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Global Aid



Heading out again… Photo Credit

The day before I leave isn’t the best time to get news out of my upcoming
Odessy Travel. https://
missions trip. But this is my reality and I’m flowing with it. As I stop to
write a few words, I’m reminded of each and every one of you, your faithful
prayers and tremendous love over the years, and I’m grateful. Deeply ghana-togo-benin/
grateful! Thank you for partnering with me as I step out to serve in Benin.


A small, elongated territory sit on the horn of Africa. Its short
coast line is neatly tucked between Togo to the West and Nigeria
to the East, and Berkina Faso and Niger to the North.

This French-speaking country has a rich but turbulent past. It

used to be known as the Slave Coast, where slaves were bought
and shipped across the Atlantic to be sold. It is also the birth place
of Vodun (or Voodoo).
Prayer Point
Though small, it is home to just over 11 million people, 45% of
whom are under the age of 15 years old. The population mainly • Traveling Mercies
lives in the South, avoiding the harsher climate found in the
• Health and sleep to be
Northern desert. Benin’s capital city is named Porto Novo,
however its seat of government and largest city is named Cotonou. protected for the team

Benin fought for and received its independence from French • Radical spiritual
colonial rule in the early 1970s and established their first breakthrough for all we
government in 1975. It boasts of being one of Africa’s largest encounter
cotton producers but remains one of the poorest countries in
Africa. • Connections and ease of
communication to those
Our team will be leaving for Benin tomorrow morning. We will we are going to teach
travel over 24 hrs before we reach our destination. We’ll have a
short pause, then immediately start connecting with rural health • Unity and joy among the
clinics to do hands-on skills training. Each member of this team team —Breanne, Leslie,
brings a specialty background. Helen and myself
I’ll focus on midwifery topics and emergency obstetrical care in
• Love and community
low-resource settings. Leslie will be teaching on health and
between our team and
nutrition. Helen will focus on pediatrics and emergency medicine.
the local staff
And Breanne will educate on the importance of breast-feeding and
how to avoid stunting in children. • Devine encounters
Although our focus is medical, we also bring the gospel to all those
• Spiritual strength in Him
we encounter. We’ll be praying for staff, students, and possibly
patients. We’ll be doing daily devotions. Most importantly we’ll be
carrying the love of God to a dark place. Please pray for us to keep Articles & Resources
our love on well, to see radical spiritual encounters and continue
to tell all we meet of greatness fo God’s perfect love.
In Benin I won’t be allowed to take many bn.html
pictures or talk too much about what we’ll be
doing on social media. Once I”m back I’ll be able
to share much more. Love you guys!!!!

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