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1. What will you do first before making  Perform Hand washing. To avoid the spread of
up the bed? Why? microorganism.
 Wear Personal Protective Device
2. What will you do if you found dentures  Get a tissue or wear a clean glove (prevent
or ring under the pillow while doing contamination)
bed making /changing the linen?  If denture, wash and clean it with running water,
then put in a denture cup (if available) or put it on
a clean container, and place on the bedside table.
 If ring, Place in an envelope or small plastic bag
and label it with the name of the patient, item,
room number and give it to the watcher – ask the
watcher what her/his relationship with the patient
if not related or no watcher is around give the ring
to the Nurse on Duty – Supervisor for safekeeping
and document.
3. Are you going to shake off the linen  No. To prevent spread of microorganisms and
that you stripped from the bed? Why cross contamination.
4. Where will you place the soiled linens?  Use pillow case as improvised linen hamper /
linen trolley.
5. What will you do with the soiled linen?  Place it on the line trolley and put it in the Waste
container label - Soiled Linen.
6. What will you put/place when patient  Place an Absorbent pad / rubber sheet then
is soaking? change the linen
7. How often do you change bed linens?  As soon as possible
 PRN (as necessary / whenever possible)
 Depending on hospital policy.
8. Follow-up question on #7. WHY?  To control linen stocks.
 To prevent shortage of linen stocks – especially
during rainy days and plenty of patients.
9. How will you maintain linen stocks at  Inventory process together with the in charge and
end user location? Distribution? the supervisor.
 When the FAR LEVEL (Cut off limit) will be meet.
10. If you have found a sharp object in the  Wear Gloves –
soiled linen, what will you do next?  If none. Use tissue or pick-up forceps and
throw/put it in the sharp waste container and
consider linen as soiled.
11. What is the most appropriate solution  Disinfect soiled linens with Detergent Soap.
that would be used to disinfect the
linen? Or What would you use to
disinfect the linen?

FM Dec
12. When changing/performing/doing the  Thru Comfort – Place PILLOWS and Always ask the
linen of an occupied bed, What would patient if he/she is comfortable – OKEY and
you do to insure your patient’s provide privacy to your patient.
comfort and safety?  For Safety – Always put up the side rails, pillow,
tables, and chairs and assist the weak side of the
patient and use correct body mechanics.
13. In bed making, how will you position  Open side should be facing away from the door.
your pillows?
14. How will you handle patient who  Be patient
always complain while changing bed  Explain calmly the procedure and the importance
linen? / rationale to the patient, but assess also the
health status of the patient
 If still insist / complaining ignore the attitude of
the patient and continue your work / procedure.
15. What is your self protection in  Handwashing
performing bedmaking? Or How will  Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment.
you protect yourself when changing
the patient bed linen?
16. What transport equipment will you use  Linen Trolley.
to transport the soiled linen?
17. How do you keep track and monitor  Inventory Process.
linen stock at end user locations?
Notes: Example:
OPTIMUM LEVEL (Actual Stock)  OP 60 capacity + 40 excess = 100
FAR LEVEL (Cut off)  FL 40 or 50 left request again to maintain
optimum level.


What are the Linen Stock? Linen stock are:

Bottom Sheet
Rubber Sheet
Draw Sheet
Top Sheet
Pillow Case
When are you going to collect soiled linen? Collect soiled linens if necessary / or depend on the
What will you do with the soiled linen hospital policy or as needed.
bag? Place in a plastic bag and seal
Place in the trolley for soiled linens
What is the most appropriate equipment For transporting – Linen hamper or linen trolley.
that would be used to transport soiled
linen? What will you use to protect to Wear PPE and gather all soiled linen, tie and put it
protect yourself? into the mobile waste bin labeled Soiled Linen.
Do you know your linen stocks? How often YES. As per hospital policy and procedures
do you request for new linen?

