict procedures and criteria that must be observed in planning and conducting field trips

2. To know the educational benefits derived from a field trip

3. To construct community resources that can be utilized for learning


The teachers’ comments given above indicate failure of the field trips conducted. This is definitely the
consequence of no planning or if ever there was, planning was done poorly.

What procedures must we follow to avoid the failed study trips described above? Let’s plan. Planning a field trip
includes these steps: 1. Preliminary planning by the teacher, 2. Pre planning with others going on the trip, and 3.
Taking the field trip itself and 4. Post – field trip follow up activities.

For preliminary by the teacher, Brown (1969) proposes the following:

· Make preliminary contacts, a tour on final agreements with the place to be visited.

· Make final arrangements with the school principal about the details of the trip: time, schedule, transportation,
arrangements, finances and permission slips from parents.

· Make a tentative route plan, subject to later alteration based on class planning and objectives.
· Try to work out mutually satisfactory arrangements with other teachers if the trip will conflict with their

· Prepare preliminary lists of questions or other materials which will be helpful in planning with the students.

Preplanning with students joining the trip

· Discuss the objective of the trip and write them down. The main objective should be included in the permit slip
given to parents and should be consulted later when the trip is evaluated.

Sample Permit Slip

· Prepare list of questions to send ahead to the guide of the study trip.

· Define safety and behavior standards for the journey there and for the field trip site itself.

· Discuss and decide on ways to document the trip. Everyone is expected to take notes.

· List specific object to be seen on their way to the site, on the site of the field trip and on their way home from
the site.

· Discuss appropriate dress. Comfortable shoes for walking are important.

· Before the trip, use a variety of learning materials in order to give each student a background for the trip.

Preplanning with Others Joining the Trip

Other people accompanying the group need to be oriented on the objectives, route, behavior, standards required
of everyone so they can help enforce these standards. These may be parents who will assist the teachers and/ or
school administrator staff.

Taking the Field Trip

· Distribute route map of places to be observed.

· Upon arriving at the destination, teacher should check the group and introduce the guide.

· Special effort should be made to ensure that:

- The trip keeps to the time schedule

- The students have the opportunity to obtain answers to questions

- The group participates courteously in the entire trip

- The guide sticks closely to the list of questions

Evaluating Field Trip

These are questions we ask ourselves after the field trip to evaluate the field trip we just had.

· Could the same benefits be achieved by other materials? Was it worth the time, effort and perhaps extra
money? Where there any unexpected problems which could be foreseen another time? Where these due to guides,
students, poor planning, or unexpected trip conditions?
Where new interest developed?

Should the trip be recommended to other classes?

Studying similar topics?

Educational Benefits Derived from a Field Trip

Field trips can be fun and educational when they are well executed. They offer us a number of educational

1. The acquisition of lasting concepts and change in attitudes are rooted on concrete and rich experiences. Field
trips are opportunities for rich and memorable experiences which are fundamental to learning that lasts.

2. Field trip bring us the world beyond the classroom. The real – world connection is more work but the benefits of
broadening teaching beyond textbooks far outweigh the little bit of time it takes from a teacher’s schedule.

3. Field trips have a wide range of application. It is not meant only for children. It is for adults also. It is not meant for
the social sciences subjects. It is for all other subjects as well.

4. It can bring out a lot of realizations which may lead to changes in attitudes and insights. The field trip “can nurture
curiosity; build a zest for new experience, and a sense of wonder” Dale (1969). Here are some realizations students
had after joining a field trip to the following places.

§ A school for the blind: “I’m glad, I’m not blind. What can we do to prevent blindness?

§ An automobile factory: “ more and more factory work is automated. How soon will we have three working days
and four days of the job? What will people do with their time?”

§ A museum: “ there is so much to be known and I know so little”

Disadvantages of field Trips

These educational benefits are compensate for the drawbacks of field trips, some of which are: 1. It is costly, 2. It
involves logistics, 3. It is extravagant with time, 4. Contains an element of uncertainty.

Community Resources

A field trip may be a visit to a scenic spot or to a historical place. What community resources can we use for

These can be persons and places in the community. For persons, let us not go too far. Let us begin with the
parents of our students. Many of them can be resource speaker in their fields of expertise. A dentist may be invited
to the children on how they care for their teeth. A journalist may serve as a resource paper on the part of the
newspaper and how to write an editorial. A dynamic teacher will find a way to have a record of parents’ names,
contact number, occupation, and other pertinent data she needs.

There are other people in the community who can be excellent resource speaker. A senior citizen and a war
veteran in the community maybe invited to the class for an interview on a topic of which he is expert. Say for
example, his memories of World War II. A barangay captain may be asked on what the barangay intends to do a
curb the rampant alcoholism among the youth in the community.

As to places to visit, popular destinations are museum, zoos, botanical gardens, historical places, places of
exhibit, scenic spots. Performance like a play, a concert, and a dance presentations also form part of community

Public libraries and private libraries (some private schools, colleges and universities allow outsiders to research
in their libraries on special arrangements) can also be community learning resources. Maybe classes are not bought
to these libraries for a field trip but students can go there for research and learning.



