Distan Ce Radiu S Mass Rotati On # Moo Ns Orbital Inclinati On Orbital Eccentric Ity Obliqui Ty Densi Ty

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The following table lists statistical information for the Sun and planets:

Distan Radiu Mass Rotati # Orbital Orbital Obliqui Densi

ce s (Earth' on Moo Inclinati Eccentric ty ty
(AU) (Earth' s) (Earth' ns on ity (g/cm
s) s) )
Sun 0 109 25-36* 9 --- --- --- 1.410
0.39 0.38 0.05 58.8 0 7 0.2056 0.1° 5.43
Venus 0.72 0.95 0.89 244 0 3.394 0.0068 177.4° 5.25
Earth 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 0.000 0.0167 23.45° 5.52
Mars 1.5 0.53 0.11 1.029 2 1.850 0.0934 25.19° 3.95
5.2 11 318 0.411 16 1.308 0.0483 3.12° 1.33
Saturn 9.5 9 95 0.428 18 2.488 0.0560 26.73° 0.69
19.2 4 17 0.748 15 0.774 0.0461 97.86° 1.29
30.1 4 17 0.802 8 1.774 0.0097 29.56° 1.64
Pluto 39.5 0.18 0.002 0.267 1 17.15 0.2482 119.6° 2.03

System.out.println (" --------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" [ PLUTO ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Distance : 39.5 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Radius (Earth's) : 0.18 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Mass (Earth's) : 0.002 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Rotation (Earth's) : 0.267 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Number of Moons :1 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbal Inclination : 17.15 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbital Eccentricity: 0.2482 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Obliquity : 119.6° ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Density (g/cm3) : 2.03 ] ");

System.out.println (" --------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" [ SUN ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Distance :0 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Radius (Earth's) : 109 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Mass (Earth's) : 332,800] ");

System.out.println (" [ Rotation (Earth's) : 25-36* ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Number of Moons :9 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbal Inclination : --- ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbital Eccentricity: --- ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Obliquity : --- ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Density (g/cm3) : 1.410 ] ");

System.out.println(" --------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" --------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" ---------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" [ EARTH ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Distance : 1.0 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Radius (Earth's) : 1.00 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Mass (Earth's) : 1.00 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Rotation (Earth's) : 1.00 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Number of Moons :1 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbal Inclination : 0.000 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0167 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Obliquity : 23.45° ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Density (g/cm3) : 5.52 ] ");

System.out.println (" ---------------------------------- ");

The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system.

System.out.println (" [ JUPITER ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Distance : 5.2 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Radius (Earth's) : 11 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Mass (Earth's) : 318 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Rotation (Earth's) : 0.411 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Number of Moons : 16 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbal Inclination : 1.308 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0483 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Obliquity : 3.12° ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Density (g/cm3) : 1.33 ] ");

System.out.println (" --------------------------------- ");

System.out.println (" [ NEPTUNE ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Distance : 30.1 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Radius (Earth's) : 4 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Mass (Earth's) : 17 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Rotation (Earth's) : 0.802 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Number of Moons :8 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbal Inclination : 1.774 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0097 ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Obliquity : 29.56° ] ");

System.out.println (" [ Density (g/cm3) : 1.64 ] ");

System.out.println (" --------------------------------- ");

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