F. Expressing Sympathy

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Expressing Sympathy
We offer our condolences when something bad has happened to someone else.


 I’m sorry to hear that.

 I’m very sorry to hear about your father.
 I’m very sorry that your cat died.
 I feel sorry for your lost.
 Please accept my sympathy.
 Let me offer my condolences.
 Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your brother.

Responding to condolences

 Thank you
 That’s very kind of you
 That’s how it should be.
 Etc.

G. Asking for advice


 Can you give some advice?

 Do you have any advice for me?
 If were me, what would you do?
 Do you think I should tell to the teacher?
 Should I consult my parents about this matter?

H. Offering advice

 I advice you to move to a new house.

 I suggest that you buy the motorbike next year.
 If I were you, I would stop cheating during exams.
 I think you’d better study harder next time.
 You should consult your parents immediately before the matter gets worse.
I. Expressing Necessity
e.g :

 You must obey your parents.

 You must study hard if you want to pass the exams with satisfying grades.
 You must be creative and innovative if you want to be a succes entrepreneur.
 You must not cheat during exams.
 You have to go to bed early to be able to wake up early the next time.
 You have to manage your time wisely to be able to finish your work.
 You don’t have to follow all your friends’ bad habits if you don’t want to.
 You don’t have to buy new uniform for the new item if the old ones are still wearable.

J. Expressing Likes

 I like friendly and kind people.

 I really like studying Indonesian heritage.
 I enjoy writing stories about children.
 I love meeting with new people.
 I really love it when my school holds a musical performance.

K. Expressing Dislikes

 I dislikes driving in rush-hour traffic.

 I hate people who smoke in public area.
 I don’t like people who are always late.
 I can’t stand it when people snap at each other.
 It bothers me when someone acts rudely to the elderly.

L. Expressing Surprise

 what a surprise !
 this is really a surprise!
 What shocking news!
 I don’t believe it1
 Are you kidding?
 You must be joking.
 Really?
 It’s surprising that she just mae her biggest dream come true.

M. Expressing pride

 I’m proud of you.

 You should be proud and feel lucky to have a daughter like her.

N. expressing ability

 My sister can play the violin beautifully.

 I’m able to speak English.
 He is capable of using a computer.

O. expressing inabilty

 I can’t sing a song.

 She is unable to ride a bicycle.
 He is incapable of swimming.

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