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Fill in the blanks

1. Rani lives in a place called _______________________.

2. Rani is happy because it is ____________________.

3. Rani’s mother made a _________________ breakfast.

4. Rani played a __________________ game called _____________.

5. Rani plays with her pet dog __________________

6. Rani’s friend name is ________________________

7. Rani and rani’s friend _______________________ story books together.

8. Rani and rani’s friend went to _______________________

9. Rani went to sleep at _________________

10. Tiger belongs to ____________family

11. Tiger have a ___________ coat

12. Tigers have ______________ on their coats

13. Tiger _____________ are stiff and white.

14. Tiger can ______________ very well at night.

15. Tiger can hear the smallest ________________ sound.

16. Tiger have ____________sense of smell

17. Tiger can smell __________________ from far

18. Tiger paws have ________________ which are soft

19. Tiger can ___________ very well

20. Tigers eat ____________

21. Tiger like to ________ deer

22. Tiger lives in _______________ and ________________

23. Tiger home is in the ________________

24. When tiger is in the shade, people cannot _____________ them easily

25. When the tiger was young _________ stayed in a cave most of the time

26. _______________ gave cubs hunting lesson.

27. There is a _____ not to hunt tigers.

28. The tigers can live in ________because of law.

29. The leaves ____________ trembling

30. The wind is passing by the trees ______________

True or false

1. Mummy played with rani a game called a snake and ladder □ True □ False
2. Rani’s pet dog name is waka □ True □ False
3. Rani and pooja don’t like to read the books □ True □ False
4. Rani and pooja went to park to play □ True □ False
5. Rani watered her rose plant □ True □ False
6. Rani lives in a place called Chennai □ True □ False
7. Daddy does not like to play with rani □ True □ False
8. Daddy comes back home when sun set □ True □ False
9. Rani packed her school back after coming from park □ True □ False
10. Tiger like to eat fruit and milk □ True □ False
11. Tiger eyes are large and round □ True □ False
12. Tiger tongue is rough. □ True □ False
13. Tiger like to hunt alone. □ True □ False
14. Tigers are found in Chennai. □ True □ False
15. The cub could not open their eyes for first 10 days □ True □ False
16. Father teaches the cubs hunting lesson □ True □ False

1. Special

2. Kheer

3. Butter milk

4. Board game

5. Fresh

6. Bright

7. Enjoy

8. Neither

9. Trembling

10. Bow

11. Furry

12. Striped

13. Whiskers

14. Stiff
15. Rustling

16. Keen

17. Prey

18. Pads

19. Hunt

20. Spot

21. Cub

22. Law

23. Peace

1. What is the special breakfast made by rani’s mother?

2. With rani played a board game?
3. What do the leaves do when the wind passes through?
4. What do the trees do when the wind passes by?
5. Write 3 things about what a tiger looks like.
6. Why cannot we hear a tiger when it walks or runs
7. Write about the tiger’s ears and nose.
8. What does tiger like to eat.
9. What does tiger like to hunt.
10. Which time tiger hunts mostly.
11. Where in India tiger lives?
12. when the mother tiger takes cubs for hunting lesson?
1. Shut

2. Pretty

3. Speak

4. Tiny

5. Glad

6. Pleasant

7. Pleased

8. Good

9. Quiet

10. Find

11. Lines

12. Sharp

Animals and their young ones

1. Sheep
2. Kangaroo
3. Rabbit
4. Frog
5. Goose

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