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on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Scientific program
Positive Psychology Interventions:
20.11 effective for increasing well-
10.00 - Registration
Aula magna

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

Aula magna

14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

14.55 - 16.10 Gander
Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Main questions
Scientific program
•  What are positive psychology interventions?
•  Are they effective for increasing well-being?
Monday 20.11
•  When and for whom do they work best?
•  How do they work?
10.00 -
Aula magna

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

Aula magna

14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2

Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 2
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

What are positive psychology interventions?

Scientific program
•  Positive psychology interventions are:
“…treatment methods or intentional activities that aim to
cultivate positive feelings, behaviors, or cognitions.” (Sin &
Monday 20.11 2009; p. 468)
•  Positive psychology interventions are not:
10.00 - Registration
Aula magna “…programs, interventions, or treatments aimed at fixing,
13.30 - 14.00
or healing something that is pathological or
Opening session
Aula magna
deficient .” (Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009; ibid.)
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

à strategies to1 improve well-being

Parallel session
14.55 - 16.10 (hedonic
Parallel session 2 and or eudemonic)
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 3
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

What are positive psychology interventions?

Scientific program
Example: Three good things-Exercise
«Every night for one week, set aside 10 minutes
before you go to bed. Use that time to write down
three things that went really well on that day and why
went well. The three things you list can be
relatively small in importance (“My husband picked up
my favorite ice cream for dessert on the way home
10.00 -
Aula magna

from work today”) or relatively large in importance

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula magna
(“My sister just gave birth to a healthy baby boy”)»
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

Parallel session 1
14.55 - 16.10
(abbreviated; after Seligman, Steen, Park, Parallel session 2
& Peterson, 2005)
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 4
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

What are positive psychology interventions?

Scientific program
Different types
•  One-fits-all approaches, e.g.:
•  Three good things
•  20.11
Monday Gratitude letter

10.00 -
•  Counting kindness, etc. Registration
Aula magna
•  Individualized approaches (based on participants‘
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

characteristics), e.g.:
Aula magna

•  Using signature strengths in a new way

14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2

Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 5
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions

Scientific program
Pioneering works of Michael Fordyce (1977, 1983)
Basic assumption:
–  How do happy people differ from unhappy people?
Monday 20.11
à 14 Fundamentals
10.00 - Registration
–  Can unhappy people adapt the behaviors of happy people in
Aula magna

13.30 - 14.00 to getsessionhappier?
Aula magna

14.00 - 14.50
–  Fordyce showed in several studies that students in a
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
“happiness program” based on the 14 fundamentals get
14.55 - 16.10
Parallel session 1
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA)
Parallel session 2
Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
à Well-being can be deliberately
gnanti contro il bullismo”. improved
Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Fordyce‘s 14 Fundamentals
Scientific program
1.  Be more active and keep busy
2.  Spend more time socializing
3.  Be productive at meaningful work
4.  Get better organized and plan things out
5.  Stop worrying
Monday6.  Lower20.11 your expectations and aspirations
7.  Develop positive, optimistic thinking
- Get present-oriented Registration
Aula magna
9.  Work on a healthy personality
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula10. Develop
magna an outgoing, social personality
11. Be yourself
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula12. Eliminate
magna negative feelings and problems
13. Close relationships
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
14. Think about your own happiness
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 7
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Effectiveness of positive psychology interventions

Scientific program
Two independent meta-analyses
•  Sin & Lyubomirsky (2009)
•  Analyzed 51 interventions on a broad array of topics (including
gratitude, hope, kindness, mindfulness, goal attainment, etc.)
•  20.11
Conclusion: Positive interventions are effective for increasing
well-being (d = .61) and reducing depressive symptoms (d = .
10.00 -
Aula magna
65) Registration

•  Bolier, Haverman, Westerhof, Riper, Smit & Bohlmeijer (2013)

Opening session
13.30 - 14.00
Aula magna
•  Analyzed 39 interventions using stricter inclusion criteria
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
•  Conclusion: Positive interventions are effective for increasing
14.55 - 16.10 hedonic
Parallel session(d
1 = .34) and eudemonic
Parallel session 2 well-being (d = .20) and
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 reducing depressive symptoms in education (ENG) (d = .23)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 8
Gander, Proyer, Wyss, & Ruch, in press, JoHS
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Online positive psychology interventions