1. To discover how powerful the film, video and tv in the classroom

2. To comprehend the educational benefits of the use of films, video and tv in the classroom

3. To identify the disadvantages or limitations of the use of tv

4. To know the procedures ought to be followed for effective use of tv as a form of lesson enrichment


The film, the video and the tv are indeed very powerful. Dale (1969) says, they can:

§ Transmit a wide range of audio – visual materials, including still pictures, films, objects, specimens and dramas.

§ Bring model of excellence to the viewer – we can see and hear the excellent scientist like John Glenn, the
excellent speakers and Master teacher s who lecture and demonstrate a teaching method for professional
development of teachers.

§ Bring the world of reality to the home and through the classroom through a “live” broadcast or as mediated
through film or videotape. – Not all of us have the opportunity to see life underneath the sea. But with tv, we are
able to see life at the bottom of the sea right there in our sala or bedroom through discovery Channel, for example.

§ Make us see and hear for ourselves world events as they happen. With a sense of helplessness, we witnessed
the fire that engulfed homes in San Diego, California in October 2007 as it happened through tv. When the strong
earthquake shook Baguio, Agoo, Dagupan and Nueva Ecija, Philippines on July 16, 1990, the aftermath of the
earthquake was shown live in tv.

§ Be the most believable news source

§ Make some programs understandable and appealing to a wide variety of age and educational levels. Literate and
illiterate, young and old – all benefit from the common experiences that the tv transmits.

§ Become a greater equalizer of educational opportunity because programs can be presented over national and
regional networks.

§ Provide us with sounds and sights not easily available even to the viewer of a real event through long shots, close
ups, zooms shots, magnification and spilt screen made possible by the t camera – afraid of the mammoth crowd
every time Baguio celebrates the panagbenga (Flower festival), I prefer to stay home and watch it in tv. With the
versatile camera, I can have more close up view than those watching it from session Road.

§ Can give opportunity to teachers to view themselves while they teach for purposes of self – improvement -
teachers can’t view themselves while they teach but with video cam and tv they can view themselves while they
teach after.

§ Can be both instructive and enjoyable – with sights and sounds and motion, tv is much more enjoyable.

While the film, video and tv can do so much, they have their own limitation, too.

§ Television and film are one way communication device. Consequently, they encourage passivity. Today, however
we talk about and work on interactive classrooms for effective learning. We are convinced that learning is an active
process and so the learner must be actively engaged.

§ The small screen size puts television at a disadvantage when compared with the possible size of projected
motion picture, for example. With new technology, how is this remedied?
§ Excessive tv viewing works against the development of the child’s ability to visualize and to be creative and
imaginative, skills that are needed in problem solving. (http://www.

§ There is much violence in tv . this is the irrefutable conclusion. “viewing violence increases violence”. (American
Psychological Association Youth Commission)

Basic Procedures in the Use of TV as a Supplementary Enrichment

For enrichment of the lesson with the use of tv, we have to do the following:

§ Prepare the classroom. ( If your school has a permanent viewing room, the classroom preparatory work will be
less for you)

- Darken the room. Remember that complete darkness is not advisable for tv viewing. Your students may need
to take down notes while viewing.

- The students should not be seated too near nor too far from the tv. No student should be farther from the
seat than the number of feet that the picture represents in inches. A 24 – inch set means no student farther than 24
feet from the set. (Dale, 1969).

§ Pre – viewing activities

- Set goals and expectations. Why are you viewing the tv? What is expected of you students? State clearly.

- Link the tv lesson with past lesson and / or with your students’ experiences for integration and relevance.

- Set the rules while viewing. Will you allow them to take down notes? Or are you providing them with notes

- Put the film in context. Give a brief background, if necessary.

- Point out the key points they need to focus on. it helps if you give them guide questions which become the
foci or post – viewing discussions. Omit this, if you are using an interactive video and the resource speaker
himself/herself gives the questions for interactive discussion in the process of viewing.

§ Viewing

- Don’t interrupt viewing by inserting cautions and announcements you forgot to give during the previewing
stage. It disrupts and dampens interest.

- Just make sure sights and sounds are clear. You were suppose to have checked on these when you did your
pre – viewing.

§ Post – viewing

- To make them feel at ease begin by asking the following questions:

1. What do you like best in the film?

2. What part of the film makes you wonder? doubt?

3. Does the film remind you of something or someone?

4. What questions are you asking about the film? (Write them down. You have not to end the class without
answering them to make your students feel that everyone and everything matter. Nothing or nobody is taken for

§ Go to the questions you raised at the pre – viewing stage. Engage the students in the discussion of answers.
Check for understanding.

§ Tackle questions raised by students at the initial stage of the post – viewing discussion. Involve the rest of the
class. If questions cannot be answered, not even you can answer them, motivate the class to do further reading on
the topic and share their answers the next meeting. You will not be exempted from the assignment.

§ Ask what the students learned. Find out how they can apply what they learned. Several techniques can be used
for this purpose. A simple yet effective technique is the completion of unfinished sentence. E. g. From this film I
learned_________________. I can apply the lesson I learned in/by _____.

