Cathay Pacific B747-400 and - 8F NPA Simulator Briefing Notes 20170627

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B747-400 and B747-8F New Pilot Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

Applicant Simulator Briefing Uncontrolled if downloaded or printed @ FOP CX 2015 MTDS/16-Feb-16/FOPCRC

Generic Jet
B747- 400 (CPA08)
Power + Attitude = Performance
Trim, Trim, Trim!

Generic Jet
B747-8 Simulator (CPA16)
Power + Attitude = Performance!
Trim, Trim, Trim!

Simulator Flight

What competencies are we looking for:

• Application of Procedures
– Adherence to the profile and procedures as provided
• Manual Handling
– Instrument Flying Scan Technique
– Aircraft Control – smooth and appropriate control inputs
– Pitch Attitude + Power = Performance!
– Select, Hold, Adjust, Trim
• Task Management
– Workload Management
– Monitoring
– Situational Awareness
• Communication
• Professionalism and Airmanship
– Conduct aligned with aviation norms and standards
• Learning Potential
– Capability for improvement – self-directed learning

Simulator Flight

Environment Set-up: Aircraft Set-up:

• Hong Kong – Night/Day Visual • Threshold Rwy 25L
• No high Terrain • Flaps 20
• Weather: • V1-125KTS; Vr-140KTS; V2-150KTS
– Wind Calm • Radio Aids Identified
– Visibility 10 KM • ND - ILS Rwy 07R display LC
– Temp 15°C Locator on ADF Needles (Cyan)
– QNH 1013 hPa • ND – ILS Rwy 07R display SMT
– Varying cloud base VOR on VOR Needles (Green)
• Fuel Quantity is Frozen
• No Audio Alerts
• Before Take-off Checklist complete
• Briefings complete
Note: References to B747-8F Simulator (CPA16) are highlighted in BOLD Magenta Colour
Simulator Flight

In-Flight you are required to:

• Fly Raw Data - No Flight Directors, Autopilot or Auto-Thrust/Throttle
• Call for the relevant checklists after the actions have been completed
and configuration is established e.g.
– AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST when Landing Gear and Flaps – UP
– LANDING CHECKLIST when Landing Gear – DOWN and Flaps 30º
• Monitor PM Actions
• Communicate with the Assessor if you wish to Go-Around
– The Instructor will direct you to continue or Go-Around
– Seatbelts and Harnesses are to be worn (with Motion ON)
– Briefings are not required
– Headsets are not worn and normal ATC calls are not required
– V Speeds for Take-off and the Approach Reference and Command Speed
“Bug” will be set by the Assessor or Simulator Instructor 6
Simulator Flight

Thrust Control:
• Take-Off
– Advance the Thrust Levers to approximately 1.10 EPR 45% N1
and allow all engines to stabilize.
– Advance the Thrust Levers to approximately 1.50 EPR 85% N1
and call “SET THRUST”. The Assessor will set the required thrust.
• Climb
– When Flaps 5 is selected, call for “CLIMB THRUST”. The Assessor
will set the required thrust.
• Go-Around
– For the Go-Around, call “GO AROUND, FLAPS 20” and positively
advance the Thrust Levers towards 1.50 EPR 85% N1. Call “SET
THRUST”. The Assessor will set the required Thrust.
• YOU are responsible for all other Thrust settings.

Simulator Flight: Basic Guide 270.0T/305.0T

Phase EPR N1 PA SPD

T/O 1.50 85% 12.5 160 KTS (V2+10)

CLB 1.40 80% 7½º

Level 1.16 57% 3º/4º 280/250 KTS

APP 1.20 60% 1½º 155 KTS (VREF +5)

GA 1.50 85% 12.5º 155 KTS (VREF +5)

Important Note:
 The basic pitch attitudes and thrust settings are accurate only at the stated
speeds. These values should be used to ensure a stable platform from which
further refinement can be made.
 V2 = 150 KTS (160 “Bugged” for Take-off); VREF = 150 KTS (155 KTS “Bugged”
for Approach) 8
Simulator Flight: Profile View
Normal/Steep Turns
At 280 KTS
Speed reduction
2500 FT
Climb to 2500 FT
Accelerate 280 KTS

1000 FT

Radar Vectors
Clean up Take-off Rwy 25L
HDG 110º Track 07R Localiser
for ILS Rwy 07R (correct sensing)

Simulator Flight: Plan View – Departure

Hong Kong
114.8 SMT VOR
Approx 3 NM beyond and on
extended Centre Line of Rwy 07L
ND Needles selected to SMT
in -8F ONLY
HDG 300º
ISR 109.3
QDM 073º Hong Kong
Radar Vector + DME 390 LC Locator
North West  
 
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Track the Localiser outbound Take-off

Rwy 25L

Simulator Flight: Plan View – 1st Approach/GA


Speed Reduction

Radar Vectors ISR 109.3

ILS Rwy 07R QDM 073º Hong Kong
+DME 390 LC Locator

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Simulator Flight: Profile View – 1st Approach/GA