Scientific program
•  First large online, randomized, placebo-controlled intervention by
Seligman, Steen, Park, and Peterson (2005):
•  Tested 5 interventions conducted once or for one week
•  Compared with a placebo control exercise (“Early memories”)
Monday 20.11
•  Assessment of happiness and depressive symptoms before and
after the intervention, as well at follow-ups at 1 week, 1 month, 3
10.00 - Registration
months, and 6 months after the intervention
Aula magna

•  3 of the
13.30 - 14.00
Aula magna
interventions increased happiness and alleviated
Opening session

depressive symptoms compared to the placebo control group for

up toKeynote:
14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna six Emanuele
months:Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

•  Three
14.55 - 16.10 good
Parallel session 1 things Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
•  Gratitude
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Esserevisit
felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-

Aula magna
•  Using
Parallel session 2
signature strengths in a new way
Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”.
being and suffering: secondary school
and university students’ conceptualization
Page 9
Gander, Proyer, Wyss, & Ruch, in press, JoHS
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Replication of Seligman et al. (2005)

Scientific program
Three objectives:
1.  Replicating the findings of Seligman et al. (2005)
•  Identical interventions and design
•  German-speaking sample
•  Participants were not informed on a potential beneficial effect on well-being
Monday 20.11
2.  Testing additional interventions
•  Counting kindness (Otake, Shimai, Tanaka-Matsumi,
10.00 - Registration
Otsui, & Fredrickson, 2006)
Aula magna
•  Gift of time (Peterson, 2006)
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
•  One door closes, another door opens (Rashid & Anjum, 2008)
Aula magna

3.  Testing variants of existing interventions

14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
•  Extending the duration of the three good things-intervention to 2 weeks
•  Combining
14.55 - 16.10 gratitude
Parallel session 1 visit & three Parallel
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA)
good things
session 2 (one week each)
Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
•  Replacing
Sala conferenze three
Rizzotti, P. “Esseregood things
felici a scuola, 181 inse- with three funny things (for one week)
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 10
Gander, Proyer, Wyss, & Ruch, 2013
Replication of Seligman et al. (2005): Design International
on Well-being
in Education Systems
Online registration
Department of Psychology
Random allocation

Scientific program Pretest N = 2,374

Intervention (1 week)
Three good Using signature
Replication Gratitude visit
Things strengths

Monday 20.11 interventions kindness
Gift of time One door opens
Intervention (1 week)

Three good Gratitude visit Three funny

10.00 - Variants Registration
Aula magna things (2 weeks) & gift of time things

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

Aula magna Early memories

criteria:Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura ePosttest

14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
dello sport “Well-being
N = 1,598 promotion in Ticino schools”

•  Aged ≥ 18 Follow-up (1 month) N = 998

•  Not
14.55in psychotherapeutic
- 16.10 Parallel session 1 or Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 treatment in education (ENG)Follow-up (3 months) N = 754
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
•  Not using psychotropic or illegal drugs Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
gnanti contro il bullismo”.
Parallel session 2
Follow-up (6 months) N = 622
being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 11
Gander, Proyer, Wyss, & Ruch, 2013
Replication of Seligman et al. (2005): Results International
on Well-being

1 month

3 months

6 months



in Education Systems

Department ofhappiness
increase in Psychology

decrease in depressive symptoms

gratitude visit program
3 good things

using signature strengths

Monday 20.11
counting kindness

gift of time
10.00 - Registration
Aula magna
one door opens
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula magna
3 good things (2 weeks)
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
gratitude visit & 3 good things
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
3 funny things
Parallel session 1
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
An effect
session 2
is displayed if the comparison
gnanti contro il bullismo”.
between pretest and the respective time
Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
being and suffering: secondary school
magna from the
Saccardi, placebo
S. “Danza control group.
della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 12
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

When and for whom do interventions work best?