§ Summarize what was learned. You may include whatever transpired in the class discussions in the summary but
don’t forget to base your summary on your lesson objectives.




1. To identify the instructional materials fall under this category

2. To categorize examples of each visual symbols

3. To construct visual symbols where they can be integrated in the instructional process

4. To modify guidelines that must be followed when reading charts, graphs, and maps


Your experience of the words and the graphs convinces you that a graph is easier to understand than the words of a
paragraph. A graph is “worth a thousand words.” a graph and any visual symbol for that matter such as drawings,
cartoons, strip drawings, diagrams and maps are worth a thousand words. They are more clearly understood than
mere words. Let us learn more about each of them and find out where they can be used in our lessons.

A. Drawings

A drawing may not be real thing but better to have a concrete visual aids than nothing. To avoid confusion, it is good
that our drawing correctly represents the real thing. One essential skills that a teacher ought to possess at order to
be understood is drawing. It helps you a lot if you are capable of doing simple freehand sketching. You will find out
that as you lecture, you need to illustrate on the chalkboard. So, better start learning how to draw. The only way to
learn it is to do the sketching yourself and devote some time to it. There is nothing so difficult that is not made easy
when we spend at least forty hours learning and mastering it.

B. Cartoons
Another useful visual symbols that can bring novelty to our teaching is the cartoon. A first-rate cartoon tells its story
metaphorically. The perfect cartoon needs no caption. The less the artist depends on words, the more effective the
symbolism. The symbolism conveys the message.

Sources of cartoons

You can easily collect cartoons for instruction. They appear often in newspapers and magazines. In class, you can
give it to individual students for individual study or project it by an opaque projector. Depending on themes for the
week of the month, you can display these cartoons on the bulletin board. One creative teacher arranged for a “
cartoon of the month” and displayed and changed her display every end of the month.

Where to use cartoons in instruction

you can also use this as a springboard for a lesson or a concluding activity. It depends on your purpose.

K to 12 curriculum standards and competencies

go back to the K to 12 curriculum guide. Which can be taught with the use of a cartoon? Come up with a cartoon for
a particular lesson.

C.Strip drawing

These are commonly called comics or comic strip. Dale (1969) asserts that a more accurate term is strip drawings.
Make use of strip that are educational and entertaining at the same time.

Where to use strip drawing in instruction

these can serve as motivation and a starter of your lesson. It can also be given as an activity for students to express
insightss gained at the conclusion of a lesson.

Source of strip drawing

you can obtain strip drawings from newspapers, magazines and books

K to 12 curriculum standards and competencies

identify a competency where a strip drawing is appropriate. Look for an appropriate strip drawing or make one.

D. diagram

What is a diagram? It is “ any line drawing that shows arrangement and relations as of parts to the whole, relative
values, origins and development, chronological fluctuations, distribution etc.” (Dale, 1969)

If you can draw stick figures, you can easily draw the diagrams that you need as you go along. To emphasize the
key points in your diagram, make use of color whether you use the chalkboard of the OHP and transparenicies.

types of a diagram

Find out what these other diagrams are. You may nedd them as you teach and as you go about you other teaching-
related tasks.

· Affinity diagram- used to cluster complex apparently unrelated data into natural and meaningful groups.

· Tre diagram- used to chart out, in increasing detail, the various tasks that must be accomplished to complete
a project or achieve a specific objective.

· Fishbone diagram- it is also called cause and effect is a structured form of brainstorming that
graphically shows the relationship of possible cause and sub -causes directly related to an identified effect /
problem. It is most commonly used to analyze work-related problems.

E. Chart
A chart is a diagrammatical representation of relationships among individuals within an organization. We can have a:
1.) time chart, 2.) tree or stream chart, 3.) flow chart, 4.) organizational chart, 5.) comparison and contrasts chart, 6.)
pareto chart and 7.) run chart or trend chart.

Examples of chart

· Time chart- is a tabular time chart that presents data in ordinal sequence.

· Tree or stream chart- depects development, growth and change by beginning with a single course (the trunk)
which spreads out into many branches; or by beginning with the many tributaries which then converge into a single

· Flow chart- is a visual way of charting or showing a process from beginning to end. It is a means of analyzing
a process. By outlining every step in a process, you can begin to find ineffeciencies or problems. (Latta, 1994)

· Organizational chart- shows how one part of the organizational relates to other parts of the organizationa.

· Comparison and contrasts- used to show similarities and differences between two things (people, places,
events, ideas, etc.)·

· Pareto chart- is a type of bar chart, priorritized in descending order of magnitude or importance from left to
right. It shows at a glance which factors are occuting most.

· Gannt chart- is an acivity time chart.

K to 12 standards and competencies

Find out which of these charts are appropriate for any lesson in the K to 12 curriculum guide or for any teaching
related tasks.

F. graphs

These are several types of graphs. They are :1.) circle or pie graph, 2.) bar graph, 3.) pictorial graph and 4.) line

· Pie or cicle graph- recommended for showing parts of whole.

· Bar graph- used in comparing the magintude of similar items at different ties or seeing relative sizes of the
parts of a whole.

