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Assignment 11: Philosophy of Assessing Student Learning

Autumn Bate

EDU 1010

July 23rd 2018

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This paper explores my philosophy of assessing student learning. It discusses my plan for

assessment, how I will grade and how I will know whether or not my student are learning. I also

discuss and provide examples for formative assessment, summative assessment, informal

assessment, and formal assessment.

Keywords: Philosophy, grade, learning,formative, summative, informal, and formal.

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Philosophy of Assessing Student Learning

My current career plan is to become a high school art teacher. In order to do this I must

have a clear plan and philosophy of assessing student learning. I plan to assess student learning

through assigned art projects. There will be specific time periods in which the assignment must

be completed, specific materials that must be used, and techniques that were taught must be

applied in the work. This form of assessment is important because it insures that the students

have gained sufficient knowledge throughout the class and instruction that allows them to

perform the art techniques that were taught. I will grade assignments based on creativity, the

concepts that have been applied, the use of materials, and the amount of effort. To receive full

credit, the student must show creativity expected for that grade level, apply all concepts that have

been taught specifically for the project, use the materials provided appropriately, and show that

the have put focus and effort into the project and completed it. I will be able to tell whether of

not my students are learning by the work that is turned in. There work should show

improvement with each project and should clearly show that the understood and can perform the

techniques that were taught.

Another important part of assessment is to assess my teaching capabilities. This is done

through formative, summative, informal, and formal assessments (Kauchak & Paul). An example

of formative assessment is to gather info and feedback from each student in each of my classes

through a survey (2017). This will allow me to see from the students’ perspective what

improvements can be made to make the class more enjoyable for them improving my teaching

practice in general. An example of a summative assessment would be other colleagues and

school administrators sitting in on and evaluating my instruction to gather info on competence

which will impact decisions made about retention and tenure (2017). An example of informal
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assessment would be carefully observing the work of my students and identifying any topics or

techniques that many are having a hard time with and then making the decision during the course

of the learning activity to go over and reteach that topic in depth to help with any problems the

students are having (2017). An example of formal assessment would be to have each student

draw and shade a sphere. By having each student do the same project, I would be able to see

whether or not each student understands the basic principles of shading.

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Kauchak, Don; Eggen, Paul. Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional 2017 (What's

New in Foundations / Intro to Teaching) . Pearson Education.

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