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JAMA PATIENT PAGE | Urological Disorders

Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)

A discoloration of urine may be due to a medication,
something a person ate, or a variety of medical causes.
Blood in the urine (hematuria) commonly causes pink or red dis- Urinary tract anatomy
coloration and should prompt medical evaluation. Microscopic
Kidney hematuria

What Is Hematuria?
Hematuria may be visible with the naked eye (gross hematuria) or Red blood cell
visible only under a microscope (microscopic hematuria). The urine
may look normal in patients who have have microscopic hematuria. URINE
Risk of Hematuria Urethra (men only)
Hematuria is common, seen in 2% to 30% of the adult population.
Older patients and smokers have higher rates of hematuria. Smok-
ers are also at an increased risk of genitourinary cancer. coordinate an evaluation of the entire urinary system. This will likely
include urinary tract imaging and a cystoscopy to help determine the
Causes of Hematuria cause of the hematuria.
Hematuriacanbecausedbyanumberofdifferentthings,someofwhich Imagingoftheurinarytractusuallyconsistsofacomputedtomog-
arebladderorkidneystones;kidneydisease;urinarytractinfection,cys- raphy (x-ray) scan or an ultrasound. The purpose of imaging is to see
titis (bladder infection), or pyelonephritis (kidney infection); cancers if there are any stones, kidney abnormalities, or tumors in the urinary
oftheurinarytract(kidney,bladder,prostate);trauma,injury,orurinary tract. A cystoscopy is an examination of the bladder with a small
tract instrumentation; rigorous exercise; benign prostatic hyperpla- telescope-likedevicethroughtheurethra(thetubethroughwhichurine
sia (enlarged prostate); and blood thinners (aspirin, warfarin, etc). passes out of the body). This is typically performed in an office setting
Hematuria can be confused with other urine discoloration usingalocalanesthetic.Thegoalofthecystoscopyistolookforanysmall
caused by something other than blood in the urinary tract, such as orflattumorsontheliningofthebladderthatcanbemissedbyimaging.
foods like beets, bleeding from menstruation, blood from the gas- Even a thorough evaluation may not determine the cause of he-
trointestinal system, or medications. maturia. Evaluations that find no causes are both common and en-
couraging. However, hematuria persists in some patients. Contin-
Medical Evaluation of Hematuria ued follow-up with a primary care doctor or specialist may be
If you see blood in your urine, you should tell your primary care doc- recommended for up to 3 years. You should tell your doctor about
tor. Otherwise, hematuria is usually detected during routine evaluation any changes in the frequency or severity of hematuria.
and without any other signs or symptoms. Sometimes, this happens
Therefore, all cases of hematuria must be confirmed in a laboratory by FOR MORE INFORMATION

seeing 3 or more red blood cells in a sample under a microscope. • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Doctors generally use practice guidelines as an aid to evalua-
tion. At this time, national guidelines recommend a complete evalu-
ation in all patients aged 35 years or older who have hematuria with- • Urology Care Foundation
out an obvious benign cause. Patients are typically referred to a
urologist (a surgeon of the urinary tract) and sometimes a nephrolo-
gist (a kidney specialist) for this evaluation. To find this and previous JAMA Patient Pages, go to the Patient
Page link on JAMA’s website at Spanish
A timely and complete evaluation of hematuria is essential be- translations are available in the supplemental content tab.
cause a delay in diagnosis can be serious. Your treatment team should

Authors: Richard S. Matulewicz, MD, MS; Joshua J. Meeks, MD, PhD The JAMA Patient Page is a public service of JAMA. The information and
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have completed and submitted the recommendations appearing on this page are appropriate in most instances, but they
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were reported. are not a substitute for medical diagnosis. For specific information concerning your
personal medical condition, JAMA suggests that you consult your physician. This page
Sources: Davis R, Jones JS, Barocas DA, et al. Diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up of may be photocopied noncommercially by physicians and other health care
asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) in adults: AUA guideline. J Urol. 2012;188(6) professionals to share with patients. To purchase bulk reprints, call 312/464-0776.
Nielsen M, Qaseem A; High-Value Care Task Force of the American College of
Physicians. Hematuria as a marker of occult urinary tract cancer: advice for high-value
care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2016;164(7):488-497.

1508 JAMA October 11, 2016 Volume 316, Number 14 (Reprinted)

Copyright 2016 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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