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1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL.


Interannual Variability of Sea Surface Temperature off Java and Sumatra in a

Global GCM*
International Pacific Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

Integrated Marine Observing System, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia

(Manuscript received 2 November 2006, in final form 23 October 2007)


Using results from the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA), this study assesses the mixed layer heat
budget to identify the mechanisms that control the interannual variation of sea surface temperature (SST)
off Java and Sumatra. The analysis indicates that during the positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) years, cold
SST anomalies are phase locked with the season cycle. They may exceed ⫺3°C near the coast of Sumatra
and extend as far westward as 80°E along the equator. The depth of the thermocline has a prominent
influence on the generation and maintenance of SST anomalies. In the normal years, cooling by upwelling–
entrainment is largely counterbalanced by warming due to horizontal advection. In the cooling episode of
IOD events, coastal upwelling–entrainment is enhanced, and as a result of mixed layer shoaling, the barrier
layer no longer exists, so that the effect of upwelling–entrainment can easily reach the surface mixed layer.
Horizontal advection spreads the cold anomaly to the interior tropical Indian Ocean. Near the coast of Java,
the northern branch of an anomalous anticyclonic circulation spreads the cold anomaly to the west near the
equator. Both the anomalous advection and the enhanced, wind-driven upwelling generate the cold SST
anomaly of the positive IOD. At the end of the cooling episode, the enhanced surface thermal forcing
overbalances the cooling effect by upwelling/entrainment, and leads to a warming in SST off Java and

1. Introduction face temperature (SST) anomalies is still lacking. The

positive phase of IOD is characterized by a cold SST
The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is an important fac- anomaly in the eastern basin and a warm SST anomaly
tor influencing global climate (Saji et al. 1999; Webster in the western basin. The largest SST anomaly occurs in
et al. 1999; Allan et al. 2001; Yamagata et al. 2002; Saji the eastern basin near the coast of Java and Sumatra
and Yamagata 2003). As such, it has been intensively and may fall below its long-term average by as much as
studied recently, but a quantitative understanding of ⫺3°C. The genesis of this anomaly is the subject of this
the mechanisms that generate and maintain its sea sur- study.
Satellite-observed SST (Fig. 1) and chlorophyll con-
centration (Fig. 2) suggest that ocean dynamics plays a
* International Pacific Research Center Contribution Number role. During the 1994 and 1997 positive IOD events,
487 and School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology Con- cold SST anomaly (⬍⫺1°C) extended to the west of
tribution Number 7218. 90°E along the equator (Fig. 1, center and right panels),
while chlorophyll concentration suggests that this sur-
⫹ Current affiliation: LED, South China Sea Institute of face cooling signature originates from the subsurface in
Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China. the coastal region off Java and Sumatra (Fig. 2b). The
widespread surface cooling signature, however, does
not occur during non-IOD years (Figs. 1a,d,g ; Fig. 2a).
Corresponding author address: Dr. Yan Du, IPRC/SOEST,
University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1680 East-West Road, Honolulu,
This seems to suggest that the southeastern tropical
HI 96822. Indian Ocean (STIO) experiences a transformation
E-mail: from weak SST depressions off Java during normal

DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1753.1

© 2008 American Meteorological Society


FIG. 1. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Oceans Pathfinder SST anomaly (°C) and Special Sensor Microwave
Imager (SSM/I) 10-m wind velocity anomaly (m s⫺1). AVHRR SST is from 1985–99 with a 1/6° resolution, and SSM/I wind is from
1987–99 with a 1° resolution. Note that the SSM/I speeds are observed by the satellite instruments, whose directions are assigned by
an optimal combination of these speeds, an atmospheric model’s output, and in situ data (Atlas et al. 1996).

