Abdul Baha and His Various Visitations

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Remembering those who looked into His eyes…

Abdu’l Baha’s visits with some influential dignitaries

April 11th to December 5th, 1912

Zabine Van Ness Seattle, Washington 2012

Time to reflect

We may take the time to reflect on the extraordinary events that took place in this country in 1912 as they
were part of a greater pattern.

In God Passes By, Shoghi Effendi, after relating the trials and sufferings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the recovery
of His freedom, wrote: "So momentous a change in the fortune of the Faith was the signal for such an
outburst of activity on His part as to dumbfound His followers in East and West with admiration and wonder,
and exercise an imperishable influence on the course of its future history. He Who, in His own words, had
entered prison as a youth and left it as an old man, Who never in His life had faced a public audience, had
attended no school, had never moved in Western circles and was unfamiliar with Western customs and
language, had arisen not only to proclaim from pulpit and platform in some of the chief capitals of Europe
and in the leading cities of the North American continent, the distinctive verities enshrined in His Father's
Faith, but to demonstrate as well the divine origin of the Prophets gone before Him and to disclose the
nature of the tie binding them to that Faith."

In this country, followed by throngs of Bahá'ís and anonymous people alike, and trailed by groups of
astonished journalists and writers, 'Abdu'l-Bahá spoke to the lowliest of society and to the loftiest socialites,
to leaders of thought and representatives of governments. He addressed large audiences, praising Christ in
synagogues, bringing Mohammad's teachings to Christian churches and the unity of religion and science to
universities, further proclaiming the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh and His Mission of Peace to a world at the
brink of world war. The Master nurtured the friends, one soul at a time, captivating new believers,
confirming wavering ones, and made proud standard-bearers of the humblest, uniting all in the embracing
shelter of His Divine Love.
Abdu’l Baha arrives in New York April 11, 1912
April 23, 1912
Sinking of the Titanic
Hannen Residence Washington, DC

"TODAY [23 April 1912] I have been speaking from dawn until
now, yet because of love, fellowship and desire to be with you,
I have come here to speak again briefly. Within the last few
days a terrible event has happened in the world, an event
saddening to every heart and grieving every spirit. I refer to the
Titanic disaster, in which many of our fellow human beings
were drowned, a number of beautiful souls passed beyond this
earthly life. Although such an event is indeed regrettable, we
must realize that everything which happens is due to some
wisdom and that nothing happens without a reason. Therein is
a mystery; but whatever the reason and mystery, it was a very
sad occurrence, one which brought tears to many eyes and
distress to many souls. I was greatly affected by this disaster.
Some of those who were lost voyaged on the Cedric with us as
far as Naples and afterward sailed upon the other ship. When I
think of them, I am very sad indeed. But when I consider this
calamity in another aspect, I am consoled by the realization
that the worlds of God are infinite; that though they were
deprived of this existence, they have other opportunities in the
life beyond, even as Christ has said, “In my Father’s house are
It is eerie to remember that Abdu’l Baha was many mansions.” …..they have hastened to the Kingdom of
offered a passage on the Titanic but refused for
a more economic ticket
God. The mercy of God is infinite, and it is our duty to
remember these departed souls in our prayers and
Rest of the talk can be found at supplications that they may draw nearer and nearer to the
http://centenary.bahai.us/photo/abdul-baha- Source itself.
The travels begin…and the newspapers start to report
List of Events during Abdu’l Baha vsit to the US

April 10 – The British ocean liner RMS Titanic leaves Southampton, England on her maiden voyage for New York City.
April 15 – RMS Titanic sinks at 2:20 am, taking with her the lives of more than 1,500 people.
April 18 – The Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrives in New York City with Titanic's 706 survivors.
April 19 – The United States Senate initiates an official inquiry into the Titanic disaster, hastily issuing subpoenas for White Star
personnel before they can return to the United Kingdom.
April 20 – Tiger Stadium opens in Detroit.
April 20 – Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, opens.

May 6 – Suffragettes and their supporters parade in New York City.

May 18 – The Detroit Tigers go on strike to protest the suspension of Ty Cobb. A replacement team recruited from the coaching staff
and local colleges is fielded to avoid a forfeiture to the Philadelphia A's in a lopsided loss.
May 30 – Joe Dawson wins the second Indianapolis 500-Mile Race after Ralph DePalma's Mercedes breaks down within sight of the

June 5 – U.S. Marines land in Cuba.
June 6–June 8 – Mount Novarupta erupts in Alaska.
June 18 – The Republican National Convention nominates incumbent President William Howard Taft in Chicago, defeating a challenge
by former President Theodore Roosevelt, whose delegates bolt the convention.
June 25 – The Democratic National Convention nominates New Jersey Gov. Thomas Woodrow Wilson in Baltimore.
July 19 – A meteorite with an estimated mass of 190 kg explodes over the town of Holbrook in Navajo County, Arizona
causing thousands of pieces of debris to rain down on the town.

