Assignment 10 Philosophy of Classroom Management

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Assignment 10: Philosophy of Classroom Management

Autumn Bate

EDU 1010

July 16th 2018

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This paper explores my philosophy of classroom management. I state the ways in which I

plan to create a productive and positive learning environment for myself and my students in my

future teaching. I discuss the procedures and rules that will be put into place in my classroom,

the way in which I will involve parents, and the consequences that will be enforced when

misbehavior arises.

Keywords: Philosophy, productive, positive, classroom management, procedures, rules, parents,

and consequences.
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Philosophy of Classroom Management

As a teacher I hope to create a productive learning environment for myself and my

students. To do this I must insure that the learning community and environment of my classroom

is positive and invites creativity while pushing away judgment and negativity. I must put into

place procedure that my students must follow and take the time to carefully plan the lessons and

activities that will help my students succeed in my classroom. Involving parents is a very

important aspect as well to creating a productive learning environment. Helping parents

understand what is going on in the classroom and how their child is doing will aid in the success

of the student. Parent involvement is also very important when it comes to addressing student

misbehaviors and resulting consequences.

To create a positive learning community and environment I will show each individual

student that I care for them as a person and demonstrate my commitment to their learning. I will

do this by meeting with each student at the beginning, middle and end of the course, more often

if needed, so I can understand them individually and help them set and achieve their goals for my

class. I will keep my classroom organized and take careful consideration into planning lessons to

insure that classroom time is used efficiently (Kauchak & Paul 2017). I will use teaching

strategies that involve the students in their learning in order to promote independent learning that

will benefit them in the future.

I will carefully develop rules and procedure for my classroom in order to guide student

behavior in the right direction and create an efficient routine in the classroom. Procedure that I

may include are how my students enter and leave the classroom, how assignments are turned in,

how classroom materials are accessed, used and returned, rules on hall passes, and how work is

made up after an absence (2017). Rules that will be enforced in my classroom include being in
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their seat before the bell rings, staying in the class except when given permission to leave,

bringing required materials daily, including textbooks, notebooks, writing utensils, and paper,

giving full attention to others during discussions and to me during instruction, and raising your

hand to participate (2017).This will show students how I expect my classroom to be run and will

enforce respect upon their fellow students, myself and the classroom materials that are provided

to enhance their learning. Consequences that will come from disrespecting these rules will be

carefully chosen for the individual student so that student can receive the most benefits from the


Involving parents is a very important aspect in creating a positive learning environment.

To do this, I will sent a letter to each parent at the start of the class that will outline the course

and the positive expectations that I have for their child. I will also include my information and

ways in which they may be involved in our class activities. Once new units are started I will send

out information on what is being cover and I will also include feedback on the students work

from the previous unit emphasizing their child’s accomplishments so they may see the progress

that has been made. If there is need for parent intervention because of misbehavior I will

personally address the parent through email.

By doing all of things to manage my classroom I feel that I will be able to create a

positive and productive learning environment. I will need to carefully plan each aspect that

contributes to the structure of my classroom based on different factors such as the students’ ages

and the curriculum that is being taught.

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Kauchak, Don; Eggen, Paul. Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional 2017 (What's

New in Foundations / Intro to Teaching) . Pearson Education.

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