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Part C

Development of the Organization and Dr. Strangeberry’s learning

TiVo Corporation is an American company which was first come into a presence in 1999. TiVo is
known for its Digital Video Recorder. TiVo gives and provides the broadcast of television
programs around the world in some selected countries. TiVo also provides to record programs and
save the broadcasted TV programs in its own made TiVo Digital Video Recorder. There is a time
of 2004 approximately when TiVo Corporation bought a small and very little-known company
called Strangeberry and later, this was known as Dr. Strangeberry. Dr. Strangeberry Inc is mainly
a software and technology company. Strangeberry Inc builds internet network, home internet
network system, broadband internet connection system. These are the systems and work that was
provided by Strangeberry Inc (Malik, 2008). This is to help the customers to provide them a smooth
experience in the television experience and internet connection experience. On the other hand, it
can be seen that TiVo Corporation after buying Strangeberry Inc, the company made a huge come
back in the current after a couple of years setback. Recently it made a router and modem for
network and internet connection.

The evolution of the digital entertainment industry is found to be providing a digitalized

revolutionizing experience which is enabling the TiVo to gain the appropriate experiences. The
revolutionizing environment and is also creating an innovative environment with showing the
development of the entertainment experiences. The changes in the processes are found to be
providing a more delegated path for the providers as well as the audiences. The TiVo is found to
be launching the first on-screen guide which is consisting of a classic grid format and also is
helping the viewers with a simple central place for finding the shows. The full networking grids
are found to be providing an appropriate resembling processes by which the guiding of the
household processes is made across America. The interactive advertising capabilities are providing
an appropriate environment which is surrounding the incorporation of the guide. The Functionality
is found to be providing some parental controls which is introduced by the TiVo parental process.
The changes in the TiVo events are providing an interactive advertising capability which is found
to be helping the corporation to control the parental controls.

The improvement in the functionality of the parental controls are seen which will enable them to
improve the activities in an appropriate way. The changes in the processes as well as the
introducing of the network guides are providing an appropriate development of the TiVo invention
processes by which the appropriate attention of the customers can be easily gained. The focus on
gaining the attention is providing an appropriate advanced feature which will enable them to gain
the attention of the customers. Apart from this, the technology is found to be helping in developing
the needs by which the dynamic enhancement of the DVR is seen. The entertainment activities are
surrounding the recording activities in an appropriate way. The advanced features are enabling the
company to provide the multiple recording process by which the technological improvements can
be easily seen. The focus on gaining the appropriate activities are enabling them to gain the
attention of the customers as well as the competitive advantages can be easily gained. TiVo is
further focusing on the improvement of the activities which is related to the improvement of the
metadata coverages by which the expansion of the top programming process can be easily seen.
The Technology and the Engineering Emmy which is surrounding the improvement of the
invention of the program, guide and the development of the activities can be easily made. The
incorporation of the natural language is helping the company to guide the activities in a more
professional way by which the changes can be easily personalized. TiVo is also preparing the
possible ways for improving the source and also is found to be adding them in the form of the
cloud-based activities and also is accessing the mobile devices. The streaming consoles and the
STBs are focused so that the whole home DVR processes are gained in an appropriate way.

Organizational Process to keep the Company from reaching Obsolesces

There was a time when TiVo faced some problems in developing new technologies in respect to
the current market. TiVo lost the competition in making new technologies in competition with the
other heavyweight big MNC companies like Samsung, Apple, Nokia etc. So it face a major setback
at some point in time in this decade. But after a couple of years, it can be seen that TiVo made a
come in this competitive current market. It have come with many new technologies like Universal
TV remote which can be used for all TV and TiVo's own TiVo Digital Video Recorder or simply
can set the set-top box, where it can save a TV program or a live TV broadcast. So if TiVo wants
to survive in this competitive market, TiVo Corporation have to continue research and
development for the new technologies in competition with the other technology MNC's.

The revolutionary approaches are surrounding the improvement of the functions which is making
the company to make the improvement in the entertainment discovery. The focus on making the
improvement in the staggering processes are found to be providing an appropriate guideline for
making the improvement in the processes as well as the increase in the viewership can be easily
made. Both the platform provided by the TiVo is found to be large content improvement by which
the personalized experiences can be easily gained. The changes in the processes will enable them
to make the improvement in the processes with increasing the convenience through the help of the
customers. The fine tune experiences are gained by making the increase in the processes as well
as the appropriate improvement in the activities will enable them to increase the resources. The
covering of the experiences will enable the company to cover the appropriate changes in the
business processes. Apart from this, the flexible implementation of deployment options are
depicted to be surrounding the activities in an appropriate way. The changes in the processes will
enable the company to gain the insights for the company to focus on making the improvement in
the activities. The powering results are found to be based on depicting the viewer preferences by
which the behaviours can be easily analyzed as well as the searching of the activities. The variety
options are found to be supported with the changes in the preferences as well as the improvement
in the objectives can be easily made with making the changes in the business process.

Attempt to Cultural Change of the Organization

TiVo is a great company in the domain of technology. But to keep it in that way TiVo Corporation
have to continue making and developing new products and technologies and satisfy the customers
according to the needs of them. After acquiring Strawberry Inc, TiVo got strong in the technology
department and came back in the current market. There certain ways that a CEO can achieve this
success to ensure a good growth of the company. If I was a CEO of TiVo, I would also do the
following things that are listed below.

 Clarify Value is a process where the leaders and management and company employees
come to closer interactions and connection.
 Reinforce the Vision is another process where the company managers and every employee
should be very clear about the work that what they are doing, and the value of that work.
 Empower Behaviours is a type of organization system where the company employees and
especially leaders should have a clear view of the future.
 Align Conversations is to create a balance value of the labour for every employee from top
to bottom.
 Target Effort helps to align the employee systems and the HR systems for new
 Emphasize Success and reward for the employees helps the organization people to
encourage them.

The above enlisted processes will enable TiVo to make changes in the organizational culture as
well as it will enable them to gain the attention of the consumers. The changes in the organizational
culture is depicted to be undertaken due to the development of the innovation processes as well as
the reinforcement of the values can be easily made with making the increase in the consumer
demands. On undertaking a closer look, the organization culture is providing benefit to the
company with increasing the product values and also is enabling them to focus on making changes
in the processes. The transformations undertaken are providing a great entertainment experiences
to the people by which the customer satisfaction can be easily made. The reinforcement of the
vision is undertaken by the company with making the cultural changes as well as the focus on
gaining a closer look to the needs of the consumers are made by the company. Thus, the company
is found to be gaining some changes in the processes for retailing the services and also the changes
in the consumer electronics are seen which are found to be providing a great experience to the
customers. The changes in the innovation processes are enabling the company to gain the positive
demand for the products and the services. Apart from this, the exploration process is making the
company to gain the changes in the processes as well as the areas of innovation can be easily made.
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