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Ancient Warriors

The Vikings

Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback

Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback

Rosa Gibbons

Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC

9111 242nd St SW
Edmonds, WA, 98026

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Table of Contents

Who are the Vikings?...........................................................................................................4
Vikings: the Legend...............................................................................................................4
Vikings: the History..............................................................................................................6
Viking Adventures.................................................................................................................8
New Archetypes......................................................................................................................8
Viking Berserker (Barbarian)...............................................................................................8
Inspiring Warrior (Bard)....................................................................................................11
Gothar (Druid).....................................................................................................................12
Viking Warrior (Fighter)....................................................................................................13
Tavern Brawler (Monk).....................................................................................................14
Viking Raider (Ranger).......................................................................................................16
Volva (Witch)......................................................................................................................17
Prestige Classes.......................................................................................................................18
Introduction together the actuality of Viking life.

Viking. It’s a powerful word that conjures While an academic book devoted to
a very specific and descriptive image of a fierce the Vikings would take pains to debunk the
and powerful warrior. Depending on your various inaccuracies and myths of the modern
exact knowledge of Vikings, it may also imply interpretation of Vikings, in order to allow a
connotations of uncontrollable rage, a proud and better understanding of what real Vikings were
noble warrior culture, terrible hygiene, or half a actually like, this isn’t an academic book, and,
dozen other things. There is perhaps no single for the purposes of roleplaying and having fun at
ancient culture that evokes such a strong and the game table, the myth is at least as good as the
specific image as the Vikings, even though the legend, if not better.
Viking age ended almost 1,000 years ago.
For that reason, the following section will
More importantly, Vikings, and Norse examine not only a very brief look at the Vikings
mythology and world view in general, have a huge as they actually were, but will also include an
influence on the modern fantasy genre, as it was examination of the way that popular culture and
these source from which Tolkien drew inspiration modern myth and lore perceive and portray the
for his elves and dwarves, among other things. Vikings, as both of these viewpoints, the fantastic
Even the underlying attitude of the average party and the factual, were drawn upon in the creation
of adventurers (that is, kick in the door, kill of this book.
everything that moves, and take everything that
isn’t nailed down) has undeniable parallels to Please note that this is not a history book,
Viking raiders, just as deliberately seeking out and it is sadly far beyond the scope of this book
more and more powerful monsters to kill (just for to provide a full examination of Viking history
the fun of it) is reminiscent of the actions of many and culture, whether factual or imagined. If you
of the heroes of Viking sagas. That said, it seems are interested in learning more about Vikings, we
only natural to dedicate an entire book to nothing strongly recommend that you check your local
but Vikings. library, as many excellent books have been written
on the subject.
In this book, you will find a brief
examination of the Vikings, from both a historical Vikings: The Legend
view and the view of popular culture and opinion,
as both the fact and the myth of Vikings can be Vikings have long held a special place
of use to anyone interested in a fun and engaging in the hearts and imaginations of the western
Viking game. You will also find some highly- world. Despite the fact that Vikings haven’t been
detailed archetypes for a variety of classes, around for hundreds of years, we remain a strong
designed to give those classes a bit of the Viking cultural image of what Vikings are. You don’t
magic. Finally, you’ll find three new Viking- need to be particularly interested in history or
themed prestige classes: the terrifying berserker, fantasy to know that the warrior wearing furs
the stalwart housecarl, and the proud jomsviking. and a horned helmet, wielding a huge axe and
shouting for the blood of his foes from the prow
of a dragon-headed longship is a Viking. There is
Who Are the Vikings? a certain image of Vikings that has been culturally
preserved and handed down to us, through
Vikings are, at the same time, a very well-
movies, books, comics, and other various media.
known and also very mysterious people. While
most readers will be familiar with the caricature
To most, Vikings are savage warriors,
of Vikings that has been handed down to us
hardened by the harsh and unforgiving climate
through the ages and that is now part of our
of the cold, barren north. They are, to a man,
cultural identity—an idea found in books, movies,
barbaric, with nothing but contempt for
TV, comics, and even the names of football
civilization and all that it entails. They are dirty,
teams—this image is only a tiny fraction of the
with no concern for even the already low medieval
full story, and historical records of the Vikings
standards of hygiene, and they are ruled primarily
are frustratingly vague, leaving us with mostly
by their lusts. While the most famous of these is
guesswork and estimation in order to piece
their bloodlust (more on that below), the Vikings Vikings of this sort are generally likeable
of myth are also well-known for their other lusts, people, who may enjoy a good party and a few
both their unquenchable appetite for mead and drinks of mead with friends, perhaps accompanied
other alcohol, and their rapacious nature towards by some good-natured boasting and tall tales of
women. their accomplishments, but that doesn’t mean
that they are wild hooligans. Far from it, for their
The true defining characteristic of the warrior culture values personal honor above all
mythological Viking is his prowess as a warrior. else, and Vikings who are cowardly or dishonorable
By far the most famous and iconic image of the are the lowest of the low: the word of a Viking is
Viking is the berserker. These warriors are well worth far more than the word of less honorable
known for flying into a frenzied, uncontrollable warriors.
rage in battle, for being unbelievably strong and
even more tough—their rage allows them to ignore Similarly, these Vikings may fight for the
even deadly wounds, and they keep fighting long challenge or the joy of the fight, and as such they
after lesser men would have collapsed from their may seem to enter into battles indiscriminately, but
wounds. These raging warriors completely lose they do not have any true interest in fighting the
control, and quickly devolve into savagely attacking weak or cowardly, and innocent bystanders need
anything that moves, even if it happens to be one not fear being hunted down and slain by attacking
of his allies. In effect, these savage warriors must Vikings.
simply be pointed in the direction of the enemy
and “let loose,” with the hope being that they kill Vikings as Unholy Scourge
more of the foe than each other.
A view that has been slowly decreasing in
At this point, myths about the Vikings tend popularity over the course of the last few hundred
to diverge into two different paths: that of the years, this interpretation of Vikings portrays them
noble savages, on the one hand, and of the unholy as, quite literally, an unholy scourge sent to punish
scourge, on the other. These two represent the and destroy the good, peaceful, Christian peoples
extreme ends of a complex spectrum, and in the of medieval Europe.
tapestry of modern lore and myth about Vikings,
the majority of examples will fall somewhere in This portrayal of Vikings leaves it clear that
between, and borrow from both archetypes, but their primary motive in their constant unprovoked
these represent the two major approaches to the attacks and raids on peaceful settlements, above
way that we perceive Vikings today. and beyond any wealth or plunder (including