Italian Sunday newspaper cover featuring the July 19th, 1912 Holbrook
meteorite fall - take cover!! - it is the only witnessed meteorite fall in Arizona

August 5 – Dissident U.S. Republicans form the Progressive or Bull Moose Party, and nominate former President
Theodore Roosevelt as their presidential candidate.

September 25 – The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism is founded in New York City, New York.

October 14 – While campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, former President Theodore Roosevelt is shot by
saloonkeeper John Schrank. With a fresh flesh wound and the bullet still in him, Roosevelt delivers his scheduled
speech. After finishing his speech, he went to the hospital, where it was deduced that if he had not had his speech in
his breast pocket when he was shot, he most likely would have died.
October 16 – The Boston Red Sox, assisted by a famous error, defeat the New York Giants in extra innings to win the
1912 World Series, in what is considered one of the greatest games of baseball ever played.
October 30 – Vice President James S. Sherman dies in office just days prior to the 1912 presidential election.

November 5 – U.S. presidential election, 1912: Democratic challenger Woodrow Wilson wins a landslide victory over
Republican incumbent William Howard Taft. Taft's base is undercut by Progressive Party candidate (and former
Republican) Theodore Roosevelt, who finishes second, ahead of Taft.
President Theodore Roosevelt October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919

Home of Agnes
Parson in
Washington, DC

April 25th, 1912

“…the intellectual faculty of man is unlimited

in its sphere of action. The eye views details
perhaps a mile, but the intellect can perceive
the far East and West. The ear may hear tone
Theodore "Teddy“ was the 26th President of the United States
modulations at one thousand feet, but the
of America (1901–1909). He is noted for his exuberant
mind of man can detect the harmonies of the
personality, range of interests and achievements, and his
heavenly spheres as they swing in their
leadership of the Progressive Movement, as well as his
"cowboy" persona and robust masculinity] He was a leader of
the Republican Party and founder of the short-lived Progressive
("Bull Moose") Party of 1912. Before becoming President, he
held offices at the city, state, and federal levels. Roosevelt's Copy of the talk given that night at the home
achievements as a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and of Agnes Parsons , evening of April 25th, 1912
soldier are as much a part of his fame as any office he held as a http://centenary.bahai.us/talk/talk-home-mr-
politician. and-mrs-arthur-j-parsons-2
Jane Addams September 6, 1860 – May 21, 1935
Founder of Hull House, Chicago
Chicago April 30th, 1912

Abdu’l Baha spoke to a crowd of well over 750 seat

capacity auditorium about the unity of the races

…there is need of a superior power to overcome

human prejudices, a power which nothing in the
world of mankind can withstand and which will
overshadow the effect of all other forces at work in
human conditions. That irresistible power is the
love of God. It is my hope and prayer that it may
destroy the prejudice of this one point of
distinction between you and unite you all
permanently under its hallowed protection.
Baha'u'llah has proclaimed the oneness of the
world of humanity. He has caused various nations
and divergent creeds to unite. He has declared that
difference of race and color is like the variegated
beauty of flowers in a garden…”

Jane Addams was a pioneer settlement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and
leader in woman suffrage and world peace. Beside presidents such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, she was the
most prominent[1] reformer of the Progressive Era and helped turn the nation to issues of concern to mothers, such as the needs
of children, public health, and world peace. She had a special responsibility to clean up their communities and make them better
places to live, arguing they needed the vote to be effective. Addams became a role model for middle-class women who
volunteered to uplift their communities. She is increasingly being recognized as a member of the American pragmatist school of
philosophy.[2] In 1931 she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Mabel Thorpe Boardman October 12, 1860 – March 17, 1946
Head of the American Red Cross

O my God! O my God! Verily, Thou

dost perceive those who are present
Mabel T. Boardman was an American philanthropist involved with the
here turning unto Thee, relying upon
American Red Cross. She led the Red Cross in the United States
Thee. O my Lord! O my Lord! Illumine
following its receiving congressional charter in 1905 until World War I,
their eyes by the light of love, and
As a socialite she devoted time to many philanthropies. During the
enkindle their hearts by the rays
Spanish-American war in 1898 she was active in recruiting nurses. In
streaming from the heaven of the
1901 she was elected to the Executive Board of the American Red
Supreme Concourse. Suffer them to
Cross and subsequently led the faction that ousted Clara Barton from
become the signs of Thy bestowal
the presidency of the organization in 1904.
amongst the people and the standards
In 1920, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Boardman to be the
of Thy grace amongst mankind.
first woman member of the Board of Commissioners of the District of
From 1923 until 1944, Boardman served as the Director of the Red
Cross's Volunteer Service and overseeing its considerable expansion.
Alexander Graham Bell March 3, 1847 –August 2, 1922
Inventor of the Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) hosted a