FM Dec

1. How will you assist in patient mobility?  Assist patient on the affected side or the weak
 Use an assistive device
 Use body mechanics –
1. Enlarging the base of support increases the
stability of the body.
2. Facing in the direction of the task to perform
and turn the entire body in one plane.
2. What are some safe handling methods  Always assist the weak side or affected side of
that would be use in carrying out the patient, place hands on the abdomen, and
patient mobility? Support the back of the patient.
 Assisting the patient to:
 Change Position
 Walk / Ambulate
 Wheelchair
 Transporting patient by wheelchair or
 Crutches or other walking aids
 Use a hoist or mechanical lifter.
3. How will you ensure that your patient  Thru Comfort – Place Pillows and always ask the
comfort and safety is achieved while patient if he/she is comfortable – OKEY and
doing mobility? always provide privacy by placing blankets and
put curtains drawn

 For Safety –
o Always put up the side rails, if no siderails use
pillow or chair
o Place transfer belt when moving patient
o Always assist the weak side of the patient.
o Lock Wheels.
4. Why does body mechanics important?  Prevent back injury / strains
Give 3 answers  To avoid injury to the patient
 Protects us from strain.
 Maintain body posture
 Maintain balance
5. What will you do first before going to  Check the doctor’s order – to know which side is
the patient to assist him/her in affected and to know our limitation.
mobility?  Confirm the NOD regarding the procedure, to
What protective device will you use? avoid error.
 For protective devices depends on the case of
the patient.
6. Give examples of assistive devices  Transfer Belt
 Wheelchair & Stretcher

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 Mechanical Lifter
 Walker / Canes
7. What are safe handling methods in  Always assist the back of the patient and
doing/ performing mobility? maintain body alignment.
 By positioning patient in a sidelying, sitting
position, dangling.


1. In preparing a patient for transport,  To avoid error or committing mistakes such as:
Why do we need to confirm the  Wrong patient, procedure and equipment
transport requirement to the health  Always identify the right patient.
care professionals?  To know what kind of transport equipment will
be needed to use in transporting the patient.
2. Who will issue transport order?  Doctor / Attending physician
3. Why is it necessary to explain 1. To Patient
procedure to the patient and relative  Gain trust and cooperation
in transporting?  Establish rapport (mutual trust)
2. To relatives- Reduce anxiety or allay fears
4. How will you promote / ensure  Comfort
comfort and safety to the patient?  Always DRAPE patient
 Always communicate with the patient.
 Safety
 Inspecting the environment for any
hazards and preparing the necessary
materials before transporting.
 Straps / belt are secured
 Brakes are functioning
 Wheel of the wheelchair/stretcher can be
 Entrance and Exit Door – make sure that the
nurse exit / enter first before the patient.
5. What would you do if the transport  Do not use
equipment is not working? Or What  Report to nurse on duty / Supervisor
will you do if there is defective  Label the defective equipment
equipment / non-functioning? Give 3  Inform the person responsible (maintenance)
6. How are you going to transport a To ensure that the transport equipment is
patient going in and out of his room functioning
using a wheelchair?  To prevent accident
 To avoid charges of negligence

Check to make sure that:

 There are no broken or missing parts
 The wheels turn smoothly and any safety straps
are secure

FM Dec
 The brakes hold well
The transfer can be done with one assistant or two
Assistant first before patient – Handle wheelchair in
backward motion when entering & going out of
the door.


1. Why is rapport important?  To establish trust

 To gain cooperation and reduce anxiety
2. How will you maintain rapport with  At door entrance KNOCK, GREET the PATIENT
your client? and INTRODUCE YOURSELF.
 Interact with the patient and always address
their needs.
 Talk to the patient with courtesy
 Always maintain eye contact.
 Always SMILE.