Vikings as Noble Savages

An increasingly common way of envisioning

Vikings, this school of thought depicts Vikings
as being technologically primitive, yes, but
underplays or even idolizes this simplistic
lifestyle, making the Viking life out to be an ideal
alternative to the more complicated, less-genuine
world of today. In many cases, this primitive
lifestyle is a conscious choice, as the Vikings
reject more “civilized” cultures in favor of their
own proud warrior traditions. These Vikings are
known for their honor and pride, and for being
valiant and steadfast warriors who value courage,
straightforwardness, and manliness in general.
They deliberately cultivate and take great pride
in their beards and facial hair, and often engage
in great tests of strength, courage, fortitude, and
other manly pursuits.
Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / dclipart
slaves) that they may gain, is to rape, kill, maim, Scandanavia, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,
and otherwise inflict horror upon the poor civilians among other places, and while their cultures have
that they terrorize. a number of similarities, they would probably not
have considered themselves a single people.
To a man, these Vikings are cruel, dumb
brutes who live for nothing but the chance to In actuality, the word “Viking” was originally
fulfill their sadistic pleasures. Not only do they a nautical term (a measurement of distance,
heartlessly slay women, children, the elderly and and later a term the Vikings themselves used to
the infirm when they go raiding, they regularly describe their long raiding trips), which, over time,
perform ritualized human sacrifice, and perform eventually came to be associated with the northern
any number of terrible atrocities. When these raiders due to their exceptional skill and expertise
Vikings set their sights on your town, you must with sailing. Like most Europeans at that time,
fight them off at all costs, for if you allow the Vikings were far more likely to think of themselves
Vikings within your walls, you are inviting your in terms of their local region and community than
entire town to be slaughtered in the worst possible anything else, and while, especially towards the
manner. end of the Viking age, several charismatic Viking
kings began to unify larger territories under their
Vikings of this sort remain primitive rule, there was never truly a single Viking nation,
because they are too barbaric to appreciate and and even these unification attempts met with
make use of any of the trappings of civilization. limited success.
They have beards—often matted and tangled and
caked in the blood of their victims—because they Raiding
don’t understand or appreciate how to use a razor.
The secret of their strength and fighting skill isn’t There’s no point in trying to deny that,
so much that they are acclimated to it by their historically, Vikings did their fair share of raiding,
environment, but instead, in some cases, that they and there is a reason that this is perhaps the
are truly inhuman monsters (in many cases sent number one thing that Vikings are known for
by the Devil himself), who deliberately made them today, raiding was hardly the cornerstone of their
into unstoppable killing machines in order to make culture that modern Viking myths would lead
them that much more effective at devastating their us to believe. Many of the folk that we would
unsuspecting Christian victims. categorize today as “Vikings” were, in fact, farmers,
fishermen, and others who never went “a-viking” in
Vikings: the History their lives. Even those who did regularly go raiding
also had homes and families, and in many cases
In actuality, real-world historical Vikings farms or other sources of legitimate livelihood.
were a bit different from the way that most people
these days perceive them. For one thing, they didn’t Further, raiding only truly characterized
wear horned helmets, but there are also many the Vikings’ interactions with other cultures for a
differences that are somewhat more substantial to very short period of time. Prior to the Viking age,
our view of Vikings. the Vikings were actually known in Europe (as well
as elsewhere—Vikings traveled as far south and
Cultural Identity east as Constantinople, at least, and engaged in
trade with Arabs and even far-off China through
In reality, there were no actual “Vikings.” the silk road, even if they didn’t necessarily reach
There were, of course, warriors from the north those lands), but rather than known as an unholy
who famously raided Western Europe (and a scourge, they were known as traders. While the
surprisingly large amount of territory beyond), beginning of the Viking age was characterized by
but they didn’t call themselves “Vikings.” In fact, quick raids for treasure and slaves, later on the
no one did. They were frequently referred to as Vikings began wars of conquest, and actually held
Nordmanni, Ascomanni, Rus, Dani, Finngail, large parts of modern day England and Ireland for
and a host of other names, depending on who an extended period of time.
was doing the referring. More to the point, the
people referred to today as “Vikings” actually In fact, even when the Vikings were at the
covered a large deal of territory, including modern height of their raiding, many of their victims would
simply pay them to go away and not sack their Viking would worship the god and give offerings
city, which had the unfortunate effect of causing (in the form of animal sacrifices, mainly, though
the Vikings to return regularly for more money, in some cases human sacrifices) and prayers, and
essentially making them one of the first peoples in exchange the god was expected to intercede
to engage in a protection racket. One somewhat on their behalf and offer some kind of benefit. In
more effective method of bribing the Vikings some cases, a Viking who suffered great misfortune
(depending on your viewpoint) was attempted by might forsake one or more gods, feeling that the
the French king Charles the Simple, who granted deal had been broken, and this was not something
the Viking leader Rollo (later known as Robert of that would attract the ire or concern of his
Normandy) a tract of land in northern France that neighbors.
would eventually come to be known as Normandy,
after the “Normans” or “north men” that now lived Those with a little bit of familiarity with the
there. Norse pantheon (whether from older roleplaying
supplements or popular movies) may be surprised
Surprisingly, this actually gave the Vikings to learn that the deity who was ascribed the most
settling in Normandy an incentive not to cause importance, seemingly by quite a bit, was Thor,
trouble, and eventually they even closed their ports rather than Odin, who was supposedly the leader
to their fellow Vikings, and stopped sheltering of the gods. Thor was the warrior god and the god
them during the winter. In fact, more or less of strength, however, so it’s natural that a society
throughout the Viking age, any Vikings, regardless dominated by conceptions of manliness and war,
of where they lived, were very unlikely to go raiding and who worshipped primarily in order to gain
their neighbors—Vikings might raid other Vikings, favors, would be more interested in Thor.
and they didn’t see anything wrong with this, but
only ones that were suitably far enough removed. Warrior Culture
In essence, the Vikings preferred to do their
fighting far away, instead of making enemies close One of the most enduring and well-known
to home. aspects of Viking culture is the high value that
they placed on war and fighting in their society.
Religion All able-bodied men were expected to be able
and willing to fight, and even farmers, fishermen,
Surprisingly little record is left about Norse and other primarily non-combatant Vikings
religion as far as things like methods of worship would be called upon to fight in defense of their
are concerned, and much of their religion remains homestead. Many Viking men would become full-
a mystery to us today. The vast majority of what time warriors, either by joining a warrior society
we do have information on is various myths and (essentially a mercenary camp), or else becoming a
legends about the actions of the Norse pantheon, housecarl in the service of a local lord.
and we actually know more about what deities
like Thor were supposed to have done, than we do Those Vikings who were able (usually
about how they were worshipped. housecarls, who weren’t too busy with a farm or
other duties that required their attention) would
There is a good deal of evidence that a major join on raids put together by whoever happened
aspect of Norse religion involved ancestor worship, to have a boat (usually the local lord). Raiding
where members of a given Viking household would wasn’t a year-round activity, though, as the weather
venerate and make offerings to the spirits of their during the Winter, and some parts of Autumn and
departed ancestors. Similarly, a Viking gained a Spring, made it too dangerous to sail during those
great deal of pride and respect from the great deeds times. As a result, most of the raiding took part
of his ancestors, and Vikings who could not name during the summer.
a single noteworthy accomplishment from his
family’s history would be very ashamed, indeed, There is perhaps no better evidence of the
while one who added to his family’s legacy with his intense warrior-centric culture of the Vikings
deeds would have quite a bit to be proud of. than the concept of ergi. A Viking word which can
loosely be translated to “girliness,” accusing a man
Like many ancient religions, worship of of ergi was a challenge that was expected to be met
the gods was seen as a sort of pact or bargain: the immediately with violence. If the accused did not
immediately attempt to kill his accuser, then this Olaf Skötkonung, the king of Sweden from 980 –
was taken as proof of the claim, and the accused 1022, that the people, not the king, held power in
himself would likely be considered an outlaw, and Sweden, a stance which proved correct when Olaf
either killed or driven out. eventually capitulated on the issue in question. In
the latter parts of the Viking age, when the Vikings
Viking Achievements began conquering and settling, instead of just
raiding, they brought this democratic approach
The Vikings may be best known for their with them where they went.
spirited and powerful warriors, but they actually
achieved a number of very impressive feats, and
demonstrated a surprising degree of cleverness
Viking Adventures
and ingenuity. As previously mentioned, the
In many ways, it can actually be very
Vikings had the most advanced naval technology
difficult to set apart a “Viking adventure,” with
of the time, as their longships were not only
a special focus on Vikings and/or Norse culture
swift and seaworthy, but due to their relatively
and mythology in general, from other fantasy
flat bottoms, they were also capable of going up
games, due to the fact that Norse mythology and
rivers, while most other ships at that time were
the pop-culture image of the Viking are already
designed to travel either on the ocean or on rivers,
fairly well integrated into the modern fantasy
but not both. In addition to being of incredible
genre. That said, there are definitely some ways in
utility during their raids, and allowing them to
which tweaking the standard fantasy formula for a
strike unsuspecting targets far from the ocean,
specific focus on Vikings can enhance your game.
these ships were also part of the secret of the
Some specific suggestions are outlined below.
Vikings’ abilities to travel incredibly far, for their
time period, and, again, as mentioned above, the
Viking Raiders
Vikings reached far enough to get Chinese silk
from the silk road, and even attempted to raid
Perhaps the most obvious ways to make
a Viking adventure is to have your group roll up
some Viking warriors, give them a boat and a crew,
More surprising than that, though, Viking
and then set them loose on your unsuspecting
explorers are not only responsible for founding
campaign setting. While many GMs cringe at the
both Iceland and Greenland (and, for those who
idea of watching your party sack, loot, and destroy
have ever wondered why they seemingly have their
your beloved campaign setting, or are wary that,
names switched, as Greenland is much colder than
given the Viking reputation and the historical
Iceland, the answer is that the founders of Iceland
evidence, that this adventure would be little more
discovered it during the winter, while the founders
than the PCs quickly devastating everything in
of Greenland deliberately named it misleadingly
their path (not actually the most fun way a game
in order to attract more settlers), but there is
can go, for either the GM or the players), this can
substantial evidence that the Vikings not only
actually make for a very fun campaign.
discovered, but actually settled in North America.
While the settlement was eventually abandoned
A key thing to remember about the Vikings
or died out (the exact reason why is unclear), there
is that one of their major sources of success in their
is no doubt that the Vikings were accomplished
raids, at least, was that they didn’t stick around for
sailors and explorers.
too long. Despite all the hype and legend, Viking
warriors weren’t actually that terribly much more
More surprisingly, Vikings were also a
difficult to kill than the people that they preyed
relatively democratic people, handling much of
upon, and so much of Viking raids involved finding
their local governance and legal disputes by vote
weakly-defended communities, striking fast, and
at a general assembly known as a thing, which was
then getting out of the way before a real resistance
presided over by a lawspeaker, who memorized
could be mounted.
and recited the laws of the land. These things
could wield a large amount of power, and, in
In your campaign, the towns the PCs raid
fact, at one point, in a democratic triumph more
could have defenders that are a roughly appropriate
than 500 years before the rise of democracy in
challenge for them (and, as they increase in level,
Western Europe, one famous lawspeaker, told
this would allow them to more safely raid larger
and larger settlements). They might also find known for being terrifying and vicious warriors,
opposition in the form of pirates, other Vikings and few players would bat an eye at the idea of
who don’t appreciate the competition, paladins Viking raiders having enough barbarian levels to
and other holy warriors out to put a stop to their reach high CRs. While, in theory, the same players
raiding ways, and, of course, various sea monsters, understand that orcs can also gain class levels and
trolls, and other fantasy foes. theoretically reach high CRs, most players consider
orcs and similar races to be “low-level” monsters,
One concern you will need to address and will naturally assume that an orc barbarian will
with your players, however, is just how rapacious cap out at about CR 5 or 6.
they are when they do start raiding. Different
groups (and different people within groups) will Perhaps more importantly, though, Vikings
have different comfort levels when it comes to are human, and, as a result, the horrible cruelty
things like killing, looting, and raping, and it’s and viciousness associated with Viking raids (at
important to make sure that no one at the table least, in the eyes of medieval Europe) can have a
is made uncomfortable. Talk with your players much more profound effect on players than the
about what they expect to be able to do and what same atrocities committed by orcs, simply because
they want to play out at the table, and what they orcs are “always chaotic evil,” and so we expect
aren’t comfortable with, and find a compromise it from them. In a game where fighting demons
where everyone is happy. Despite their terrible isn’t actually that uncommon, the idea of the
reputation, the Vikings were people too, and enemy as a horrible demonic scourge becomes
so while playing as Viking raiders may well fall less frightening and more routine, but putting
into the category of an “evil” campaign, it should that kind of truly savage ferocity in a place that
probably be notably lower on the evil scale than the party won’t expect it from quite as much can
most such campaigns tend to. go a long way towards shock and awe. And, if your
players aren’t terribly well-informed on Viking
Vikings as the Enemy culture and history, you can further shock them by
giving them an opportunity to see how peaceful
Surprisingly, one of the most enjoyable and normal the Vikings are when they’re at home,
ways to make Vikings a central part of your game instead of abroad.
can be to make sure that all of your players aren’t
Vikings. As much fun as can be had playing heroic Mythic Quests
Viking warriors travelling to places unknown and
engaging in acts of manliness and bravery, playing Viking mythology and poetry is full of
as members of a quiet, unsuspecting European famous and glorified Viking warriors who took
coastal town suddenly under attack by Vikings can it upon themselves to go out and undertake
be fun as well. extremely difficult tasks or fighting incredibly
deadly enemies, not because it was the right thing
On the surface, this doesn’t appear to be a to do, or to save their community, or even just for
particularly new or exciting idea, as most fantasy gold and treasure, like so many fantasy adventurers
settings already have a Viking analogue of some do, but rather just because it was there, and
sort, usually in the form of orcs, and it seems like they wanted to test their warrior prowess, and
everyone and their cohort has run a campaign demonstrate just how great they truly were. Many
where the orcish hordes suddenly stir into life and of the myths and legends about the god Thor
start invading nearby kingdoms, a plot that has involve him travelling through Jotunheim fighting
quite a bit in common with the way that historical giants more or less just for the fun of it.
Vikings, seemingly out of nowhere, suddenly
began looting and pillaging all across the civilized In many ways, this has a lot in common
world. with your kick-in-the-door game, with the players
killing things and basking in glory rather than
Making the enemies Vikings, instead killing things and taking their stuff (and, let’s not
of demi-humans, can actually do a lot for the forget, they’ll probably still take the stuff. Vikings
premise of the adventure, though. For one thing, are hardly ascetics). That said, if your group is in
the average player is likely to respect and fear a the right mindset, this sort of Viking “bravado”
Viking than he is an orc: Vikings, after all, are campaign can be a lot of fun, and not only creates
easy plot hooks (“there’s a powerful monster in
the Forbidden Forest, you say? I shall slay it and
wear its head as my new helm!”), but can also lend
a bit of a light-hearted air to a campaign without
necessarily undercutting its seriousness.

New Archetypes
The following section presents new
archetypes for a variety of classes. For more
information on the rules for selecting and applying
archetypes for a character, see the Advanced
Player’s Guide. The following archetypes are
presented alphabetically by the name of the class
that they modify.

New Barbarian Archetype: Viking

Viking berserkers are known for their
complete fearlessness and overwhelming
Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / bigredlynx
bloodlust. They often wade into battle without
armor, for they derive strength and ferocity from
any wounds they take. than 1/3 his maximum hit points, then unless he
subsequently takes enough damage to leave him
A viking berserker has the following class with less than half his maximum before the end of
features: his turn, he will not benefit from this ability that
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A viking
warrior is not proficient with medium armor. At 10th level, the Viking berserker gains this
benefit as long as his current hit points are less
Unkillable (Ex): A viking berserker gains than half his maximum hit points. This ability
Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats at 1st level. replaces the Viking berserker’s 2nd-level and 10th-
This ability replaces the fast movement class level rage powers.
Furious Spirit (Ex): At 2nd level, the
Battle Fury (Ex): Beginning at 2 level,
nd Viking berserker’s will to survive makes him fight
a Viking berserker channels the rage and pain that much harder when he is close to death. As
of his wounds into destructive power. As long long as his current hit points are less than 1/3 his
as the Viking berserker’s current hit points at maximum hit point total, he gains a +4 morale
the beginning of his turn are less than 1/3 his bonus on all saving throws, as well as a +4 dodge
maximum hit points, he can rage that turn without bonus to AC. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
it counting against the number of rounds per day
that he can rage. This applies whether the Viking Extremely Tough (Ex): At 3rd level, a
berserker was already raging or if he begins raging viking berserker gains an additional hit point per
on his turn. barbarian level he possesses. This bonus continues
to increase as he continues gaining levels in
In order to benefit from this ability, the barbarian. At 9th level the amount of additional
Viking berserker’s hit points must be less than hit points increases to twice the viking berserker’s
1/3 his maximum hit points at both the beginning barbarian level, and at 15th level the amount of
and end of his turn. If the Viking berserker additional hit points increases to three times the
regains enough hit points during his turn so Viking berserker’s barbarian level. This ability
that his current hit points are equal to or greater replaces trap sense 1, trap sense 3, and trap sense 5.
an inspiring warrior succeeds on a saving throw,
Furious Strike (Ex): At 5th level, a Viking he grants a +2 morale bonus to the saving throw of
berserker can draw on the pain of his wounds to each ally affected by the same effect he successfully
fuel his attacks. As long as the Viking berserker’s saved against. This bonus applies to any ally who
current hit points are less than 1/3 his maximum is forced to save against the same effect at the
hit point total, he gains a +2 morale bonus on same time (determine the result of the inspiring
damage rolls. At 14th level, this bonus increases to warrior’s saving throw first, then apply the bonus,
+3 and he gains it as long as his current hit points if applicable, before determining the saving the
are less than half his maximum hit point total. result of the saving throw for any allies who might
This replaces the improved uncanny dodge and be affected). This ability replaces the countersong
indomitable will class features. bardic performance ability.