Alexander Bell had assembled his friends and fellow
meeting in his home where he received 'Abdu'l-
scientists at his home so that they might meet Abdu’l-
Baha .
Baha. He spoke to them and answered their questions
on science and other matters until midnight, when a
late meal was served. Bell explained as he introduced April 24, 1912
his wife, who was deaf and dumb, that through his Home of Alexander Graham Bell Washington, DC
effort to develop a hearing device he invented the Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) whose
telephone. Abdu’l Baha indicated that many discoveries inventions include the telephone, the hydrofoil and
came about in the same way…noting that America was the metal detector. On the evening of 24 April 1912
discovered during the search for a route to the East. he hosted a gathering that included 'Abdu'l-Baha.
Abdu’l Baha stayed overnight.
Andrew Carnegie Industrialist (1835-1919)

Abdu’l Baha had received many invitation to a variety of Socialites

but turned them down. He made an exception with Andrew
Carnegie. He accepted his hospitality for a most memorable
“It is incumbent on every one to engage in some occupation, such as
Seattle Ballard Carnegie Library 1907
arts, trades, and the like. We have made this -- your occupation --
identical with the worship of God.”
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American
steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era.
J.P. Morgan Financier (1837-1913)

Abdu’l Baha visited with J.P.Morgan

November 12th, 1912.
It was recorded in the NY Times Nov.
19th “Prophet blesses Morgan”…

Abdul Baha shared “O, thou generous

Lord, verily this famous personage has
done considerable philanthropy, render
him great and clear in Thy Kingdom,
make him happy and joyous in both
worlds, and confirm him in serving the
Oneness, the world of humanity, and
submerge him in the sea of Favors”

John Pierpont Morgan (April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913) was an American financier, banker and art collector
who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892 Morgan arranged the
merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric. After
financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company he merged in 1901 with the Carnegie Steel Company and
several other steel and iron businesses, including Consolidated Steel and Wire Company owned by William
Edenborn, to form the United States Steel Corporation.
Arthur Pillsbury Dodge (1849-1915) Inventor and Publisher
Shoghi Effendi described Dodge as one
of "the most prominent among those
who, in those early years, awakened to
the call of the New Day, and
consecrated their lives to the service of
the newly proclaimed Covenant."21 He
also numbered Dodge among "that
immortal galaxy now gathered to the
glory of Bahá'u'lláh—[who] will for ever
remain associated with the rise and
establishment of His Faith in the
American continent, and will continue
to shed on its annals a lustre that time
can never dim."

Because of the success of the publication, Dodge became keenly interested in "educating the public unawares"
and desired to found a national magazine. Finding Boston financiers unsupportive, he went to Chicago in 1891.
George Pullman, the railroad magnate, whom Dodge approached about financing, gave Dodge an Augean task to
accomplish first: to get an innovative but partially finished steam engine for a streetcar to work. Pullman had
funded its development, but the designer had died suddenly, leaving a "white elephant."3 Dodge plunged in,
despite having neither an engineering background nor any awareness of possessing a mechanical bent, and thus
embarked on an unexpected career as a mechanical engineer and inventor. Having outfitted the original streetcar
with his new inventions, he arranged for it to operate on an experimental basis on Chicago's West Madison Street
cable car line. His design produced fewer cinders and sparks than its predecessors, was quieter, and recycled its
water—improvements that other engineers were working on as well elsewhere.
Kahlil Gibran (January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931 ) Poet Writer

Kahlil Gibran drew Abdu’l

Baha in this sketch
Much of Gibran's writings deal with Christianity, especially on the topic of spiritual love. But his mysticism is a
convergence of several different influences : Christianity, Islam, Sufism, Hinduism and theosophy. He wrote : "You
are my brother and I love you. I love you when you prostrate yourself in your mosque, and kneel in your church
and pray in your synagogue. You and I are sons of one faith - the Spirit." Juliet Thompson, one of Gibran's
acquaintances, reported several anecdotes relating to Gibran: She recalls Gibran met `Abdu'l-Bahá, the leader of
the Bahá’í Faith at the time of his visit to the United States, circa 1911[11]–1912.[21] Barbara Young, in "This Man
from Lebanon: A Study of Khalil Gibran", records Gibran was unable to sleep the night before meeting `Abdu'l-
Bahá who sat for a pair of portraits. Thompson reports Gibran saying that all the way through writing of "Jesus,
The Son of Man", he thought of `Abdu'l-Bahá. Years later, after the death of `Abdu'l-Bahá, there was a viewing of
the movie recording of `Abdu'l-Bahá – Gibran rose to talk and in tears, proclaimed an exalted station of `Abdu'l-
Bahá and left the event weeping.
Lee McClung (March 26, 1870 – December 19, 1914)
US Secretary of the Office of the Treasury