· Pictorial graph- makes use of picture symbols.

· Graphic organizers- you met several graphic organizers in your subject, principles of teaching.

K to 12 standards and competencies

In which lessons can you use each of these graphs?

G. Maps

A maps is a “representation of the surface of the earth or some part of it...” (Dale 1969)

kinds of map

· physical map- combines in a single projection data like altitude, temperature, rainfalll, precipitation,
vegetation, and soil.

· Relief map- has three dimensional representations and shows contours of the physical data of the earth or
part of the earth.

· Commercial or economic map- also called product or industrial map since they show land areas in relation to
the economy.
· Political map- gives detailed information about country, provinces, cities and towns and roads ang highways.
Oceans, rivers and lake are the main features of most political maps.

Map language

· Scale- shows how much of the actual earth's surface is presented by a given measurement on a map. The
scale musr be shown so that the map reader can use the distances and areas shown on the map in measuring or
figuring out the real distance and areas on the earth's surface. On some maps, scale is shown graphically. In others
the scale is expressed in words and figure.e.g. 1 inch – 15 statute miles. 3

· Symbols- usually a map has a legend that explains what each symbols means. Some symbols represent
highways, railroads, mountains, lake and plains.

· Color- the different colors of the map are parts of the map language.

· Geographic grids- the entire system of these grid lines. These grid lines are called meridians and parallels. A
meridians is a north to south pole line. Parallels are lines drawn around a globe with all points along each line with
an equal distance from the pole. Longitude is the distance in degree of any place east or west of the prime
meridians. Latitude is the distance in degrees of any place north and south of the equator.

Map reading test

Here is a map reading test. Test your self. Don't you worry, if you don't perform well at first. After further reading
about maps, take the test again. Do it until you get a perfect score. If you work hard at it, you will not be hard up
presenting or teaching your students about maps later.

A map-reading test

A number of studies have been made of the ability of pupils to read maps and, in general, the findings are
disappointing. Many students have not mastered simple map-reading skills before they leave junior high school.
Further, studies show that geographical errors common to pupils are also common among teachers. Encircle the T if
the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong (adapted from audiovisual methods in teaching, by Edgar
dale, (1969)

lines of longitude are parallel to each other. T F · on a globe all lines of latitude meet at the poles. T F · a degree of
longitude ranges from 68.4 to 69.4 miles. T F · longitude is usually measured from greenwich, England. T F · latitude
is measured from the equator. T F · the latitude of the poles isa 90 degrees. T F · the hours of daylight in summer
and winter are related to longitude. T F · places at low latitudes usually have warm climates. T F · time belts are
directly related to longitude. T F · the latitude of a place indicates its distance from the equator. T F · the highest
latitudes are around the poles. T F · a place not on the equator must be either north or south of it. T F · lines of
longitude bisect the earth. T F · latitude means angular distance north or south of the equator. T F · longitude 0
degree defines an exact place on the earth. T F · lines if latitude are parallel to the equator. T F · latitude 90 degree
north define an exact place on the earth. T F · any place not on the Greenwich Meridian is either east or west of it. T
F · a place of 40 degree latitudes is about 1,000.3,000,5,0000,8,000 miles from the T F equator · a line of longitude
is also called a meridian. T F · the longitude of a place gives a rough indication of its climate T F · a line of latitude is
referred to as a parallel. T F

understand the maps, graphs and charts

What should you to do be successful in reading maps, charts and graphs? The following steps will be help of you:

· Read the titles and subtitles. They will often tell you the purpose of the graphic materials and may provide a
clue to its main idea.

· Read the key, and / or the legend, and the scale of miles whenever any of these is present. (these items
ordinarily appear on maps.) ·read the information shown along the side and the bottom of graphs and chart and
tables, if any. This will help you understand what quantities or qualities are being presented or what comparisons
are being made. On maps, notice how the different parts of the map are related to each other.

· Determine your purpose for reading the map, chart, table or graph.



1. To produce techniques which could help maximize the use of the overhead projector and the chalkboard


Except in extremely deprived classrooms, every classroom has a chalkboard. In fact, a school may have no
computer, radio, tv, etc. but it will always have a chalkboard. so why not make optimum use of what we have, the
chalkboard? The following practices of dedicated professional teachers may help us in the effective use of the

· Write clearly and legibly on the board. Take note that there are children in the last rows.

· It helps if you have a hard copy of your chalkboard diagram or out line. That helps you to visualize the
diagram or outline you like to appear on the chalkboard. That clean diagram and organized outline must match what
you do on the chalkboard.

· Don't crowd your notes on the board. By overcrowding your board work, your students may fail to see the key
ideas. They may not see the trees because of the forest. 3

· Make use of colored chalk to highly the key points. Color will also make your board more appealing. I
witnessed one good teacher who had no other visual aid except herself, the chalkboard and her colored chalks.

· Do not turn your back to your class while you write on the chalkboard. Write side view as you talk. Don't lose
your eye contact with your class.

· For the sake of order and clarity, start to write from the left side of the board going right.

· If you teach the grades and you think the lines on the chalkboard are needed for writing exercise, then
provide the lines for your board.

