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New Logging-While-Drilling Azimuthal Resistivity and High

Resolution Imaging in Slim Holes

M. Borghi, E. Piani, eni, E. Barbieri, Stogit, I. Dubourg, L. Ortenzi, R. Van Os,

This paper was presented at the 10th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition in Ravenna, Italy, March 23-25, 2011.
It was selected for presentation by OMC 2011 Programme Committee following review of information contained in the abstract
submitted by the author(s). The Paper as presented at OMC 2011 has not been reviewed by the Programme Committee.


A new LWD device provides laterolog resistivity and borehole images in slim holes drilled
with conductive mud. The tool consists of a laterolog resistivity array combined with an
azimuthal orientation system.
The laterolog array consists of monitored button electrodes and toroidal antennas. The
buttons are used to acquire focused resistivity measurements, with four different radial
depths of investigation. The azimuthal system uses Earth’s magnetic field as a reference to
determine the sensor position as it rotates. The resulting borehole resistivity images can be
transmitted uphole in real time for optimized well placement and for wellbore-stability
applications. A special current configuration in the button electrodes allows estimating the
conductivity of the drilling fluid at down-hole conditions. The toroidal antennas also provide
bit resistivity and non-azimuthal, axially focused laterolog measurements at two depths of
An optional sleeve is dedicated to the acquisition of high-resolution images. The sleeve uses
an array of button electrodes placed on a removable stabilizer to acquire high-resolution
borehole images. The image quality in the depth domain is preserved by an innovative down-
hole correlation algorithm that avoids most time-to-depth conversion problems.
This paper presents field test results and applications from horizontal wells in Italian gas
storage fields.


One of the most important advantages of LWD technology is the possibility to efficiently
acquire log data in highly deviated boreholes. The data can also be transmitted to surface
during drilling, allowing decisions based on real-time information. Borehole images and
formation resistivity are the most critical real-time parameters: they allow inferring the
geological setting, the borehole position in the sequence (via correlations), and the reservoir
quality. Since the majority of horizontal boreholes have diameters ranging from 5 ⅞ to 6 ½ -
in., a slim-hole LWD laterolog imaging tool represents a valuable option for well placement
and formation evaluation.
Each of the azimuthal sensors is focussed to produce resistivity (and resistivity borehole
images) at different radial depths of investigation. An at-the-bit resistivity measurement
responds to fluid and lithology changes, occurring near the end of the drilling string. The
measurement suite is completed by azimuthal natural gamma ray, near-bit inclination and
drilling dynamics. A direct measurement of mud conductivity is also available.
An optional high-resolution imager is implemented on a removable stabilizer. The stabilizer
contains a pad with an array of button electrodes that measure formation resistivity. The
number, size, and spacing of the electrodes is optimized in order to ensure full borehole
coverage in almost all possible combinations of rotational and drilling speed.
A new algorithm uses the button-electrode-array data to derive local depth information
independently from depth measurements made at surface. This local depth allows a better

conversion of data from the time domain into depth. All images can be compressed and
transmitted to surface with minimal resolution loss.


The device employs toroidal transmitter antennas (Fig 1) to send axial currents along the
collar. The current leaves the tool surface and passes through the conductive drilling fluid
and the formation prior to returning to the button electrodes. Once corrected for the borehole
signal, the current measured by the buttons is a function of the formation conductivity (hence,
its resistivity).

The volume of formation investigated depends on the axial distance between transmitters
and receivers (Fig 2). The signals at the electrodes from differently spaced transmitters are
combined to provide apparent formation resistivities with several radial distances. The
present firing sequence permits measuring resistivity with four depths of investigation, by
convention defined as shallow, medium, deep, and extra-deep.

Fig 1: Tool layout. The device uses toroidal antennas and co-located button electrodes
to measure resistivity. The imager sleeve allows the acquisition of high-resolution
borehole images.

This arrangement assumes an axially symmetric current path, which is often not the case.
Layers with different resistivity can distort the paths, affecting the measurement. The current
is cylindrically focussed (Bonner et al., 1994) to accurately represent the formation resistivity.
The cylindrical focusing is a linear superposition of the electric field potentials from the
transmitters “above” and “below” the button electrodes (Fig 2).

Fig 2: Cylindrical focussing is

achieved by two transmitter coils
sending current in opposite
directions (left). The measuring
current from the button is forced to
depart the button electrode
perpendicularly to tool axis
(middle). The penetration of current
path deepens as the transmitters
spacing widens (right).

