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level for buyers anxious about f luc-

A Smarter Way to Sell tuations; the higher the pressure, the
higher the price.
Commodities Minimize Uncertainty
H o w ca n y o u d i s t i n g u i s h y o u r co m m o d i t y This risk-based marketing strategy can
f r o m t h e p a c k ? Re d u ce c u s t o m e r s ’ r i s k . be applied to any commodity, as long
as the buyer stands to lose if there are
variations in some element of it. A steak
house chain, for instance, may pay a pre-
by Robert S. Lurie and Ajay K. Kohli mium for consistently trimmed meat
because eliminating variations in por-
tion size reduces its risk of customer dis-
satisfaction. Or a hospital that buys com-
modity sutures may pay more to a
supplier whose safety claims are backed
The mere word “commodity”strikes ter- But then its managers had an impor- by superior clinical trial data – in effect,
ror in the heart of most marketers. tant insight: They could segment their paying extra for a lower risk.
Whether it’s coal, chickens, or memory customers by their exposure to and Commodities sellers need to evaluate
chips, commodity sellers struggling to tolerance for risk and offer customized each customer’s perception of risk and
differentiate their products often resort risk-reduction packages – for a price. its true exposure. Naturally, customers
to price cuts. And that, of course, means Their research showed that some gas are loath to volunteer the information
savvy buyers can play one seller against retailers faced huge uncertainties in the needed for this analysis–and some may
another to extract the greatest price volume of gas they would need in any not even have it – so the approach re-
concessions. given 24-hour period; others didn’t. quires careful research and skillful ques-
To be sure, conventional marketing Some that sold gas in several cities wor- tioning. First, identify the elements of
approaches like bundling products or ried about having too much gas in one a commodity offering in which varia-
appending value-enhancing services and too little in another; others, operat- tion or uncertainty could generate risks
such as training and consulting can dis- ing in a single city, didn’t. Some experi- for the buyer, such as variations in prod-
tinguish commodities. But while these enced marked fluctuations in the de- uct specifications, supply, or demand.
strategies may head off price wars, they mand for gas from month to month; Second, estimate the probability that a
can be so expensive that suppliers often others didn’t. Some required unvarying given risk-associated negative outcome
don’t recover their costs. What many pipeline pressure; others didn’t. will happen. Third, estimate the loss the
commodities sellers don’t appreciate is This kind of risk-based segmentation customer would incur if it does. For ex-
that their customers frequently will pay allowed ContinentalGas to create a ample, in the case of a gas retailer, what
a premium to the supplier that under- portfolio of service offerings. To buyers would it stand to lose if it couldn’t meet
stands and reduces their risks. with little risk exposure – those that op- spikes in demand? Finally, estimate the
erated in a single town, worried little ability of the customer to withstand
Segment by Risk about gas pressure, and had minor fluc- the loss. Some customers may be un-
Consider the case of a company we’ll tuation in demand – it offered basic aware of their risks, and others may
call ContinentalGas, which sells gas capacity at the standard price. But to believe their risks are lower than they
pipeline capacity. Gas retailers and dis- other buyers, ContinentalGas offered actually are. Thus, a commodities seller
tributors purchase capacity to ship gas to add value, at a premium price, by needs to educate its customers about
from distant wholesalers for distribu- reducing or eliminating various types the real risks involved.
tion to local homes and businesses. of risks. For example, ContinentalGas All things being equal, the greater the
These buyers, some of which operate provided a guaranteed level of “excess” loss a customer stands to incur, and the
across several cities, commonly enter daily capacity above the standard base- less its ability to withstand that loss,
into annual contracts for pipeline ca- line level to those buyers concerned the more a supplier can add value by
pacity, bargaining with various suppliers about spikes in demand. The greater the reducing that customer’s risk. And, of
for the lowest cost. For years, Continen- daily maximum capacity it guaranteed, course, the more that customer may
talGas played the pricing game, eking the higher the price on a per unit basis. be willing to pay.
out the narrowest of margins. Similarly, it guaranteed the pressure Reprint f0204d

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