Tough Skin (Ex): At 6th level, a Viking Obvious Target: At 1st level, an inspiring
berserker’s skin is so covered in callouses and scar warrior can tempt an opponent to attack him,
tissue that it becomes extraordinarily tough and instead of another target. As a move action, the
durable. As long as the Viking berserker is not inspiring warrior can force a single creature within
wearing any armor, his natural armor bonus to AC 60 feet of him to succeed on a Will save (10 + 1/2
is increased by +2 (if he does not have a natural the inspiring warrior’s bard level + the inspiring
armor bonus from another source, it becomes warrior’s Charisma modifier) or be unable to
+2). The Viking berserker can use shields (but not attack any creature but the inspiring warrior for a
tower shields) and still gain this benefit, but if he number of rounds equal to the inspiring warrior’s
wears armor of any kind, he loses all benefits of Charisma modifier. If the target is unable to attack
this class feature until the armor is removed. At 12th the inspiring warrior (he can’t see or hear him, or
level, this bonus increases to +4, and at 18th level, it he is behind a wall of force, or similar), then this
increases to +6. This ability replaces trap sense 2, restriction does not apply. The inspiring warrior
trap sense 4, and trap sense 6. being out of reach does not count as being “unable
to attack” him for this purpose: if the target can
New Bard Archetype: Inspiring only make melee attacks, if he is able to reach the
inspiring warrior, he must do so if he wants to
Warrior make any attacks for the duration of the ability.
The inspiring warrior can use this ability a number
While most bards inspire their companions of times per day equal to 1/2 his bard level. This
by singing songs, telling tales, or even through ability replaces the fascinate bardic performance
things like interpretive dance, inspiring warriors ability.
lead their allies to greatness by being great, and
leading by example. Accomplished Warrior (Ex): At 5th level,
the inspiring warrior gains Weapon Focus and
An inspiring warrior has the following class Weapon Specialization as bonus feats. He must
features: meet all the prerequisites for these feats, except
for the fighter level requirement of Weapon
Weapon and Armor Proficiency (Ex): Specialization (he must still have taken Weapon
An inspiring warrior is proficient with all simple Focus for whatever weapon he selects for Weapon
and martial weapons, and with light and medium Specialization). This ability replaces the lore
armor and shields (except for tower shields). master class feature.
Bardic Performance: An inspiring warrior Inspiring Blow (Ex): Beginning at 6th
can use bardic performance for only 2 rounds level, whenever the inspiring warrior confirms a
+ his Charisma modifier per day at 1st level, and critical hit, he may choose to use this ability as a
gains only one additional round per day for each free action. If he does so, each ally within 60 feet
bard level after 1st. Otherwise, this is identical to gains a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage
the bard class feature, except that some of the rolls for a number of rounds equal to the inspiring
individual uses of bardic performance are removed, warrior’s Charisma modifier. The inspiring warrior
as outlined below. can use this ability once per day at 6th level,
plus an additional time per day at 10th level, and
Inspiring Resilience: At 1st level, whenever
every 4 levels thereafter. This ability replaces the checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in cold or icy
suggestion bardic performance ability. terrain, and she cannot be tracked in cold or icy
terrain. This ability replaces woodland stride.
Inspiring Rage (Ex): Beginning at 12th
level, the inspiring warrior can enter a rage, as the Sacrificial Offering (Su): Beginning at 3rd
barbarian class feature, for a number of rounds per level, a gothar can sacrifice animals she summons
day equal to 1/2 his class level (rounded down). with summon nature’s ally spells in order to
As long as he is raging, any ally within 60 feet gain a benefit. This is a full-round action which
may choose to rage as well, in which case that provokes attacks of opportunity, and requires that
ally gains the benefits of the rage spell for as long the gothar touch the animal. Additionally, if the
as the inspiring warrior continues to rage. This summoned animal has already acted this round,
ability replaces the soothing performance bardic then the sacrifice has no effect. If the summoned
performance ability. animal was not the only animal summoned by the
summon nature’s ally spell that summoned it (for
Battle Frenzy (Ex): Beginning at 18th level, example, using a summon nature’s ally IV spell
whenever an inspiring warrior slays an opponent, to summon 1d4+1 dogs), then the sacrifice has no
he may choose to use this ability as a free action. effect unless all of the animals summoned by that
If he does, each ally that is within 30 feet of him spell are sacrificed (this can still be performed with
benefits from this ability, and for the next three a single full-round action, but the gothar must still
rounds, whenever those allies use the full attack touch each creature to be sacrificed).
action, they can make an extra attack at their
highest base attack bonus. This does not stack with As soon as the gothar touches the animal, it
haste, or other effects that grant additional attacks is immediately consumed by supernatural flames,
(except for Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, and filling an area within 30 feet with a greasy, hazy
similar). The inspiring warrior can use this ability smoke that does not obscure vision, but instead
once per day, plus an additional time per day at grants bonuses to each of the gothar’s allies within
20th level. This ability replaces the mass suggestion this area as they breathe in ths smoke. This smoke
bardic performance ability. dissipates almost immediately, so only allies that
are within this range at the time of the sacrifice can
Inspiring Return (Ex): At 20th level, you benefit from this ability.
are so inspiring that you can allow your allies to
stave off death. Whenever an ally within 30 feet of The exact nature of the benefits provided
you who can see and hear you would be reduced to by the sacrifice depends on the power of the spell
0 or fewer hit points or slain by a death effect, he used to summon the sacrificed animal, as outlined
is instead reduced to exactly 1 hit point, and alive. on the table below. The sacrifice grants the benefit
Each ally can only benefit from this ability once listed for the appropriate spell level, as well as the
per day (even if more than one allied inspiring benefits of all the lower-level versions of the spell
warrior is around: a creature can only benefit from to each allied creature within 30 feet of the animal
this ability once per day, regardless of the source). when it is sacrificed.
This ability replaces the deadly performance bardic
performance ability. Regardless of the type of creature sacrificed
or the benefits gained, the benefits of this ability
New Druid Archetype: Gothar last for as long as the summon nature’s ally spell
that summoned the sacrificed creature would
Gothars are the shamans and priests of the have lasted (so if a 12th-level gothar cast summon
old ways, and have mastered the art of gaining nature’s ally IV, which has a duration of 1 round/
boons through sacrifice, including grisly rituals of level, and then sacrificed the summoned creature
human sacrifice. on the second round, the benefits would last
another 11 rounds. If he instead sacrificed the
A gothar has the following class features: summoned creature on the 5th round, the benefits
would last another 7 rounds, and so on).
Norseman (Ex): At 2nd level, a gothar
gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge The gothar may use this ability once per day
(geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival at 3rd level. He can use it an additional time per
Hit Dice, or equal to the participant’s Hit Dice,
whichever is lower. The participants can spend one
or more luck points as a free action to gain a luck
bonus equal to the number of luck points spent on
a single d20 roll (such as an attack roll, skill check,
ability check, or so on). A participant cannot spend
more luck points on a single roll than 1/4 his Hit
Dice, and he cannot have more luck points than his
Hit Dice at any one time. Luck points remain for
one week, and if they are not spent before this time
they are wasted.

Sacrificing an unwilling creature or a

creature that has been made willing through
deceit or mind-affecting effects is an overtly evil
act, and may cause an immediate alignment shift.
Even the act of sacrificing a truly willing creature
will be seen as evil by some, and is not an action
day at 11th level and again at 19th level. This ability to be taken into lightly by those who consider
replaces trackless step. themselves good.

Wild Shape (Su): A gothar gains this ability This ability replaces the a thousand faces
at 6 level, and it functions at her druid level
th class feature.
-2. Further, he is never able to use wild shape to
transform into an elemental creature (although he New Fighter Archetype: Viking
still gains the ability to use it to transform into a Warrior
plant creature).
Viking warriors are among the most feared
Human Sacrifice (Su): At 13th level, the melee combatants in the world. Lightly armored,
gothar can sacrifice a willing or helpless humanoid they have no fear of death, and often fly into
creature in order to gain a benefit. This ritual terrible rages. Further, they take perverse delight in
sacrifice requires a full minute to perform, and slaying their foes, and each opponent they kill only
the creature to be sacrificed must be either willing serves to make them fiercer combatants.
or helpless for the entire duration of the ritual.
While participating in the ritual, the gothar, and A Viking warrior has the following class
anyone else that the gothar allows to take part in features:
the ritual, must spend a full-round action chanting
and making ritual gestures, and are treated in all Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Viking
ways as though they were casting a spell (including warrior is proficient with all simple and martial
having to make concentration checks if they are weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields,
damaged, provoking attacks of opportunity, etc.). but not with heavy armor or tower shields. He is
If a concentration check is failed by any of the also proficient with any one exotic weapon of his
participants, the ritual must start over from the choice that belongs to the Viking weapon group
beginning. (see below).
At the end of the ritual, the gothar must Viking Weapons: A Viking warrior is well
make a coup de grace action on the sacrificial versed in the types of weapons favored by vikings.
creature. He must continue making this action
When selecting a group of weapons for his Weapon
each round until the sacrificial creature dies, or the
ability has no effect. Training ability, he can select Viking Weapons as a
Once the ritual is complete and the sacrifice
is dead, each participant gains a number of The Viking Weapons group consists of the
luck points equal to 1/2 the sacrificed creature’s bastard sword, battleaxe, dwarven waraxe, glaive,
greataxe, handaxe, heavy mace, hooked axe, Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The
javelin, longsword, short spear, throwing axe, and tavern brawler is proficient with all simple
warhammer. weapons, and with light armor, but not with
shields. Though the tavern brawler is proficient
Killseeker (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, a with light armor, when wearing armor of any kind,
Viking warrior revels in each of his kills, making using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load,
him a particularly fearsome warrior. Whenever a tavern brawler loses his AC bonus and flurry of
the Viking warrior slays an opponent, he gets a +1 blows abilities.
morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for one
round. At 6th level, and every four levels thereafter,
this benefit lasts for one additional round (to a Flurry of Blows: The tavern brawler
maximum of 5 rounds, at 18th level). Additionally, cannot make a flurry of blows with special monk
at 10th level, this bonus increases to +2, and at 18th weapons. He may only use this ability with his fists.
level, it increases to +3. This ability replaces the Otherwise, this functions as the monk class feature
bravery class feature. flurry of blows.

