Class Agreement 2018-19

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Class Agreement

Mrs. Martin 7th Grade Core

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to 7th Grade Core at Williams Middle School! As a student enrolled in this class, learning is
your job and these are the expectations.

Course Description

Social Studies: The curriculum in Social Studies will follow the State Framework. We will be travelling across
space and time to learn about such topics as Japanese Samurai, the glory of the Byzantine Empire, the
geography of Africa and the great and early American societies of the Inca, Aztec, and Maya. We will be using
the State Standardized Social Studies curriculum entitled, Discovering Our Past, as well as other support
materials and hands-on learning activities.

Language Arts: The Language Arts curriculum is intense, covering many topics such as grammar, writing, word
study, and reading on a daily basis. Students will work to improve their writing skills and reading
comprehension through the use of district and self-selected texts. Social Studies and Language Arts will be
integrated, weaving information and building on themes. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in
English-language Arts will be recognized and followed along the way using the newly adopted TUSD
StudySync (McGraw-Hill) program, as well as district recommended texts.

Classroom Rules

In order to ensure an environment in which all students are given the opportunity to learn, the following rules
will be enforced at all times.

1. Be Prompt!

2. Be respectful of other people and materials!

3. Be Prepared!
4. ALL School Wide Rules Apply!!
5. Cell phones must be off and out of sight during class. Cell phones
hanging out of pockets will be confiscated and turned in to the office at
the end of the day.

If a student chooses to break one or more rules in room 22, the following consequences will result

1st infraction: Warning!! Student’s name will be placed on board.

2nd Infraction: Check after name: 15 minutes of classroom detention.

3rd Infraction: Two checks after name: 30 minutes of classroom detention.

4th Infraction: Three checks after name: 45 minutes of detention. Referral to the Office.

5th Infraction: Sent to office

Severe Clause: Parent contact may occur earlier if a perceived need arises. An automatic referral to
the office will be given for severe disruptions and disrespectful behavior (i.e. abusive language, defiance,
and/or fighting.)

Tardy Policy

I will be implementing the TUSD Tardy Policy in my

classroom. The policy is as follows:

Grades 4-8 Tardy Consequences

Tardies 1-4 Teacher determination which can include; teacher detention, natural
consequences/grade impact, conference, and other options as approved by site
administration. Parent notification by teacher.
Tardy ONE: Warning
Tardy TWO Detention
Tardy THREE: Detention
Tardy FOUR: Detention
Tardy 5 Teacher Referral to Administration. Parent Conference with Administration.
Tardies 6-9 Teacher Referral to Administration. Administrative detention.
Tardy 10 Teacher Referral to Administration. Parent Conference with Administration for
Attendance Contract.
Tardies 11+ Teacher Referral to Administration. Administrator discretion.


A teacher signed form will be sent home notifying the parents/guardians of student detention, including the
reason, day, and time of detention. This form is to be returned the following day or day of detention.

Detention Hours:

Detention will be held on the following day of rule infraction (excluding Mondays). It will begin at 2:40 and
last no longer than 3:40. In cases when I have after school duty, detention will begin at 2:50.

Missed Detention

It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher about making up missed detention time. It is also the
student’s responsibility to arrive at room 22 on the assigned day and time. If he /she chooses not to do so,
detention is automatically doubled. NO excuses will be accepted after a failed detention time. If a student has a
conflicting detention, he/she must notify me prior to date of detention and bring in a signed note from the
teacher. Stating that time was served. If a student chooses to miss two detentions in a row, he/she will be
considered defiant, and a referral to the office will be written.

Academic Honesty

All work submitted by students should be a true reflection of their effort and ability. If it is not, then the student
has demonstrated academic dishonesty, an unacceptable behavior in this classroom. If a student is found to have
cheated as outlined in their student agendas, he or she will be given a zero on the assignment and his/her parents
may be notified. A detention may also be assigned, and the assignment redone.
Positive Consequences

Students who choose to follow classroom procedures will be rewarded with the following activities and

1. Gold Star Tickets

2. No Homework Passes (Good for daily assignments only!! Cannot be used on long term assignments.)
3. Front of the Lunch Line passes
4. Verbal recognition for a job well done.