· Look at your board work from all corners of the room to test if pupils from all sides of the room can read your
board work.

· If there is glare on the chalkboard at certain times of the day, a curtain on the window may solve the problem.

· If you need to replace your chalkboard or if you are having a new classroom with new chalkboard suggest to
the carpenter to mount the chalkboard a little concave from left to right to avoid glare for the pupil's benefit.
· If you need to have a board work in advance or that need to be saved for tomorrow's use (say a quiz or a
sophisticated diagram), write “ place save” and cover the same with a curtain.

· Make full use of the chalkboard. It may be a traditional educational technology but it serves its purpose very
well when used correctly.

Here are some more chalkboard techniques, from James W. Bown (1969).


A. Sharpen your chalk to get good line quality.

B. Stand with your elbow high. Move along as you write.

C. Use dots as “aiming points.” this keeps writing level.

D. Make all writing or printing between 2 and 4 inches high for legibility.

E. When using colored chalk, use soft chalk so that it can be erased easily.

The over head projector (OHP)

There are other kinds of projectors like opaque projector and slide projector. The overhead projector seems more
available in schools. It has a lot of advantages. Brown (1969) cites the following:

· The projector itself is simple to operate..

· The overhead projector is used in the front of the room by the instructor, who has complete control of the
sequence, timing and manipulation of his material.

· Facing his class and observing student reactions, the instructor can guide his audience, control its attention,
and regulate the flow of information in the presentation.

· The projected image behind the instructor can be as large as necessary for all in the audience to see; it is
clear and bright, even in fairly well-lighted rooms.

· Since the transparency, as it is placed on the projector, is seen by the instructor exactly as students see it on
the screen, he may point, write, or otherwise make indications upon it to facilitate communication.

· The stage (projection surface) of the projector is large (10 by 10 inches), thus allowing the teacher to write
information with ease or to show prepared transparencies. His/her work appears immediately on the screen.

· It is especially easy fro teachers and students to create their own materials for use in the overhead projector.

· There is an increasing number of high-quality commercial transparencies.

Let's learn how to use it properly so we also maximize its use in the classroom. Brown (1969) gives us several

Overhead Projection Techniques

Among the outstanding attributes of overhead projection are the many techniques that can be used to present
information and control the sequence of a presentation. As you plan your own transparencies, keep in mind these
figures of overhead projection:

· You can show pictures and diagram, using a pointer on the transparency to direct attention to a detail. The
silhouette of you pointer will show in motion on the screen.

· You can use felt pen or wax-based pencil to add details or to make points on the transparency during
projection. The marks of water-based pens and pencil can be removed with a soft cloth so that the transparency can
be reused.
· You can control the rate of presenting information by covering a transparency with a sheet of paper or
cardboard (opaque material) and then exposing data as you are ready to discuss each point. This is known as the
progressive disclosure technique.

· You can superimpose additional transparency sheets as overlays on a base transparency so as to separate
processes and complex ideas into elements and present them in step-by-step order.

· You can show three-dimensional objects from the stage of the projector-- in silhouette if the object is opaque,
or in color if an object is made of transparent color plastic.

· You can move overlays back and forth cross the base in order to rearrange elements of diagrams or

· For special purposes you can stimulate motion on parts of a transparency by using the effects of polarized
light. To do this, set a plaroid glass spinner over the projector lens and attach a special plastic element of parts of
the transparency for which motion is desired.

· You can simultaneously project on an adjacent screen other visual materials, usually slides or motion pictures,
which illustrate or apply the generalizations shown on a transparency.

Other reminds on the effective use of the OHP are:

· Stand off to one side of the OHP while you face the students.

· Don't talk to the screen. Face the students when you talk, no the screen.

· Place the OHP to your right, if you are right handed, and to your left, if you are left handed.

· Place the OHP on a table low enough so that it does not block you or the screen.

· Have the top of the screen titled forward towards the OHP to prevent the “keystobe effect” (where the top of
the screen is larger than the bottom).

· Avoid the mistake of including too much detail on each image. A simple layout makes an effective slide. If an
audience needs to be give details, provide handouts to be studied later.

· Avoid large tables of figures. Come up with graphic presentation.

· Don't read the text on your slide. Your audience can read.

· Avoid too much text. Rely sparingly on printed text. Come up with more graphs, charts,diagrams or pictures.

· Your presentation must be readable from afar. Simple use of color can add effective emphasis..

We can learn from the experiences from other, Brown (1969) enumerates effective practices. Let's learn from them.

· In primary grades, simple objects like keys, leaves, and cutout paper shapes can be placed directly on the
projector to stimulate children's imagination and encourage discussion.

· In English composition lessons, student themes or writing exercises can be reproduced on film by means of
the heat or photocopy process. The teacher and students can analyze the writing for style and grammar as each
example is projected.

· In arithmetic, blank sheets of acetate and grease pencils can be given to selected students. Have them
prepare solutions to homework problems so the class may evaluate and discuss their results.

