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Research Questions and Hypotheses

_hypoth, August 4, 2018

The purpose of this module is to discuss research questions and research hypotheses and to
provide definitions, comparisons and examples of both.

Learning Objectives:

 Define research question and research hypothesis.

 Explain the difference between a research question and a research hypothesis and
describe the appropriate use of each.
 Describe the purpose of each and understand the importance of a well-developed
question or hypothesis.
 Provide examples of research questions and research hypotheses.

Once you have chosen your research topic or subject, you will need to decide how you will
approach the research process – by formulating a hypothesis or developing a research
question. This can be determined by starting with the following questions. Is there a significant
body of knowledge already available about your subject that allows you to make a prediction
about the results of your study before you begin? If so, you will be using a hypothesis. Or is
your research more exploratory and investigative in nature and will require that you collect
data and analyze results before drawing any conclusions? If this describes your research topic,
you will be developing a research question. Understanding this difference and choosing the
correct approach will drive the rest of your research project. The following sections further
describe research questions and hypotheses and provide examples of each.

Research Questions:

 Used to analyze and investigate a topic. It is written as a question and is inquisitive in

 A properly written question will be clear and concise. It should contain the topic being
studied (purpose), the variable(s), and the population.
 Three main types of questions:
 Causal Questions – Compares two or more phenomena and determines if a
relationship exists. Often called relationship research questions. Example: Does the
amount of calcium in the diet of elementary school children effect the number of
cavities they have per year?
 Descriptive Questions – Seek to describe a phenomena and often study “how
much”, “how often”, or “what is the change”. Example: How often do college-aged
students use Twitter?
 Comparative Questions – Aim to examine the difference between two or more
groups in relation to one or more variables. The questions often begin with “What
is the difference in...”. Example: What is the difference in caloric intake of high
school girls and boys?
 The type of research question will influence the research design.
 Once data has been collected, it will be analyzed and conclusions can be made.


 It is predictive in nature and typically used when significant knowledge already exists on
the subject which allows the prediction to be made.
 Data is then collected, analyzed, and used to support or negate the hypothesis, arriving at
a definite conclusion at the end of the research.
 It is always written as a statement and should be developed before any data is collected.
 A complete hypothesis should include: the variables, the population, and the predicted
relationship between the variables.
 Commonly used in quantitative research, but not qualitative research which often seeks
answers to open-ended questions.
 Examples: A company wellness program will decrease the number sick days claimed by
employees. Consuming vitamin C supplements will reduce the incidence of the common
cold in teenagers.

Suggested Readings:

 Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. Oxford university press.

 Alon, U. (2009). How to choose a good scientific problem. Molecular Cell, 35, 726-728.
 Cox, C. (2012). What makes for good research? [Editorial] International Journal of
Ophthalmic Practice, 3(1), 3.
 Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating
quantitative. Prentice Hall.
 Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Sage publications.
 Isaac, S., & Michael, W. B. (1971). Handbook in research and evaluation.
 Robson, C. (2002). Real world research (Vol. 2). Oxford: Blackwell publishers.
 Taylor, D. (1999). Introduction to Research Methods. medicine, 319, 1618.

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