Lee McClung was an American football player who later served as

the 22nd Treasurer of the United States. He was a director of the
Man reacheth perfection through good deeds,
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, a voluntarily performed, not through good deeds
director of the Marion Institute of Alabama, a national councilman of the doing of which was forced upon him. And
the Boy Scouts of America, and treasurer of the American sharing is a personally chosen righteous act: that
Association for Highway Improvement. He was a member of the is, the rich should extend assistance to the poor,
Metropolitan, Riding, and Chevy Chase Clubs of Washington, the they should expend their substance for the poor,
University Club of New York City, and the Graduates and New Haven
Lawn Clubs of New Haven. He was also elected president of the Yale
but of their own free will, and not because the
Alumni Association of Washington on December 22, 1910. poor have gained this end by force
Kate Carew Journalist, Caricaturist 1869 – 1961

Mary Williams (June 27, 1869 - February 11, 1961), who wrote
pseudonymously as Kate Carew, was a caricaturist self-styled as
"The Only Woman Caricaturist". She worked at the New York
World from 1890 to 1901, providing illustrated celebrity
interviews… She moved to New York City, when she fell in love
with Harry Kellett Chambers, an Australian journalist and
playwright. There she worked for several New York dailies;
Joseph Pulitzer hired her to work for his "New York World"
newspaper doing illustrated celebrity interviews. She was sent to
London and Paris, where she interviewed Picasso and Rostand,
John Galsworthy, George Moore, Bret Harte to mention a few.

A painter asked: "Is art a worthy vocation?" 'Abdu'l-

Bahá turning to her impressively, said: "Art is worship."
Rev. Dr. Russell Conwell (February 15, 1843 – December 6, 1925 )
Founder of Temple University

"Acres of Diamonds" originated as a speech which Conwell delivered over 6,000 times around the world. It was first
published in 1890 by the John Y. Huber Company of Philadelphia.
The central idea of the work is that one need not look elsewhere for opportunity, achievement, or fortune—the resources
to achieve all good things are present in one's own community. This theme is developed by an introductory anecdote, told
to Conwell by an Arab guide, about a man who wanted to find diamonds so badly that he sold his property and went off in
futile search for them; the new owner of his home discovered that a rich diamond mine was located right there on the
property. Conwell elaborates on the theme through examples of success, genius, service, or other virtues involving ordinary
Americans contemporary to his audience: "dig in your own back-yard!".

Russell Herman Conwell (February 15, 1843 – December 6, 1925) was an American Baptist minister, orator,
philanthropist, lawyer, and writer. He is best remembered as the founder and first president of Temple University
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the Pastor of The Baptist Temple, and for his inspirational lecture Acres of
Diamonds. He was born in South Worthington, Massachusetts and was buried in the Founder's Garden at Temple
Louis George Gregory 1873-1951
Attorney – US Dept of the Treasury

Louis Gregory continued on to Howard

University in Washington D.C., one of the few
universities to accept black graduate students,
to study law and received his LL.B degree in
March 1902. He was admitted to the bar, and
along with another young lawyer, James A.
Cobb, opened a law office in Washington D.C.
The partnership ended in 1906, after Gregory
started to work in the United States
Department of the Treasury.

April 30, 1912 he was the only

African-American elected to the
first national administrative
body of the Bahá'í Faith in
America. Later, he was also the
first African-American to be
elected to the National Spiritual In 1951 he was posthumously
Assembly of the United States appointed a Hand of the Cause,
and Canada the highest appointed position in
the Bahá'í Faith, by Shoghi
W. E. B. DuBois (1868 - 1963)
Editor of the “Crisis” – NAACP Publication

"In regard to your question concerning the Bahá'í attitude towards Coloured Race. It is only evident that the
principle of the oneness of Mankind -- which is the main pivot round which all the Teachings of Bahá'u'lláh
revolves -- precludes the possibility of considering race as a bar to any intercourse, be it social or otherwise. The
Faith, indeed, by its very nature and purpose transcend all racial limitations and differences, and proclaims the
basic essential unity of the entire human race. Racial prejudice, of whatever nature and character, is therefore
severely condemned, and as such should be wiped out by the friends in all their relations, whether private or
social.“ Abdul=Baha

