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Name : Tiara Rosa Dhamayanti

NIM : P1337420216009
Class : 2A
Comparison of Muscle Strength in Stroke Patients between The Given and Not Given

Range of Motion Exercise

Stroke is a condition in which the flow of blood supply to the brain inhibits.

Symptoms that occur in stroke patients include weakness in the upper and lower ekstermitas,

loss of facial sensation, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swallowing. Another symptom that

arises is hemiparesis that occurs muscle weakness on one side of the body that causes

weakness or inability to move one side of the body.

While the ROM (range of motion) exercise is a therapy performed to improve or

maintain muscle flexibility and strength. ROM exercises can be done actively and passively

on all joints or only on parts such as the neck, fingers, arms, elbows, shoulders, knees, feet

and ankles that are suspected of having the disease as a weakness of the extremities. This will

reduce stroke complications so that the healing process after a stroke will be faster so that

patients feel more comfortable. Decreased muscle strength, muscle atrophy, contractures and

decubitus sores will occur if ROM exercises are not implemented as early as possible.

In addition to ROM, increased muscle strength is also affected by age, younger people

tend to recover faster than older people. Based on the research that has been done found that

there is a significant difference that is the increase in muscle strength in patients who were

given ROM exercise compared with patients who were not given ROM. In this research also

researcher give some suggestion that is:

1. ROM exercises can be used in the provision of nursing care as nursing orders

2. ROM exercises should be done early and programmed in every nursing service institution

either by the nurse or in collaboration with the family after the first family is taught about the
range of motion exercises

3. Create a fixed schedule schedule (SOP) and a clear schedule ROM like frequency 2 times a

day every morning and afternoon

4. Provide training and guidance to the nurses about the implementation of ROM exercises

either passively or actively in stroke patients

5. The need for further research on the effects of ROM exercises for muscle strength in

patients with homogeneity of stroke samples can therefore improve the study.

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