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EE4503 Wireless Communications (PME) [3-0-0-3]

Wireless fading: Modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in free space, signal

attenuation and fading, time and frequency coherence in wireless channels, mathematical
methods of modeling wireless channels, and practically useful statistical channel models.
Multi-antenna communication: Multiple input multiple output (MIMO), multiple input
single output (MISO), single input multiple output (SIMO) systems and channel models,
line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS communication). Transceiver algorithms:
Optimal detection of wireless signals, estimation of wireless channels, and beam forming to
increase signal range. Performance analysis: Degrees of freedom in a wireless
communication system, channel diversity, spatial multiplexing in multi-
antenna systems, and diversity multiplexing trade-off. Multiuser communication systems:
Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and code division multiple
access (CDMA). Study of practical system architectures: Introduction to physical layer of
long term evolution (LTE) and Wi-Fi systems.

PH4601 Magnetic Materials and its Applications (GCE) [3-0-0-3]

Introduction to Magentism: Magnetic field, Magnetization and Magnetic materials, origin of
magnetism – para-, dia-, ferro-, antiferro and ferri- magnetism, Soft and Hard Magnetic
Materials: Magnetic Phenomena: Magnetic Anisotropy, Nanoparticles and thin films,
Magneto resistances - Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR), Giant Magnetoresistance
(GMR), Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR), Tunneling Magnetoresistance
(TMR)Applications: Applications in Transformers, Flux-gate magnetometers, recording
heads, magnetic shielding, anti-theft systems; Spin engineering, Spin valves (Magnetic data
storage), Magneto-optics and Magneto-optic recording: Multi-ferroics: A basic introduction
to multi-ferroics that combine magnetism and ferroelectricity.

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