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List of Adjectives, Adverbs, Nouns and Verbs

Adjective Adverb Noun Verb Meaning

accurate accurately accurateness adj. - free from error. (antonym -
agreeable agreeably agreement agree
adj.- giving pleasure to someone
(antonym - disagreeable)

n. - a promise or contract made

with someone

v. - to say that one is willing

amazing, amazed amazingly amazement amaze adj. - great surprise and wonder
(antonym - unamazing)
annoying, annoyingly annoyance annoy adj. - annoying - causing slight
annoyed anger or irritation

adj. - annoyed - rather angry

n. - the things that annoys

artistic artistically art -- adj. - having natural skills at
drawing, painting, acting, etc.
(antonym - unartistic)
associate -- association associate adj. - joined / part of (antonym -

n. - group, organization

v. - to join together / to act together

with or deal with somebody
attractive attractively attractiveness attract adj.- pretty /pleasing / interesting
(antonym - unattractive)
behaved -- behaviour behave adj. - acting in a specific way. used
to form compound adjectives e.g.
well-behaved (antonym -

n. - way of acting / way of treating


v. - to act in a specified way

believable believably belief believe adj. - that can be believed(antonym
- unbelievable)

n. - the feeling that something is

real or true

v. - to feel sure of the truth of

beneficial beneficially beneficiary benefit adj. - having a helpful or useful
effect (antonym -

n. - being kind, friendly and


v. - profit / gain / future good

bold boldly boldness -- adj. - confident and brave
(antonym - cowardly)
casual casually casualness -- adj. - happening by chance / not
serious (antonym - formal)
clear clearly clear adj. - free from cloud / without ,
error, defect or drawback (antonym
- unclear)
comfortable comfortably comfort comfort adj. - enjoyable / free from pain
(antonym- adj. uncomfortable /
antonym - noun discomfort)

v. - to make someone (or yourself)

convenient conveniently convenience -- adj. - easy / handy / useful
(antonym - inconvenient)
commercial commercially commerce -- adj. - to make money / related to
business practices and activities
(antonym - noncommercial)
creative creatively creation create adj. - able to make or produce
things(antonym - uncreative)
critical critically criticism criticize adj. - looking for faults or
problems (antonym - uncritical)
dated dateless datedness date adj. - old fashion, not modern
(antonym - modern)

v. - to write the date / to meet a

person of the opposite sex
decided decidedly decision decide adj. - clear, definite (antonym -

n. - the conclusion reached /

outcome / result / judgment

v. - to settle an argument or dispute

/ to choose / to make up one's mind
decisive decisively decisiveness -- adj. - showing the ability to decide
quickly (antonym - indecisive)
deliberate deliberately -- -- adj. - done on purpose (antonym -
different differently -- -- adj. - unusual, uncommon
(antonym - same)
-- -- discussion discuss n. - a talk

v. - to talk or write about

disputable disputably dispute dispute adj. - something that can be
questioned or argued about
(antonym - indisputable)

n. - argument

v. - to argue / to debate
distracted distractedly distraction distract adj. - unable to concentrate
properly (antonym - undistracted )

n. - a noise, sound, sight, etc.

which prevents concentration
ethical ethically ethic adj. - morally correct (plural
ethics) antonym - unethical
exact exactly exactness exact adj. - strictly correct (antonym -
extraordinary extraordinarily -- -- adj. - above the usual (antonym -
normal, usual, common
fashionable fashionably fashion fashion adj. - trendy / stylish (antonym-
unfashionable) v - to make
fascinated / -- fascination fascinate adj. - attracted and delighted by
fascinating creating interest and curiosity
(antonym - uncritical)
flexible flexibly flexibility flex adj. - the ability to bend (antonym
- inflexible)
v. - to tighten, usually muscles in
the human body
forgivable -- forgiveness forgive adj. - can be forgiven (antonym -

v. - to stop blaming or stop

resenting someone for something
he or she has done
fortunate fortunately fortune adj. - lucky (antonym -
friendly friendlily friendliness adj. - kind, affectionate (antonym -
happy happily happiness adj. - content, glad (adj. -
n. - joy
harmonious harmoniously harmony adj. - agreeable, friendly (antonym
- disharmonious)
hidden -- -- hide adj. - kept out of sight / unseen
(antonym -visible )
heightened height heighten adj. - make higher / intensify
(antonym -lowered )
honest honestly honesty adj - frank, open, truthful (antonym
- dishonest)
honourable honourably honour honour adj. - ethical, fair, moral,
principled (antonym -

n. - personal respect

v. - to respect highly / accept or

pay a debt
imaginable / imaginably imagination imagine adj. - imaginable - likely, possible
imaginary (antonym - unimaginable)

adj. - imaginary - existing only in

the mind (antonym - unimaginary)

n. - the ability to create images of

things that are not present

v. imagine - to create a picture in

the mind
important importantly importance adj. - serious (antonym -
improvable -- improvement improve adj. - can be made better (antonym
- un improvable)

n. - something that adds to the

value of something
inspirational inspirationally inspiration inspire adj. - (antonym - uninspired)
intrigued / intriguingly intrigue intrigue adj. - (antonym - un intrigued)
intelligent intelligently intelligence adj - cleaver, smart (antonym -
inventive inventively invention invent adj. - (antonym - uninventive)
irritable irritably irritant / irritate adj. - easily annoyed
n. - irritant - person or thing
causing irritation

