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Name: Class: 12A1 Date: 13/01

I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If it cost too much, I (buy) ________________ a smaller one.
2. If the class (be) ________________ full, we will find another one.
3. What will we do if the taxi (not come) ________________ ?
4. Will you phone me if there (be) ________________ any problem?
5. I (ask)________________ Peter if I see him tomorrow.
6. I will go next week if I (get) ________________ a train ticket.
7. It I have enough apples, I (bake) ________________ an apple pie this afternoon.
8. I will fix your bicycle if I (have) ________________ a screwdriver of the proper size.
9. If you drove more carefully, you (not, have) ________________ so many accidents.
10. If he (get) ________________ up earlier, he would get to work on time.
11. If we (have) ________________ more time, I would tell you more about it.
12. If you (sell) ________________ more products, you would earn more money.
13. I could help you if you (trust) ________________ me more.
14. Where would you like to live if you (not live) ________________ in Paris?
15. What (you, do) ________________ if you won a million dollars?
16. Would you mind if I (not give) ________________ you the money?
17. If I spoke English, my job (be) ________________ easier.
18. If I (be) ________________ you, I wouldn’t worry about going to the university.
19. If you had phoned me last night, I (wait) ________________ for you.
20. If he (meet) ________________ you yesterday, he would have invited you to his party.
21. If I (not go) ________________ out last night, I would have met him.
22. If Tom had been here yesterday, he (be) ________________ able to advise us.
23. If he (go) ________________ to London yesterday, he would have met his old friend.
24. If I (have________________ to go to hospital, I would have given you some.
25. If I (have) ________________ any money, I would have given you some.
26. I wouldn’t have minded having children if I (live) ________________ in the country.
27. His car (be) ________________ a lot safer if he had bought some new tires.
28. The children would have been better swimmer if they (go) ______________ swimming more
29. Cat could fly if they (have) ________________ wings.
30. If Peter (study) ________________ harder, he would get better marks.
31. You will be late for class if you (not hurry) ________________
32. Mary would not have got wet if she (wear) ________________ a raincoat.
33. If today (be) ________________ a holiday, I would stay in bed for all day long.
34. If she (make) ________________ him change his mind, she would save him a lot of trouble.
35. Your parents (be) ________________ a lot happier if you (phone) ________________ them earlier.
36. If I (be) ________________ a bird, I would not want to live in a cage.
37. I (make) ______________ a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are
38. Jack will shave today if he (have) ________________ a sharp razor.
39. Sally always answers the phone if she (be) ________________ in her office.
40. If I (have) ________________ enough money, I will go with you.
41. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we (go) ________________ to the zoo.
42. If Sally (be) ________________ at home tomorrow, I’m going to visit her.
43. If you (be) ________________ lazy, you will fail the exam.
44. If you don’t have breakfast, you (get) ________________ hungry.
45. I (buy) ________________ shares in that company if I had some money.
46. If he (clean) ________________ His windscreen he’d have been able to see where he was going.
47. If you drove your car into the river, (you, be) ________________ able to get out?
48. If you (not belong) ________________ to a union you couldn’t get a job.
49. If I (win) ________________ a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job.
50. What you (do) _________ if you found a burglar in your house?
51. If I (be) ________________ you, I (apply) ________________ for that job.
52. If we (forgive) ________________ you, you (tell) ________________ my mother that secret last
53. If we (live) ________________ in the seaside, we (go) ________________ swimming every day.
54. If they (arrive) ________________ at the airport earlier, they (not miss) ________________ the
55. If tonight (be) ________________ Saturday night, I (go out) ________________ with my friends.
56. We (go) ________________ on a picnic if it (not snow) ________________ heavily last Sunday.
57. If the police (be) ________________ present here now, those boys (stop) ________________
58. The score of yesterday’s match (not be________________ so bad if Tony (not be________________
sent out of the field.
59. He (live) _____________ a happier life if he (have) _____________ some parental love. He is