Scientific program
When / under which conditions? (Bolier et al., 2013; Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009)
•  Delivery type: Individual therapy > group-administered > self-administered
•  Duration: Stronger effects for longer programs (...unless it gets boring)
For whom? (Bolier et al., 2013; Sin & Lyubomirsky, 2009)
• Monday 20.11 people (fewer dropouts & stronger effects)
Age: Older
•  Well-being: (slightly) depressed people
•  10.00 -
Aula magna More intelligent people (Proyer,Registration
Gander, Wellenzohn, & Ruch, 2016)

•  13.30Personality:
- 14.00 inconsistent
Opening session findings
Aula magna

à  All effects of participants‘ characteristics are small and do not argue against
14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
interventions with any specific participant group
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

à14.55A- 16.10
recent study (November 6th) onParallel
Parallel session 1
session 2
person moderators in adolescents
found no effects Bullismo when
e prevenzionetesting
(ITA) a broadPerspectives
rangeonof moderators including
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze seasonality,
Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola,personality,
181 inse- baseline characteristics, activity fit, and
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
effort (Wang
Parallel session 2 et al., 2017) being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 13
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

How do interventions work?

Scientific program
•  Still widely unknown
•  There are first empirical hints for the involvement of
components such as:
Monday 20.11
•  Positive emotions
10.00 - (Fredrickson et al., 2008; Gander, Proyer, & Ruch, 2017; Wellenzohn,
Aula magna
Proyer, & Ruch, 2017)
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula magna •  Positive cognitions
(Gander, Proyer, & Ruch, 2017)
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

•  Attentional shift
Parallel session 1
14.55 - 16.10
(Wellenzohn, Proyer, & Ruch, Parallel
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA)
2017) session 2
Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 14
intensity (1) and variability (2) of PEs a
with participants in the placebo group.
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology
(Gander, Proyer, & Ruch, 2017)

Positive emotions
Scientific program
Two conditions: Online registration
Random allocation
–  3 good things Basic demographic questions
–  Placebo control (writing about path to work)
Pretest (mDes)

Intervention (during 1 week)
– Monday 20.11
N = 124
Day 1 - 7: mDes
–  Daily positive emotions during 14 days Intervention
10.00 - Registration
–  Well-being at pretest and at 2 weeks follow-up
Aula magna
Day 8: mDes
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Results: In the 3 good things condition:
Aula magna

Post assessment (during 1 week)

–  More positive emotion words used
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
Day 9 - 15: mDes
–  More positive emotions experienced
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2

–  Parallel
session 1
in well-being
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
à Use of positive emotions
gnanti contro il bullismo”. words / experienced
Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary Figure
school1. Design of the study.
Aula magna emotionsSaccardi, S.predicts increases in
“Danza della tolleranza”. and well-being
university students’ conceptualization
ng the intervention week and the compassion, contentment, gratitude, hope, interest, joy,
ed for both, intensity and variability. love, and pride) in the past day on a 5-point Likert-style
scale (0 = not at all to 4 = extremely). Internal consistency
ntervention group report a greater on Well-being
ross the two weeks in comparison at pretest was satisfactory (α = .78). in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Positive emotions
Scientific program
Results Intervention
intervention groupgroup
For testing differences
Emotions elicited: in the Placebo group
placebo group
perceived intensities of PEs, an
analysis • of Contentment
covariance (controlling for 2.50
* *
•  Joy
PE at pretest) with an averaged total
* *
score for•  PEs Hope across the two weeks
as dependent variable and inter-
• vs.Love
ventionMonday placebo
20.11 as grouping 2.00
variable was computed. There was a
marginally significant difference
between10.00 the- intervention and the Registration
placebo à group
in well-being
in the intensity of PEs,
F(1, 121)13.30=- 14.00
1.91, p =Opening.085. Analyses
is explained
were repeated
best sessionby
Aula magna at the level of single

(see Figure in 2).
14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
joy, Emanuele
and Berger,
love Dipartimento
1.00 0
dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”


