Warrior’s Rage (Ex): At 3rd level, a Viking Ready for a Fight (Ex): At 3rd level, the
warrior gains the rage ability as the barbarian class tavern brawler gains a +4 bonus on initiative
feature, but his barbarian level is considered to checks. At 6th level, and every 3 levels thereafter,
be his fighter level –2. This ability replaces armor
this bonus improves by +1. This bonus does not
stack with the Improved Initiative feat. This ability
Rage Powers: At 8th, 14th, and 20th levels, replaces fast movement.
the Viking warrior gains a rage power for which
he meets the prerequisite. His barbarian level is Drunken Ki (Su): At 3rd level, a tavern
treated as his level -2 for this purpose. This ability brawler can drink a tankard of ale or strong alcohol
replaces the bonus feats gained at 8th, 14th, and 20th and gain one temporary ki point. The act of
levels, respectively. drinking is a standard action that does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. The tavern brawler can have
New Monk Archetype: Tavern Brawler a maximum number of drunken ki points equal
to 1 plus one additional point for every two levels
Tavern brawlers live for drinking, partying, thereafter (5th, 7th, and so on). The tavern brawler
and fighting, not necessarily in that order. While can gain this temporary ki even before he gains a ki
most monks focus on controlling their emotions pool at 4th level. These drunken ki points last for
and finding inner peace through rigid order, tavern 1 hour or until spent, whichever is shorter. As long
brawlers are just looking for a good time, and their
as he has at least 1 drunken ki point, the tavern
idea of a good time involves a lot of booze, and a
lot of bruises. brawler can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to
gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls
A tavern brawler has the following class until the end of his turn.
This ability replaces the still mind class
Alignment: A tavern brawler can be of any feature.
Fighting Spirit (Ex): This is identical
Hit Dice: The tavern brawler uses a d10 Hit to the monk class feature ki pool, except that
Dice. the maximum number of points in the pool is
equal to 1/2 the tavern brawler’s class level + his
Skills: The tavern brawler adds Knowledge
(local) to his list of class skills, but removes Constitution modifier, and at 10th level, instead of
Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (religion). treating his unarmed attacks as though they were
The tavern brawler gains only 2 + Intelligence lawful weapons, he increases the critical multiplier
modifier skill ranks at each level. of his unarmed attacks by 1 whenever he makes a
ki strike (typically, this would give them a critical
This ability replaces the high jump class

Drunken Strength (Ex): At 5th level, a

tavern brawler can spend 1 point of ki as a swift
action to inflict 1d6 extra points of damage on a
single successful melee attack. The tavern brawler
can choose to apply the damage after the attack
roll is made. At 10th level, the tavern brawler may
spend 2 drunken ki points to increase the extra
damage to 2d6. At 15th level, the tavern brawler
may spend 3 drunken ki points to increase the
extra damage to 3d6. At 20th level, the tavern
brawler may spend 4 drunken ki points to increase
the extra damage to 4d6. The tavern brawler must
have at least 1 drunken ki point to use this ability.

This ability replaces the purity of body class


Drunken Vigor (Ex): At 7th level, a tavern

brawler can spend one point of ki as a swift action
to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to
his Hit Dice. After 2d6 rounds, the temporary hit
points fade, leaving the tavern brawler nauseated
for 1 round. The tavern brawler must have at least 1
Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / dclipart drunken ki point to use this ability.
multiplier of x3).
This ability replaces the wholeness of body
class feature.
Resilient (Ex): At 4th level, a tavern brawler
gains Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats. This
Staggering Steps (Ex): Beginning at 12th
ability replaces the slow fall class feature.
level, the tavern brawler is able to take advantage
of his drunkenness to move erratically and avoid
Athletic (Ex): At 5th level, the tavern
his opponents’ attacks. As long as he has at least
brawler can spend 1 point from his ki pool as a
three points of drunken ki, the tavern brawler does
swift action to gain a +10 bonus on any Acrobatics,
not provoke attacks of opportunity for leaving
Climb, or Swim check.
a threatened square (he still provokes attacks
of opportunity for other actions, like drinking a
Balls of Your Feet (Ex): At 5th level, the
potion standing up from prone).
tavern brawler is able to move at his full speed
whenever he uses Acrobatics to move through
This ability replaces the abundant step class
a threatened square without provoking attacks
of opportunity without increasing the DC of the
Acrobatics check. Further, the DC for Acrobatics
Drunken Will (Ex): Beginning at 13th level,
checks made to avoid attacks of opportunity
a tavern brawler is able to use the alcohol clouding
remains the same regardless of how many
his mind as a shield against mental intrusion.
opponents are avoided.
As long as he has at least five points of drunken
ki, the tavern brawler is immune to charm and
compulsion effects.
This ability replaces the diamond soul class Favored Terrain (Ex): A Viking raider may
feature. only select cold, forest, mountain, and water as
favored terrains. This ability otherwise functions as
Knockout Punch (Ex): Starting at 15th the standard favored terrain ranger class feature.
level, a tavern brawler can deliver a devastating
Bonus Feats (Ex): At 4th level, the Viking
blow capable of laying an opponent low with a
raider gains the Weapon Focus feat as a bonus feat
single punch. As a full-attack action, he may make for any weapon of his choice that he is proficient
a single attack with his unarmed strike. If the with. At 7th level, he gains the Diehard feat as
attack hits, in addition to dealing normal damage, a bonus feat. At 10th level, he gains the Weapon
the target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 Specialization feat as a bonus feat for any weapon
+ 1/2 the tavern brawler’s monk level + the tavern he has Weapon Focus for. At 13th level, he gains
brawler’s Strength modifier) or immediately take the Greater Weapon Focus feat as a bonus feat
an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their for any weapon he has the Weapon Focus feat for.
maximum hit points. Finally, at 17th level, he gains the Greater Weapon
Specialization feat as a bonus feat for any weapon
This nonlethal damage isn’t subject to he has Weapon Specialization for. The Viking
raider may take these feats even if he does not
damage reduction or other effects that would
meet the prerequisites, as long as he meets all the
reduce the amount of damage taken, but if the
conditions outlined as part of this ability.
target is immune to nonlethal damage, it has no
effect. Creatures that have nonlethal damage in This ability replaces the ranger’s spells
excess of their current hit points immediately fall class feature, as well as his hide in plain sight class
unconscious. feature. Viking raiders do not gain any spells or
spellcasting ability, do not have a caster level, and
The tavern brawler can use this ability three cannot use spell trigger and spell completion magic
times per day. This ability replaces the quivering items.
palm class feature.
Viking Rage (Ex): At 4th level, a Viking
Distraction (Ex): At 19th level, as a swift raider gains the rage ability as the barbarian class
action, a tavern brawler can spend 3 points from feature, but his barbarian level is considered to be
his ki pool to attempt to distract his foe, either with his ranger level –3. This ability replaces hunter’s
a feint, or by fooling him into turning his attention bond.
elsewhere. The tavern brawler makes a Bluff check
Raging Stride (Ex): Beginning at 7th level,
to feint the opponent (as described under the
as long as he is raging, the Viking raider ignores
Bluff skill in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core difficult terrain of all kinds, and can move through
Rulebook), and adds his monk level to the result of it as though it were normal terrain. Other effects
his check (the DC remains the same). that impede movement, but are not specifically
treated as difficult terrain (such as a deep or
This ability replaces the empty body class shallow bog, or attempting to exit a trench) affect
feature. the viking raider normally. This ability replaces the
woodland stride class feature.
New Ranger Archetype: Viking Raider
Terrifying Scourge (Ex): At 12th level, a
Viking raiders are feared by coastal Viking raider is so fearsome that a mere glance can
communities everywhere, not only for their ability practically disable his foes. Whenever the Viking
to strike swiftly and without warning, but for their raider makes an Intimidate check to demoralize a
brutal efficiency in combat, and their terrifying favored enemy, if the check is successful, the target
disregard for the value of human life. suffers twice the normal penalty for being shaken
as a result of the check (for a total -4 penalty to
attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability
A Viking raider has the following class checks). Although the penalties are increased, the
features: target is still only considered to be shaken. This
ability replaces the camouflage class feature. Vision of Star and Wind (Su): At 4th
level, the volva learns the art of divining the future
New Witch Archetype: Volva through a special trance-like state induced by
sitting perfectly still, exposed to the elements, for
These mysterious practitioners of the old extended periods of time.
ways have powerful divination magic at their
disposal, and are widely respected among the In order to use this ability, the volva must
Vikings for their ability not only to predict the spend from dusk until dawn outside and exposed
future, but also to influence the battlefield from a to the elements. She enters a trance-like state
great distance through subtle fate-weaving magic. wherein she is perfectly aware of the world around
her, but if she moves or takes any action during
A volva has the following class features. this time, the attempt fails and she gains no benefit
from the time spent out of doors. If she is exposed
Internalized Spellcasting: A volva does to adverse weather conditions, she must make
not prepare her spells in the same way as a normal concentration checks as though she were casting
witch. She does not rely upon a familiar for her a spell, but she need only make one such check
spells, but rather learns the spells in the same way for each hour she is exposed to the condition.
that her familiar normally would. In this way, the If she takes damage during this time, she must
vulva learns and prepares spells just like a normal succeed on a concentration check as though
witch, except that she need not commune with her she were casting a spell. If she fails any of these
familiar to prepare spells. concentration checks, the attempt fails and she
gains no benefit from the time spent out of doors.
Because she has no familiar, she cannot add
spells to her familiar. She can learn spells from If the volva successfully completes the
a scroll in the same way that a witch’s familiar ritual, she is affected as though by the spell contact
normally would, except that it is the volva who other plane, with a few exceptions. First, the volva
consumers the resulting powder, rather than need never make an Intelligence check to avoid
the familiar. A volva cannot learn spells from a Intelligence or Charisma damage, and never has
familiar or from another volva in the manner that a her ability scores decreased in this way as part of
witch’s familiar can teach another witch’s familiar, this ability.
however. Even if the volva gains a familiar from
another source, her familiar cannot learn spells like Second, the effect is capable of limited
a normal witch’s familiar. prediction of the future. The volva can choose to
substitute one of her questions in order to ask
Patron: A volva must choose her patron the outcome of a specific action. If she does, the
from one of the following patron themes: question is answered with “weal,” “woe,” “weal and
ancestors, animals, death, enchantment, occult, woe,” or “nothing,” as described in the spell augury,
portents, winter, or wisdom. but everything else about the answer (such as the
chance of getting a correct answer, the possibility
Wand (Ex): A volva possesses a powerful of a false answer, and so on) still use the rules for
wand, which aids her in her magic. These wands contact other plane.
are often elaborately carved to resemble sewing
implements, or, in some cases, are overtly phallic in Finally, the volva does not choose what type
appearance. Three times per day, while the volva is of plane she contacts. This is instead determined
holding her wand, she can choose to increase the by her level, as indicated on the table below.
saving throw DC of a spell that she casts by +1. This
is a free action made as part of casting the spell,
but the volva must declare that she is using this
ability before the spell is actually cast.

