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EC1304 B.EJB.Tech, DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APRIL 2013. TRANSMISSION LINES AND WAVE GUIDES ‘Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks 10, ll. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks. Define characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a transmission line. What is group velocity? Write some applications of smith chart. Distinguish between single stub and double stub matching. What are guided waves? Plot the frequency Vs attenuations characteristic curve of TM and TE waves guided between parallel conducting plates. Write the expression of TE waves in rectangular guide. What is the dominant mode for the TE and TM waves in the rectangular waveguide? Give the application of microwave resonator? Distinguish between wave guide and cavity resonator, PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) Answer ALL choosing either (a) or (b) of each question. All questions carry equal marks. (a) Obtain the general solution for voltages and currents at any point on the transmission line. (16) Or () (Derive the condition for distortion less line. © (i) A cable has the following parameters : R=48.750/Km, L=1.09 mH/Km, G=38.75 mhos/Km and C=0.059 Km, Determine the characteristics impedance, propagation constant and wavelength for a source of F= 1600 Hz and Es=1 volt. 0) 12436 12. (a) (b) 13. (a) (b) 14. (a) ) 15. (a) () 12436 A load off50 ~ j 100) © is connected across a 500 line, Design a short circuited stub to provide matching between the two at a signal frequency of 30 MHz using smith chart. ae) Or A 30 m long lossless transmission line with characteristic impedance (ZO) of 50 ohm is terminated by a load impedance (ZL) = 60 + j40 ohm, ‘The operating wavelength is 90m. Find the input impedance and SWR using smith chart? (16) Derive the attenuation constant of TE waves in parallel plane waveguide. (16) Or Derive the field components of TM waves between parallel plates propagating in z direction. (16) AX band rectangular waveguide has inner dimensions of a = 2.3cm, b =1 em. Calculate the cut-off frequency for the following modes. TE 10, TE 20 and TM IL. a6) Or Explain the wave impedance of a rectangular wave ~ guide and derive the expression for the wave impedance of TE, TM, and TEM mode. (16) Determine the solution of electric and magnetic fields of TM waves guided along circular waveguide. a6) Or Derive the Q factor of rectangular cavity resonator for TE 101 mode. (16)

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