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Cltamace Dreszige Classes Volume | Contents Credits 2° Introduction ‘Compiled By: Alejandro Melchor = 3. Prestige Classes in Your Campaign Written By: Andrew Boswell, Alejandro - Melchor, August Hahn, lan Sturrock, James Desborough, Matthew Forbeck, Matthew Sprange, Michael Mearls, Sam Witt, Shannon Kalvar 6 Design Your Own Class 13. The Way of The Warrior Editor: Paul Tucker 50 Secrets of The Arcane Cover Art: Scott Clark 106 The Power of Faith Interior Illustrations: Anne Stokes, Brent 154 By Wits and Skill Chumley, Danilo Moretti, David Esbri, David Griffith, Eric Lofgren, Reynaldo Batista, Fred Rawles, Marcio Fiorito, Nathan Webb, Louis Corte Real, Patricio Soler, Phillip Renne, Rick Otey, Shane Coppage, Stephen Shepherd, 211 Mind Over Matter 233 Monstrous Paths Tony Parker, Ralph Horsley 250 Index Production Manager: Alexander Fennell 255 D20 & OGL License Proof-Reading: Ian Barstow Open Game Content & Copyright Information imate Prestige Classes, olune 1 ©2002 Mongoose Publishing Al righ reserved: Reprdcton of no-Open Game Content of thiswork by ay means witht the writen permission of th publisher is expressly forbidden. Uiimate Prestige Clases, Volume 1 Fs pct under the Open Gare and D20Licenes. See pages 255256 forte text ofthese lcenes. All ame mechanics and Satis derivate of Open Game Content and he Sytem Referce Document ae to be considered Open Gaming Cootet. All ter significant characte, names. plas, Hes at and text erin ate copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing. Allrighs reserved. Ifyou have any question onthe Opn Game Content of his product please contact Mongoose Publishing *420 Sytem’ andthe £220 Syten lagu ar Trademarks owned by Wizard ofthe Cost and are wsed according to the terms of the 20 System Licence sersion 3.0. A copy ofthis Linge can be found at wr wizards com. The mention of or efeenee to any company o¢ prog in these pace sn challenge othe trademark or copyright concerned. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards ofthe Cust are Registered Trademarks of Wizards ofthe Cost, and are sed with Pemisson. Printed in Cand MONGOOSE PUBLISHING Mongoose Publishing, PO Box 1018, Swindon, SN3 IDG, United Kingdom Visit the Mongoose Publishing website at for regular updates. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION restige classes were introduced with Core Pe Las an option to customise charac- ters in greater detail than the options in the original rules allowed, giving players an opportu- nity to fit their character to their own unique vision. In its core rules, the 20 system already allows for ‘many opportunities to customise a character via Skill and Feat selection, but a fighter remains a fighter regardless that he isthe best shot with a bow or can deal devastating blows with his sword, and all wizards follow the same path even if they are ‘general mages or arcane specialist. AA prestige class changes that, An elf bowman simply cannot compete with the arcane archer, and ceven the most evil of rogues can only grasp at the abilities of a true assassin, Prestige classes introduce variants and innovation tothe core classes’ features, and a chance for a player to come closer to the concept he had in mind when creating a character. A bard may take up levels of fighter to participate in bale, but he will not be as effective as the warrior poet skald, whose life is singing the glory of his tribe. This book classifies prestige classes in six broad categories, some of them witha litte overlapping between them. Way of the Warrior explores classes whose focus is fighting, pure and simple. Even if enhanced by magic or other abilities, combat is what moves and motivates these characters. Secrets of the Arcane features a plethora of wizard and sorcerer variants, new areas ‘of magic or sources of arcane power. The Power (of Faith is devoted to those classes that draw power from the commitment they have with an cexternal power, be it a deity, an ideal or a natural force. By Wits and Skill is a collection of classes that rely on extraordinary abilities, on their savvy and general know-how to get them out of trouble or carry them to success. Mind Over Matter explores the power of psionics and the mysteries surrounding those talented with the power of the ‘mind. Finally, Monstrous Paths gives players and Games Masters a look at how some monstrous races can and do create special training to give those pesky adventurers a nasty surprise. Each class deseription is complete with all the information any Player Character needs to quali for it and gain its benefits and advantages, including some advice both for players and Games Masters on how to better use it o integrate it into a running campaign ULTIMATE COLLECTION Ultimate Prestige Classes, Volume 1 is the frst volume of the Ultimate series, compiling some of the best prestige classes available. Designed to be seamlessly slotted into any fantasy-based D20 ‘games system, these sourcebooks offer the best of the best that have appeared in terms of rules and. ‘options for fantasy d20 games, as well as new ‘material that can both be easily included into any campaign. Players and Games Masters will find a ‘wealth of options to enrich their characters and antagonists. ULTIMATE PRESTIGE CLASSES, VOLUME 1 ‘The primary purpose of this sourcebook is to present players and Games Masters alike with a selection of the best prestige classes for any kind of character. These classes are among the best that “Mongoose Publishing has printed in the past year, including Open Game Content material from many other sources and brand new material you will not find anywhere else. From specialised fighters to obscure practitioners of arcane lore, the prestige classes cover a wide range of roles, and they are classified in six broad categories for ease of use Such classification is not strict, as many prestige classes eross the boundaries between character types, mixing the abilities of two or more character concepts in order to create a unique path of advancement Players will find new avenues for their characters to explore, focusing on certain aspects of their adventuring careers or veering off into entirely unexpected ones. Games Masters will find a treasure chest of classes to spice up their campaigns, including prestige classes for monsters, as well as advice on how to integrate prestige classes into their game, or what factors to consider when designing their own unique classes.

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