An American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, and editor. Born in western
Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up in a tolerant community and experienced little racism as a child. After
graduating from Harvard, where he was the first African American to earn a doctorate, he became a professor
of history, sociology, and economics at Atlanta University. Du Bois was one of the co-founders of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.
Rev. Percy Stickney Grant (1860-1927)
Prominent Episcopalian Clergyman and author
O concourse of priests! Leave the bells, and
come forth, then, from your churches. It
behoveth you, in this day, to proclaim aloud
the Most Great Name among the nations.
Prefer ye to be silent, whilst every stone and
every tree shouteth aloud: 'The Lord is come in
His great glory!'? Well is it with the man who
hasteneth unto Him. Verily, he is numbered
among them whose names will be eternally
recorded and who will be mentioned by the
Concourse on High. Thus hath it been decreed
by the Spirit in this wondrous Tablet. He that
summoneth men in My name is, verily, of Me,
and he will show forth that which is beyond
Juliet Thompson
the power of all that are on earth. Follow ye
A close friend,
the Way of the Lord…
arranged for Rev.
Baha’u’llah See talk
Grant to meet Abdul http://centenary.bahai.us/talk/talk-
Home of Juliet Thompson and where
Baha. bethel-literary-society-
she painted Abdu’l Baha’s portrait. metropolitan-african-methodist-

Percy Stickney Grant (1860-1927) was an American Protestant Episcopalian clergyman. He was born in Boston and
was educated at Harvard University (A.B., 1883; A.M., 1886) and at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge
(B.D., 1886). He was assistant minister of the church of the Ascension (1886) and minister of St. Mark's Church
(1887-93(, both at Fall River, Mass., and was also rector at Swansea, Mass., in 1890-93.
In 1893 he became minister of the church of the Ascension of New York City. He became known for his support of
Socialism and for his "forum" for the expression of views on labor and living conditions. Advocates of all political
and social doctrines were permitted to speak freely. This was widely criticized .
Howard Colby Ives Minister Author 1867-1941

"When I recognize the undoubted

fact that all this life has taught me,
or could ever possibly teach me, is
but a sign, a token, a symbol, of
what the future worlds of God
shall surely teach -- my whole
being is lost in thanksgiving and
praise of Him Who has bestowed
on me -- this boundless Gift and
this infinite Bounty."

First published in 1937 this is an

incomparable and unique account of
‘Abdu’l-Bahá's visit to America by one of
Howard Colby Ives was a Unitarian His own disciples.
Minister who became a Bahá’í after 'Here I saw a man who, outwardly, like
meeting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in 1912. He myself, lived in a world of confusion, yet,
left his position in the ministry to beyond the possibility of doubt, lived and
travel around the country with his worked in that higher and real world . . .
wife Mabel, teaching others about And, which is to me a most inspiring and
encouraging fact, He took it for granted
their faith. He was a writer, poet,
that you and I . . . could enter into and
and prolific correspondent with live and move in that world if we could.'
‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi.
Phoebe Apperson Hearst December 3, 1842 – April 13, 1919
Mother of William Randolph Hearst… Publishing Tycoon

William Randolph Phoebe Hearst and

Hearst Hearst Castle in CA

In 1898 she converted to the Bahá'í Faith, and helped play a key role
in the spread of the religion in the United States. She briefly travelled
to Akka and Haifa in Palestine (modern day Israel) on pilgrimage,
arriving on December 14, 1889.She later wrote, "Those three days
were the most memorable days of my life."
She died at her home in Pleasanton, California, aged 76, on April 13,
1898 first western pilgrims organized by 1919, during the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918-1919
Phoebe Hearst
Samuel Gompers (1850-1924)
First President of Labor Leader

Samuel Gompers (1850-1924), was the first and longest serving president of the American Federation of Labor.
Because of him, the AFL grew from a regular union with only a membership of 50,000 in 1886, to the largest
and most influential labor union of its time, with a membership of 3,000,000 in 1924.
Because of Samuel Gompers, his beliefs lead to the development of procedures of collective bargaining, which
are negotiations between trade unions and employers to reach an agreement about working conditions. He
helped found the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, and reorganized it to the American
Federation of Labor (AFL). He was president of the AFL till he died in 1924. He supported the workingmen, and
worked hard to fight for their rights, such as safe working conditions, shorter hours, and higher wages.
Continental Hall of the Daughters of
the American Revolution, Washington, DC

Abdu’l Baha in Washington,DC

Friday, April 26th, 1912

Full capacity crowd panel discussion

With Abdu’l Baha, Samuel Groper,
President of the American Federation
of Labor, Benjamin Trueblood,
Secretary of the Peace Association
and A.C. Morgan, United States
Bureau of Education.
Samuel Groper Benjamin Trueblood
Dr. David Starr Jordan
First President of Stanford University

Dr. David Starr Jordan Leland Stanford Junior University

Palo Alto, California
2000 in attendance that night
Abdu’l Baha with some
students on campus

