People V Perez

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SUBSEQUENT PUNISHMENT charge against him, so that be may adequately

prepare for this defense pursuant to the due process

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE clause of the Constitution.
ISLANDS, plaintiff-appellee,
vs. ISAAC PEREZ, defendant-appellant. Separate Opinions
G.R. No. L-21049 December 22, 1923
MALCOLM, J.: JOHNSON, J., concurring:

I agree with the opinion of Mr. Justice Villamor. I

FACTS: cannot give assent to a doctrine which permits a
complaint to be presented upon one theory and the
Accused-appellant was charged for rape. The trial to be carried through upon that theory and then
information alleged that the victim was his to condemn the defendant upon a theory which he
stepdaughter but did not allege that the victim was nor the prosecution ever dreamed of.
only 13 years old at the time of the rape.
VILLAMOR, J., concurring and dissenting:
During arraignment, appellant pleaded not guilty to
the accusation against him. During trial it was I agree in that the accused should be sentenced to
proved that the victim was the stepdaughter of the suffer two months and one day of arresto
accused and was in fact 13 years old at the time the mayor with costs, as imposed by the court a quo,
crime of rape was committed. Accused was then under the provisions of article 256 of the Penal
convicted of qualified rape and was meted out the Code, but not under section 8 of Act No. 292. The
penalty of death. accused, in my opinion, should not be convicted of
the crime of sedition because there is no allegation
ISSUE: WON an accused may be convicted of in the complaint nor proof in the record, showing
qualified rape when the information alleged only that when the accused uttered the words that gave
simple rape? rise to these proceedings, he had the intention of
inciting others to gather for an illicit purpose, or to
HELD: NO. Citing People vs. Garcia, the court incite any conspiracy or rebellion, or to disturb the
held that it would be a denial of the right of the peace of the community or the safety and order of
accused to be informed of the charges against the Government which are the acts penalized by
him and, consequently, a denial of due process, if section 8 of Act No. 292. On the contrary, having
he is charged with simple rape and be convicted due regard to the place and time when the
of its qualified form punishable by death, discussion arose between Lodovice and the accused,
although the attendant circumstance qualifying the political rivalry between them and the difference
the offense and resulting in capital punishment of opinion that they entertained regarding the
was not alleged in the indictment on which he administration of the Governor-General, the
was arraigned. Procedurally, then, while the Honorable Leonard Wood, it would appear evident
minority of Maribel and the relationship of that the accused expressed himself in biting and
appellant and his victim were established during the poignant language, unbecoming and improper of a
trial, appellant can only be convicted of simple rape law abiding citizen and highly detrimental and
because he cannot be punished for a graver offense insulting to the authority of the Governor-General
than that with which he was charged. which is the thing prohibited and punished by
article 256 of the Penal Code.
Under the rules of criminal procedure, a qualifying
circumstance to be considered as such must be so
alleged in the information, which is not required
of aggravating circumstances.

The requirement for complete allegations on the

particulars of the indictment is based on the right of
the accused to be fully informed of the nature of the

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