years to strong SST depressions off Java and Sumatra dynamics is required as a foundation for improving
during the positive IOD years, and upwelling off Java– coupled model performance.
Sumatra is associated with the anomalous cooling. The During most years, the SST off Java and Sumatra
SST anomaly results in an abnormal condition both in decreases less than one degree in austral winter, despite
the ocean and the atmosphere and consequently a large the upwelling favorable wind (Fig. 1) and low net heat
variation in regional and global climate (Saji et al. 1999; flux (NHF) into the surface ocean (Qu et al. 1994). The
Yamagata et al. 2002; Saji and Yamagata 2003). mean seasonal cycle in the mixed layer (ML) heat bud-
Ocean dynamics during an IOD event is a key issue get shows a delicate balance maintained between hori-
for climate research because it is the physical basis for zontal advection, upwelling/entrainment, and barrier
predictability. The IOD anomaly persists for several layer (BL) formation (Du et al. 2005). The earlier study
months, like the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) identified two distinct thermodynamic regimes in the
in the Pacific, and coupled numerical models can pre- STIO. South of Java, the warm advection by the Indo-
dict the IOD patterns as well as they predict ENSO. In nesian Throughflow (ITF) neutralizes the cold up-
a recent study, Luo et al. (2007) successfully predicted welling water, and consequently SST depression is sup-
the 2006 IOD event using retrospective ensemble fore- pressed. West of Sumatra, a BL is formed under the
casts. But they failed to hindcast the strong 1997 IOD mixed layer all year-round (Qu and Meyers 2005b),
event. The predictions seemed to be dependent on the impeding the cold water from entraining into the ML.
specification of subsurface conditions off Java and Warm advection and BL formation combined with up-
Sumatra. An understanding of the surface layer heat welling are the primary processes that control the sea-
budget and in particular its relationship to thermocline sonal variation of SST near Sumatra.
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2453

FIG. 2. Natural logarithm of the Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFs) chlorophyll concentration
(mg m⫺3) in October–December for (a) 1998–2003 and (b) 1997 with a horizontal 0.25° resolution. Two boxes
indicate the region west of Sumatra (2°N–5°S, 95°–105°E) and the region south of Java (12°–7°S, 105°–120°E). The
line between Sumatra and west Australia indicates the IX1 XBT line. The open circle presents the northern end
of IX1 XBT line. For further information about SeaWiFs, please refer to the Web site (http://oceancolor.gsfc.

Can this delicate balance be maintained on the inter- Given the limitation of existing observations, this
annual time scale? Several earlier studies have ad- study analyzes the reanalysis products from a global
dressed this issue. Among others, Murtugudde et al. general circulation model, the Simple Ocean Data As-
(2000) investigated the dynamic and thermodynamic similation reanalysis version 1.4.2 (SODA; Carton and
processes in the Indian Ocean during the 1997/98 IOD Giese 2008). Recently available satellite data and in situ
event. They found that the cooling in the eastern basin observations are also used to give more detailed infor-
resulted from unusually strong upwelling along the mation about the ocean surface and atmosphere forc-
equator and Sumatra. The strong Sumatra upwelling ing. The results of the analysis are presented in the
was forced both locally by the strong alongshore winds following sections: in section 2, we give model descrip-
and remotely by equatorial and coastal Kelvin waves. tion and validation. In section 3, we describe the SST
Yu and Rienecker (1999) attributed the local southeast depression off Java and Sumatra and its variation on
wind anomaly to the impact of ENSO. The enhanced the interannual time scales, and introduce an IOD in-
southeast monsoon then forces the cold surface water dex. In section 4, we investigate the interannual varia-
away from the coastal area. Susanto et al. (2001) related tions of the upwelling processes in the region. The in-
the SST cooling off Java and Sumatra to decreased heat terannual variations of mixed layer, barrier layer, wind
transport by the ITF. During El Niño years, the ITF forcing, and upper-layer circulation are also presented
carries colder than normal surface water into the re- in this section. In section 5, we examine the role of
gion, helping induce a stronger than normal upwelling ocean processes in the mixed layer heat budget. Results
near the coast of Java and Sumatra. The cooling mecha- are summarized in the last section.
nisms identified in the above studies are potentially all
active at different times. However, the studies were 2. SODA products and validation
based on observations or model results for a relatively Results from SODA are used in this study to provide
short time. A careful examination of the ocean’s role in estimates of the heat budget in the STIO. The SODA is
the interannual SST variability for a reasonably long forced by daily wind stress and heat flux from bulk
period is still lacking. For example, considering the fact formulas from the 40-yr European Centre for Medium-
that IOD and El Niño concurred in 1997, one might Range Weather Forecasts Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and
expect that the relationship between the ITF and the spans a 44-yr period from January 1958 to December
SST depression off Sumatra only occurs in this special 2001. Surface freshwater flux is provided by the Global
case, as identified by Susanto et al. (2001), and not Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly sat-
when IOD develops without El Niño. How upwelling ellite-gauge merged product combined with evapora-
strengthens and cold SST extends westward to the west tion from bulk formula, for the period from 1979 to
of Sumatra during an IOD event is still an open ques- 2001 (Adler et al. 2003). The assimilated observational
tion. Long-time in situ observations and modeling dataset includes the historical archive of hydrographic
simulations are needed for further investigation. profiles by ship, moored hydrographic observations,