For the 14.55 variability,
- 16.10 thesession
Parallel number
1 of Parallel session 2
reported PEs (PEs rated as Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
“extremely experienced”)
Sala conferenze was feliciave-
Rizzotti, P. “Essere a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
raged over the two
Parallel session 2
weeks, the being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna group S. “Danza della tolleranza”.Figure 2. Intensity
Saccardi, of the
and university ten emotions
students’ for both groups, corrected for pretest
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology
(Gander, Proyer, & Ruch, 2017)
Positive emotions / cognitions
Scientific program
Four conditions:
–  Positive emotions:
„Do something pleasurable for 10 minutes and write it down“
–  Positive emotions & cognitions:
„Write down (as neutral as possible) what pleasurable things you have
experienced today and try to re-experience these moments as vividly as
Monday 20.11
–  Positive cognitions:
„Write down (as neutral as possible) what pleasurable things you have
experienced today and think about what you
10.00 -
Aula magna
could learn“

–  Placebo control (early childhood memories)

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula magna
– 14.00N- 14.50
= 509 adults
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
–  Well-being assessed at pretest, posttest, and at follow-ups 2, 4, and 12 weeks
- 16.10 the Parallel
session 1 Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”.
– Parallel
session 2 in well-being only in the Raccanello, conditions
D. et al. “Definitions of well-
with school
and suffering: secondary a cognitive component
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 17
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology
(Wellenzohn, Proyer, & Ruch, 2016)
Positive emotions / attentional focus
Scientific program
Four conditions:
–  Positive emotions & attentional focus:
„Write down three funny things that happened today“
–  Positive emotions:
„Write down three funny things that happened one week ago “
–  Attentional focus:
„Count the funny things you are experiencing during the day “
Monday 20.11
–  Placebo control (early childhood memories)
10.00 - Registration
Aula magna
–  N = 695 adults
– 13.30Well-being
- 14.00 assessed
Opening session at pretest, posttest, and at follow-ups 2, 4, and 12 weeks
Aula magna
after the intervention
14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

–  Increase in well-being in all three conditions

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
–  Attentional shift
Bullismo reported
e prevenzione (ITA) to a larger extent
Perspectives in present and future variants
on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
– SalaExperience
conferenze ofP. “Essere
Rizzotti, positive emotions
felici a scuola, 181 inse- reported to a larger extent in present and past
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 18
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

PPI in educational context

Scientific program
•  Empirical studies on positive psychology interventions in schools are
comparatively rare
•  Often there are methodological difficulties:
•  No randomization
Monday 20.11
•  No placebo control comparison
10.00 -
•  Low treatment adherence Registration
Aula magna
•  In most cases complete programs were examined à effectiveness of
13.30 - 14.00
Aula magna
individual components cannot be identified
Opening session

14.00 - 14.50 Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2

Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 19
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

PPI in educational context

Scientific program
•  Several school-based programs have been applied and validated (for an
overview see Waters, 2011 and Shankland & Rosset, 2017)
•  Diverse topics, including gratitude, hope, serenity, resilience, mindfulness, and
character strengths
•  Programs have been used with students ranging from 5 to 19 years
Monday 20.11
•  Examples (Seligman et al., 2009):
•  Penn Resiliency Program (>20 years, >17 independent studies, > 2‘000
10.00 -
Aula magna children aged 8 to 15): Reduces and Registration
prevents anxiety and depression
•  Strath
13.30 - 14.00
Haven Positive Psychology Curriculum (randomized, 349 students):
Opening session
Aula magna
increased social skills, school engagement, enjoyment, and achievement
•  Overall, results
14.00 - 14.50 are
Emanuele promising
Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
•  Generally, positive effects on well-being are reported
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
•  NoBullismo
e prevenzione(and (ITA) in somePerspectives
cases positive
on well-being effects) on achievement were
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze found
Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 20
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Recommendations for using PPIs in education

Scientific program
Shankland & Rosset, 2016:
•  Combine theory and practice
Students should not just practice gratitude but also understand why
and know about the (potential) beneficial effects of gratitude on
Monday 20.11
themselves and others
•  Emphasize the malleability of the concepts (especially when
10.00 - Registration
working with strengths-based approaches):
Aula magna

Individual strengths should also be cultivated, not just identified

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Aula magna
•  Adapt intervention content and dosage to the target group
14.00 - 14.50 selection
Keynote: Emanuele shoulddell’educazione
Berger, Dipartimento also bedellaguided bysport
cultura e dello students’ preferences
“Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
•  Combine multiple interventions
14.55 - 16.10 interventions
session 1 can be combined
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA)
Parallel session 2to an intervention program
Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 21
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

