Fall 2018 Worship Team App (NEW PERSON)

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Ignite Worship Team Application (Fall 2018)

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you so much for expressing interest in becoming a member of Ignite worship team!
We are so excited to get to know you better as we discern whether worship team is where God
wants you to be this semester.
Before you fill out this application, I want to take a bit of space to explain what being a part
of Worship Team means. Worship Team is a part of leadership. As band members, you will be the
only face of Focus Youth many people recognize, and your witness to others is very important.
On worship team, we have some fairly unique goals and purposes. Our core purpose: to
glorify God in all that we do. This means ascribing to God the value he deserves as our Creator,
Redeemer, Savior, Lord, Friend, King….you get the idea. The Lord is the only one deserving of our
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a
living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the
pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test
and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:1-2

Worship is not a thing we do in order to clean ourselves up for God – that’s impossible – but
it’s coming to Him exactly as we are to sit at His feet, because He accepts us and loves us exactly as
we are:
One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of
the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple.
- Psalm 27:4

In fact it’s our desire that we as a worship team could come before God with raw honesty
and not put up false pretenses about the kind of week we’re having: the fears, sins, and doubts that
we bring with us. Most weeks I come into worship feeling inadequate to be in this role, unworthy to
approach God, and weighed down by the stress of the day. But giving all of that to God is worship!
We have the freedom to approach Him, He so desperately desires to be in intimate relationship
with us, so much so that the Lord even sings to us:

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with
gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. – Zephaniah 3:17

Thank you again for your interest in being a part of worship team, and if you have any
questions or concerns at all, please feel free to contact me at sadeiotuesday@gmail.com or 703-649-
1245. I can’t wait to worship God with you, create music with you, and get to know you better!


Sam Boakye and the Ignite Worship Team

Ignite Worship Team Application (Fall 2018)

Focus Youth’s Mission Statement

We believe in:

[Insert Focus Youth Purpose Statement Here]

I hereby subscribe to the above Doctrinal Basis and Purpose of Focus Youth Ministries.

Electronic Signature: Date:

Name: Phone:
Email: Age:

Please answer the following questions briefly

Getting to Know You:

1. Briefly tell us about how you came to faith in Christ.

2. How you have grown in your relationship with Jesus in the past year?

3. What does it mean to you to believe in “the divine inspiration, trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible?”


5. What does worship mean to you as a Christian? Please share a passage of Scripture that have helped you
understand God's heart for worship.

6. Describe your musical background, including any previous experience leading worship.

7. Why do you want to be a part of Ignite Worship team?

Time and Commitments

For Worship Team: [Feel free to edit this Pastor Mike]

1. Individual preparation:
The weeks that you play, you’ll be responsible for learning and practicing the songs we are going to
play before coming to band practice. Everyone should also be spiritually preparing to lead worship by
spending time with God.
2. Team practices:
Practices will be held twice a week, typically from 6-8:00pm on Thursday night at The Next
Generation Center and from 6-7:30 pm on Wednesday afternoons before Youth Group. On the weeks
you are playing you will be expected to attend both of those practices. If there is something crucial going
on during those times, come talk to me and we can work it out.
3. Miscellaneous:
This part of the year, there may be some informal worship nights in which we may ask you to help
out! Additionally, we would like to have some occasional meals/other social activities to help us get to
know each other better!
Ignite Worship Team Application (Fall 2018)

Focus Youth Leadership Commitment:

This is a list of mandatory activities and commitments for which you will be responsible as a leader in Focus
Youth’s Ignite Worship Team. If you have conflicts with anything listed below, please tell us in your application
and we can talk about it.

Commitment to:
-Being in a discipleship or accountability relationship
-Praying regularly for the chapter and your areas of responsibility
-Relational Purity (abstaining from gossip, extending forgiveness and grace to others, sexual purity
according to biblical standards)
-Abstaining from illegal drug and alcohol use
-In God’s grace, pursuing personal holiness and integrity, and upholding your personal witness (honesty,
upholding commitments, etc.)

With respect to the above time commitments listed, please answer the following questions:

1. What other organizations or activities are you involved in? How many hours of your week do these
activities occupy?

2. If placed on leadership, do you have concerns about balancing your commitments, academic life,
relationships, and spiritual health?

Leadership Covenant
If invited to be a leader of Focus Youth Fellowship at Christ Chapel, I commit to regularly attend Youth
Groups, worship nights and other mandatory leadership meetings to the best of my ability. I understand this
will involve hours in preparing and praying outside of weekly meetings. Being a leader involves more than
planning time and regularly scheduled meetings. People on my team will become a part of my life as I make
my time available to them.

As a possible leader of Focus Youth, I have read and understand our purpose and doctrine. I will encourage,
love, and trust my fellow team members to be a part of Focus Youth’s community so that together we can
receive teaching, support, and accountability from each other.

Electronic Signature:


**When complete, please rename this document in the format “FIRSTNAME

LASTNAME – Fall 2018 Worship Team App” and email to sadeiotuesday@gmail.com
and maycolgaleano@gmail.com.**

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