and remotely sensed SST (Stephens et al. 2002; Boyer very good, because it is a data-rich region (Qu and
et al. 2002). The assimilation is carried out every 10 Meyers 2005a, their Fig. 1). SODA simulates the bar-
days, using the Incremental Analysis Update method- rier layer thickness near Java moderately well but with
ology (Bloom et al. 1996). Averages of model output a phase lag relative to OFES and observations.
variables (temperature, salinity, and velocity) are saved On the interannual time scale, the simulated ITL
at 5-day intervals. The K-Profile Parameterization depth is compared with in situ observations on the
(KPP) mixing scheme is employed for the vertical dif- northern end of the IX1 XBT line (Meyers et al. 1995;
fusion of momentum, heat, and salt (Large et al. 1994). Pigot and Meyers 1999). In the selected 1° ⫻ 2° bin
The lateral subgrid-scale processes are treated with a (8.5°–6.5°S, 105°–106°E), four profiles are averaged
biharmonic mixing scheme (Smith et al. 2000). The each month to better present the general characteristics
computational domain extends to the North and South south of Java. Defined as the depth where water tem-
Poles of the earth, with a horizontal resolution of perature is 0.8°C colder than its surface value, the simu-
0.4°⫻0.25°. Vertical resolution varies from 10 m in the lated ITL depth is highly correlated (r ⫽ 0.90) with in
upper levels to 500 m near the bottom, with a total of 40 situ observations, with the former leading by about one
vertical levels and a maximum depth of 5624 m. Bottom month (Fig. 3e). West of Sumatra, the simulated BLT
topography is reconstructed from the 1/30° analysis also looks reasonable on the seasonal time scale (Fig.
with modification for certain passages. For more details 3a). Despite some quantitative differences, results from
about the SODA, please see Carton and Giese (2008). SODA have a generally good representation of the
The model outputs used for the present analysis are mixed layer dynamics and thermodynamics in the re-
those available online. Model output variables are gion. This merits a further analysis of mixed layer heat
remapped onto a uniform 0.5° ⫻ 0.5° ⫻ 40-level grid budget as shown in the following sections.
with a temporal resolution in monthly averaged form.
Water properties in the model remain conserved in the 3. SST depressions off Java and Sumatra
remapping. The study region is between 85°–130°E and The eastern Indian Ocean is viewed as part of the
25°S–5°N. warm pool extended from the Pacific, with SST higher
We calculate the depth of ML (MLD) by specifying a than 28°C all year-round. In July–September, the pre-
difference in potential density from the surface salinity vailing southeast monsoon favors upwelling along the
and a specified temperature difference, ⌬T, from the coast off Java and Sumatra. But, during normal years,
SST. Similarly, the isothermal layer (ITL) is defined by the SST depression there is less than 1°. When positive
specifying ⌬T only (Kara et al. 2000). Salinity stratifi- IOD occurs, the cooling is much larger, and comparable
cation can generate an ML within the ITL leaving an with that in the eastern Pacific upwelling zones, with
intermediate layer known as the barrier layer (Lukas the low SST signature extending farther westward into
and Lindstrom 1991; Sprintall and Tomczak 1992). In the interior (Webster et al. 1999; Saji et al. 1999).
the present study, we select ⌬T ⫽ 0.8°C. Though dif- Based on the criterion put forward by Saji et al.
ferent values can also be used, our results are insensi- (1999), the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) (SSTwest ⫺
tive to the selection of ⌬T. Linear vertical interpolation SSTeast) ⫺ mean(SSTwest ⫺ SSTeast) is calculated using
is used to estimate the MLD and ITL depth. SODA data (Fig. 4), where SSTwest is the SST averaged
The MLD and barrier layer thickness (BLT) from in (10°S–10°N, 50°–70°E), and SSTeast is the SST aver-
SODA were validated with in situ observations (Qu aged in (10°S–0°, 90°–100°E). The 13-month mean filter
and Meyers 2005b; Meyers et al. 1995) and with the was applied twice to remove the mean seasonal cycle.
tenth-degree resolution OGCM for Earth Simulator The DMI calculated from SODA shows a good agree-
(OFES) driven by observed atmospheric forcing with- ment with Saji et al. (1999), as expected (figure not
out ocean data assimilation (Masumoto et al. 2004). presented). Distinct peaks in DMI occur in 1961, 1967,
The validation focuses on two dynamically distinct re- 1972, 1994, and 1997, or so-called significant IOD years,
gions (Du et al. 2005): west of Sumatra (2°N–5°S, 95°– when the averaged SST anomalies exceed 0.4°C in any
105°E) and south of Java (12°–7°S, 105°–120°E), as three successive months during August–December
shown in Fig. 2. West of Sumatra, the BLT from SODA (Saji et al. 1999). Large SST depressions off Sumatra
is consistent with observations in phase, but the ampli- (Fig. 4) contribute significantly to the positive DMI
tude of the semiannual variation relative to annual during these years. We notice that moderate IOD
variation is somewhat larger (Fig. 3a). On the other events also occur in 1963, 1976, and 1982. But the SST
hand, the amplitude of MLD variation is somewhat depressions are weaker, compared with those five sig-
smaller, compared to both observations and OFES nificant IOD events.
(Fig. 3c). South of Java, SODA’s simulation of MLD is Another interesting feature is the phase difference
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2455