A possible individualized strengths-based program

(not validated)program
•  Getting to know character strengths:
•  What are desirable characteristics of friends, parents, and fictional characters?
•  Learning about the VIA classification of strengths
•  Monday
Identifying character strengths:
•  Applying the VIA classification to paragons and fictional characters
•  Identify character strengths in oneself (by Registration
10.00 -
Aula magna
completing the VIA-Youth Inventory)
•  Getting Opening
13.30 - 14.00 session
of others (peers, parents, teachers) on own strengths
Aula magna
•  Cultivating strengths:
•  Using top strengths
14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
in aDipartimento
Emanuele Berger, new way dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

•  Learn from others how to foster underdeveloped strengths

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
•  Use interventions for specific strengths (gratitude visit, counting kindness, etc.)
Parallel session 1
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 22
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology
Proyer, Ruch, & Buschor, 2013
Non-individualized Strengths Program:
TheScientific program
Zurich Strengths Program (ZSP)
5 Sessions (10 weeks)
Hope Strong
Zest positive
EG1 Gratitude relation to
Baseline assessment

Monday 20.11
Well-Being assessment

Well-Being assessment
Curiosity well-being
10.00 - Registration

Aula magna
13.30 - 14.00 Opening session
Creativity Weak
Aula magna
EG2 Appreciation of Beauty positive
14.00 - 14.50 Love
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello of
sportLearning relation to
“Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
Perspective well-being
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-

Parallel session 2
gnanti contro il bullismo”. CG Waitlist control group
Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Procedure: program
•  Each session was dedicated to one strength
•  One session consisted of
•  Theoretical information (especially prepared for the general
Monday 20.11
•  What is gratitude?
•  Research findings on gratitude
10.00 - Registration
Aula magna •  Group exercise
13.30 - 14.00 •  Opening
session on when gratitude is shown in everyday behavior
Aula magna
(but also exercises by humor and creativity trainers)
14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
•  Keynote:
Home exercise
Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

•  Writing a gratitude letter

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
Parallel session 1
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
Participant gnantiwho
contro iltrained
bullismo”. those strengths
Raccanello, D.that are stronlgy
et al. “Definitions of well- related to well-
Parallel session 2 significantly improved their being
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”.
and suffering: secondary school
and university students’ conceptualization
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Scientific program
•  There is a broad array of validated positive
psychology interventions (Bolier et al., 2013; Sin &
Lyubomirsky, 2009)
Monday 20.11
•  Although it is not quite clear how and for whom they
10.00 -
work best, the findings that they are effective in Registration

general are very robust

Aula magna

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

•  There is not much reason to belief that they should

Aula magna

not work in students

14.00 - 14.50
Aula magna
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”

•  Adaption to specific contexts and evaluation is

14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA)
Parallel session 2
Perspectives on well-being

strongly recommended
Parallel session 1
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
in education (ENG)

gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-

Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 26
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Research group
Scientific program
swıppa! !

Swiss Positive Psychology Association

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Positive Psychologie
Société Suisse de Psychologie Positive
Società Svizzera di Psicologia Positiva
Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch PD Dr. René Proyer
Monday 20.11 !

10.00 - Registration
Aula magna

13.30 - 14.00 Opening session

Aula magna

Dr. Sara Keynote:

