What Should We Do in Kartini

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What Should We Do In Kartini’s Day ?

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable all of teacher

Honourable all of my friends

On this occasion, by celebrating of Kartini’s Day, let us together giving thanks for the
gift of health and opportunity given by Allah swt. So we can gather together to interpret
the meaning of Kartini’s Day. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad
Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness.

In this good opportunity, I would like to say many thanks to the adjudicators who have
given me chance to deliver an English speech in front of you all. My great appreciation
also goes to all the teachers, students, and participants who have come to this place.

Teacher and Friends…

We always celebrate Kartini Day every year. The question is, what should we do in
celebrating it?

In my opinion, celebrating Kartini Day does not only mean we must wear traditional
clothes. The most important thing is we are reminded about her struggle against
discrimination towards women. Kartini Day also means that we cannot take for granted
the idea of men and women equality. There are, however, natural differences between
women and men. Kartini’s ideas should become the inspiration for women to get equal
rights as men obtained, in education and achievement and social status.

Nowdays, we can find many successful women in our country. There are many
Indonesian women who have amazing achievements in the field of business, economics,
education, government officials, and other professions. We can also find Indonesian
women who have become regency chiefs, governors,ministers, even president of
Indonesia. It indicates that Indonesian women have reached better social status and they
have participated in women’s emancipation.

As we know, she is a familiar name to the people of Indonesia. Kartini's word reminds
us the figure of a woman who struggled for the sake of enhancing the dignity. Raden
Ajeng Kartini was crowned as a pioneer of women's emancipation movement in
Indonesia. This term of emancipation it comes from a movement in Western countries
Women feel that they have been put low and became the second class citizens. It lead to
accumulate of customer dissatisfaction with the women and what came to be called the
struggle for equality of emancipation.

Understanding or definition of women emancipation itself literally is the equality of

rights and gender. The women emancipation could be interpreted as an attempt to create
equality of women's rights against the rights of men in all areas of life. The women
emancipation aimed at giving women the opportunity to work, learn and work just like
the men, balanced with her ability.

This in commemorating the Kartini day April 21, which we expect of course Kartini's
spirit and pioneer of gender equality became a role model for women in Indonesia. But
we should remember that in the fight for gender equality did not forget her nature as a

We always celebrate Kartini’s day each year. But you should allow that we currently
only displays a warning and copyright for females. But more than that, we hope that
every day, every woman Indonesia, continue to fight and build a picture, as a fragrance
in the country. We hope may God continue to bless us particularly Indonesia and the
nation State in enforcement. We hope that the women flourished, grew up in
maintaining the name of the nation and the State and society, and do not forget may
remain in keeping the family name. That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be
useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me. Then the
last I say.

Wassalamua’laykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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