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Subject Science

Grade Level 2nd Grade

Learning Objective The student will investigate and understand that living things are
part of a system. Key concepts include:

a) living organisms are interdependent with their living and

nonliving surroundings
Activity The objectives of this lesson are for students to be able to
determine what pictures represent living organisms and which
pictures represent non-living things. Students will be given a brief
review of what makes an organism living before the presentation.
The first activity will be need four volunteers from the class to drop
and drag and drop a checkmark on the characteristics of a living
organism and a “X” on characteristics of non-living. Then after
The students can check the answer by pressing the check answer
button. Next, the students will use their own paper too sort the
items for themselves first. After they have finished, volunteers will
drag and drop the living and non-living items into their correct piles,
if the item is placed in the wrong pile the item will not disappear
and will reset for the student too try again. The next activity six
students will go up to the board and use a pen to write living or non-
living next to the picture. Students sitting down can help out
students writing if they are unsure. After the students have finished
that activity, the next one they will do will be students going up to
the board using one of the Smartboard pens and then circling living
organisms in red and then non-living things in blue. Finally, as an
intro into the next lesson which would be life cycles there are two
activities based on life cycles. The first one is a drag and drop that
the teacher can ask the class to fill in the blank and, then drag what
they say into the blanks and check the answer. The last activity is an
energy chain that students will drag and drop with their fingers into
the open spots. After the students are finished the teacher can press

check answer to show them if they are correct and explain why.
After the lesson the teacher will review what they have learned
from the lesson.
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Technology Smart Exchange- Living and nonliving things:



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