This ability replaces the familiar class

This replaces the volva’s 4th-level hex. life allows even a single berserker to turn the tide of
battle, decimating the enemy ranks and panicking
Weave Fate (Su): At 12th level, the volva is even veteran soldiers, and ensuring that the
able to weave her magic into the tapestry of fate, berserker’s glorious death in battle earns his spirit
allowing her to affect targets with spells or hexes a place in the famed golden hall of warriors in the
that she would not normally be able to. Once per next world.
day, she may choose to use this ability to cast a
spell or use a hex on a target that is not present. Whether for religious or spiritual matters,
Doing so requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted a quest for personal glory, or a simple problem
meditation, at the end of which the volva casts the controlling one’s temper, men become berserkers
spell or uses the hex in question. for a variety of reasons. Berserkers are often
welcome in the hirds (or elite soldiers) of kings and
The spell or hex in question must have one lesser lords, for their value as shock troops and for
or more targets. If it has more than one target, it the prestige that commanding such uncontrollable
only affects a single target when used in this way. men can bring. Still other berserkers find work as
For the purposes of this ability, the spell or hex can mercenary warriors, as part of a group or alone,
affect the target regardless of range. If the spell bringing their uncontrollable battle frenzy to the
requires an attack roll, the volva must still make highest bidder.
the roll, but does not suffer any penalties for the
distance nor for being unable to see the target (this Making a Berserker
applies even to spells with a range of touch). The
target is allowed a Will save to resist the effect. This Bersekers are warriors at the very core of
saving throw is subject to all the same bonuses and their being, and emphasize combat prowess above
penalties outlined in the spell scrying. This saving all else. The exact skills of individual berserkers are
throw is in addition to any saving throw normally diverse, and encompass everything from extensive
offered by the spell. classical combat training to simple brute force.
In the end, the only thing one truly needs to be a
This replaces the volva’s 12th-level hex. berserker is an absolute commitment to the fight,
without care of the outcome.
Prestige Classes
The following prestige classes provide a
variety of options for characters to become elite To qualify to become a berserker, a character
Viking warriors, embracing everything it means to must fulfill all the following criteria.
be a true Viking. They are presented in alphabetical
order. Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks
Special: Must single handedly kill either a
Berserker bear, a boar, or a wolf (or, at the GM’s discretion, a
similar creature to one of those three) and take the
pelt of that animal, which serves as the berserker’s
Fjorn Firetusk, berserker.
totem, and affects numerous class abilities.
Berserkers are terrifying warriors who
Ability Scores: A berserker is an out-of-
can enter a trance like state of uncontrollable
control fighter who places a strong emphasis on
fury, which drives them to fight with reckless
physical ability scores. Of chief importance to the
abandon. Clad in animal skins, berserkers fight
berserker is a high Strength score, which allows
their battles in similar fashion to the wild beasts
him to inflict more damage in melee combat and
they resemble, killing on instinct and behaving in
thus slay more of his foes. As unarmored melee
a fashion unfathomable to most opposing forces.
fighters, a high Dexterity is important to berserkers
Since berserkers fight completely without concern
who wish to avoid the blows of their opponents
for their own life, only the very strongest and best
and live on to see other battles, however Dexterity
of these famed warriors survive large, drawn out
becomes less important to powerful berserkers
battles, but their complete disregard for their own
whose berserkergang allows them to shrug off
more and more lethal wounds. A high Constitution Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A
is critical to all berserkers, as it affects the power berserker gains no new proficiencies with any type
of their berserkergang and allows them to survive of weapons or armor.
their famed rage to live another day. While mental
abilities are less important to berserkers, a high Totem Shirt (Su): Berserkers have an
Wisdom can allow berserkers to throw off the innate connection to a wild and bestial spirit and
mental magics which could turn them against their must be clad in a shirt or robe made from the
friends and companions, while high Intelligence whole or partial hide of the wild beast which he
or Charisma scores can increase the value of the killed to qualify as a berserker in order to enter
berserker outside of his combat role. the trance-like state known as berserkergang (see
below). A berserker cannot wear any armor while
Alignment: Because berserkers are wearing his totem shirt, but can wear it along with
constantly on the border of insane rage, most tend other clothing normally. If the berserker’s totem
towards generally chaotic personalities. While shirt is destroyed, he can create a new one, but
commonly portrayed as evil, bloodthirsty warriors must first slay a creature of the same sort as the
bent on nothing but slaughter, berserkers can creature he used to qualify for the prestige class.
just as often have strict moral codes which govern
when and where they choose to fly into their battle Berserkergang (Su): At first level the berserker
frenzy and when to stop killing, creating a diverse gains the ability to enter a primal state of pure
picture of morality, and allowing for berserkers of rage. While in such a state, the berserker gains
every alignment type. incredible power, but has only limited control over
his actions as he is overcome with an insane animal
Hit Dice: d12 bloodlust. A berserker can only enter a state of
berserkergang while wearing his totem shirt, and
he cannot willingly remove the totem shirt while in
Class Skills a state of berserkergang.
The berserker’s class skills are Craft (Int), A berserker can enter this state once per
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Swim (Str) day for each berserker level he possesses. Once
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence a berserker enters a state of berserkergang, the
modifier berserkergang lasts indefinitely until either the
berserker ends it, or until there is no one left to
Class Features fight. Entering berserkergang is a swift action
which does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
All of the following are class features of the
Berserker. While in a state of berserkergang, the
berserker gains a number of temporary hit points
equal to 10 x his Constitution modifier. If his
Constitution modifier is modified as a result of These extra hit points disappear at the end of
entering a state of berserkergang (see below), the berserkergang, and are not lost first, unlike
he uses the adjusted modifier when calculating temporary hit points.
how many temporary hit points he gains. These
temporary hit points are lost when the state of Turn Blades (Su): At 3rd level, when a
berserkergang ends. berserker with the bear totem shirt enters a state
of berserkergang, he gains DR 5/bludgeoning for
While in a state of berserkergang, the the duration of the berserkergang. At 7th level, this
berserker must make a melee attack each round. damage reduction improves to 10/bludgeoning.
The berserker can take any action that involves
making a melee attack, including the charge Turn Fire (Su): At 7th level, when a
action, the full attack action, or special actions like berserker with the bear totem shirt enters a state
those provided by the Vital Strike feat to meet this of berserkergang, he gains energy resistance 10 to
requirement, but he must make at least one melee a single energy type of his choice. This choice is
attack against a creature each round if there is a made each time he enters the berserkergang.
creature that he can reach, even if that creature
is an ally. The only way to avoid this restriction is Boar
to succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + the berserker’s
berserker level + the berserker’s Constitution Ferocity of the Boar (Su): When a berserker
modifier). The berserker can make this save as a with the boar totem shirt enters berserkergang,
free action on his turn, and if he succeeds then he he gains a +4 enhancement bonus to his Strength
does not need to make a melee attack that round, score for as long as he remains in a state of
although the berserkergang ends immediately. berserkergang. At 5th level, this bonus improves to
If there is no creature to attack (he cannot reach +6, and at 9th level it improves to +8.
a creature this turn), then the berserkergang
automatically ends. Boar’s Charge (Ex): Beginning at 3rd
level, whenever a berserker with the boar totem
When a state of berserkergang ends, the shirt uses the charge action while in a state of
berserker becomes incredibly drained as the primal berserkergang, he may choose to apply any feats
fury leaves him. When the berserkergang ends, he knows that he can use when he uses the attack
the berserker must succeed on a Constitution or full attack actions (such as Vital Strike or
check (DC 5 + the number of rounds spent in the Whirlwind Attack), even if he would not normally
berserkergang) or else take 1 point of Constitution be able to use those feats as part of a charge action.
damage for each round he spent in berserkergang.
A berserker must wait at least one full minute after Boar’s Fury (Ex): Beginning at 7th level,
ending a berserkergang before he can begin a new whenever a berserker with the boar totem uses the
one. charge action while in a state of berserkergang,
he may make a full attack as part of that charge,
Finally, entering a state of berserkergang instead of just a single attack. If he chooses to
bestows a number of other benefits upon the do so, the penalty to AC imposed by charging is
berserker, which improve as he increases in level, increased to -5.
and which are based on the creature chosen for his
totem shirt, as outlined below. Wolf

Bear Wolf’s Prowess (Su): Whenever a berserker

with the wolf totem shirt enters a state of
Might of the Bear (Su): When a berserker berserkergang, he gains a +4 enhancement bonus
with the bear totem shirt enters berserkergang, he to his Dexterity score for as long as he remains in
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to his Constitution a state of berserkergang. At 5th level, this bonus
score for as long as he remains in a state of improves to be +6, and at 9th level it improves to
berserkergang. At 5th level, this bonus improves +8.
to +6, and at 9th level it improves to +8. This
increase in Constitution grants the berserker Precision Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, a berserker
extra hit points as appropriate for his Hit Dice. with the wolf totem shirt adds his Dexterity
modifier in addition to his Strength modifier to living in a state of berserkergang. At 10th level,
damage with melee and thrown weapons as long as the berserker no longer suffers any penalty when
he remains in a state of berserkergang. his berserkergang ends. He must still wait a full
minute after ending a berserkergang before he can
Embody the Pack (Ex): At 7th level, when a begin a new one, although he can circumvent even
berserker with the wolf totem shirt may makes a that restriction by spending a full-round action
full attack action while in a state of berserkergang, trying to force a berserkergang early. To do so, he
he may move 5 feet after each attack before making must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 20). If he
the next attack. This movement does not provoke succeeds, he enters the state of berserkergang. If
attacks of opportunity. the berserker enters the berserkergang in this way,
he does not need to make a melee attack this round
Berserker’s Fury (Ex): At 2nd level, the to maintain the berserkergang (although he must
primal rage of a berserker allows him to fight on do so in future rounds).
when others could not. The berserker remains
conscious while at negative hit points, and can act Playing a Berserker
normally during that time. He is treated as stable,
and does not continue to take damage each round A berserker is a warrior on the verge of
that he acts. He still dies when his negative hit uncontrollable bloodlust. They live for the fight
points exceed his Constitution score. and relish the chance to die in glorious combat.
Often serving as special forces or elite troops in
Blood of the Berserker (Ex): The angry military units, berserkers can turn the tide of any
blood of the berserker allows him to heal wounds battle.
much more quickly than other characters.
Beginning at 4th level, the berserker recovers 1 hit Races: Humans make up the majority of
point every minute, and 1 point of ability score berserkers, with their naturally shorter life spans
damage every hour. and reckless natures making them more likely than
other races to be attracted to berserking. After
Terrifying Presence (Ex): The berserker is humans, half-orcs are the most likely, as their
one of the most fearsome forces on the battlefield, chaotic blood leads them towards this reckless
and starting at 6th level, whenever he enters a state path. Half-elves sometimes become berserkers,
of berserkergang, he can attempt to use intimate but are somewhat less likely than humans to do
to demoralize all living creatures which can see so. Berserkers of other races are less common.
him. This is a free action that functions as normal Elves cherish their long life spans and emphasize
for the demoralize use of the Intimidate skill, elegance and civility, which means that few elves
except that he rolls his Intimidate check once and hold the values of the berserker in high regard, and
compares the result to the DC of each creature dwarves are often too dour and reserved to become
that is able to see him to see if he affects that berserkers, and prefer a more cautious style of
creature. The berserker cannot choose to exclude combat, in any case.
certain individuals from this effect, but the DC to
demoralize an ally in this way is increased by +4. Religion: Berserkers are often religiously
motivated, being devoted followers of gods of war
Berserker Ferocity (Ex): Truly legendary and death. Traditionally ulfheðnar (berserkers with
berserkers are nearly impossible to kill, fighting on a wolf totem shirt) wre considered to be blessed by
long after a normal man would have died. At 8th Odin himself. Some berserkers have primal faiths,
level a berserker no longer dies when his negative believing in the animal spirits which they embody.
hit points exceed his Constitution score, but Other berserkers have no particular faith or are
instead dies when his negative hit points exceed actively atheistic, believing only in themselves and
twice his Constitution score. Additionally, the the power of their intense rage.
berserker gains a +8 bonus on saving throws made
to resist death effects. Other Classes: Berserkers often get along
well with barbarians, with whom they share a
True Berserker (Ex): Only the truly special kinship. Typically berserkers who spend
heroic berserkers live to reach the height of their time serving in military organizations often find
trade, but those that do become acclimated to that they interact well, at least socially, with other
martially-inclined characters, though many take
the attitude that those warriors less committed
to the battle than the berserkers themselves are
weak or cowardly. While berserkers rely on clerics
and druids for their long term survival, unless
the two parties are members of the same faith,
the berserker typically finds little interest in the
company of such individuals. Berserkers often
find themselves at odds with rogues and arcane
spellcasters, whose emphasis on trickery and
planning runs contrary to the berserker’s desire
to smash through the enemy, though this needn’t
necessarily be the case.