3. How will you provide privacy with your  Avoid unnecessary exposure of patient’s body.
client?  In ward or public area - Use drapes and place bed
screen or secure curtains.
 In private room close curtains and door.
4. Conflict usually arise in the  If you are the person concern - Talk to the person
performance in work area, How will personally together and manage it.
you handle and manage it?  If other person is concern – Ignore it.
5. Why is comfort measures and safety  Comfort
important? o To create a therapeutic environment
 Safety – To prevent injuries.
 To promote wellness and fast recovery of the


1. What is Waste Management?  Proper segregation of Waste and to prevent

 A process of collecting, Sorting, Labeling and
Disposing waste in the healthcare environment.
2. What are hospital policies on waste  Handwashing
segregation and disposal  Proper use of PPE (Personal Protective
 Use of Color Coding
 Labeling, Categorizing, segregating
 In accordance with Hospital Policy
3. Explain and give examples of wastes in 1. Organic material ( Nabubulok) – Fruits, leaves,
the hospital: food, etc
2. Sharps – needles, blades
3. Syringes
FM Dec
4. Infectious – Body, body secretions
5. Cytotoxic – broken thermometer
6. Radioactive – x- ray film, CT scan film, radio
plaque dye
7. Pharmaceutical - medicines
8. Clinical – used gloves, NGT, FC, plaster, masked,
9. Chemical – pesticides, Lysol
4. Do you have color coding in hospital  YES.
Waste? o To determine types of waste categories
o To educate people especially who cannot
read. Thru color coding - they will know
where to throw / segregate waste.
5. Give examples that you found in the  Syringes, Needles, Blades
hospital waste?  Gloves, Foley Cath, NGT
 Body Secretion
10. How will you collect and segregate  Use of PPE
wastes in health care?  Familiarize all kinds of waste
 Use appropriate types of equipments
11. Why is it important to label assorted  Prevent cross contamination
waste? Give 2 reasons  Prevent further spread of infection
12. Why is color-coding important?  To identify, categorize waste according to types
and to promote safety for the collector.
 For people who do not know how to read will be
able to categorize waste through color coding,
no need for you to label.
13. How will you prevent the spreading of  Handwashing.
14. What is the important of waste  To promote a well sanitized environment for
management in healthcare recovering patient and as well as the health care
environment? workers.
 To prevent pathogens from contacting people in
the community.
15. What is the risk and hazard that we  Accidental needle puncture.
will encounter while segregating  Burn / poisoning
waste?  Cross-contamination
16. What are wastes categories? 1. Organic material ( Nabubulok)
2. Sharps
3. Syringes
4. Infectious – body secretions
5. Cytotoxic
6. Radioactive
7. Pharmaceutical - medicines
8. Clinical – used gloves, NGT, FC, plaster
9. Chemical – pesticides, Lysol

FM Dec
17. What is yourself protection in Waste With the use of PPE ( Personal Protective
Segregation? Equipments )
 Gown
 Gloves
 Mask
 Goggles
 Shoe cover
 Hair net / bonnet / cap
18. Where do wastes being kept?  Waste storage area that are away from the
19. What will you do with the soiled plastic  Tie, label and place to waste bin. – To prevent
bag? transfer of microorganism.
 Use leakage resistance bags.
20. Why do we place plastic bag in Sharp  To avoid cross-contamination.
container?  To prevent wound puncturing.


Why is it necessary to place plastic Bag  To prevent puncturing.

in the Empty bottle/container?  To avoid cross-contamination.
When segregation makes sure always 
place it in the plastic container – the
sharp box and when disposing the
sharp object always include the plastic
container cover / tie with the plastic
Wearing of PPE 
Donning/ Dressing Removing
From dirtiest to Cleanest
Cap Gloves
Mask Apron
Gown Gown
Apron Boots
Gloves Goggles
Boots Mask
Goggles Cap

Color coding for waste storage:

1. Black – Non- biodegradable / non-infectious dry waste
2. Green – Bio degradable / non-infectious wet waste
3. Yellow - infectious and pathological waste
4. Yellow with black band- for collection of chemical waste
5. Orange - radioactive waste
6. Red - sharps and pressurized containers.

FM Dec

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