The greatest attainment in the world of humanity has ever been scientific in nature. It is the
discovery of the realities of things. Inasmuch as I find myself in the home of science -- for this is one
of the great universities of the country and well known abroad -- I feel a keen sense of joy.
Abdu’l Baha

See full text of His talk here at http://centenary.bahai.us/talk/talk-leland-stanford-junior-university

Admiral Robert Peary
(1856-1920) North Pole Explorer
entry on
the day
of arrival
at the

"Ali-Kuli Khan (c. 1879-1966) Also known as

Nabilu'd-dawlih. Eminent Iranian Baha'i. He served “I hope you
briefly as 'Abdu'l-Baha's English-language secretary
(1899-1901) and was subsequently sent to America
will explore the
where he translated several Baha'i books into invisibilities of
English as well as continuing to translate 'Abdu'l- the Kingdom”
Baha's correspondence with the American Baha'is. Abdu’l Baha
He was appointed Iranian charge d'affaires in
Washington in 1910 and later served in various Peary had his own advantages in that his
high-ranking diplomatic posts. His marriage to team consisted of 133 dogs and 25 men,
Florence Breed (1875-1950) in 1904 was praised by meaning he was able to keep his "polar
Ali Kuli Khan residence
'Abdu'l-Baha as the first between East and West. party" fresh for the sprint to the Pole.
and meeting place of
See their children on the right. Peary's team was also more experienced at
several dignitaries
dog sledding.
including Admiral Peary
in Washington DC.
Charles Steinmetz (1865-1923) Inventor

We may think of science as one wing and religion as the

other; a bird needs two wings for flight, one alone would
be useless. Any religion that contradicts science or that is
opposed to it, is only ignorance -- for ignorance is the
opposite of knowledge.

Religion which consists only of rites and ceremonies of

prejudice is not the truth. Let us earnestly endeavour to be
the means of uniting religion and science.

Charles Proteus Steinmetz (April 9, 1865 – October 26, 1923) was a German-American mathematician and
electrical engineer. He fostered the development of alternating current that made possible the expansion of the
electric power industry in the United States, formulating mathematical theories for engineers. He made ground-
breaking discoveries in the understanding of hysteresis that enabled engineers to design better electric
Peace Society New York May 13th, 1912

“Today there is no greater glory for man than that of

service in the cause of the Most Great Peace. Peace
is light, whereas war is darkness. Peace is life; war is
death. Peace is guidance; war is error. Peace is the
foundation of God; war is a satanic institution. Peace
is the illumination of the world of humanity; war is
the destroyer of human foundations. When we
consider outcomes in the world of existence, we find
that peace and fellowship are factors of upbuilding
and betterment, whereas war and strife are the
causes of destruction and disintegration. All created
things are expressions of the affinity and cohesion of
elementary substances, and nonexistence is the
absence of their attraction and agreement….”
Abdu’l Baha
New York Peace Society Hotel Astor, New York

Remaining talk can be read at http://centenary.bahai.us/talk/talk-reception-new-york-peace-society

William Sulzer (1863-1941) American Congressman
The time must come when the imperative
necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-
embracing assemblage of men will be
universally realized. The rulers and kings of
the earth must needs attend it, and,
participating in its deliberations, must
consider such ways and means as will lay
the foundations of the world's Great Peace
amongst men. Such a peace demandeth
that the Great Powers should resolve, for
the sake of the tranquillity of the peoples of
the earth, to be fully reconciled among
themselves. Should any king take up arms
against another, all should unitedly arise
and prevent him. If this be done, the
nations of the world will no longer require
any armaments, except for the purpose of
preserving the security of their realms and
of maintaining internal order within their
territories. This will ensure the peace and
composure of every people,

William Sulzer (March 18, 1863 – November 6, 1941) was an American lawyer and politician, nicknamed
Plain Bill Sulzer. He was the 39th Governor of New York and a long-serving congressman from the same
state. He was the first and so far only New York Governor to be impeached.
Theodore Spicer-Simson (1871-1955) Sculptor
Theodore Spicer Simson
sculpted a profile of Abdul

It is incumbent on every one

to engage in some occupation,
such as arts, trades, and the
like. We have made 27 this --
your occupation -- identical
with the worship of God, the
true one. Reflect, O people,
upon the mercy of God and
upon his favors, then thank
him in mornings and evenings.


