Tyler Fisher

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Tyler Fisher

Having completed a B.A. in English and a second B.A. in Spanish at the University of
Central Florida, Tyler came to Oxford to study Golden-Age Spanish literature with
funding from a Rhodes Scholarship. Since he has been in Oxford, he has published
the following articles and translations: ‘Like a Simple Moth, I Turn Again’, a
translation of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s ‘Cual simple mariposa vuelvo al fuego’ in
Tabourey (Oxford), 2 (2004); ‘The Synergy of Location and Narrative Performance’
in West Virginia University Philological Papers, 49 (2002), [co-authored with Barry
Mauer]; ‘Sonnet 36’, a translation of Garcilaso de la Vega’s ‘Soneto XXXVI’ [‘A la
entrada de un valle...’], an online publication in Golden Age Spanish Sonnets; ‘My
Cavalier’, a translation of José Martí’s ‘Mi caballero’ in The Formalist, 14,1 (2003);
and ‘The Family Custom’, a translation of José María Merino’s short story ‘La
costumbre de casa’, in The Pestle (Oxford), 3 (2005). His most recent work includes a
paper titled ‘Scattered Children, Battered Ships, and Tattered Gardens: Lope de
Vega’s Fragile Texts’ at the Trinity Term 2005 Sub-Faculty Research Seminar, and a
panel presentation on ‘Narrative Syntax, Staging, and Permutable Woodcuts in the
Celestina’ at the International Medieval Congress (University of Leeds, July 2005).
His edition and English translation of José Martí’s Ismaelillo is forthcoming from
Wings Press.

Tyler completed his MPhil thesis, ‘“Conceptos esparcidos, engendrados”: Metaphors

for Texts and Textual Production in Golden-Age Poetry’, in June 2005.

His DPhil thesis, ‘Figures of the Author, Reader, and Text in Post-Tridentine Spain:
The Literary Implications of Doctrine’, explores the intersections between literary
theory and theology in Counter-reformation poetry. Tyler is a lecturer at Exeter
College and a tutor for the Faculty of Modern History.

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