n. - irritation - annoyance, slight

justified justifiable justification justify adj - morally correct (antonym -

v - to show the rightness or justice

of something
legal legally legality adj. - allowed by law (antonym -
legible legibly legibility adj. - easily read (antonym -
legitimate legitimately legitimacy legitimize adj. - lawful, regular / born in
wedlock (antonym - illegitimate)
liberal liberally liberal liberalize adj. - generous / tolerant /
unrestricted amount of something
(antonym - illiberal)

n. - a person who has liberal ideas

(usually about freedom from

v. - to free from political or moral

likely likely likelihood like adj. - probably (antonym -

adv, - very probable

n. - probability

v. - similar to / to be fond of /
having some or all of the qualities
or features of
logical logically logic -- adj. - clear, rational, reasonable
(antonym - illogical)

n. - art or philosophy of reasoning

lucky luckily luck -- adj. - fortunately (antonym -
mature maturely maturity mature adj. - ripe like a fruit / completely
developed like an adult (antonym -
moral morally morality moralize adj. - right and just (antonym -

v. - to talk in a self-righteous way

about what is right or wrong
mortal mortally mortality -- adj. - human / deadly or fatal
(antonym immortal - live forever)
noticeable noticeably notice notice adj. - attracting attention / easily
seen (antonym - unnoticeable)

n. - a sign, advertisement or

v. - to see something

offensive offensively offensiveness offend adj. - upsetting or annoying

(antonym -inoffensive)
ordinary ordinarily -- -- adj. common, usual, not strange
(antonym - unordinary)
patient patiently patience adj. - ability to accept delay
(antonym - impatient)
perfect perfect perfection perfect adj. - without error or flaw
(antonym - imperfect)
v. - to make something without
error or flaw
performing -- performance perform adj. - doing or acting / doing as
expected (antonym -

n. - act, play, feat, achievement

v. - to do something / to act a part

in a play
polite politely politeness adj. - having or showing good
manners (antonym - impolite)
possible possibly possibility -- adj. - something that can be done
(antonym - impossible)
powerful powerfully power power adj. - very strong / having great
influence (antonym - powerless)

n. - energy

v. - the ability to do something

preventable -- prevention prevent adj. - that which can be avoided,
stopped or hindered (antonym -

v. - to stop or hinder
probable probably probability adj. - likely (antonym -
professional professionally professionalism adj. - a qualified worker who does
-- something to a high standard
(antonym - unprofessional)
protective protectively protection protect adj. - trying or intended to protect

n. - defense / safety

v. - to keep safe from harm, injury,

hurt, etc. / guard
rational rationally rationale / rationalize adj. - reasonable, sensible
(antonym - (irrational)
v. - justify by reasoning
recommended / -- recommendation recommend adj. - (antonym - unrecommended)
regular regularly regularity -- adj. - normal, usual, habitual
(antonym - irregular)
relevant relevantly relevance -- adj. - related to the matter under
discussion (antonym - irrelevant)
reliable reliability reliability adj. - dependable (antonym -
religious religiously religiousness -- adj. - pious / conscientious / holy
(antonym - unreligious - not
religious / irreligious -
replaceable -- replacement adj. - can be replaced (antonym -
representative -- representative represent adj. - typical (unrepresentative)

n. - one chosen to stand for a group

v. - to symbolize / to stand for

respectful respectable respectability respect adj. - showing consideration or
politeness (antonym -

n. - worthy of respect

v. - to look up to / show
consideration for
responsible responsibly responsibility -- adj. - legally or morally obliged
(antonym - irresponsible)
reversible reversibility reverse reverse adj. - can be changed back to its
original condition (antonym -

n. - the opposite
romantic romantically romantic romanticize adj. - of or dealing with love /
loving (antonym - unromantic)

n. - visionary / a sentimental
satisfactory satisfactorily satisfaction satisfy
adj. - acceptable / fair / good
enough (antonym - unsatisfactory)

n. - pleasure / pride / sense of


v. - to please / to come up to

significant significantly significance signify adj. - important / meaningful

(antonym - insignificant)

v. - to be a sign of
soluble -- solubility solution
adj. - can be dissolved in water
(antonym - insoluble)

n. - the answer to a problem / the

liquid in which something is

speedy speedily speed speed adj. - quickly (antonym - slowly)

n. - swiftness / rate of progress

v. - to move quickly
successful successfully success succeed adj. - profitable / rewarding /
fortunate (antonym - unsuccessful)

n. - favourable outcome

v. - turn out satisfactorily

symbolic symbolically symbol symbolize adj. - using something as a symbol
(antonym - unsymbolic)

n. - an image, object, etc. used to

represent something

v. - to be a representation of
something or someone
talkative -- talk / talk adj. - (antonym - untalkative)
tasteful tastefully tastefulness taste adj. - in a good style / to one's
liking (antonym - distasteful)

v. - to eat a small amount of

taught / teaching -- teacher teach adj. - instructed (antonym -
thrilled / thrilling -- thrill thrill adj. - excited (antonym -unexcited)

valid -- validity validate

adj. - genuine / good / true /
accurate (antonym - invalid)

adv. - lawfulness / legality / right

v. - to make legally true / to make

something logical or justifiable

Hard Hard Harden Hardness

Beautiful Beautifully Beautify Beauty
Final Finally Last Finalist
Complete Completely Complete Completeness
High Highly High Highness
Hard Hard Harden Hardness
Beautiful Beautifully Beautify Beauty
Final Finally Last Finalist
Complete Completely Complete Completeness
High Highly High Highness

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