2500 FT

Climb to
ILS Rwy 07R 2500 FT/250 KTS

Go-Around Clean up
1000 FT

Simulator Flight: Profile View – 2nd Approach/LDG

Radar Vectors Downwind for ILS Rwy 07R

2500 FT / 250 KTS
2500 FT

ILS Rwy 07R

Full Stop Landing

Simulator Flight: Plan View – 2nd Approach/LDG

Missed Approach to 2500 FT

Radar Vectors Downwind 250 KTS

ISR 109.3
QDM 073º Hong Kong
Radar Vectors
+DME 390 LC Locator
ILS Rwy 07R

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Full-Stop Landing

Take-off Roll

• Release Parking Brake
• Stabilize Thrust at 1.10 EPR 45% N1
• Advance Thrust towards 1.50 EPR
85% N1
• Announce “Set Thrust”
The Assessor will then:
• Set 1.50 EPR 85% N1 and announce “Thrust Set”,
followed by -
• “80 Knots”
• “V1”
• “Rotate”
Take - Off Procedure

Flap Speed Indications are the minimum for Flap retraction.

PF: to 280 KTS
PF: “Flaps Up”
PF: “Flaps 1” 2500 FT
“Flaps 5,
“Flaps 10” Climb
1000 FT - Accelerate Thrust”
Adjust Pitch Attitude + 7.5°

1000 FT
Pitch Attitude +12.5° 5
Target 160 KTS (V2+10)

PF: “Gear Up”

Take-off Flap 20. Set Thrust by 80 KTS. Rotate at VR.

Approach Procedure
Flap Speed Indications are the minimum for Flap configuration.
• During deceleration and Flap extension, select Flaps approximately 10 KTS,
or more, BEFORE each minimum speed to be AT the configuration by the
minimum speed
• VREF – 150 KTS

Flap Limiting Speeds:

• Flaps 1 – 280 KTS
• Flaps 5 – 260 KTS
• Flaps 10 – 240 KTS
• Flaps 30 – 180 KTS
Glideslope Glideslope
Clean Alive: 1 Dot:
250 KTS PF: PF:
15 DME
“Flaps 1” “Flaps 5” “Flaps 10” “Flaps 20” “Gear Down”
“Flaps 30”
2500 FT
UP 1 5 10 20
15 NM Flap manoeuvring speeds are displayed on 155 KTS
to Runway PFD Speed Tape (VREF+5)

Missed Approach Procedure

Flap Speed Indications are the minimum for Flap retraction.

PF: to 250 KTS
PF: “Flaps UP”
PF: “Flaps 1”
“Flaps 5, 2500 FT
“Flaps 10”
1000 FT Thrust”
At Decision Altitude: Accelerate
PF: Pitch Attitude +7.5°
“Go Around, 1 UP
Flaps 20” Pitch 5 1000 FT
Advance Thrust to 1.50 EPR Attitude 10
85% N1 +12.5°
“Set Thrust”
Positive rate of climb: 155 155 KTS
“Gear Up”
(VREF +5)

Asymmetric Flight: Flight Controls (as required)

• Disregard the skid ball and slip indications

• Apply Rudder. When the correct amount of Rudder is applied, the
Control Wheel should be level and the aircraft should maintain Heading
• Keep the Rudder input steady - ONLY adjust when Thrust is adjusted

Visual Segment and Landing
(Monitor instruments and PAPIs)

Assessor Calls:
Height in Feet RA
“30” (Flare)
“20” (Retard Thrust to Idle)

Speed in Knots
“60 Knots” (Reverse Thrust to Idle)
Additional Notes

• Unstable Approach Criteria -1000 FT AAL - Communicate

• Minima - Anticipate and react accordingly
• Inertia / Momentum - Anticipate and allow time for effects
• Scan – Pitch Attitude and PFD selective radial scan, ND secondary
• Control Inputs - Avoid large or abrupt inputs or over-controlling
– Rudder - Zero wind, therefore only use on Ground or when Asymmetric
– Pitch Attitude & Trimming - Change, Hold, Adjust, Trim
• Engine Effects - Spool-up, Pitch, Yaw, Thrust Lever Alignment
• Flap Effects
– Anticipate configuring - Do not extend Flaps at Maximum Speeds
– Flap Extension – Start to configure at base turn, ~15nm to Touch Down
– Do not allow speed to reduce below Minimum Flap Speeds
– Pitch Attitude changes for speed and configuration
– Flap 20 – slight balloon affect


• Simulator Safety Procedures will be briefed

• Sit in either seat

• No de-briefing will be given

• Mobile phones – OFF

• Location of the washrooms, amenities etc. will be briefed

B747-400 CPA08

Crew Motion Kill Switches

Master Motion Kill Switch

Smoke Hoods

Cabin Fire

Cab Fire Panel

Door Kick Out Panel

Escape Ladder
B747 - 8F (CPA16)

Fire Light

Crew Motion Kill Switches

Emergency Motion/C/L and
Power OFF (future upgrade)

Abort Button

Emergency Motion/C/L and

Power OFF (Present)

Cab Fire Panel


Cabin Fire Extinguisher Escape Ladder

Door Kick Out Panel

Manual Accessway Cntrl
Warning Lt for Drawbridge
Any Questions?

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