Tranger: Stranger: Stranger: Stranger

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tranger: Hi

Stranger: Ready for the crash?

You: in which market are you referring to
Stranger: No on
You: as in
'test' of the and south
You: so this will pto currency as banks start loosing trust
been hacked and the "green" folks have beem up in arms over crypto
You: so...i guess probably new age tech giants will probably become banks
themselves....since most of them already have a digital transaction wallets
Stranger: So true, they could start and end wars!
You: will focus on small and medium sectors....micro banking solve some
of these issues....
Stranger: Money and borders are soon over
You: I guess money is just how much value a cluster of people can add
and economies with innovative people will thrive
You: or will there even be "people" in the equation or bots :D
Stranger: True!!! AI is beyond the tipping point
You: I dont see the point here....if everyone is jobless....who is there to
consume....what is produed
You: produced
Stranger: I think through attrition you are correct, we will be our own worst
You: But this will lead to civil war if the disparity there will either
be helicopter money or some way to contain AI....
Stranger: AI will do a better job at containing who's left on the planet
You: lolzz....why will people developing AI give up control to AI
Stranger: Greed, they have an end game
You: Now elon musk is developing an interface to directly connect the
brains of people....
Stranger: YES!! He gave it to the us airforce!!! It's unreal
You: as in how does it work?
Stranger: It takes almost a second to respond to the "enemy" coming in for
an attack, by the time you hit the button to respond, it may be to late,
Musk's "helmet" lets you respond without "touching" the fire button
You: woah.....
Stranger: Yup.. they are testing it on F-22's
You: I guess AI wont be able to replicate human creativity.....but there will
be no consumers left to appreciate that
Stranger: So true.. I guess that's why trillionaires are spending their money
on Mars, they know this place is doomed
You: hahaha....just to screw up that planet also
Stranger: YUP!!! sorta like what we do to china!!! we take their stuff and
leave the pollution to them
You: i guess....trillionaires cant show off their bloated egos to anybody....if
only rich people are left... relatively they will be all equal
Stranger: Thus ww3/ 4!!! lol
You: hahaha...two were enough to screw this planet
You: almost
Stranger: Ya wonder what the future is for people just being born
You: or future will probably be only virtual reality
You: and everyone will be so engrossed in it ...coz real reality sucks
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: we're doomed
Stranger: lol
You: hahaha
Stranger: Have a great day, you're the best!
You: you too....bye
Stranger: Bye

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