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Understanding Electronic Health Records 1

HCS/120 Version 5

University of Phoenix Material

Understanding Electronic Health Records

 Write each term’s definition as used in health care. You must define the term in your own words;
do not simply copy the definition from a textbook or other source.
 Provide an explanation that illustrates the purpose or importance of the identified term as it
relates to Electronic Health Records.
 Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

Term Definition in your own words (45 Explain the purpose and
to 90 words). importance of the term to
Electronic Health Records (45 to
90 words).
Meaningful Use This is a U.S. government program The meaningful use program’s
implemented to incentivize stated purpose is to reduce cost
physicians to use electronic health and improve the quality and
records to share store and share efficiency of healthcare in the US
information in specific ways to by facilitating the transition from
demonstrate meaningful use of the paper charts to electronic health
electronic record. Physicians who do records, creating a nationwide,
not participate in the meaningful use electronic healthcare infrastructure
program receive reduced Medicare and widespread use of electronic
or Medicaid reimbursements for their health records (Athenahealth,
service as a penalty (Athenahealth, 2018).
Health Information Health Information Exchange is part This term is one of the greatest
Exchange of the meaningful use standard. It benefits of HER. The Health
allows doctors, pharmacists, nurse Information Exchange
and other clinicians to securely, standardizes data and integrates it
quickly and efficiently access and into the patients EHR where it
share complete and up to date becomes available for directed
patient information (The Office of the exchange, query-based exchange,
National Coordinator for Health and consumer medicated
Information Technology, 2018). exchange (The Office of the
National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology, 2018).
Patient Problem (Concern) The patient problem is the issue or EHRs organize patient complaints
concern that the patient is having into problems lists. The problem
which led him or her to seek medical list is a list of illnesses and injuries,
care. The patient problem consists affecting the health of a patient,
of the patient’s subjective complaints including the date and time of
for which he or she is seeking occurrence and the problem
examination or treatment. resolution. By generating problem
lists and allowing all clinicians to
go to a single location to access
this comprehensive list, EHRs
promote continuity of care (AHIMA
Work Group, 2011)

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Understanding Electronic Health Records 2
HCS/120 Version 5

Nursing Assessment The nursing assessment is a By using electronic Nurse

systematic and thorough acquisition Screening Assessments that
of information related to the patient’s organize and categorize
current physical, mental, emotional assessment data, EHR is able to
and social status. This information is analyze assessment data and
used as baseline and to determine detect changes in this data early.
efficacy of subsequent care plans. Electronic nursing assessment as
a part of EHR enhances
preventative care and supports
early intervention when necessary
(Muge Capan, 2017).
Physical Exam (Patient The physical exam takes place when EHRs assist doctors in analyzing
History, Review of a physician auscultates, palpates, physical exam data by comparing
Symptoms, Allergies) percusses, and/or visually examines data to normal values and patient
the body systematically for trends. Patient allergies are
abnormalities. Special attention is automatically cross referenced
paid to any areas where the patient with new medication. New
reports symptoms as well as any medications are cross referenced
associated areas. Physical exam with each other and flagged for
supports patient history. potential negative drug interactions
(The Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, 2018).
Diagnosis Diagnosis is a determination of EHR’s improve physician’s ability
specific illness, injury or condition to diagnose disease by given the
base on assessment and exam physician access to the patient’s
finding as well as subjective data full medical history not just his or
provided by the patient. Diagnosis her history with that physician.
are standardized groups of Because the information contained
coexisting symptoms within the in EHRs in comprehensive,
patient’s physiology or psychology. doctors can make more accurate
diagnoses faster and with fewer
errors (The Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, 2018).
Procedure Preformed The procedure performed is the EHRs using a standardized
action that performed on the patient system of codes to communicate
for the purpose of diagnosing or which procedures are performed
treating a condition. for other clinicians and for
insurance companies for billing
purposes. Detailed information
about any surgeries and procedure
the patient has undergone (The
Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology,
Prognosis A prognosis the doctors EHRs can improve patient
determination of the anticipated prognosis by reducing chances of
course of an illness and the medical errors and assisting
likelihood of recovery or good doctors in making early diagnoses.
outcome. By giving doctors access to
comprehensive health information,
patients receive higher quality