FIG. 3. Validation of (top) BLT, (middle) MLD, and (bottom) ITL depth from SODA with
output from high-resolution model OFES (Masumoto et al. 2004), and observations (Qu and
Meyers 2005b; Meyers et al. 1995). The ITL depth is averaged at the northern end of the IX1
XBT line (8.5°–6.5°S, 105°–106°E) and its position is shown in Fig. 2b. (e) The common period
spans from May 1983 to December 2001. A 13-month running average has been applied twice
to remove seasonal cycle. The mean ITL depth is 43 m from SODA and 50 m from the

FIG. 4. SODA SST anomalies averaged in the region west of Sumatra and south of Java,
superposed with the DMI. Here, the 13-month running average has been applied twice and
the linear trend has been removed.

FIG. 5. Volume transport anomalies of ITF along IX1 XBT line (Sv), superposed with SOI.
The climatological annual mean, 15.0 Sv, has been removed before plotting. The direction
toward the Indian Ocean is defined as positive. The position of the IX1 XBT line is shown in
Fig. 2b. The five significant IOD events are shaded.

between the DMI and SST depression off Sumatra, cribed in a large part to the heat transport of the ITF
with the latter leading by several months in some par- and the deep thermocline transmitted from the western
ticular IOD events, such as 1967 and 1976. The persis- Pacific Ocean. For the mean seasonal cycle at least, it
tent warming in the western Indian Ocean could be has been shown that the oceanic heat transport by the
responsible for this phase difference. For example, as ITF is a key process balancing the cooling by upwelling
the cooling signature off Java and Sumatra turns in the region south of Java (Qu et al. 1994; Du et al.
weaker in late fall or early winter of 1976, the tempera- 2005). But, the ITF has only limited or no influence in
ture difference between the two sides of the basin still the region west of Sumatra (Du et al. 2005). As dis-
remains large, presumably due to the westward propa- cussed in the previous section, the large SST depression
gation of downwelling Rossby waves that suppress the off Sumatra is a very important component of IOD.
thermocline dome in the western Indian Ocean (Xie et The simulated ITF by SODA is consistent with ear-
al. 2002; Yamagata et al. 2004). lier observations (Meyers 1996; England and Huang
Figure 4 shows the interannual variation of SST off 2005), with a long-term mean value of 15.0 Sv. As
Java and Sumatra. On the seasonal time scales, earlier shown in Fig. 5, on the interannual time scale, the ITF
studies have shown that these two regions are domi- variability is closely related to the Pacific ENSO. The
nated by different dynamics and thermodynamics (Du correlation coefficient between the ITF transport and
et al. 2005). On the interannual time scale, we see that Southern Oscillation index (SOI) reaches 0.76 at the
SST has a larger anomaly in the region west of Sumatra 95% confidence level. The ITF turns weaker in 1965,
than in the region south of Java. During the three stron- 1982–83, 1986, 1992–94, and 1997, when El Niño occurs.
gest IOD events, 1961, 1994, and 1997, negative SST No significant correlation is found between the ITF
anomaly exceeds ⫺0.5°C in the region west of Sumatra, transport and IOD. During three significant IOD
while it reaches only ⫺0.25°C in the region south of events, 1961, 1994, and 1997, the ITF transport de-
Java. In 1963, 1967, 1972, and 1976, SST anomalies in creases only in 1997, when it occurs with a strong El
these two regions are of equal importance. In 1982, Niño event. During three moderate IOD events, 1967,
negative SST anomalies can be seen only in the region 1972, and 1976, the ITF transport is mostly normal or
south of Java. slightly increases. During the weaker IOD event of
1982, the ITF transport decreases. The somewhat inde-
4. Ocean dynamics of the region pendent behavior of ITF relative to IOD has been at-
tributed to winds over the Indian Ocean (e.g., Wijffels
a. Remote forcing conveyed by ITF and Meyers 2004). Those wind anomalies have a strong
The STIO is a unique tropical ocean, mostly because impact on oceanic conditions off Sumatra (e.g., Qu et
it has a direct impact from the Pacific through the Indo- al. 2008).
nesian Throughflow (Gordon 1986; Wyrtki 1987). The SST anomaly has a strong signature in the region off
ITF has been estimated to be about 10–12 Sv (1 Sv ⬅ Sumatra on the interannual time scales (Fig. 4). Can the
106 m3 s⫺1) (Godfrey 1996; Gordon 2001), and it trans- ITF have a direct influence on the SST there? For a
ports about 0.4–1.2 PW of heat from the Pacific to the relatively short period of time from 1980 to 2000, the
Indian Ocean (Vranes et al. 2002; England and Huang SST anomaly off Sumatra appears to have good corre-
2005). The warm upper layers in the STIO can be as- spondence with the ITF transport, consistent with what
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2457

FIG. 6. Heat flux anomalies averaged in the region west of Sumatra and south of Java: (a)
NHF and LHF and (b) shortwave flux (SWF) and DeltQ. The data are from NCEP spanning
from 1958 to 2001, and from OAFlux from WHOI spanning from 1981 to 2002. For surface
heat flux, positive values indicate downward fluxes.

