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Pressure Swing Adsorption Douglas M. Ruthven Shamsuzzaman Farooq KentS. Knaebel fy ve D.M.Rativen sr 0 ent of Chotieal Enpmeenag Dep of Chea En ‘ners of Mew ewe Natal Una ee Fredenon Cn 5a3 KS. Knacel “Adsorpion Reseaten ine val Unersiv of Singapore Dablin, Obie, Singapore 0331 ‘Tis BOOK i printed on sede raper, @ rary of Congress Cusingsi-Pubenton Data anon, Dow Moe Vows, 34 su wigan Doug Me, Shnsuzzanan Farooq. Kent S. Knaebel. uf sett ahd biographers and nsx 'SbN reso 7 ak popes 1 Arion, 1. arog, Suzan Kes 1951~ IM. Title, a aero ‘ TPIS6.A3SR78_ 1993 4 st 2030 oases cw © 1994 VCH Publters, Toe, “This work i sbiest to copynsht Arabi ar esr ether he wake OF hep specifically those of rpnsaton, reprinting, resie of iustatins, brondeasting, ‘proction by photocopying or silar meane, and slorage io date bank, ‘evisleed names, rademars, et, sed in thls Bok even wha net speeiedy ‘marked as such, are aot to be eoasidered unpictected by law, Penton the Unuted States of America ISDN: 1-56081-311-5 VCH Pubsere ISBN: 3.527.89517.5 VCH Vertagpgeslsciatt Pruting niory Wow? 6S 4524 vine ite ‘VCH Publis, te, VCH Voragsgoullchalt mbId VCH Publishers (UK) Lid 200 Bast Bd Street, P.O, Box 101161 8 Wetington Court Preface ' Although pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is not a new process, it 1s really ‘only during the past decade that such processes have achieved widesprestt commercial accentance as the technology of choice for more than a few rather specific applications. Nowadays, however, PSA processes are widely Used, on a very large scale, for hydrogen recovery and air separation, and further important applications such as recovery of methane from tandfill gas and production of carbon dioxide appear to be mminent. The suggestion for a book of this subiect came from Attilio Bisto, (o whom we are aiso indebtedt for his continuing support and encouragement and for many helpful com- ments,on the draft manuscript. The authors also wish to acknowiedge the semiimat contributions of two pioneers of this field, the late Frank B. Hill and Robert L. Pigford. Several of their publications are cited in the present fext, but theis influence 1s far broader than the citations alone would suggest. Suffice 1 to sey that much of the book would not have been written without their encouragement and the stimulus provided by their widsom and insight. Severat graduate students and ost-doctorais have made maior contributions, most of which ave recognized explicitly by citations. However, they, as well as others whose work may not have been directly referenced, also contributed in a very real way by helping the authors, through discussion and argument, to understand and appreciate some of the subtleties of PEA systems. It would be remy nut to mention BY name M, M. Hassan, 3. C. Kayser, N.S. Raghavan, and H. 8, Shin, This book 1s not mtended as an exhaustive review af PSA technology, neither is it a design manual, Rather, we have attempted to present a

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