Theodore Spicer-Simson was a British sculptor and medallist. He is best

known for his medals, most of which are large cast works. In this form he
portrayed many of the eminent British, Irish, and American figures of his
day, and in the early 1920s he worked on a series of medallic portraits of
contemporary authors. Later, living in the United States, he eventually
acquired American citizenship.
Gertrude Kasebier (1852–1934)
Lua Distinguished Photographer in NY

….”we went to the home of Mrs., Kasebier’s -

Lua, Mts. Hinkle-Smith and I (Juliet Thompson)-
in the car with the Master to be photographed.
I shall never forget the Master’s beauty in the
strange cold light of her studio - a green, under-
water sort of light, in which He looked shining
and chiseled - like the stature of God”.
The next day in Montclair NJ Juliet and Lua
brought the proofs to be shared at the Unity
Feast in New Jersey.
New York June 20-21st, 1912

June 20, 1912

Studio of Gertrude Kasebier New

York, NY
"On June 20th 'Abdu'l-Baha agreed
to a photographic session at the
renowed Gertrude Kasebier's
Studio. See above.
He approved and chose the proofs
He liked." — 'Abdu'l-Baha in New
York, The City of the Covenant, 51.

Gertrude Käsebier (1852–1934) was one of the most influential American photographers of the early 20th
century. She was known for her evocative images of motherhood, her powerful portraits of Native
Americans and her promotion of photography as a career for women.
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise born Weisz,
Reform Rabi and Zionist leader
March 17, 1874 – April 19, 1949

“The Bahá'í Teachings, indeed, by their very

nature transcend all limitations imposed by
race, and as such can and should never be
identified with any particular school of racial

In 1902 Wise officiated as first vice-president of the Oregon State Conference of Charities and Correction. In 1903 he
was appointed Commissioner of Child Labor for the State of Oregon, and founded the Peoples' Forum of Oregon.
These activities initiated a lifelong commitment to social justice, stemming from his embrace of a Jewish equivalent
of the Social Gospel movement in Christianity.
In 1914 Wise co-founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). In A History of
Jews in America historian Howard Sachar wrote, "In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University
became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and
Rabbi Stephen Wise."[5] Other Jewish co-founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch.
In 1922 Wise founded the Jewish Institute of Religion, an educational center in New York City to train rabbis in
Reform Judaism. It was merged into the Hebrew Union College a year after his death.[6]
When the Federation of American Zionists (FAZ) was originally established, Wise was appointed the position
secretary. After the organization transformed into the Zionist Organization of America, Rabbi Wise fulfilled
positions as both president and vice president during his lifetime.
Wise was a close friend of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who turned to Wise for advice on issues concerning
the Jewish community in the United States. In addition, Wise had also acted a liaison to previous President Wilson.
Jackson Stitt Wilson (1868-1942) Mayor of Berkeley

During one of Mayor Wilson visit to the home Helen Goodall (above) he asked Abdu’l Baha to talk about the Baha’i perspective
on Economics.
“First we have to study the economic teachings in the light of modern problems more thoroughly so that we may advocate what
the Founders of the Faith say and not what we conjecture from Their Writings. There is great difference between sounding a great
general principle and finding its application to actual prevailing conditions. Secondly, the Cause is not financially in a position to
launch itself in such undertakings at present. Such plans need great financial backing to be worked out in a permanent form. In
time, Shoghi Effendi hopes all these things will come to pass. For the present we have to consolidate our basic institutions and
spread the teachings and spirit of the Faith among the public.“
Jackson Stitt Wilson (1868-1942), commonly known as J. Stitt Wilson, was a leading Christian Socialist American politician during the
first decades of the 20th Century. He is best remembered as the mayor of the city of Berkeley, California from 1911 to 1913…. Before
he became mayor of Berkeley, Wilson ran for governor of California in 1910 on the Socialist ticket ..Wilson was elected Mayor of
Berkeley in 1911 to a two year term but declined to run for re-election. In 1912 he ran for Congress as a Socialist …. During the Great
Depression, Wilson was appointed to the California State Relief Commission.
Anna Garlin Spencer (1851–1931)
First women to be ordained in Rhode Island

She was an American educator, feminist, and Unitarian minister.[1] Born in Attleboro, MA, she married the Rev. William H.
Spencer in 1878. She was a leader in the women's suffrage and peace movements. In 1891 she became the first woman
ordained as a minister in the state of Rhode Island. In Providence she was commissioned to develop the Religious Society of
Bell Street Chapel which was to be devoted to the religious outlook of James Eddy. She compiled Eddy’s views into a Bond of
Union to which members of the new society would subscribe. She was later associated with the New York Society for Ethical
Culture (1903–1909) and the New York School of Philanthropy (1903–1913). In 1909, she signed onto the call to found the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.[2] Over a long period she was a popular lecturer and wrote on
social problems, especially concerning women and family relations. Her writings include Woman's Share in Social Culture
(1913) and The Family and Its Members (1922)[
Hudson Maxim…(February 3, 1853 – May 6, 1927)
Inventor of explosives and weaponry