has been found by Susanto et al. (2001). But, this does Institute (WHOI; Yu and Weller 2007) in the region
not seem to be true before the mid-1970s (Fig. 5). The west of Sumatra (Fig. 6).
cause of this change is not understood. It is likely that The NCEP data span from 1958 to 2001 and the
the SST anomaly off Sumatra is more related to the OAflux data span from 1981 to 2002. Qualitatively, the
horizontal advection in the surface layer (Du et al. two datasets show similar results during their common
2005) than to the total ITF transport (Fig. 5). The cir- period, except for a larger variability in OAflux. In both
culation in the STIO shows that the westward South cases, latent heat flux (LHF) contributes most to the
Equatorial Current is strongest near 10°–11°S. Most of net heat flux variability. In 1961, 1994, and 1997, for
the surface ITF water flows westward around the west- example, when SST depression is enhanced (Fig. 4), the
ern end of Java and has less influence farther north anomalies of the atmosphere and ocean specific humid-
along the coast of Sumatra (Song et al. 2004; Qu and ity difference (DeltQ, specific humidity at 2 m above
Meyers 2005a). sea level minus that at the sea surface) are positive and
approach its maximum strength (Fig. 6b). This signifi-
cantly reduces the releasing of heat through evapora-
b. Local upwelling and horizontal advection
tion and warms the ocean, despite the enhanced south-
Following the analysis by Qu (2003), we analyze the easterly wind. In the mean time, the incoming short-
mixed layer heat budget based on the 44-yr SODA out- wave radiation increases as a result of decreased
puts. Since SODA provides no surface heat flux prod- cloudiness (Fig. 6b). Thus, the mixed layer, rendered
uct, we cannot close the mixed layer heat budget. To relatively cold by an upwelling–entrainment, also ab-
gain a qualitative view of how surface heat flux works in sorbs more radiation because of decreased cloudiness.
generating SST anomalies, here we include the heat The combined effect of the two processes results in
flux data from the National Centers for Environmental positive net surface heat flux anomaly into the ocean
Prediction [NCEP; data provided by the National Oce- (Fig. 6a). This surface heat flux anomaly counterbal-
anic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System ances the cooling by ocean dynamics during the epi-
Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL) Physical Sci- sode. The result is consistent with a previous study by
ences Division, Boulder, Colorado, at http://www.cdc. Tokinaga and Tanimoto (2004).] and objectively analyzed air-sea heat flux Figure 7 shows the horizontal advection and vertical
data (OAflux) from the Woods Hole Oceanographic entrainment in the two regions, west of Sumatra and

FIG. 7. SODA mixed layer heat budget (°C month⫺1) for the region (top) west of Sumatra and
(bottom) south of Java: (left) Ent ⫹ Adv and (right) Ent and Adv. Ent stands for vertical entrainment