Berserkers in the World

We had 500 men clad in mail, and they were
down to the ragged dozen dressed in animal skins.
We quickly surrounded them; victory was in our Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / dclipart
grasp. Then, suddenly, they bit their shields and
rise from the already extraordinary ranks of the
howled like wild beasts. They moved like lightning
berserker, and pass into legendary status.
about our lines, killing men and horses alike with a
single blow, and no weapon could harm them! They
Bjorn Byarson, though surely now long
killed until the ground ran red with blood, and then
dead, is still perhaps the best remembered of all
when the last of my men were dead, they raised
berserkers. His tale began ordinarily enough: as
their spears to the sky and then suddenly died.
a man obsessed with challenge and possessed
~Lord General Smythin Malkius
of limitless resolve, Bjorn took to wandering the
wilds searching for ever greater foes to face. His
Daily Life: The daily life of the berserker
skill in battle was legendary, and he conquered
varies somewhat based on the individual and his
against odds which would lead even brave men
situation, but typically focuses on consuming
to retreat. His greatest challenge came to him
vast quantities of food and alcohol. Many
while exploring a vast cavern, in search of the fire
berserkers travel the land plundering and taking
giants who had been threatening the surrounding
what they want and leaving a trail of destruction
area. He was confronted by a terrible red dragon
in their wake, assured in the knowledge that
of immense stature. The beast, confident in its
eventually they will die in glorious battle, but
power, thought to destroy Bjorn with a single blast
until then they will live as kings. Other berserkers
of its wicked flames. Though the flames burned
seek a life of isolation away from people they
hot enough to destroy Bjorn’s axe and mail, the
might inadvertently hurt. While there are a
man himself survived relatively unscathed, and
few exceptions, most berserkers do not spend
naked and unarmed, Bjorn gave a furious scream
any amount of time in formal combat training,
and charged the monster. The dragon, surprised
preferring a more natural approach to battle,
but undeterred, devoured the charging warrior
though many find time for a good fight as often as
whole, before he could reach his body. Even then
Bjorn did not surrender: rather, in a fit of pure rage,
he tore one of the dragon’s fangs from his mouth
Notables: While songs and poems
before the creature could swallow him. Tumbling
of mighty berserkers are fairly common, few
down the dragon’s throat, Bjorn lashed out with
berserkers live long enough to be remembered
the dragon’s own fang, slicing a ring in the dragon’s
by name, other than by their closest kinsman.
neck, effectively beheading the beast to facilitate
Even those berserkers who do achieve notoriety,
his escape. Naked and scorched, Bjorn used the
either for their impressive martial skill or extreme
dragons fang to fashion an armored shirt from its
insanity, rarely achieve any kind of recognition
until after their death, making notable berserkers
From that day onward whenever Bjorn
something of a rarity. Even so, a few such men do
entered battle he would fight with the strength and
fury of a dragon, and no man or beast could stand challenge a berserker to combat, either because
against him, and no weapon or magic could harm they find his behavior to be uncouth or because he
him. Eventually Bjorn had fought every foe and wants to test his own skill. Few such men live to tell
overcome every challenge in his own land, and he of the experience.
set across the sea to seek his fortune elsewhere. It is
unknown if he ever found a new land or if he sunk Lore: Characters with ranks in Knowledge
at sea, but that was the last anyone ever heard from (local) can research berserkers to learn more about
Bjorn. them. When a character makes this skill check,
read or paraphrase the information from the table
Organizations: Berserkers, despite their below, including entries for lower DCs.
erratic and chaotic natures, can often form or
become part of larger organizations. Berserkers
often end up as elite shock troops in large
armies fielded by kings and great jarls. In such
organizations, berserkers are afforded great respect
both because battles often hinge on their ability to
break the enemies’ ranks, and because lesser men
are terrified of what a berserker might do when he
is treated poorly. As a result, berserkers tend to be
set apart from other troops.

A more common organizational structure

for a berserker is as part of a band of similar
berserk warriors. In such cases, the berserkers
form close friendships with their fellows and
travel together for extended periods. Such groups
commonly work as mercenaries when men have
need of their services, or as brigands when there
isn’t a better offer on the table. These smaller
bands tend to have little in the way of formal
rules and structures, but rather serve as a sort of
adopted family who share in each other’s company,
and watch out for one another. In extreme
circumstances, or regions where berserkers are
plentiful, they sometimes form lodges and similar
fraternal societies, where a great emphasis is
placed on following a particular code or structure.
Such organizations tend to have archaic rules and
complex hierarchies based on achievement, age, or
skill at arms. Housecarl
NPC Reactions: With the exception of The Jarl is dead, but our loyalty did not die
those who employ such men, and those who are with him. We will slaughter until his enemies are a
supremely confident in their own combat abilities, feast for the ravens, or until we meet him again in
most people are terrified of berserkers. Usually Valhalla!
this fear and suspicion is fairly justified, as angry ~Sjorn Skalison, Housecarl to Jarl Hakaan
berserkers tend to kill indiscriminately. When Forkbeard.
they have the ability, many NPCs try to isolate
berserkers from the rest of the community, sending The housecarl serves his lord in many roles,
them into the wild where they are less likely to as his steward, his courier, and his bodyguard.
harm people they care about. In other places, most The housecarl is the fiercest and most committed
people treat the berserker much the same as they defender of his lord, and he is both his servant
would visiting frost giant: with panic. Occasionally and his companion in arms. This loyalty causes
local champions and noteworthy warriors will housecarls—already chosen for this honor because
of their elite warrior abilities—to bring their
combat ability to new heights. the other hand, archery is often a required skill in
the early stages of sea battles, so housecarls who
Unlike similar men in other lands, the spend the majority of their fighting time on ships
housecarl is not a servant in the traditional sense, will gain more from a high Dexterity). Intelligence
beholden to his lord as a thrall, but rather is a free is important for mastering the administrative skills
man who has chosen to devote his life and talents which often fall to housecarls, but is less important
out of friendship, kinship, or for profit. His actions to a man on campaign than in the infrequent times
are his own, and he is beholden only to his honor of peace when such duties are called for. Charisma
and to his respect for his lord. For most Viking is important for housecarls who find themselves
rulers, housecarls make up the greatest of their leading other troops in their lord’s service, but
forces, as they are the lord’s most skilled and loyal is generally considered to be of only minimal
warriors, better trained and equipped than even important to man who makes his living with his
their brethren, and thus are better respected and axe.
Alignment: Housecarls can come from
Making a Housecarl many backgrounds, though since an oath of service
is required, most housecarls tend to have lawful
While all housecarls choose to serve a leanings. Most often a housecarl’s alignment
lord or crown larger than themselves, each is a closely resembles that of his lord, though this not
freeman capable of and expected to make his own always the case, especially if his lord’s deeds have
decisions. He gains prestige for his skill at war, and managed to earn the housecarl’s respect, perhaps
for performing notable deeds, as such successful causing him to overlook his general philosophy in
housecarls spend much of their time honing their order to serve this great figure.
martial skills, and, when not directly fighting for
their lords, can be found performing valorous Hit Dice: d10
deeds which bring fame to themselves, and, by
extension, their lord. Class Skills
Requirements The housecarl’s class skills are Craft (Int),
Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), and Swim (Str).
To qualify to become a housecarl, a Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence
character must fulfill all the following criteria. modifier

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Feats: Weapon Focus (great axe)
Class Features
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient
All of the following are class features of the
with all martial weapons, and with at least one type
of medium or heavy armor.
Special: Must give their solemn oath of
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A
service to a lord or patron, and own and maintain a
housecarl gains no new proficiencies with any type
suit of medium or heavy armor, and a masterwork
of weapons or armor.
great axe.
Housecarl’s Oath: A housecarl must
Ability Scores: A housecarl is among his
swear his service to a lord and conduct himself
lord’s best fighters, entrusted with protecting his
in that lord’s name. The exact specifications of
very life, and thus favors a high Strength score,
these oaths are unique to each housecarl and his
allowing him to more swiftly dispose of those who
lord, but are typically very loose and informal
would harm his lord. A high Constitution score is
arrangements, requiring a small blood tribute on
important to a housecarl, ensuring he can stay in
behalf of the housecarl and a solemn oath that he
the fight long enough to prove his worth to his lord
will follow his lord into battle, and not murder
and the gods before he dies. A high Dexterity is less
any other of his lords housecarls or actively betray
important to a housecarl than to other fighters,
him, but are rarely much more strict than that. In
since it is considered by most Viking cultures to be
general should his lord have no need of his service
less honorable to kill their foes from a distance (on
in arms or as an administrator, the housecarl is
free to do whatever he whishes. As a free man, a Bonus Feat: A housecarl is an excellent
housecarl can end this arrangement honorably at warrior whose deeds are legendary beyond
any time, but if he does so he may no longer gain measure. At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter,
any levels in the housecarl class (he still retains any the housecarl gains a bonus feat, which can be any
benefits he already possessed). Similarly, should combat feat for which he qualifies.
the housecarl violate his oaths, or his lord die,
he cannot gain any more levels in the housecarl Fight For Your Lord (Ex): At 4th level the
class. An ex-housecarl who convinces another lord housecarls loyalty to his lord makes him a powerful
to take him as a housecarl, he can resume taking force on the battle field when fighting to defend
levels in the housecarl class. him. As long as the housecarl remains within 30
ft. of his lord, he gains a +2 morale bonus to AC
Superior Training (Ex): A housecarl is and to attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th
the most skilled of his lord’s fighters, and, through level, this bonus improves to +4. Additionally,
constant training in martial techniques, can fight three times per day, as a swift action, the housecarl
with skill only possessed by the greatest champions can declare his devotion to his lord to gain these
of lesser warrior cultures. For the purposes of benefits for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his
qualifying for feats, a housecarl is treated as a housecarl level (rounded down, minimum 1), even
fighter of his housecarl level. If he already had if his lord is not present.
levels in fighter before becoming a housecarl, then
those levels stack for the purposes of qualifying for Improved Daneaxe Fighting (Ex):
feats (for example if Sven is a lv 5 fighter and a lv 6 Beginning at 5th level, the housecarl’s mastery
housecarl, he counts as an 11th level fighter for the of this fighting style improves, allowing him to
purposes of qualifying for feats). make a second additional attack a -5 penalty (for a
total penalty of -9) whenever he uses his daneaxe
Daneaxe Fighting (Ex): Every housecarl fighting class feature.
is trained in the use of massive axes requiring two
hands to wield, and can use such weapons to great Housecarl Armor Training (Ex): A
effect, making them far more dangerous than even housecarl is required to maintain his own
men armed with two weapons. At 2nd level, when equipment, and after many battles spent living in
the housecarl makes a full attack action while and caring for his armor, he learns to wear it more
wielding a greataxe, he can choose to suffer a -4 effectively. Beginning at 7th level, the housecarl’s
penalty to all attack rolls made this round in order moves at his full speed regardless of the type of
to make an additional attack at his highest base armor he is wearing.
attack bonus. At 10th level, his mastery over the
daneaxe combat style improves further, allowing Morale (Ex): A housecarl is more than
him to make a third additional attack at a -10 just a warrior in his lord’s service: he is a symbol
penalty (for a total penalty of -14). of strength and honor to all who see him. At 8th
level, a housecarl’s devotion to his lord makes the complex social structures of elven hierarchy
him unshakable and unwavering, granting can sometimes devolve into a more traditional
him immunity to fear effects. Additionally, the feudal system, and in such cases it is not
housecarl’s example inspires those around him, uncommon for elven kings and princes to adopt
making them more brave, and effectively granting the most skilled of their people into their homes
them a bonus equal to the housecarl’s class level on as guards and administers, though they rarely use
Will saves made to resist fear effects. the word housecarl itself for this practice. Few
other races have the discipline and warrior culture
Die For Your Lord (Ex): At 10th level, traditionally necessary to support housecarls,
the housecarl makes a second oath to his lord, though members of other races are sometimes
swearing to die either protecting his life, or adopted as housecarls by kings of other races.
avenging him. For many housecarls this second
oath is little more than a formality, but still the Religion: Traditional housecarls adopt
housecarl gains power from the oath. So long as whatever religion their lord follows, and not
he is within 30 ft. of his lord, the housecarl fights doing so can sometimes be seen a slight upon
with an additional ferocity, allowing him to remain the housecarl’s lord. In cases where religious
conscious even at 0 or negative hit points (he controversy is emerging it is not uncommon for the
still dies at his negative constitution score), and housecarl to publicly adopt their lord’s faith, while
allowing him to make an additional attack at his secretly keeping their own. Housecarls whose lord
highest base attack bonus whenever he makes a does not follow a particular deity, or for whom
full attack with a melee weapon. If the housecarl’s religious faith is not an issue, generally favor gods
lord is ever slain, the housecarl still gains these of war and protection.
benefits, but only when he is actively fighting to
avenge his lord’s death. Other Classes: Housecarls function
remarkably well with members of other classes
Superior Daneaxe Fighting (Ex): At 10th when left to their own devices. Fellow housecarls of
level, the housecarl becomes a true master of course are held in highest regard, though not much
daneaxe fighting, allowing him to make a third more so than other fighting men, particularly
additional attack at a -10 penalty (for a total penalty the fighter and barbarians which make up the
of -14) whenever he uses his daneaxe fighting class majority Viking armies. Though some housecarls
feature. are slow to trust rogues because they believe them
to be treacherous or cowardly, most recognize the
Playing a Housecarl usefulness of such men on the battlefield and don’t
concern themselves with the rogue’s methods,
A housecarl is an important member of his so long as he is stabbing the housecarl’s lord’s
lord’s household, in many cases as close as kin, and enemies in the back, and not the housecarl or
his primary interest is in his lord’s wellbeing. Most his lord. Like all Vikings, housecarls hold bards
housecarls are in service to a great king or to an (particularly proper skalds) in high regard for both
influential jarl, and make up the elite guard of their their entertaining stories, and also for their ability
armies. While housecarls may adopt many duties to tell tales of the housecarl’s own deeds, so that he
in their service, skill at arms and battle prowess are might remain immortalized in song. Spellcasters of
the most valued skills of any housecarl, so most all sorts tend to receive warm welcomes, as long as
housecarls turn their aims towards military ends. they don’t let their magic make them arrogant, and
they cast their spells in the housecarl’s favor.
Races: Originally all housecarls were
humans, though this is no longer the case. They That said, if their lord has particularly
can originate from a wide variety of cultures, as strong opinions about one or more classes, such as
Viking kings adopt members of other cultures a distaste for wizards, it is not uncommon to find
into their armies, as long as they show exceptional that the housecarl sharing that same opinion, at
skill. Dwarves are as likely as humans to become least until the offending class proves itself worthy
housecarls, largely in service to clan leaders and in his eyes.
other influential community leaders, and many
dwarven communities maintain this tradition.
Where the elves are called to make war frequently,
Housecarls in the World area to area, with informal armed bands being
the most common, but large regimented armies
Thorvald places this stone for Erik his governed by simple codes or even complex laws are
housecarl who was a great warrior and commander, not unheard of.
and who sailed east and when they sat around our
hold there he slaughtered until his death to break NPC Reactions: The general reaction
them. towards housecarls tends to relate largely to who is
~runestone placed by king Thorvald outside doing the reacting. At home, housecarls are treated
of Himskir pass. with a great deal of respect by carls, landsman,
and jarls alike, renowned for their bravery and
Daily Life: The average housecarl spends commitment to their lords. In some places,
much of his time with the lord in his household, they are regarded cautiously, as would be any
though the tradition varies somewhat from place considerable armed force in service to a foreigner.
to place. For some housecarls, being a housecarl In other places, far from the lands of their lord,
is very similar to being kin, sitting at the lords in the places where their lord sends them to raid
table and eating with him, joking with him and in and pillage, they are known to be bloodthirsty
general living life very much like his brother. For killers who commit atrocities so horrendous as to
others, its more akin to being a common soldier, be unmentionable, and are feared and hated more
separated from lesser troops only by superior even than demons and dragons.
weaponry, training, discipline, commitment, and
likely a grant of land or gold. For others still, being Lore: Characters with ranks in Knowledge
a housecarl means being his lord’s champion (local) can research housecarls to learn more about
riding on his behalf and acting as his agent in the them. When a character makes this skill check,
world. For all when the time for battle comes he is read or paraphrase the information from the table
at his lord’s side in the core of the army or in the below, including entries for lower DCs.
front ranks, laying his life down for his oath and
bringing swift death to his lord’s enemies.

