Configure Backup MDM

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One approach to TWS MDM disaster recovery preparation considering DB2

Technote (FAQ)

Is there a way to configure a Tivoli Workload Scheduler (TWS) Master Domain Manager (MDM) and Backup Manager (BKM) so
that the BKM can quickly take over as the new master for a long term scenario?

This is a procedure to configure an instance of a fully functional backup master that has the components available to create a
new plan using only one system (meaning no external DB server.)

Installing and configuring the backup master instance:

On the host to be the backup master:

1. Install DB2 Server

2. Install Master instance.

3. Modify WebSphere configuration to have the capability to connect to a remote database and a local database.

$ cd <TWSHome>/wastools
$ \\Rename the resultant file to
$ > ds.props.local
$ copy ds.props.local ds.props.remote \\ modify ds.props.remote so that DB2Type4ServerName= is the value for your MDM's
db2server host.
$ ds.props.remote
$ \\Rename the resultant file to

4. Confirm that the netman process is running and that the netman port configured for this instance of TWS is listening. Use
'netstat -an' to see a listing of port activities including ports that are in the LISTENING state.

On the original Master instance:

1. Add a workstation definition on the original master for the backup master. The workstation definition needs to be in the
MASTERDM domain and be a FULLSTATUS Fault Tolerant Agent ( FTA). To bring this new CPU definition into the current plan
take the following steps:

$ optman chg cf=ALL \\ to prevent non-carryforward jobstreams that are not complete from being archived.
$ JnextPlan -for 0000
$ optman chg cf=YES \\ to return the carryforward behavior to a state in which only carryforward defined jobstreams can be
carried forward.
$ conman sc \\ The backup master should now be listed in the current set of CPUs and the state for that FTA should be "LTI JW"

On the backup master host:

1. Start WebSphere

$ cd <TWSHome>/wastools
$ startWas

The backup master instance is now configured to be able to serve as a short term or long term master.

Switch to backup master SHORT TERM scenario:

On backup master host:

1. $ conman
%switchmgr MASTERDM;<bkmname>

This will cause all of the FTAs in the environment including the old master to recognize the backup master as the current
master. This is only in effect for the current plan. If the FINAL schedule runs on the old master then the new plan will have the
old master as the master once again. This is because the old master's workstation definition has it defined as the MANAGER of
the MASTERDM domain. If the FINAL schedule does not run on the old master and nothing else is done on the backup master
then the plan is not extended at the start of day and the new jobstreams are not scheduled.

Switch to backup master LONG TERM scenario:

1. Perform a switchmgr to have the backup master take over the TWS network immediately
As the TWSUser:

$ conman
%switchmgr MASTERDM;<bkmname>

2. Copy a backup of the TWS database made on the old master to the backup master.
As the db2 administrator:

$ db2cmd \\On Windows

$ cd <directory_with_backup_file>
$ db2 restore db TWS

3. Configure database objects so that the backup master will still be the master at the next start of day.

$ cd <TWSHome>\wastools restoreConfig

$ composer "modify cpu=<oldmaster>" \\Change the TYPE to FTA
$ composer "modify cpu=<bkmname>" \\Change the TYPE to MANAGER
Modify the file <TWSHome>\localopts \\Change DEFAULTWS value to the backup master workstation name
$ conman cs <OLDMASTER>#FINAL \\ Prevent the oldmaster's FINAL from executing.
$ composer modify sched=<OLDMASTER>#FINAL \\ Disable the oldmaster's FINAL by setting DRAFT mode.

$ composer add Sfinal
$ composer display sched=FINAL \\ Confirm the AT time is correct if not use composer modify
$ optman ls \\confirm start of day is correct for the current timezone
\\to change if necessary: optman chg sd=hhmm
$ composer modify sched=<bkmname>#FINAL \\Change the AT time to one minute before the "start of day"
$ optman chg cf=ALL \\Brings all not complete schedules to new plan
$ conman sbs FINAL
$ optman chg cf=YES \\ to return the carryforward behavior to a state in which only carryforward defined jobstreams can be
carried forward.

To switch back to the old master, take the same set of steps including backing up the TWS database on the backup master's
DB2 server and restoring that on the original master.

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Información del documento

More support for: IBM Workload Scheduler

Versión de software: 8.4, 8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6

Sistema(s) operativo(s): AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows 2003

Nº de referencia: 1392132

Fecha de modificación: 19 enero 2015

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