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Understanding Electronic Health Records 3
HCS/120 Version 5

medical care and thereby

improving patient prognosis (The
Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology,
Discharge Plan (E- Discharging is the process of EHR facilitate e-prescribing which
prescribing) preparing the patient to transition makes it easier for doctors to
from a healthcare inpatient setting prescribe medication and allows
back to their place of residence or patients to receive and begin
releasing a patient from their current taking their prescribed medications
treatment plan. E-prescribing is the sooner. HER increase medication
process of physicians typing compliance because patients no
prescriptions into software that longer need to transport paper
allows them to electronically submit prescriptions to pharmacies and
the prescription to the pharmacy. wait for them to be filled. EHRs
reduce prescription errors by
requiring all necessary information
be present prior to transmission.
Software can evaluate drug
interaction and drug allergies at
the time of the order, identify
duplicate medication orders and
track prescription fulfillment
(Benefits of e-prescribing, 2018)
Patient Education Patient education is any teaching Patient education and engagement
that is done by the clinician. Patients is a required use of EHRs per the
may require teaching on a variety of Meaningful use criteria. EHRs
aspects related to their treatment or generate patient office visit
diagnosis. Some examples included summaries to help patients
how to care for an injury, manage a understand and participate in their
new diagnosis of chronic or acute own care. EHRs generate
illness, application or care of medical medication lists, test results and
device, administration of new problem lists in lay terms because
medication, disease process, patients who have greater
interpretation of lab results, safety, understanding of their medication
nutrition or therapeutic dietary and test results have more
requirements. medication and treatment
compliance. EHRs also include
pertinent information on the
patient’s specific diagnosis so that
the patient can learn about their
illness and treatment. This written
information backs up the oral
reminders and teaching given by
the practitioner (Krames Staywell,
Patient Demographic Information describing specific EHRs manage and store patient
characteristics of the patient are demographic information. The
called the patient’s demographics. EHR is then able to track
Patient demographics include, demographic information, identify
gender, race, ethnicity, language, clinically relevant demographic
income level, marital status and information and a makes that

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Understanding Electronic Health Records 4
HCS/120 Version 5

occupation are included in patient information accessible to all

demographics. clinicians who care for the patient
(The Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, 2018).
Insurance Information The insurance information states the The insurance information in EHRs
name location and contact helps clinicians verify insurance
information for the insurance information at the time services
company that will be paying for are rendered. EHRs are also used
medical care. It may also include to track insurance enrollment and
copay amounts and payment help patients keep up with
information such as what percentage coverage renewal. They also
of costs are covered by the reduce late insurance filing.
insurance provider. Additionally, software will prompt
doctors if they need advance
beneficiary notice, are performing
a test to frequently thereby
reducing instances of claim denials
and reduce time and labor
required for billing (The Office of
the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology, 2018)
Advanced directives Advanced directives are prewritten It is vitally important that advanced
instructions for what level of care a directives follow a patient
patient wants to receive should he or wherever he or she receives care.
she be rendered unconscious or In theory EHR should allow this to
otherwise unable to make medical occur seamlessly regardless of the
decisions. patient’s level of consciousness.
Also, advance directives can be
updated quickly and accessed by
all clinicians who provide care for
the patient. Unfortunately, many
advanced directives have been
overlooked or ignored because
clinicians have not been able to
locate them in the EHR due to
inconsistent location. While the
EHR may indicate the existence of
advance directives, the advanced
directive itself is not always stored
in the patient’s EHR. A recent
study revealed that 27% of
physicians and 73% of medical
assistants could not located a
patient’s advanced directives
within 2 minutes. This study
highlights the need for a single-
location feature for all EHRs for
advanced directives (Marianne
Turley, 2016)


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Understanding Electronic Health Records 5
HCS/120 Version 5

AHIMA Work Group. (2011). Problem list Guidance in the EHR. Journal of AHIMA , 52-58.

Athenahealth. (2018). What is Meaningful Use. Retrieved from Meaningful Use Knowledge Hub:

Benefits of e-prescribing. (2018). Retrieved from


Krames Staywell. (2017). Meaningful Use Requirements for Patient Education. Retrieved from

Marianne Turley, S. W. (2016). Impact of Care Directives Activity Tab in the Electronic Record on
Documentation of Advanced Care Planning. The Permenente Journal, 43-48.

Muge Capan, P. W. (2017). Using electronic health records and nursing assessment to redesign clinical
early recognition systems. Health Systems, 112-121.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2018, March 8). What is HIE?
Retrieved from
information- exchange-basics/what-hie

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2018, March 8). Improved
Diagnostics and Patient Outcomes. Retrieved from

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2018, March 8). Medical
Practice Efficiencies and Cost Savings. Retrieved from

Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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