14.00 - 14.50 Wellenzohn Dr. Fabian
Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento Gander
dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1
Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
This research project
gnanti was supported byRaccanello,
contro il bullismo”. a research grantof well-
D. et al. “Definitions of the Swiss
Aula magna
Parallel session 2
Foundation (SNSF; No.
Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”.
132512 and No. 149772)
being and suffering: secondary school
and university students’ conceptualization
Page 28
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Scientific program
•  Bolier, L., Haverman, M., Westerhof, G., Riper, H., Smit, F., & Bohlmeijer, E. (2013). Positive psychology interventions: A meta-
analysis of randomized controlled studies. BMC Public Health, 13, 119.
•  Fordyce, M. W. (1977). Development of a program to increase personal happiness. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 24, 511–521.
•  Fordyce, M. W. (1983). A program to increase happiness: Further studies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 30, 483–498. https://
•  Fredrickson, B. L., Cohn, M. A., Coffey, K. A., Pek, J., & Finkel, S. M. (2008). Open hearts build lives: Positive emotions, induced
through loving-kindness meditation, build consequential personal resources. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95,
Monday 20.11
•  Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., & Ruch, W. (2017). A placebo-controlled online study on potential mediators of a pleasure-based positive
psychology intervention: The role of emotional and cognitive components. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1–14.
10.00 - Registration
•  Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., & Ruch, W. (2017). Positive emotions in positive psychology interventions. Unpublished Manuscript.
Aula magna
•  Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., Ruch, W., & Wyss, T. (2013). Strength-based positive interventions: Further evidence for their potential in
enhancing well-being
13.30 - 14.00 and alleviating
Opening session depression. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14, 1241–1259.
Aula magna
•  Otake, K., Shimai, S., Tanaka-Matsumi, J., Otsui, K., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2006). Happy people become happier through kindness:
A 14.00
counting kindnesses
- 14.50 intervention.
Keynote: EmanueleJournal of Happiness
Berger, Dipartimento Studies, 7, della
dell’educazione 361–375.
e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna
•  Peterson, C. (2006). A primer in positive psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
•  Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S., & Ruch, W. (2016). Addressing the role of personality, ability, and positive and negative
14.55 in
affect - 16.10 Parallel session
positive psychology 1
interventions: Parallel sessionintervention
Findings from a randomized 2 based on the authentic happiness theory and
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
extensions. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(6), 609–621.
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 29
on Well-being
in Education Systems

Department of Psychology

Scientific program
•  Proyer, R. T., Ruch, W., & Buschor, C. (2013). Testing strengths-based interventions: A preliminary study on the effectiveness of a
program targeting curiosity, gratitude, hope, humor, and zest for enhancing life satisfaction. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14, 275–
•  Rashid, T., & Anjum, A. (2008). Positive psychotherapy for young adults and children. In J. R. Z. Abela & B. L. Hankin (Eds.),
Handbook of depression in children and adolescents (pp. 250–287). New York, NY: Guilford.
•  Seligman, M. E. P., Ernst, R. M., Gillham, J., Reivich, K., & Linkins, M. (2009). Positive education: positive psychology and
classroom interventions. Oxford Review of Education, 35(3), 293–311.
•  Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions.
Monday 20.11
American Psychologist, 60, 410–421.
•  Shankland, R., & Rosset, E. (2017). Review of brief school-based positive psychological interventions: A taster for teachers and
educators. Educational Psychology Review, 29(2), 363–392.
•  Sin, N. L., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2009). Enhancing well-being and alleviating depressive symptoms with positive psychology
10.00 - Registration
interventions: A practice-friendly meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 467–487.
Aula magna
•  Wang, R. A. H., Nelson-Coffey, S. K., Layous, K., Bao, K. J., Davis, O. S. P., & Haworth, C. M. A. (2017). Moderators of wellbeing
13.30 - 14.00 Why do somesession
Opening people respond more positively than others? PLOS ONE, 12(11), e0187601.
Aula magna
•  Waters, L. (2011). A Review of School-Based Positive Psychology Interventions. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist,
- 14.50
Keynote: Emanuele Berger, Dipartimento dell’educazione della cultura e dello sport “Well-being promotion in Ticino schools”
Aula magna S., Proyer, R. T., & Ruch, W. (2016). How do positive psychology interventions work? A short-term placebo-controlled
•  Wellenzohn,
humor-based study on the role of the time focus. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 1–6.
14.55 - 16.10 Parallel session 1 Parallel session 2
Bullismo e prevenzione (ITA) Perspectives on well-being
Parallel session 1 in education (ENG)
Sala conferenze Rizzotti, P. “Essere felici a scuola, 181 inse-
gnanti contro il bullismo”. Raccanello, D. et al. “Definitions of well-
Parallel session 2 being and suffering: secondary school
Aula magna Saccardi, S. “Danza della tolleranza”. and university students’ conceptualization
Page 30

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