· In geometry and trigonometry, two- and three-dimensional diagrams can be built up gradually with carefully
prepared transparencies involving color and separate overlays. Geometric theorems and complicated problems can
be separated into single components and presented systematically. In other mathematical and technical subjects,
plastics objects like some rulers and composes can be shown to a group and discussed.

· In physical educational and team training, plays and game procedures may be analyzes through the use of
plastic or opaque moving symbols on a transparency which shows the court or field design.
· In homeroom activities, the secretary can use a cellophane role (accompanying most projectors) or blank
acetate sheets in write nominations, lists, motion for consideration, and important discussion points for all to see and
react to.

· In primary reading class, a picture-transfer transparency can be made from a magazine picture. Project this
transparency and task t6he class to identify major items shown. Then place a clear piece of acetate over the picture
and, with a felt pen, write the name of each item identified. Later remove the picture and discuss the words that
remain on the screen.

· In art classes, a teacher can sketch on clear plastic with a felt pen. The entire class sees the results. Similarly,
transparent watercolors, colored plastic shapes, finger paint, inks, or grease pencil may be used.

· In science, iron filings dusted on a clear plastic sheet over a permanent magnet can be projected clearly to
illustrate lines of force. Leaves, with chlorophyll removed, can be projected to show veins and the general leaf
pattern. Clear glass petri dish can be placed on the projection platform and used to show chemical reactions when
changing colors reveal interactions of translucent fluids.

· In social studies, all types of maps can be enlarged after accurate but easy preparation. Overlays show key
facts about particular regions.

In many classes, testing and evaluation materials can be used with a large group. Test items written on slides can
be projected for the entire class. the “progressive disclosure” technique mentioned previously can be achieve by (1)
placing a sheet of paper over the transparency and moving it down to expose succeeding lines of type, (2) attaching
strips of opaque paper to the slides of the mask in order to cover potions of the transparency image, and the flipping
the strips back to expose image, (3) placing over the transparency an opaque sheet containing a cutout slit which
exposes lines or copy are in sequential order as it is moved down or across the copy.

The overlaying technique to do progressive disclosure is illustrated below.

· Prepare a master drawing for each separate part.

· ·After making a sketch of the content of the transparency, decide which parts will be the base and which will
be used for each overlay.

· In two corners on each master, make register marks that match marks previously put on the sketch. This will
ensure proper registration of each overlay.

· Prepare the transparency from each master. ·Mount each transparent sheet: base under the frame, and
overlays on the top sides. Use the register marks for proper alignment.



1. To define project-based multimedia learning

2. To enumerate the elements of project-based multimedia learning

3. To know the of use project-based multimedia learning

4. To evaluate the disadvantages of the use of project-based learning and multimedia learning


A class that effectively employs project-based multimedia learning is highly animated and actively engaged.
Together with other students, every student is absorbed in a task in line with the goals and objectives made clear at
the start. Time has wings. Time flies so fast that students don’t feel its passing. Teacher does not just stay in front of
the class lecturing. She monitors students as they work. Students consult her for guidance and comments. She
does not impose her will on students. With her guidance, she allows students to make decisions for themselves.
She has more time for those students in need of greater help and attention. By going around, she can sense if
students are on the right track and if the goals and expectations set at the start are not set aside but remain to be
the governing factor behind every activity. The students’ intellectual power are very much challenged as they read
research for basic information and as they analyze and organize from their computer courses and creativity and
imagination are demanded when the students produce multimedia presentation by using multimedia produced by
others. A question that may be asked as this point is: won’t the content be sacrificed? I don’t think so. This project-
based multimedia learning is most of all anchored on the core curriculum. This means that project-based multimedia
learning addresses the basic knowledge and skills all students are expected to acquire as laid down in the content
and performance standards and competencies of the k to 12 basic education curriculums. Let us know more about
project-based multimedia learning in the paragraphs that follow: Project-based multimedia learning is a teaching
method in which students “acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning and producing
multimedia product.” (Simkins, et al, 2002.) The name project-based multimedia learning implies the use of
multimedia and the learning activity includes a project.

Dimensions of Project-Based Multimedia Learning has seven key dimensions

· Core curriculum

· Real-world connection,

· Extended time frame

· Student decision making

· Collaboration

· Assessment

· Multimedia.

Simkins (2002) explains each of them briefly:

· Core Curriculum. At the foundation of any unit of this type is a clear setoff learning goal drawn from whatever
curriculum or set of standards in use. We use the term core to emphasize that project-based multimedia leaning
should address the basic knowledge and skills all students are expected to acquire, and should not simply be an
enrichment or extra-credit activity for a special few. Often, these project lend themselves well to multidisciplinary or
cross-curricular approaches.
· Real- word connection. The project seeks to connect student” work in school with the wider world in which
students live. It is critical that the students-not only the teacher-perceive what is real about the project. The content
chosen, the types of activities and the types of products must be real in life.

· Extended time frame. A good project is not a one-shot lesson. It extends over a significant period of time. The
actual length of a project may vary with the age of the students and the nature of the project. One project may take
days or weeks. Others may take a month or two. It is important that students are given enough time to enable them
come up with a substantial final product from which they can derive pride and a clear sense of accomplishment.