Notables: Few housecarls aren’t known at

least locally, and rune stones carved to the fallen
litter the landscape after a major battle. However,
with so many local heroes, it becomes difficult to
separate hosuecarls of true notoriety.

An exception to this tendency can be found

in the story of Bari the Faithful, who is considered
by many to have been the greatest of housecarls.
When his lord Syorri was betrayed by his brother,
and all his other retainers had abandoned him,
Bari remained true, and at the entrance to his
lord’s hold, he stood against truly impossible odds,
killing 400 men before Syorri, sure that defeat was
inevitable, took his own life. The shock of such an
act gave Bari pause, and a spear found his heart.
If rumors are to be believed, his ghost still haunts
Syorri’s hold, allowing none to pass the threshold.

Organizations: Housecarls are generally

military men, and serve in the core of their lord’s
armies. Depending on their lord’s influence, they
might belong to a small group of bodyguards,
be left to lead hundreds of troops, or be but one
of thousands of men in a standing army. The
discipline of these units also varies greatly from
These men who have been arrayed against
us think they know war. They think they know what
it means to be a warrior. They are wrong. They have
never faced Odin’s sons, they have never faced men
of true conviction, and they have never fought the
men of Jomsborg! And they will not live to tell of
what it is like.

~Helting the Strong, Jomsviking

Jomsvikings are perhaps the greatest of

fighting men. Elite warrior societies, jomsvikings
are collections of warriors who come together
to form a community devoted to nothing but
warfare, in an attempt to recreate the legendary
warrior-society of Jomsborg. Together, these great
warriors strive to challenge themselves, and each
other, into becoming the best possible warriors the Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / dclipart
world has ever seen, combining constant training
with regular campaigning and mercenary work. Requirements
True jomsvikings, it is said, require only battle
for sustenance, for they eat, drink, and sleep war. To qualify to become a jomsviking, a
Combing technical training and skill at arms character must fulfill all the following criteria.
with natural strength and primal aggression, the
jomsviking is martial perfection. Unlike many of Base Attack Bonus: +5
their contemporaries, jomsvikings are a disciplined Feats: Weapon Specialization (any melee
force with a rigid code of conduct, making them weapon)
more than a mere band of warriors. Class Features: Rage
Special: In order to join the ranks of the
Guided by the principles of the old ways, jomsviking, one must prove oneself by performing
jomsvikings are warriors in service to their an act of great strength. This typically takes place
ancestral faith, and devoted to preserving those in the form of a holmgang (honor duel) with an
same traditions. Their skill at arms is the stuff of existing jomsviking. As is traditional, the exact
legends, and poets and where they go men tremble rules of these duels are left up to the participants,
for their presence. Unconcerned with political but are only rarely lethal with “significant
gains and the ambitions of the weak, jomsvikings bloodying” (or reducing a target to ½ his hit
lend those legendary skills only to those who truly points) being the norm. In addition to proving
earn their respect, or at least pay their exceptional oneself, other requirements are often laid upon
fees. those wishing to join the ranks of the jomsvikings,
and vary from stronghold to stronghold. In the
legendary Jomsborg, applicants must be men
Making a Jomsviking between the ages of 18-50, and they must have
seen combat before. In addition to these basic
Jomsvikings are more than mere warriors, requirements one is required to swear the oath of
they are the very height of martial craft, the jomsviking (see below) in order to maintain
emphasizing in equal measure strength, skill, and their membership.
discipline. To the jomsvikings the measure of a
man isn’t what he can do, as much as it is what Ability Scores: Jomsvikings are warriors of
he actually does, and those who would join their the highest caliber, and greatly emphasize personal
honored ranks must first prove themselves worthy, strength. As a result, a high Strength score of
and it is said that those who have joined already critical importance to a successful jomsviking.
must prove themselves again with every breath. This is especially true since jomsvikings focus
specifically on melee combat. Constitution and the council of the jomsvikings in the highest
Dexterity are considered to be equally important regard, to never flee from equal or inferior
to jomsvikings, as the former grants the hit points numbers, to never allow a woman in the places
and fortitude saving throws necessary to stay where training or combat occur, or where she
alive throughout their career, while the latter not could interfere with the focus of a soldier, and to
only allows access to certain combat feats the distribute all the spoils of battle evenly among all
jomsviking may find useful, but improves his the jomsvikings. Different jomsviking strongholds
acrobatic ability, which can become of critical may have different rules and codes of conduct.
importance, as he will frequently be called
upon to balance while fighting on a longship. A jomsviking that violates these oaths is
For the jomsviking, Intelligence is by far the punished by his fellows with exile, and in extreme
most important mental ability score, as it useful cases with death. Additionally, a character who
for a number of different combat feats and for breaks these oaths cannot gain further levels
understanding complex tactical situations. in the jomsviking class until such a time as the
jomsvikings take the offender back into the
Alignment: The strict ethical codes organization, a feat which will likely require
required by jomsvikings, as well as their rigid and extensive efforts on behalf of the offending
regimented lifestyle means that the majorty of character.
jomsvikings do not have a chaotic alignment, and
since the primal rage which jomsvikings demand Combat Dicipline (Ex): A jomsviking’s
of their members typically precludes a lawful rigid discipline and excessive training make him
alignment, most jomsvikings are neutral. While a versatile and nearly undefeatable warrior. A
jomsvikings can be either good or evil, the majority jomsviking has a number of warrior points equal to
are neither, preferring neutrality instead. his jomsviking level. Each round, as a swift action,
the jomsviking can allocate these points to gain a
Hit Dice: d12 number of benefits. The jomsviking never expends
these points, and can always reallocate them later
with another swift action. All of the benefits gained
Class Skills by this class feature last until the beginning of
the jomsviking’s next turn, so in order to continue
The jomsviking’s class skills are Acrobatics gaining any benefit, the jomsviking must continue
(Dex), Craft (Int), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), to spend a swift action each round to allocate his
Profession (Wis), and Swim (Str). warrior points.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence
modifier At 1st level, the jomsviking can allocate
his warrior points to become more resistant to
Class Features fear, or more resistant to exhaustion. For each
warrior point he allocates to be more resistant
All of the following are class features of the to exhaustion, he gains a +1 morale bonus on
jomsviking Fortitude saves made to resist the fatigued or
exhausted conditions. For each warrior point he
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A allocates to be more resistant to fear, he gains a
jomsviking gains no new proficiencies with any +1 morale bonus on Will saves made to resist fear
type of weapons or armor. effects.