Abdul-Baha:. "You are a celebrated inventor and scientific expert whose

energies and faculties are employed in the production of means for
human destruction. Your name has become famous in the science of war.
Now you have the opportunity of becoming doubly famous. You must
practice the science of peace... invent guns of love which shall shake the
foundations of humanity... Then it will be said by the people of the
world, this is Mr. Maxim, inventor of the guns of war, discoverer of high
explosives, military scientist, who has also discovered and invented
means for increasing the life and love of man; who has put an end to the
strife of nations and uprooted the tree of war... Then will your name be
recorded in the pages of history with a pen of gold...
April 15th, 1912
Martin Abraham Meyer (1879-1923)
Famous Rabbi and Author

"On October 12, 1912 San Francisco

'Abdu'l-Baha was invited by Rabbi Martin A. Meyer to speak

at Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco. Time has not dimmed
my memory of the Master as He stood in the temple between
two lovely palm trees while a shaft of light from a window
fell across Him and bathed Him in the morning sunshine.
There were two thousand Jews present as 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke
about "The Fundamental Unity of Religious Thought."
Listening to the words of the Master, I realized that in that
vast temple there was absolute silence except for His
pleasing, vibrant voice calling all to unity and urging the
congregation to respect the names of Jesus and Muhammad
and above all to be kind to all mankind. He gave proof of
Jesus' claim and asked the people to set aside all religious
prejudice. In closing He said: The age has dawned when
human fellowship will become a reality.
The century has come when all religions shall be unified. The
dispensation is at hand when all nations shall enjoy the
blessings of International Peace ....
For all mankind shall dwell in peace and security beneath the
Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco shelter of the great tabernacle of the one living God."
—My Memories of 'Abdu'l-Baha by Brown, 49-50.
Robert Luce December 2, 1862 – April 7, 1946
Lt. Governor of Massachusetts

May 22nd,1912 Tremont Temple

Abdu’l-Baha addressed a crowd of

3,000 at the American Unitarian
Association Conference. He was
introduced by Lt. Governor Robert
Luce of Massachusetts. The Boston
Evening Herald read the next day
describing the standing ovation
given to Abdu’l- Baha as “Clad in
shining raiment” and “making a
great impression on his listeners”
who was an “attentive throng”.

Robert Luce (December 2, 1862 – April 7, 1946) was a United States Representative from Massachusetts. Born in Auburn,
Maine, Luce attended the public schools of Auburn and Lewiston, Maine, and Somerville, Massachusetts. He graduated
from Harvard University in 1882.
He engaged in journalism, founding and serving as president of the Luce’s Press Clipping Bureau in Boston and New York
City. He was elected a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1899 and 1901-1908. He studied law and
was admitted to the bar, but did not engage in extensive practice. He served as president of the Republican State
Convention in 1910. He was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1912. He was a member of the Massachusetts Teachers
Retirement Board. He was a delegate to the State constitutional convention 1917-1919, and served as president of the
Republican Club of Massachusetts in 1918. He was Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, and was an author, notably on
the subject of political science.
Let the plans begin….
Tablet of the Divine Plan sent to America by Abdu’l Baha

Tablet of the Divine Plan

to the Western States

Date: April 1, 1916

The Tablets of the Divine Plan were

revealed by Abdu'l-Baha in 1916 and
1917, during the First World War. The
Ottoman censor's mark is visible in red
in the center. This is a portion of the
original Tablet to the Western States,
bears the original signature of Abdu'l-
Baha in Arabic and in English script,
and was revealed in honor of Mrs.
Helen Goodall of Oakland, California.
A farewell thought on America and international war

Speaking of impending international war, 'Abdu'l-Bahá expressed the wish that America
would lead the world to peace and world unity. "In the religion of Bahá'u'lláh this question of
peace is a positive command and a religious obligation… It is a positive divine command and
is, thus, certain to come to pass."
The wider vision

With his visits to the West, the small Western Bahá'í

community was given a chance to consolidate and embrace a
wider vision of the religion; the religion also attracted the
attention of sympathetic attention from both religious,
academic, and social leaders as well as in newspapers which
provided significant coverage of `Abdu'l-Bahá's visits. During
his travels `Abdu'l-Bahá would give talks at the homes of
Bahá'ís, at hotels, and at other public and religious sites,
such as the Lake Mohonk Conference on International
Arbitration, the Bethel Literary and Historical Society, at the
NAACP, at Howard and Stanford universities, and at various
Theosophical Societies, among others. `Abdu'l-Bahá talks
across the West also became an important addition to the
body of Bahá'í literature.[In succeeding decades after his visit
the American community substantially grew[7] and then
spread across South America, Australasia, Subsaharan Africa
and the Far East.
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels
A list of all the talks given by Abdu’l-Baha during His travels

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