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CONTRACT CLAUSE *The general rule is CAB has the power to regulate the

airline companies/air transportation industry BUT this case

KUWAIT AIRWAYS CORPORATION - versus - is an exception.
FACTS: Kuwait Airways and Philippine Airlines (PAL)
entered into a Commercial Agreement to assist each other to
develop traffic on the route Kuwait-Bangkok-Manila and vice-
versa. Under the said agreement, Kuwait Airways obligated
itself to share with PAL revenue earned from the uplift of
passengers between Kuwait and Manila and vice-versa.
Sometime later, delegations from Philippines and Kuwait
(Philippine Panel and Kuwait Panel) met and agreed that
effective upon the signing of the Confidential Memorandum
of Understanding (CMU), the exercise of the third and fourth
freedom traffic rights shall not be subject to any royalty
payment or commercial agreements. The Philippine Panel
composed of officials from CAB, DFA, and PAL and headed
by the Executive Director of the CAB signed the CMU – in
behalf of the Philippine Government. A month later, petitioner
sent a letter informing PAL that by virtue of the CMU the
termination of the royalty payment is in effect. PAL insisted
that the Agreement should continue to be in force and
petitioner is still obligated to pay PAL revenue until such date.
Petitioner refusing to pay, PAL filed a complaint before the
RTC which ruled in its favor. Hence this petition.
W/N CAB can compel PAL to terminate the Commercial
Agreement with petitioner.

HELD: NO.We do not doubt that the CAB, in the exercise of

its statutory mandate, has the power to compel Philippine
Airlines to immediately terminate its Commercial Agreement
with Kuwait Airways pursuant to the CMU. Considering that it
is the Philippine government that has the sole authority to
charter air policy and negotiate with foreign governments with
respect to air traffic rights, the government through the CAB
has the indispensable authority to compel local air carriers to
comply with government determined policies, even at the
expense of economic rights.]
However, this is not a case where the CAB had duly
exercised its regulatory authority over a local airline in order
to implement or further government air policy. What happened
instead was an officer of the CAB, acting in behalf not of the
Board but of the Philippine government, had committed to a
foreign nation the immediate abrogation of Philippine
Airlines’ commercial agreement with Kuwait Airways.
Nor can we presume, simply because Dr. Linlingan, Executive
Director of the CAB had signed the CMU in behalf of the
Philippine Panel that he could have done so bearing the
authority of the Board, in the exercise of regulatory
jurisdiction over Philippine Airlines. For one, the CAB is a
collegial body composed of five members and no one
member–even the chairman–can act in behalf of the entire
Board. The Board is disabled from performing as such without
a quorum. For another, the Executive Director of the CAB is
not even a member of the Board, per R.A. No. 776, as

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