Jomsviking’s Oath: In order to join Beginning at 3rd level, the jomsviking may
the jomsvikings, one must swear to uphold a choose to allocate warrior points to resist charm
strict set of moral conditions by which to live and compulsion effects. For every warrior point he
their lives. A typical set of codes is similar to the allocates to this end, he gains a +1 morale bonus
following: To never harm or speak ill of another on Will saves made to resist charm or compulsion
of the jomsvikings, to show no fear or doubt, to effects.
never forsake the true gods, to never be beyond
jomsborg’s walls for more than three days without Beginning at 5th level, the jomsviking may
the permission of the jomsvikings, to hold always choose to allocate warrior points to improve his
defenses. For every two warrior points he allocates can draw on his innate primal fury, channeling
to this end, he gains a +1 morale bonus to AC. it towards more disciplined and equally deadly
ends. At 2nd level, he can expend 1 round of his rage
Beginning at 7th level, the jomsviking ability in order to gain a primal insight into striking
may choose to allocate warrior points to improve his target, granting him a +2 morale bonus on
his accuracy. For every three warrior points he the next attack roll he makes this round. He may
allocates to this end, he gains a +1 morale bonus to use this ability as a free action made as part of the
attack rolls. attack, but must declare that he is using this ability
before the attack roll is made.
Beginning at 9th level, the jomsviking may
choose to allocate warrior points in order to deal Warrior’s Strike (Ex): At 4th level, a
massive damage. For every three warrior points jomsviking’s ability to channel his rage improves,
he allocates to this end, he gains a +2 bonus on allowing him to strike more keenly when he scores
weapon damage rolls. a life-threatening blow, effectively allowing him to
expend 1 round of rage in order to gain a +4 morale
Combat Training (Ex): A jomsviking must bonus on an attack roll made to confirm a critical
be an expert in combat techniques and weaponry. hit. This is a free action made as part of the attack
Starting at 1st level, a jomsviking counts as a fighter roll, but the jomsviking must declare that he is
of his level for the purposes of qualifying for using this ability before the confirmation roll is
feats (for example a character who was a 4th-level made.
fighter and 5th-level jomsviking would count as a
9th-level fighter when determining whether or not he Warrior’s Focus (Ex): At 6th level, the
qualified for feats that require a certain number of jomsviking channel an exceptional fury in order
fighter levels). to make an attack which is likely to cause grievous
wounds. He can expend 2 rounds of rage in order
Controlled Frenzy (Ex): A jomsviking to double the critical threat range of a weapon he
must be able to tap the primal rage of his heritage is wielding for his next attack. This is a free action
for power, but must not let that power dampen his made as part of the attack, but the jomsviking
combat skills and awareness. At 1st level, and every must declare that he is using this ability prior to
level thereafter, the jomsviking gains 2 additional making the attack roll. This ability does not stack
rounds of rage each day. Additionally, whenever with itself, nor with the Improved Critical feat, the
he enters a rage, he retains use of his mental keen weapon, or similar effects.
faculties, and can use Dexterity-, Intelligence-, and
Charisma-based skills, as well as abilities requiring Warrior’s Punishment (Ex): At 8th level,
concentration and focus, while he is raging. the jomsviking can channel great frustration into
his attack. By spending 3 rounds of rage, he can
Warrior’s Accuracy (Ex): A jomsviking increase the critical multiplier of a weapon he is
wielding by 1 for the next attack he makes (for Religion: The jomsvikings of legendary
instance a battleaxe, with a critical multiplier of Jomsborg were staunch pagans, worshiping the
x3, would be treated as though it had a x4 critical Norse pantheon of gods, and actively fought
modifier). The jomsviking can use this ability as against the encroachment of other gods into their
a free action as part of making an attack with the homeland, going to any length to keep their pagan
weapon, but must declare that he is using this practices alive. Religion played a major role in
ability before the attack roll is made. their day-to-day life, and signs from various Norse
gods played a major role in the decisions of the
Warrior’s Frenzy (Ex): At 10th level, the hierarchy. Members of other faiths wishing to join
jomsviking can truly focus a frenzy into a potent the jomsvikings were either flat out refused, or
offensive explosion, allowing him to expend 5 required to convert. Even today, jomsvikings hold
rounds of rage to make an additional attack at his similar strict religious traditions, but may have
highest base attack bonus. Activating this ability is less archaic beliefs. Jomsvikings of today tend to
free action made as part of an action that involves worship gods of warfare, and local, or ancestral
a melee attack (such as the charge action, the full gods, above all others.
attack action, or the attack action). The jomsviking
can only use this ability once per round. Other Classes: With the exception of
clerics and shamans of their faith, jomsvikings
Fearless (Ex): At 10th level, jomsvikings have little tolerance for non-martial classes, and
learn to shake their fear entirely, becoming even then tend to scorn association with warriors
immune to fear effects. who are not themselves jomsvikings. Of course,
as mercenaries, jomsvikings often find themselves
Playing a Jomsviking working alongside armies composed primarily of
non-jomsvikings. In such situations, jomsvikings
A jomsviking is a disciplined warrior, value fighters for their defensive skills, barbarians
committed to serving his brothers in arms and for their fearlessness, rangers for their scouting
fighting for honor, glory, and gold. capabilities, and paladins for the morale they
bring to battles. They place little interest in arcane
Races: In legendary Jomsborg, only magic, believing it to be a poor substitute for real
humans were permitted to join the ranks of martial skill, and have nothing but contempt for
the jomsviking, with extreme prejudice applied those who sneak about like cowards.
to those not of Viking descent, and those of
differing religious beliefs banned entirely. In Jomsvikings in the World
modern times, the majority of jomsvikings are
still humans, but a desire for fame and glory Nothing more than a myth I say! These so
has motivated warriors of all stripes to seek out called jomsvikings are preposterous. A city full of
these legendary warriors. Humanity’s natural warriors with no women? Ha! A harbor with 300
organizational skills and military discipline, ships? Laughable. Warriors even the Vikings fear?
combined with their racial penchant for religious Pure jest. I assure you, lord Tallius, we have nothing
zealotry make humans exceptional jomsvikings. more to fear of these so-called jomsvikings than we
Apart from humans, dwarves, with their love of do the great and mighty “mauve dragon.”
discipline and exceptional warrior skills, make ~Sellius Machiuvus to lord Tallius, 3 days
excellent jomsvikings. Half-elves often find the before the sacking of the royal city.
adoptive family environment of the jomsvikings a
welcome change from the social ostracization that Daily Life: Jomsvikings live incredibly
they’re used to. Half-orcs often join up as a way of regimented and structured lives, with an emphasis
proving their merit, and challenging their natural placed on strict military discipline. No women
combat skills. Elves, gnomes, and halflings of a were allowed within the legendary warrior-city
warrior nature sometimes join the jomsvikings but Jomsborg, and while some of the jomsviking
generally take better to less rigid environments, citadels of today may be more relaxed in this
and must work harder than the above races respect (in fact, at least one such community
in order to earn the acceptance of jomsviking of jomsvikings is comprised entirely of female
communities. warriors, who allow no men beyond their walls),
most still forbid their members from taking
families, and romantic entanglements within at best (although they are rarely challenged within
the strongholds walls are almost always strictly striking distance of the jomsviking making the
forbidden. Instead, an emphasis is placed on claim). Theories abound about the disappearance
discipline and training: the men of a jomsviking of the mythical city, with some claiming that it
community literally live for the fight, spending was swallowed by the sea, or that it was melted
every waking moment preparing for martial down in order to make incredible magic armor
struggle, or steeling their courage at the meadhall. and weapons. The most popular claim is that a
When not within their stronghold’s walls, wizard who made himself an enemy of Jomsborg,
jomsvikings are typically on campaign, fighting in knowing he had no hope of defeating its warriors,
one or more engagements. Jomsvikings typically opened a portal to the abyss beneath the city,
fight for the coin of foreign powers, either as high which fell through, and remains to this day, with
priced mercenaries or as dangerous raiders. the descendants of the original jomsvikings
engaging in constant battle against demonic
While the majority of jomsvikings remain hordes.
with their warrior community for constant training
and military campaigns, it is not uncommon for Organizations: All jomsvikings belong to
modern-day jomsviking communities to grant one warrior society or another, a group of warriors
permission to individual jomsvikings to leave for which separates itself from the rest of society,
extended periods of time to pursue great quests usually in a walled stronghold, and devotes all of
and earn glory for themselves, and, by extension, its efforts to warfare and martial training. These
the community as a whole. Most adventurer strictly-regimented societies, for the most part,
jomsvikings fall into this category. That said, the model themselves on the fabled ancient society of
leaders of the jomsviking community keep a close Jomsborg, from which modern jomsvikings draw
eye on the warriors that they grant this freedom their name. Each jomsviking society is its own
to, and such individuals are expected to produce distinct entity, however, complete with its own
a steady stream of glorious accomplishments and codes of conduct and its own hierarchy, based on
strive to ever-greater heights, and if the other skill in combat time in the brotherhood, and the
jomsvikings ever suspect that their prodigal great deeds of one’s ancestors (and, of course, one’s
companion is going soft, they are quick to bring own deeds).
him back into the fold for rigorous and merciless
training. Usually a society of jomsvikings will offer
its services as mercenaries, and such warriors are
Notables: The ranks of the jomsvikings often in high demand and claim even higher prices
are filled with kings and princes, as well as with for their skills. If no mercenary work is available,
great heroes all. In legendary Jomsborg, great jomsvikings often turn to raiding or conquest.
men such as Harold Bluetooth, Sweyn Forkbeard, During the bad months, when neither war nor
Plantoke, and Stybjorn the Strong were all said to raiding is a possibility, the jomsvikings spend all
have been chieftains. The city itself is said to have their time training and collectively preparing for
been an imposing and unassailable fortress made the next year’s wars.
of pure steel, and each of its thousands of warriors
supposedly more fearless, heroic, and fearsome NPC Reactions: The majority of those who
than the last. In all the myths of Jomsborg, it is said have heard of Jomsborg believe it to be nothing
that no force could possibly hope to conquer the more than a legend, with precious little evidence
city, and, in some legends, it is even said that the of its existence beyond a few runestones and poetic
stronghold’s residents withstood an assault by the verse. Few make the mistake of believing that there
armies of the very god of war himself. are no such thing as jomsvikings, however, for a
great number of warrior-societies have sprung up
Jomsborg, however, vanished long ago, if to embody and recreate the ideals of that mythical
indeed it ever existed, a matter about which many city, and there can be no denying that jomsvikings
scholars of today are doubtful. While a handful of themselves are real, even if the city that they strive
modern-day jomsviking strongholds claim to be to emulate may be nothing more than a pretty
built on the location of the fabled warrior-city, or story.
to have in their possession certain relics from the
original jomsvikings, most such claims are dubious
Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / dclipart

For the most part, jomsvikings are treated

as any other group of mercenaries. Those who pay
attention to such things will no doubt be aware
that jomsvikings have a reputation for excellence
among mercenaries, and would likely have a
greater respect—and healthier fear—of a band
of jomsvikings than of the average mercenary
band, but even then most consider them little
more than extremely efficient and extremely
well-disciplined soldiers. Only poets, and those
who idolize warrior cultures see the romance of
the ideals that the jomsvikings uphold. This can
occasionally lead to difficulties for those who
unwittingly insult the ideals of the jomsvikings, as
the warriors themselves are very passionate about
their reclusive, almost religious devotion to martial

Lore: Characters with ranks in Knowledge

(local) can research jomsvikings to learn more
about them. When a character makes this skill
check, read or paraphrase the information from the
table below, including entries for lower DCs.
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Authors Joshua Zaback, Alex Riggs, David Mesick
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of A Necromancer’s Grimoire: The Secret of Herbs Copyright 2012 Necromancers of the Northwest,
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this Authors Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback
License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Advanced Arcana Volume III Copyright 2012 Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC; Authors Alex
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Ancient Warriors: The Vikings Copyright 2012 Necromancers of the Northwest, LLC; Authors
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ng W eW i
ngs.Theseanci entwarri ors,seafarers,and
explorershaveleftan undi sputablemarkon thecourse
ofwestern hi story.Throughoutthemi ddle- agesthey
werefeared and hated throughoutEuropeasan
unstoppablescourgeofrabi d barbarians.In theEast,a
groupofVi ki
ngsformed oneofthemosteli temi li
unitsin theByzanti neEmpire.Theywerefarahead of
theirtimei n termsofseamanshi p,and thei r
extensivetravelsbroughtthem to nearlyeverycornerof
theworld,long beforemostofthei rcontemporari es.

Now you,too,can harnessthepoweroftheVi ki

booktakesalookatwhati tmeansto beaVi king,both
from ahi storicalperspective,provi
ding information on
Vikingsin thewaythathi storicalevi
dencei ndicates
theyreallywere,and from amythologi calperspecti
providing i
nformati on on themodern myth ofthe
Viking,and thewaythatVi kingsareseen todaybymany
people,regardlessofwhetherornoti t’saccurate,and
also providessomeadvi ceand suggestionsforrunni ng
Viking-themed adventures.

Even better,though,Anci entWarri ors:TheVikings

providesseven brand new and hi ghlyexpansi veand
detailed archetypesforavari etyofclasses,allowing
them to bring outthei rinnerberserker.On topofthi s,
thebookcontai nsthreeprestigeclasses—theberserker,
thehousecarl,and thej omsvi king—each ofwhi ch not
onlyhasnew and exci ting mechani csthatmaketheclass
comeali ve,butalso contain detailed background
nformati on and ti
pson roleplayi ng characters

fyou’reafan ofVikings,thisbooki sagreattool
towardscreating atrulymemorableVi king experi
resomehow notafan ofVi kings,that’
netoo:bytheti meyou’redonewi th thisbook,
you willbe.

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