Exercise Stock/Requirements List MD07: Situation

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Title: Stock/Requirements List

Category 1 : MFG - Manufacturing

Category 2 : MFG - Planning


Stock/Requirements List MD07

Several reservations have been made for a specific part. Check the stock/requirements list for
the most recent requirements information.

Use the appropriate work instruction to complete the exercise scenario on the system. As you
progress through the scenario, complete the questions associated with each screen on the
following pages.

Required Data
Refer to the separate data sheet document as necessary while performing the exercise.

User-Specific Data
Refer to the separate data sheet document for the user-specific data required to complete this

Use the appropriate work instruction and data provided to answer the following question(s).

 Stock/Requirements List: Initial Screen - perform the required steps.

Besides the MRP Controller, what

other options are available for selecting
the stock/requirements list?

 Stock/Requirements List: Material List - perform the required steps.

Can you modify the settings for the

traffic lights? If so, how?

 SAP – general question

What is the difference between the

stock/requirements list and the MRP

Filename: 393793762.doc Version: Rev 0 Exercise

Reference: 4.6C Last Modified: 04.17.2003 02:06:00 Page 1 / 2
Title: Stock/Requirements List
Category 1 : MFG - Manufacturing
Category 2 : MFG - Planning

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Filename: 393793762.doc Version: Rev 0 Exercise

Reference: 4.6C Last Modified: 04.17.2003 02:06:00 Page 1 / 2

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