I will assign homework Monday thru Thursday nights. Homework assignments must be recorded in the
WMS Agenda, and should take students no more than 1 hour to complete. Please check your student’s agenda
for daily assignments.


student is absent he/she must check for any missed assignments and turn them in the following day. If a
student returns with an excused absence, he/she has one week to turn in work or make- up tests before a
0 will be assigned. Make up work may be turned into the make-up work basket at the front of the
classroom. Missed tests or quizzes may be made up before or after school ONLY!! Remember, it is the
ASSIGNMENTS before or after class or school. A Make-Up Work file is available at the front of the
room! Missing assignments can affect not only the student’s grade, but also his/her learning.

If a student is assigned a home suspension, make-up work WILL NOT BE


If a student is assigned an In School Suspension (ISS) both class work and

homework will be assigned, graded, and given full credit if assignment(s)
are correctly and fully completed.


Binders: Organization is important to succeeding not only in this class, but in life as well. Therefore, it is
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that ALL students have a 3 inch 3-ring binder( AVID STUDENTS: Your AVID
binder can and should be used for Core). These binders will be checked and graded randomly and frequently. A
sample binder will be kept in the classroom for reference. Each binder must be organized as follows:

1. WMS Agenda
2. Classroom rules and procedures
3. Dividers for Language, Spelling, Reading, Social Studies, and Homework.
4. All work in the appropriate sections

Notebooks: Students will keep notebooks for the following subjects: Language, Word Study, and Social
Studies (100-page notebook). I use notebooks to develop and encourage good organizational skills, a valuable
tool in a successful educational journey.
Textbook Care

All textbooks must be covered. Any fines for lost or damaged textbooks will result in withholding of
grades and transcripts. These fines may also transfer on to the high school if not paid by the end of the school
year. I have found that the best and least expensive way to cover textbooks is with a brown paper bag. I will be
providing paper bags and class time to cover Social Studies textbooks. Please do not send students with
cloth covers for CORE.


PLEASE see attached sheet.

Grading Policy

Grades are derived from the following areas: daily work in both subjects, homework, tests, quizzes, projects,
and participation and preparedness.

All graded work will be tracked using the Aries grading program, which can be accessed by using the Parent

Grading scale

93-100 = A 90-92 = A- 88-89 = B+ 83-87= B 80-82=B-

78-79 = C+ 73-77 = C 70-72 = C- 68-69 = D+ 63-67 = D

59-62 = D- 0-58 = F

I am excited to be your student guide on his/her voyage around the world and into the past. Together we
can make this journey a fascinating and rewarding experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact me at or by phone (209) 830-5522


A. Martin
Materials Highly Recommended

1. 3 ring Binder, 3-4 inches preferred (For AVID students, the AVID binder will work for
2. Lined paper, college or wide ruled
3. Tabbed Dividers, a minimum of 4
4. Pencils and pens (NO mechanical pencils will be allowed. If a student brings one in I
will trade with him/her. The mechanical pencil will be returned at the end of class.)
5. A 100 page spiral notebook, college ruled preferred. This notebook will be used for
Social Studies.
6. Two 70 page spiral notebooks one for Reading and one for Language/Grammar
7. 3 glue sticks.
8. Dry Erase pens and highlighters. Erasable highlighters would be fantastic 😊, but not
9. A roll of decorative duct tape to cover reading workbook.
10.Optional: colored pencils, markers, scissors, and ruler. I keep a class set of these items,
but sometimes homework will require that students have their own set at home.
Signature/Contact Page

I have read and understood the class agreement for Mrs. Martin's
Core Class.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Student Name Student Signature

____________________________ _______________________

Printed Parent Name Parent Signature


Name (please print) Phone/e-mail

1. ______________________________ _____________________


2. ________________________________ ______________________


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