· Student decision making. In a protect-based multimedia learning, students have a say. But it is clear to them
that the teacher is in charge and so the students understand that there are decisions which only the teacher can
make, Student, however, are given considerable leeway n determining what substantive content would be included
in their projects as well as process for producing them.

· Collaboration. Protect-based multimedia learning demands collaboration. Collaboration is working together

jointly to accomplish a common intellectual purpose in a manner superior to what might have been accomplished
working alone. Students may work in pairs or a team as many as five or six. Whole class collaboration are also
possible. The goal is for each student involved to make a separate contribution to the final work and for the whole
class accomplish greater things than what each individual student can accomplish all alone.

· Assessment. There are tree (3) assessment concerns in protect-based multimedia learning, namely: 1)
activities or developing expectations; 2) activities for improving the media products; and 3) activities for compiling
and disseminating evidences of learning. Students must be clarified on what is expected of them and on how they
will be assessed. In project-based multimedia learning, they are expected to show evidence that they gained
content information, became better team members, could solve problems and could make choices (for instance on
what new information they would show in their presentation). Students are also expected to assess their own media
products so they can improve on them.

· Multimedia. In multimedia projects, students do not learn simply by “using” multimedia produced by others;
they learn by creating it themselves. The development of such programs as HyperStudio, Kid Pix, and Netscape
Composer has made it possible for students of all ages to become the authors of multimedia content. As students
design and research their projects, instead gathering only of written notes, they also gather-and create-pictures,
video clips, recordings and other media objects that will later serve as the raw material for their final product. The
black plague project was exemplary in terms of the seven (7) dimensions given in the foregoing paragraphs. It
addressed the standard set by the Department of Education trough the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in social
studies, and science. The real world connection to the AIDS Epidemic made the project relevant to students. The
project extended over many weeks, and students were allowed to choose perspectives and make decisions about
the design and interface for their presentations. Students collaborated in small groups to research and implement
each perspective in the presentation. Assessment was on-going and multifaceted. Students’ presentations included
in the variety of media: text, original art work, scanned images and animations. (Adapted from Simkins, 2002) Why
use project-based multimedia Learning? Because it is “value added” to your teaching. It is powerful motivator as
proven in the classes of Teacher Nachielle and teacher Nicole described earlier in this lesson. It actively engages
students in the learning task. Students are likewise engaged in the production of multimedia presentation. What can
be some limitations of the use of project-based multimedia learning strategy? One limitation that we see in the need
for the extended period of time. You need time to orient the students on what bare expected of them, guidelines,
goals and objectives of the project, and more so for the students together and organize their data, work on their
presentations and the like. this strategy requires technical skills on your part of your students. Remember, they will
be using a combination of several media, which includes, of course, the computer, if the basic computer courses did
not teach them these skills demanded by this strategy, there will be a problem. To address this problem, some days
need to be devoted to learning the technology. This can be another limitation. A third limitation can be the tendency
to lose track of the goals and objectives of your lesson because the technology aspect has gotten the limelight. You
may get so occupied learning the multimedia presentation that your lesson objectives get derailed and your project
ends up as mere technology lesson. So, you have to be sure that the technology aspect of your lesson does not
eclipse the academic content which is the core of your lesson and therefore is most important.



1. To know the steps involved in the use of project-based multimedia learning strategy.


Goals and objectives are always the starting points of planning. When we plan a multimedia learning project as a
teaching stat clarifying our goals and objectives. From the list of objectives and content found in the K to 12
Curriculum Guide, we select which one will lend themselves to a project –base multimedia learning strategy. Since
this strategy requires much time we have to spend as seen against time available or face failure and disappointment

Another important thing is to determine the resources available from library materials, community resources
both material and human, Internet, news media – since this project calls for multimedia. To trim down time devote to
a multimedia project, Simkins et al (200) suggest the following:

· Use technology students already know.

· Use time outside of class wherever possible. Assign skills practices as homework.

· Use “special” classes (like art or music) as extra time.

· Let students compose text and select and prepare graphics and sounds as they plan. Consider the possibility
of yours students doing original researches themselves.

· Let us make clear to our students our policy on decision making and collaboration for smooth working

· Finally, we must have a plan on how we are going to evaluate learning.

So you have decided on the objectives and content with which to use the project-based multimedia strategy and
have determined resources available. What are you going to do next. Simkins et al (200) suggest the following:


1. Create project description and milestones. Put in a nutshell what your project is all about. Describe your project
in forty (40) words or less. Include your instructional goals and objectives. Include the project components students
will be responsible for and their due date. B writing a brief abstract of your project, you have a full grasp of the
essence of your project and that your focus will not get derailed.

A milestone may look like this:


Estimated Time
Before the project starts

2 weeks

Introducing the project

1-2 days

Learning the technology

1-3 days

Preliminary research and planning

3 days- 3 weeks

Concept design and story boarding

3-5 days

First draft production

1-3 weeks

Assessing, testing, and finalizing presentation

1-3 weeks

Concluding activities

1-3 weeks

Total class time

5-13 weeks

Figure 30. Overview of a Typical Project

2. Work with real –world connection. If you have people outside the classroom involved as clients or assessors
(evaluators) work with them to make an appropriate schedule and include their ideas for activities.

