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2.1 Read the follcwing te><l: and ans.rl.,=,'the next quesiions

lnrpact 0f Technology .Jn Soeiety:

Technolcgy and human iife cannot be s=pa;-ated: socieiy has a depe:rdence on te cnnology.
,,nJe Sasicaliy depend *:l technology in our daily' lif= anci üur needs and demands for technclogy keeo on
i'ising. Humans Qan use technolcgy to travel, tc ci-:r-::municate, to learn, ic do business anci to live in
*omiort. However technology should be analyzec ca;'efully as it has alsc caused lots of concerns to the
soci*t,u. lts pool- appií*atíon has ¡-esulted intc ihe pciiuiion of the enviioi-ii;ient and ii has a;so cause,l
sericus threat to our lives and society. Faople mignt deciCe tc use it accurateiy, but realitl; sh,lws thet an
unc.*-;lscious L¡se of resources can aisc .ead to negative consequences

This text calls for prope:- use of technolcgy" People should be more conscious about the controlled
use oí technology,and thejecision of the type of fuiure we need ic have and then create relevant
iecnnologies wh;ch wiil siftpiify ihe way we cio ihings.

It is impossible to expicie how each new advanced technoicgy has impacted cur iives ancí how ii
future soclety^ Technology inrpacts ihe environment, peopie and ihe sociei;+ as a whole.
v¿oulcj impact our
The way lve use technolog-v- determines if its impacts are pcsitiye tc the society or negative,

{POSITIVE Iñ,IPACT) we can use corn to rnake ethana! and this ethanol can be used as fuel. Fue!
can be used to run machines and cars which will increase on output of rnanufacturing industrles at a lowei'

(HEGATIVE IMPACT) However, if we decide to shift large quantities of com to fuel production from
food production, humans will be left with no food and this will cause world hunger.

2.2.1.Find sentences using modal verbs in the tex! re *rite and change them into questions

Example: People must use technological advances responsibly

Must People use technological advances responsibiy?


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f¡Ñl oti ¿ d use or 'is ¿i="=ottxJ

rtl Y e\ n* "tcCh ¡1ft re § r¡n?tsfq @

2.2.2. Tf:ink ab*ui and n¡enfion a pü§llvE and a NEGATIVE impacÉ cf technology in s+ciety

a. AcnvrDADEs DE ApRop¡ACroN DEL cCIñ¡ocurñrEruTo {coNcEPTUALlzAcléN Y


3.1. Say what the function of t*¡e moda! verb in each one of the following
ssntences is:

ffi',, sentences Permission Possibilifv'

in if
Obligation Strong Belief Advice Requesi o;'Offer

- | ran speak a little Russian. É)'
$tt t { '-i -

- can ropen the windQw? F{tv=lttStry:

,u,". ' Lll :'i
-Í maybe home :;u h,
'; ' * '

5E=T!iiü ii, .i-*;'-,tl Df Á'*FlEii,i'Ifu= 5;lir.i

==ñÁá p**eÉ *ñ* I f i="¡'..i ú eiF-E** LL* c- *=i i1J tÉ* r3 ¡.: íe * :i



- l,lay 7 sii down, oiease? _ _

- I musi gG rit!v. ftLl'-t.,1 ttln

She musl be oi,er 90 yea=

'{au shtuld srop smoking

- blauid you like a cup of tea? -

- If I were you, I wouldsay sorry. l* * I ee

3.2. Complete tlle foliowing §sntences by usEng the rnost accurat§ HODAL VERB in each case

i. You get in withcui a ticket. Not a chancei

A, may not
f B. can't

2. ln Spain boys _ do mi!iiary se-,,ice

A. must not B. don't have to

3. I ihink lcu I stop smoking

A. can B. should

4. You absolutely go and see Jenny', she is sick

A. should B. must

A. must B. may

3.3. Use a modal verb to'complete coherently the following sentences {GAH, ñfiUST, S}IOULD,

Example: The apprentices MUST design an information system for their final project

1. Technology (change) the way people see the world

2. Enaineers (work) in the database design since 2014


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AE .sPÉíri*i=tu=

ido) tne English ,yvor-kshop ícr =bout l*o hours
+. Thc taanhor
{expiain) some techT;cai concepts ihat
app!-entices (r-:=) to improv= :heir knov¡ledge aboui inioimaticn systems
5- Gomputers and technolog¡cal deüces tsr^ñLl ln ¿'t i (heip) to ¡¡akq

people's life easier

3-4.Complete the following dia§ogue by using the accurate rnodal verb in each case

MURAT ; {can't / shc*ic::r't) find the epis*.,: of Eñ tlrat we recorded yesterday" KAREi\j it
--(m,_.rsi / have to) be there. I saw Max start the machine.
MURAT No, ír .,.-,'i, He (ought to / must) have done something wrong. iiow annoyíng j
KAREN Don't'¡v'-, :v. lve (can / could) dcwnload it from the lnternet. l'li do it farycu if
r¡n¡ ' lil¡a

MURAT That's nlce of you. I was looking forward to watching it tonight.

HAREN Well, I won't be able to do it until tornorrow - l've gct to wo¡'k on that geography project for-

MURAT But you don't have to hand it in until Friday.

KAREN ! know. But l'd better get or¡ r¡¡ith it. you know how slow I am!

MURAT Whv don't I help you finishing it?

KAREN No, we're not allowed to get help frorn anyone else. li has to be aii ou¡- own rvork. But thanks
for offering.

" 3.S.folateh the words in coturnn A with ti:elr respective meanings in cotumn B


1. Customer {)personthatcreatesappiicationsthaicarryo
other devices.

2. Output ( ) The organization or inC


3. Developer ( ) A set of inierrelrt"O


i,'l e I + á,ii = := = r
;'=i Á== t # * :U áJ I § i li.+
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S i i,= 3

¿+ ó..^t^ +
,JVSLgI I i r. )rn.,:e*it'lcaii,ffirnponerts, thei¡ icie, and hcw they ha're to
lnteoraticn iniei'aci': pulpose'
the slisltm to fulfitl its

5. Systeni , ,' - at is p:. -:c:C bY a system.


cf a system to mak= srrre they woi'k

b. §ysiei-r, llT.-, = =nts
tooethe ;¡ intended.


PHP; etc} and deseribe

4.1 Look for infernration abo$t a programming language you know {Java,
its functionalities by using r¡¡odal verbs. Write a minimum of l0 sente¡¡ces

5. Ambienta Requerido

Ambiente de aprendizaie dotadc de TlCs

Plataforma B! ackboard-

Bibliotecas físicas Y virtuales.

5. fflateriales
fichas bibtiográficas'
MATERIALES CONVENCIONALES: lmpresos: libros, fotocopias, documentos,
flashcards... etc. - Tablero y marcadoi'es borrables

fotografías, escáner'
MATERIALES AUDiOVtsuALES: lmágenes fijas proyectabies: diapositivas,
impi.esora... Maieriales sonoros: reproductor de cd, audios en inglés....

páginas web, correo electrónico,

NUEVAS TECNSLoGíAS: prcgramas inforn"iáticcs. servicios telemáiiccs:
chats, foros.-.


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