The two buttons are co-located and mounted at opposite sides of the collar to ensure
maximum borehole coverage at almost any combination of rotational speed and rate of
penetration (ROP). During the logging operations, electro-chemical reactions with the
borehole fluid may generate a contact impedance layer on the electrode surface, affecting
the measuring current path. This problem is eliminated by a built-in focusing system with
monitor electrodes within the button assembly.

The buttons measure the azimuthal resistivity in 56 separate bins distributed along the
borehole circumference. The button orientation with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field is
determined by an azimuthal orientation system mounted perpendicular to the tool axis. The
bins are used to create a borehole-resistivity image, as well as quadrant and azimuthally
averaged resistivity curves. An additional operating mode uses the buttons without external
transmitters for a conductivity measurement of the drilling fluid.

The toroidal antennas function as transmitters, as well as receivers. This combination

provides two additional resistivity measurements without using the buttons. These
measurements are of “ring-electrode” type, and have radial responses equivalent to the deep
and extra-deep button-based modes. The two bottom antennas provide a bit-resistivity
measurement, which is particularly helpful to detect formation changes as early as possible
in the course of the drilling process. A gamma ray sensor and an inclinometer complete the
sensor package.

The next sections discuss the measurements features and show examples of their


The different transmitter pairs for axial focusing provide apparent resistivities at four different
depths of investigation (DOI). The DOI1 of a laterolog measurement is a function of true
formation resistivity (Rt), and invaded formation resistivity (Rxo). For an Rt/Rxo=10, the DOI
for the shallow, medium, deep and extra-deep is approximately 1, 3, 5 and 6-in. respectively,
measured radially outward from the tool surface. The axial focussing ensures about the
same vertical resolution2 (approximately 2-in.) and depth alignment for all spacings (M.
Allouche et al., 2010).

The four resistivity curves are used for formation evaluation and quality control. Permeable
intervals can be easily identified, and an estimation of true formation resistivity can be
derived from a parametric inversion of the raw measurements. Fig 3 shows an interpretation
example from a horizontal borehole drilled in Italy.

Each button can be used as “standalone” system measuring conductivity at a very short
radial distance. To this purpose, a potential difference is applied between the button
monitors, inducing a current between the button itself and the collar. This downhole mud
conductivity can be used to identify changes in the mud system, and to correct
measurements influenced by borehole fluid.

The toroidal antennas can measure formation resistivity without using the buttons. A section
of the collar between two neighbouring toroidal antennas becomes in fact a ring-type
electrode, and acquires a non-azimuthal resistivity, which is most valuable in situations
where the drillstring cannot be rotated (thus affecting the button measurement). The deep
and extra-deep toroid resistivities have the same DOI as their button counterparts, but a
radial distance from the tool surface at which the cumulative signal is 50% of total
minimal event thickness for which the measurement is within 10% of the true value
much larger resolution (15-in.). Figure 4 shows an example of “toroid resistivity”, compared
against button and wire-line measurements.

Att. 16 in.
Att. 28 in.

Invasion diameter (in.)

Att. 40 in.
2 (ohm.m) 200 Button shallow

Phase 16 in. Button medium

Phase 22 in. Button deep Phase 40 in. Button deep
Phase 28 in. Button extra-d Phase 16 in. image

Phase 34 in. Rxo inversion Att. 40 in.

Phase 40 in. Rt inversion Rt inversion
0.2 (ohm.m) 20 0.2 (ohm.m) 20 0.2 (ohm.m) 20

Propagation Laterolog
resistivity resistivity

reading too
high due to Inverted Rt
shoulder matching

Rt Inverted
X from

Fig 3. In this example, we present a comparison between the LWD laterolog and a
propagation device, recorded in a horizontal well in Italy. The propagation data are
difficult to interpret, due to shoulder-bed effects (which increases the phase
resistivity). The laterolog data are mostly influenced by invasion, and can be inverted
to derive an estimation of formation Rt and Rxo, facilitating the task. The inverted Rt
closely approximates the attenuation response, which in this environment is much
less affected than phase by polarization.

Button Shallow
Wireline laterolog (RLA5)
Button Medium
Button Extra Deep Button Deep
Toroid Extra Deep Button Extra Deep
0.2 (ohm.m) 2000 0.2 (ohm.m) 2000

Fig 4. The middle track shows a comparison between extra-deep button (RES_BX),
extra-deep toroid (RES_TRX), and wire-line laterolog (RLA5) resistivity, in a vertical
well. RES_BX and RES_TRX have the same DOI, but the button measurement has a
much better vertical resolution.