60. If our teacher (be) ________________ here now, he (tell) ________________ us how to solve that
61. They (get) ________________ better marks if they (study) ________________ harder every day.
62. He (meet) ________________ his old friend if he (go) ________________ To London yesterday.
63. If we (know) ________________ who he was, we (invite) ________________ him to speak at our
64. If the weather (be) ________________ nice today, we (go) ________________ to the zoo.
65. Why didn’t you attend the meeting? - Oh I did not know indeed. If I (know)_________ I
(come)____________ there.
66. If last night I (not, see) ______________ you in the street, I would have missed you so much.
67. If you (be, not) _________ me, you wouldn’t understand me.
68. Tom (not, open) _________________ the windows if the wind becomes stronger.
69. We (see) _____________ the tiger now if we visited the zoo.
70. The girl (not, be) __________________ sad if she had passed the exam.
71. Mary will give you a ring if she (not, work) ____________________ this evening.
72. I would have a present if I (have) _______________ a party.
73. My school would not have got older if it (be, not) __________________ repainted last year.
74. If the young man (take) _____________ off his coat, he will get a cold.
75. If your boss (sit) __________________ in the office now, he could solve your problem.
76. If people (not, build) __________ a new school ten years ago, students would have had a place to
77. If you sing well, everyone (clap) _______________ their hands.
78. If the boy didn’t play soccer, the ball (not, jump) __________________ over my windows.
79. If Mai hadn’t got married with the old man, she (not, feel) ___________________ sad.
80. Her son (not, get) ________________ lost if he isn’t careful.
81. The man (have) __________________ some troubles if he went on making this project.
82. We (not, listen) ___________________ to you if we had been angry last night.
83. If you feel sad, you (talk) _____________________ to me.
84. If she hadn’t crossed the street yesterday, she (be, not) ________________________ in the hospital
85. You might get fat if you (stop) __________________ smoking.
86. You (get) ___________________ a job if you had a degree.
87. If she (phone) _____________ me tonight, I can talk to her.
88. They won’t travel Nha Trang if there (be) ___________ a storm.
89. We (not, work) _______________ hard if we get sick.
90. What (happen) _____________ if there were no gravity?
91. People (not, see) _____________ if they didn’t have eye.
92. If she (be) __________ me, she could take this job.
93. If he (not, call) ______________ you tomorrow, I won’t meet him.
94. The man could see a tiger on the street if it (get) ___________ lost.
95. You mom wouldn’t be sick if she (not, take) _________________ care of you.
96. The boss couldn’t fire you if you (try) ____________ your best.
97. A monkey (bite) ___________ you if you attack it.
98. If Susan (go) ______________ to the party, she could join a dancing club.
99. If they (be, not) _____________ at school, they can’t be punished.
100. If a man (point) ______________ a gun with me, I would be frightened.
II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. If the earth suddenly ______________ (stop) spinning we all ______________ (fly) off it.
2. If you ______________ (smoke) in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers
______________ (object).
3. ______________ (your parents/ not/ be) proud if they could see you now?
4. I’ll lend you War and Peace if I ______________ (finish) it before you go on holiday.
5. If we ______________ (work) all night we ______________ (finish) in time; but we have no
intention of working all night.
6. If you had worked harder, you ______________ (pass) your final exam.
7. There have been a lot of thefts from cars in the city center. If you ______________ (leave) your car
there, ______________ (not leave) any valuabIes in it.
8. I don't have enough money to buy that house. But if I ______________ (have) more money, I
______________ (buy) it.
9. I got wet because I didn't take my umbrella. However, I ______________ (not/ get) wet if I
______________ (remember) to take my umbrella with me.
10. I'm broke, but I ______________ (have) plenty of money now if I ______________ (not/ spend) so
much yesterday.
11. Tom's hobby is collecting stamps from all over the world. If he ______________ (travel) to a new
country, he ______________ (spend/ always) time looking for new stamps.
12. I'm doing the test very well now. I ______________ (not/ do) the test well if I ______________
(not/ revise) thoroughly last night.
13. ______________ (you/ take) that job if you ______________ (know) that you had to work nights?

III. Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentences

1. I don't ride the bus to school every morning because it's always so crowded.

2. The schoolchildren sowed some seeds, but they forgot to water them so they didn't grow.

3. Stop talking or you won't understand the lesson.


4. The wind is blowing hard, so we won't take the boat out for a ride.

5. Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying.


6. I feel better now because you talked to me about my problems yesterday.


7. Because I don't have enough free time, I can't help my mother with the housework.

8. Rita is exhausted today because she didn't get any sleep last night.

9. I didn't prepare for today's lesson: So it is difficult for me to understand the teacher's explanation.

10. I don't want them to be upset, so I've decided not to tell them what happened.
11. Martin failed his driving test last week because he was very nervous.

12. Go right now or you'll be late for the train.


13. Sally doesn't know what she has to do for homework because she was absent from school on

14. Olga and Ivan weren't paying attention, so they didn't see the sign marking their exit from the

15. Paulo is working on two jobs right now, so he doesn't have time to help you with your

16. Martin failed his driving test last week. He was very nervous

17. I didn’t know that George had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him up

18. I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have any money on me


19. Unfortunately, I didn’t have an umbrella so I got very wet in the rain

20. Mary didn’t wear a raincoat. She got a cold


21. People don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak very clearly

22. She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry


23. The weather isn’t fine so they can’t go to the beach


24. They won the match because two of our players were injured

25. I made a lot of noise. I didn’t know were busy

26. I don’t want them to be sad. I’ve decided to tell them the news

27. The patient didn’t get the treatment so he died


28. My husband didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station

29. The accident happened because the train driver ignored a warning light

30. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house

I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Some fish can survive in salt water, _______ other species can live only in fresh water.
A. since B. when C. whereas D. as long as
2. You can go where you like _______ you get back before dark.
A. although B. as long as C. or else D. despite
3. _______ they are delicious, hamburgers and French fries are too high in fat.
A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. However
4. Only when you grow up _______ how to organize things more neatly.
A. do you know B. you will know C. you know D. will you know
5. If she let this chance slip, she _______ it for the rest of her life.
A. would regret B. regrets C. will regret D. would have regretted
6. If _______ it would stop raining for a morning, we could cut the grass.
A. even B. only C. ever D. just
7. “Well, if I _______ it several times, I might still believe he has good intentions.”
A. hadn’t heard Dino to be saying C. heard not Dino as saying
C. didn’t hear Dino say D. hadn’t heard Dino say
8. _______ we invested in telecommunications industry, we would be rich now.
A. Had B. Were C. Would D. Should
9. If Joe had practiced tennis more when he was younger, he _______ able to play it then.
A. would be B. would have been C. will be D. wouldn’t be
10. I’m really sleepy today. I wish I _______ Bob to the airport late last night.
A. weren’t taking B. didn’t have to take C. didn’t take D. hadn’t had to take
11. - “Have I done something wrong?”
- “I wish you _______ more tactful; you’re always offending people.”
A. were being B. have been C. were D. had been being
12. If I _______ following that other car too closely, I would have been able to stop in time instead of
running into it.
A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. hadn’t been D. would have been
13. ____ you telling me about the trip, I would have never come and missed so much good
A. If it was not for B. If it hasn’t been for
C. Had it not been for D. Had if it not been for
14. If it had not rained last night, the roads in the city_______ so slippery now.
A. would not have been B. must not be C. could not have been D. would not be
15. _______ it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.
A. Provided I had seen B. Had I not seen
C. Unless I had not seen D. If I had seen
16. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I _______ it.
A. would never have believed B. don’t believe
C. hadn’t believed D. can’t believe
17. Had she worked hard last summer, she _______.
A. wouldn’t sack B. wouldn’t be sacked
C. wouldn’t have been sacked D. wouldn’t have sacked
18. If he hadn’t shown such a blatant disregard for company regulations by smoking while on duty,
he _______.
A. wouldn’t have dismissed B. wouldn’t have been dismissed
C. wouldn’t be dismissed D. wouldn’t dismiss
19. _______, he would have been able to pass the exam.
A. If he were studying more B. Had he studied more
C. If he studied more D. Studying more
20. _______ you cut down your carbohydrate intake, you _______ weight by now.
A. Had – would lose B. If – will lose
C. Had – would have lost D. Were – would have lost
21.Without your help, I _______ the technical problem with my computer the other day.
A. could solve B. couldn’t have solved C. can’t solve D. wouldn’t solve

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