Assignment 1 - Marking Criteria

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Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MNG00314) Marking Criteria

Assignment 1 – Venture Proposal – Part A


ITEM F P C D HD Comments
1. Conceive (details of the entrepreneurial concept): 50%

a) The idea itself clearly reflects an entrepreneurship quality.

b) Consumer/public demand for the product is clearly evident.

2. Identify (quality of presentation content): 25%

a) A clear and concise description of the concept’s key features

are provided.

b) Brief discussion of the key challenges involved in realising the

concept and how these issues will be addressed.

3. Describe (quality of presentation itself): 25%

a) Presentation is logically structured and within max time limit.

 Brief intro and purpose of presentation
 Clear and succinct details of the concept’s innovative
qualities; The question ‘Why would somebody invest in
your idea’? has been deliberately addressed and
 Support/justification for concept’s innovative qualities
 Presentation conclusion

b) Effectiveness of PowerPoint slides.

 Appropriate number of slides provided.
 Appropriate font size and amount of text.
 Appropriate use of images to enhance presentation
 Slides are free of spelling and grammar mistakes.

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