The button azimuthal resistivity is used to form borehole resistivity images at four increasing
DOI. Such images can identify geologic events as thin as 1-in. These images can be send
up-hole through the mud-pulse telemetry. A dedicated data-compression algorithm preserves
the essential geologic features (Fig 5). Structural dips extracted from the real-time images
helped the well placement process of several gas-storage wells in Italy (Fig 6).

Fig 5: comparison between real-time (left) and memory
(right) images. Bedding and a fault are clearly visible on


Real time
and dips

Buttons resistivity:
Deep, Medium,


Gamma ray

Deep Directional
distance to
and bed boundary inversion
from deep
Dips projection on
borehole trajectory

Drilling bed


True horizontal length (m)

Fig 6. The dip information extracted from the real-time resistivity images (top panel)
was used to help the well placement process of this horizontal gas-storage well. The
bottom panel shows the distance-to-boundary information from a deep azimuthal
propagation device. The interpretation is facilitated by projecting the structural dip on
the cross-section plane (blue sticks). The borehole is crossing a monocline, and
intercepts a series of faults at 440 m true horizontal length.

An additional sensor, currently under development, is designed to deliver images at a higher
resolution. The sensor consists of an array of smaller, un-focussed
un focussed button electrodes,
arranged in two rows. The array itself is housed in a stabilizer-type
stabilizer pe sleeve, designed to
minimize standoff. An example comparing standard (button) and high-resolution
high images is
provided in Fig 7.

Fig 7.. Comparison between standard

(left) and high-resolution
resolution (right) images
clastic sequence drilled in Italy.

One of the biggest challenges of producing a high-resolution

high resolution LWD image is the conversion of
time-based to depth-based
based data. The time-to-depth
time depth conversion normally uses depth
information from tracking drillpipe movements at the surface. While adequate
ade for standard
logs, this method is inappropriate for high-resolution
resolution data, which require the detection of
minute (less than an inch) depth variations.

Therefore, the development of a high-resolution

high resolution LWD imager called for the introduction of a
novel approach to determine local depth increments at the smallest scale. This local-depth
determination was accomplished by an algorithm correlating subsequent image “strips” (one
every tool revolution) acquired by the imager array to derive downhole depth increments (R.
van Os et al., 2006). Since consecutive strips are partially overlapping at normal drilling
speed (Fig 8),, and the vertical extent of each strip corresponds to the array size, the amount
of overlap determines the depth depth increment achieved between revolutions. revolutions

Fig 8. The high resolution image pad is
designed in such a way that the image
“strips” (symbolized by the blue ribbons)
acquired in consecutive revolutions
always overlap.

This downhole local depth shifts are then combined with the surface-system data to obtain
accurate time-to-depth information even at the smallest scale. Figure 9 displays an example
of the benefits of this approach.

Fig 9. On the left, the noisy time-depth information acquired by the surface system
affects the image quality (left). Once corrected with the down-hole derived depth
increments, the image quality (right) is much improved.


A new laterolog slim-hole LWD tool (from 5 ⅞ to 6 ½ -in bit size) provides focussed resistivity
at multiple depths of investigation, plus resistivity-at-the-bit and drilling fluid conductivity
measurements. The device uses an azimuthal system and monitored button electrodes to
deliver electrical borehole images. Two non-azimuthal resistivities (“toroids”) are measured
for redundancy and quality control. The device provides azimuthal natural gamma ray, drilling
dynamics, and near-bit inclination. The borehole images, transmitted in real time, have been
successfully used to geosteer several horizontal wells in Italy.
An optional imager sleeve, capable of acquiring high-resolution images, is currently under
development. This imager sleeve was tested in the same environment with positive results.
The time-to-depth conversion of the high resolution data is accomplished in a novel down-
hole algorithm that tracks depth variations at the smallest scale.

S.Bonner, A.Bagersh, B.Clark, G.Dajee, M.Dennison, J.S.Hall, J.Jundt, J.Lovell, R.Rosthal,
and D.Allen, 1994, “A new generation of electrode resistivity measurements for formation
evaluation while drilling”, Transactions of the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging Symposium,
Paper OO.
J.R. Lovell, R.A. Young, R.A. Rosthal, L.Buffington and C.L.Arceneaux, 1995, "Structural
interpretation of RAB images," Transactions of the SPWLA 36th Annual Logging Symposium,
paper TT.
R. van Os, D. Dion, P. Cheung, “Device and method of measuring depth and azimuth”, US
Patent 2009/0012710.
M. Allouche, S. Chow, I. Dubourg, L. Ortenzi, R. van Os, 2010, “High-resolution Images and
Formation Evaluation in Slim Holes from a New Logging-While-Drilling Azimuthal Laterolog
Device”, SPE-EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference, Barcelona.

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