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Certification of Originality

We Do Here By Declare This Project Entitled Examination Management System

Submitted Golis University As Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The
Bachelor Of Computer Engineering Has Not Been Submitted As Certificate Or
Degree We Also Certify That The Work Described Here Is Entirely Done By Us
Except For Except And Summaries Which We Cited In The Reference .

This Project Is Available In Golis University For The Purpose Of Consultation

And Reference.
Examination Management System Has Been Done By:

1. Khalid Ahmed Hossain

2. Mustafe Bare Abdilahi

Advisor : Fu,ed

Copy Right
After When We Made Questioners That We Observed How To University Or
Another Collage Or Schools Needed This Project We Decided To Develop This
System As We Know The Word As Tendency To The Technology Development
This Document Identifies That This Project Written For Golis University As
Well Uniquely Computer Engineering Student And Not Allow Others To Claim
The Right To Use Copy And Reproduced This Book

We dedicated this paper to our All Families And Friends who supported and
help us during our Academic levels without their encouragement nothing reached
our success
This system we intended to graduated then give the University

But not for sale

At First we Are Gratefully Thinking To Allah Who Made Possible For Us To
Write Graduations Thesis Book To Accomplish Golis University Degree Of
Computer Engineering
Secondly We Wish To Avail Of This Opportunity To Express Our Profound
Sense Of Graduated And Respectful To All Those Who Helped Us Throughtely
This Project

We Are Specially Expressing Our Honest Appreciations And Thankfulness To

Professor Fu’ed For This Valuable Time And Guidance About Writing The Final
Documentation Project We Also Express Our Honest Apparitions And
Thankful To Abdurrahman that support tha Aides that to make this project

Golis University serves the Hargeisa Region and receives students from portions of
the other five regions. It was founded in 2004 as a non-profit institution, opened to
students for enrolment in 2005, and was upgraded to a university within 10 months
of its opening. Starting with 40 criminal justice and 40 civil engineering students,
the student population reached 706 at the end of 2007.

The university operates one campus at Hargeisa, the second capital of Somalia.
The tuition fees from students (approximately $400.00/student/year) are the main
source of income for the University.

The university has established the Gollis University Research Institute (GURI).
GURI promotes the delivery of research across all faculties and departments of
Gollis University. It also promotes and coordinates research projects with other
organizations, to include higher education institutes, NGOs, professional
organizations and international organizations.

Table contact
Certificate of originality-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Copy Right-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dedications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Acknowledgment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter One introduction ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------
1.1 introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2 Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.3 Vision ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.4 Preparation of Examination--------------------------------------------------------------
1.5 Problem Statement -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1.6 Objectives of the project -----------------------------------------------------------------

Introduction of Examination Management System. ... The main purpose to develop
this project is to taking the exam of students on computer science of different
branches and subject. In this project students can easily register for exams, enroll
for examinations, results and report generation.
This project examination management system has been development or visual
And or mvc database the main purpose to development this project is to
taking the exam of student on computer Science of different branch and subject
.in this project can easily registering for exam enroll for examination results and
report generation .this system maintains the information of the registering
student .this project examination management system is used to perform all the
examination Activities like Adding examiners ,searching of examiners
,examiners delete operations and assigning of examaination duites etc.student
can asily see the available first is admin who is the super Admin od the project
who can manage all the things of the projecect .secan is the teachar who
resposible for adding the quistions branch and subject wise And rhe thrid one is
student who will participtions in the exam .
The project described within this document is an Examination management
System designed with the specific goal of reducing the hectic job of assessing the
answers given by the candidates manually. Responses by the candidates will be
checked automatically and instantly. Being an integrated Online Examination
System it will reduce paper work. The result will be shown immediately to the
participating students reducing the anxiety. It can generate various reports and
graphs for evaluation purpose almost instantly when and where required. It will
also send mail notifications to the students about the detailed description of tests,
their results and other information through Small Message Transfer protocol
(SMTP). The system is designed for Educational Institutes like Schools, Colleges,
and Private Institutes to conduct logic tests of their students on a regular basis.

Design to facilitate administrator and user friendly interface complete and secure
information is provided to user scope.

Gollis University serves the Hargeisa Region and receives students from portions
of the other five regions. It was founded in 2004 as a non-profit institution, opened
to students for enrolment in 2005, and was upgraded to a university within 10
months of its opening. Starting with 40 criminal justice and 40 civil engineering
students, the student population reached 706 at the end of 2007.

The university operates one campus at Hargeisa, the second capital of Somalia.
The tuition fees from students (approximately $400.00/student/year) are the main
source of income for the University.

The university has established the Gollis University Research Institute (GURI).
GURI promotes the delivery of research across all faculties and departments of
Gollis University. It also promotes and coordinates research projects with other
organizations, to include higher education institutes, NGOs, professional
organizations and international organizations.

Background Examination office in Golis
The Mission of Gollis University Examination Department is to provide
examination administration for the University’s different department by providing
coordination and supervision of exams in the highest level of quality, security,
fairness, professionalism in timely manner which support the main objectives of
the university’s strategy.

To be the pillar in fulfilling Gollis University’s strategic goal of attaining a
leadership in higher education for the east Africa’s Universities and be known for
integrity, professionalism and fairness in student advancement policies

Preparation Of Examination
1. All examination question papers (including final, supplementary, and
recourse) must be submitted to the Examination Office Fourteen (14) days
prior to the commencement of Examination.
2. The Dean and Assistant or any other authorized person appointed by the
faculty is responsible for the secure delivery of Examination papers to the
faculties of the Examination departments.
3. No Examination paper may be sent in an electronic devices or format to the
Examination Departments except in exceptional cases where prior
arrangements have been made.
4. A completed control sheet must be attached to the each original copy of the
Examination Question Paper. Signature of the Dean should be there.
5. Any Examination which does not meet sufficiently the common standard of
the Examination format in the university will not accept.
6. Chairman of the Examination Board and Assistant must check and sign for
question papers received and keep a record of each paper submitted.
7. By the time Academic Calendar Year is going to finish the section of
photocopies will not copy (including, assignments. Tests, quiz, presentation
and etc).

8. Deans and Assistant Deans from the various faculties must to provide the
Chairman of Examination Board or Assistant the list of lecturer’s who will
invigilate Exams before a period of One Weeks
Problem Statement
Examination management is used to only network that is problem
Exam required to be developed web application system for Database
Management System
Another problem includes delay And weakly Activates were hard to calculate
and take a lot of time and sometimes make misunderstood monthly and yearly
Objective of the project
A. Corporative between date stored in the server of the university
Examinations management system to deal white online system in
easy way and efficient mannered
B. Specify aprevilege for each person to allow each person use this
system to create his own exam. And have complete control on this
C. Allow each person to create more than one exam with different
way to create variant question.
General objective
A. To develop or improve our Selves Experienced And Education
B. To get benefits that w agreed the Authority of EMS
C. To graduate white the university for this project And take the the
first Degree
D. Our main objective of this project

Specific Objective
A. TO record All date of Examination
B. To record Cheating student in All semester
C. TO record when Lecture is taken the Exam
D. And when he is Return the Exam
E. the reason that student is Taking holiday when the Exam come

F. then examination office is record the student information
software scope descripted date and control of to be preceded function performance
constraint interfaces and Reliability faction descripted in the statement of the
Scope are evaluated and some case refined to provide more details prior to the
beginning of the estimation because both case and schedule estimation are
function oriented some degree or decomposition is often useful .
Examination management system is designed for education institute (like School
University Collage
The system handles all the operations and generate reports as A soon At the test is


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