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Use the map to answer questions 1-4 

ë  Identify the type of front that is located between Chicago and New York?
a) Cold
b) Occluded
c) Stationary
d) Warm

(   Predict the weather conditions for Denver in the next few daysë
f) a hurricane is approaching
g) fair weather
h) long periods of rain
i) severe thunderstorm

è(   The most likely forecast for Atlanta would include:

a) A decrease in temperatures
b) An increase in temperatures
c) Snow and rain
d) Stormy weather

0( Predict the weather conditions for Los Angeles

f) Fair
g) Long periods of precipitation
h) Thunderstorms
i) Cooler temperatures

-( According to the station model provided the wind speed is:
a) Y knots
b) 3 knots
c) 4 knots
d) 5 knots

(  According to the station model shown here, the type of precipitation is:
f) Hail
g) Rain 7Y 1 1 ëY
h) Sleet
i) Snow
)(  According to this station model, the wind direction is northeastë What tool did a meteorologist use to determine
this information?

a) b) c) d)

ë( The weather data for Charleston, SC shows the barometric pressure is fallingë Which is the best prediction for the
weather in the Charleston area?
f) Fair weather
g) heat wave
h) no change in the weather
i) stormy weather

w( To show high- and low-pressure areas, weather maps are drawn with lines connecting points of equal
atmospheric pressureë These lines are called _______ë
a) degrees
b) isobars
c) isotherms
d) stations

( On a summer day in Charleston, the temperature is 84°Fë It is partly cloudyë If a warm front were to approach
Charleston under these conditions, which would be the most accurate weather forecast for the Charleston area?
f) fog
g) no precipitation
h) rain
i) sleet

( The diagram represents local weather conditions for Columbiaë According to the model, what are the sky
conditions for the area?
a) clear and sunny
b) mostly cloudy
c) overcast
d) partly cloudy

(  According to the weather map on the right, what is the cause of the rainfall *! !& 
in Florida? ë 0
f) high pressure and a stationary front
g) high temperatures and a cold front
h) low pressure and a cold front
i) low pressure and a warm front

°! !
è( The layer of the atmosphere with a concentrated area of oxygen known as ëë w
ozone is located in the ______ë
a) Mesosphere 
b) Stratosphere
c) Thermosphere
d) Troposphere

0(  After all the rain we have had, the ground is no longer porousë This would indicate that any more precipitation
would become:
f) Condensation
g) Precipitation
h) Ground water flow
i) Surface water flow

-(  Clouds that are made of heaps with flat bottoms and can generate thunderstorms or rain are identified as:
a) Altostratus
b) Cirrus
c) Cumulonimbus
d) Stratus

(   Identify the global wind that brings strong tropical storms towards the Americasë
f) ·et Stream
g) Polar Easterlies
h) Prevailing Westerlies
i) Trade Winds
)(  According to the graph provided, the ocean having the
largest difference in the number of hurricanes between
1975-1989 and 199 -Y 4 was:
a) East Pacific
b) Indian
c) North Atlantic
d) West Pacific

ë(  The responding variable on the graph provided is:

f) Category of Hurricanes
g) Number of Hurricanes
h) Oceans with Hurricanes
i) Year of Hurricanes

w(  Alow pressure tropical storm that forms over warm ocean water with winds that form a spinning circular
pattern around the center, or eye, of the storm are:
a) rlizzards
b) Hurricanes
c) Thunderstorms
d) Tornadoes

(   A frontin which a cold air mass rushes in, catching up with a cool air mass, forcing the warm air mass caught in
the middle up so that it is no longer in contact with the ground is a ___________ frontë
f) Cold
g) Warm
h) Occluded
i) Stationary
Î +   * 
(*  !  (,$- $ 
(   When cleaning the cabinets, Marlo found a bean in the cabinetë It is $(*  ! '" $(,  
oval shaped and spottedë What kind of bean did she find? (*  " !#!  ('+$ 
$(*  " ! #!  $(,  è
a) Garbanzo è(* ! "! "  (,  0
b) Navy è$(* !   $(.! $ 
c) Pinto 0(*  " !$"/ ($"/$ 
0$($  " ! !$"/ $(/! +$ 
d) Kidney
( Satellite and radar images are tools used to help a meteorologist prepare a weather forecastë What information
do these tools provide?
f) Air Pressure
g) Storm Location
h) Temperatures
i) Wind Speed

è( Weather conditions associated with cirrus clouds would be _________________________________ë

a) Fair weather
b) Long periods of rain
c) Thunderstorm
d) Tornados

0( Which of the following statements about the picture of rrendan is an inference?
f) He is about to recycle his newspapersë
g) He is holding newspapersë
h) He is standing next to a box of cansë
i) He is standing next to a recycling binë

-(  Construct a station model in the box provided using the following information:

à Temperature: 35 degrees F
à Cloud cover: overcast 998ë7
à rarometric pressure: 988ë7
à Precipitation: rain
à Wind speed: 35 mph
à Wind direction: northeast

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