3. Prepare resources. Seek the assistance of your librarian or school media




1. To identify which form of assessment fits a constructivist technology – supported learning environment

From the conversation we gather that some students:

o Memorizing very much for the test. Fit their style of test preparation to the kind of test and

o Study only for passing score and a passing grade

`The question we raise are: “Is it really bad to memorize for the test?” and “ Is it not good to study for score and
for a grade? The answer to both questions is a NO. it is not bad to memorize for the test. Examines even take in
Memory Plus food supplement to increase their power to memorize. Neither is it bad to study for scores and grade,
however, we should go beyond memorizing for tests and we should not study only for a passing score and a
passing grade.

In a constructivist classroom, learning transcend memorization of facts. It is putting these isolated facts together,
from concepts and making meaning out of them. It is connecting the integration of these facts and concepts to daily
life. It is seeing the relevance of these facts and concepts to what we value and treasure in life. If that is what
learning is from the eyes of the constructivists, then definitely, the pure memorization (sometimes without
understanding done for a mere recall test does not jibe with such belief.

What then is the assessment practice that will be congruent with the constructivist’s thinking? It is a higher level
form of assessment that will require the display of the basic skills of writing and speaking, computing and the more
complex skills of applying concepts learned, analyzing, critiquing and evaluating, integrating and creating and the
social skills of working with call for alternative forms of assessments. The traditional paper – and – pencil test will
prove to be inadequate to measure basic skills and social skills.

Authentic assessment is most appropriate for the constructivist classroom. ( You will learn more about authentic
assessment in your two subjects on assessment.) authentic assessments measures collective abilities, written and
oral expression skills, analytical skills, manipulative skills, (like computer skills) integration, creativity, and ability to
work collaboratively.

In authentic assessment, students perform real – world tasks, thus the word “authentic”. It is an assessment of a
process or a product. That is why authentic assessment includes performance or product assessment. The
performance is a reliable measure of skills learned and the product is a proof of the acquisition of skills. These
performance and product are assessed. Again the mere paper – and – pencil test cannot evaluate these. So what
do we need? We need to observe and evaluate and, to do it more objectively, with the aid of the scoring rubric.
( You will be taught how to make a scoring in rubric in your assessment courses.) for now it may be sufficient to see
a sample of a scoring rubric to get an idea of what it is about and to see its place in assessment.



1. To define educational media center

2. To enumerate the roles and functions an educational media center perform to serve the teaching – learning

3. To predict the element that the EMC must have for it to effectively function as one


An EMC is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school. It is a
basic requirement for a school to render quality service. It is not independent of the school. Rather, like any part of
the human body, it is a unit in the school that cooperates with one another units or departments that help the school
fulfill its mission and realize its vision by living up to the school’s philosophy and aims. It serves a myriad of roles,
among which are: 1. Center of resources, 2. Laboratory for learning, 3. Agent of teaching, 4. Service agency, 5.
Coordinating agency, 6. Recreational reading center , and 7. A stepping stone to other resources of the community.

An EMC renders various kinds of services. It services boil down to improving the teaching – learning process by
making it more interactive, collaborative, interesting and authentic.

What must an EMC have to be a functional EMC?

The evaluation questions for a functional EMC (Lucido & Borabo, 1997) give the following elements.

1. The institutional media services

o Is the administration committed to a media program?

o Is the program of media services administered by a media specialist through media center?
o Is the center operating at the same level as other major institutional services of the school?

o Are they clearly defined policies, procedures, and plans for short, medium and long term coverage?

o Is the center provided with appropriate facilities, finances (a regular budget) and staff (both technical and

o Is the center capable of giving media and / or educational media technology advises/assistance to the faculty?

2. Media and instruction

o Are the faculty encouraged to use media as an integral part of instruction?

o Are classrooms equipped and/or adapted for the best possible use of educational media?

o Is the media ce nter accessible to all classrooms and lecture/ conference room?

o Is there educational media technology information dissemination?

o Is there proper cooperation between faculty and using media for instructions?

o In particular, are faculty members assisted by the media center staff in analyzing teaching needs and in
designing, selecting and using educational media to meet these needs?

o Is there an adequate storage, filing and retrieval/borrowing system for instructional hardware and

o Is the center capable of technical operations relating to technical assistance, equipment repair and cleaning
continuous upgrading of facilities?

o Is there a capability for production of graphics, audio visual and other media materials for instruction?

· Classroom facilities

o Are classroom designed for and provided with essential facilities foe effective use of educational media?

o Specifically, are classrooms equipped for full light control, electrical outlets, appropriate ventilation and media
operations space?

o Are classrooms equipped with a bulletin board, chalkboard projection screen, maps, rails, etc. for instruction
using media?

· Media program

o Are there clear-cut administration policies on the media program?

o Is there an adequate source/system of funding?

o Is there appropriate hiring of media center supervisions, creating and technical personnel ,consultant and clerical
Hershy Banilla sa 1:02 AM


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