and Adv for horizontal advection.

south of Java. The sum of advection and entrainment is 1961, 1994, and 1997 (Fig. 8). When these strong IOD
on the lhs and the components are on the rhs, which are events occur, the MLD gets shallower by more than 5
viewed as the role of ocean dynamics in the mixed layer m, and the BLT gets thinner by more than 3 m. The
heat budget. During the period from 1963 to 1993, hori- shoaling ML makes SST more susceptive to the entrain-
zontal advection neutralizes most of the cooling en- ment from below, while the thinning BLT reduces the
trainment, and as a consequence, ocean dynamics ap- barrier between the mixed layer and the thermocline,
pears to play no significant role in the mixed layer heat allowing the subsurface water to have a direct influence
budget, which is supported by two previous studies on on the SST. A similar phenomenon is seen in the MLD
the seasonal time cycle (Qu et al. 1994; Du et al. 2005). but not in the BLT south of Java, where the BLT re-
But, this does not seem to be true when IOD occurs. In mains almost unchanged throughout the events. SODA
1961 and 1997, for example, the horizontal advection underestimated the amplitude of BLT seasonal varia-
becomes a significant cooling process, and its combina- tion south of Java (Fig. 3b); consequently, the BLT
tion with vertical entrainment results in a large SST interannual variation presented in Fig. 8 (upper panel)
depression off Sumatra. South of Java, ocean dynamics might have been underestimated.
helps to cool SST during all three significant IOD The BLT also decreases in 1963, 1982, and 1991 west
events, 1961, 1994, and 1997, as it does west of Sumatra of Sumatra. Using the Climate Prediction Center
(Fig. 7), though its amplitude is somewhat smaller.
Using the NCEP heat flux and SODA MLD, we cal-
culate the surface thermal forcing and compare it with
model output (figure not shown). Although the mixed
layer heat budget cannot be closed, the comparison
does show that the surface thermal forcing plays a role
in counterbalancing the cooling by horizontal advection
and vertical entrainment during IOD years. The surface
thermal forcing becomes dominant and changes the
SST tendency after November/December in most cases.

c. Mixed layer and barrier layer

The MLD and BLT are important factors influencing
the SST. West of Sumatra, there is a thick BLT imped-
ing the cold thermocline water from entering the mixed
layer and this has been interpreted as evidence why
upwelling does not have a significant impact on the SST
during normal years (Du et al. 2005). Both MLD and FIG. 8. (top) MLD and (bottom) BLT anomalies (m) off Java
BLT shoal during IOD years, especially in the events of and Sumatra from SODA.
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2459

FIG. 9. BLTs off Sumatra from SODA and rain-rate anomalies (mm month⫺1) from the
CPC CMAP superposed with the normalized SOI.

(CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP; data (EOF) analysis (Fig. 10). The first EOF mode of verti-
provided by the NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Divi- cal entrainment shows a strong signature near the coast
sion), which spans from 1979 to 2004 (Fig. 9), we find of Java and Sumatra, with all peaks occurring during
that the variation of BLT is closely related to rainfall. IOD years 1961, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1994, and
The correlation coefficient between the two reaches 1997. Vertical entrainment is narrowly confined in the
0.60 at the 95% confidence level. Meanwhile, no signif- coastal region, reflecting the direct influence of coastal
icant correlation is seen between the MLD and rainfall upwelling forced by the southeast monsoon. The first
(figure not shown), indicating that other important pro- mode of BLT shows negative anomalies west of
cesses are involved in the formation of MLD. Sumatra in 1961, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1994, and
Upwelling is an important process influencing the 1997, corresponding well with the enhanced vertical en-
MLD and BLT. In the region south of Java and west of trainment. Their correlation reaches 0.67 at the 95%
Sumatra, upwelling driven by coastal wind tends to up- confidence level.
lift the thermocline and thus reduce the MLD and BLT
during most IOD events (Fig. 8). To further investigate
d. Wind stress and current
the spatial distribution of BLT and vertical entrain- Horizontal circulation is an important process redis-
ment, we conduct an empirical orthogonal function tributing cold upwelling water from the coastal region,

FIG. 10. The first EOF mode of vertical entrainment : (a) Ent and (b) BLT spatial mode,
and (c) temporal coefficient.

FIG. 11. Mixed layer zonal current (U; cm s⫺1) anomalies and ERA-40 zonal wind stress
(WSU; Pa) anomalies in the region (top) west of Sumatra and (bottom) south of Java.

and has large variations during IOD events (Fig. 11). region off Java and Sumatra. During an IOD event,
The enhanced southeast monsoon is mostly responsible with the northward movement of enhanced southeast-
for the westward current anomaly. West of Sumatra, erly wind anomalies (Yu and Rienecker 1999), the ac-
surface current anomaly is westward in the years 1961, tive upwelling center moves from the region south of
1976, 1982, 1994, and 1997 (Fig. 11a), when the en- Java to the region west of Sumatra. As a consequence,
hanced southeast monsoon prevails. South of Java, the region west of Sumatra encounters a strong up-
westward current anomaly is most evident in the years welling, which further has a notable impact on the local
1972, 1994, and 1997, corresponding with a large zonal mixed layer heat budget.
wind anomaly (Fig. 11b). The anomalous surface cur-
rent advects cold water away from the coastal region a. Area-averaged heat budget
and spreads it westward toward the interior ocean.
Five significant IOD events (1961/62, 1967/68, 1972/
During the strongest IOD events, 1961, 1994, and 1997,
73, 1994/95, and 1997/98) are combined to produce a
horizontal advection is of comparable strength with the
composite IOD event. Figures 12a,b show the seasonal
vertical entrainment west of Sumatra (Fig. 7).
cycle of the mixed layer heat budget of this composite
Westward current anomalies also develop south of
event averaged in the two areas. South of Java, the SST
Java in 1964, 1967, 1969, 1975, and 1982, and west of
decreases from April to August. Heat advection by the
Sumatra in 1967 and 1971, despite the eastward wind
ITF has almost no influence on the SST before October
anomalies (Fig. 11). These westward current anomalies
and only mildly warms it after that season. A strong
may be attributed to remote processes. Among others,
vertical entrainment occurs in July, and it continues
the Wyrtki Jets (Wyrtki 1973) originating from the cen-
until next January, with its maximum strength in No-
tral equatorial Indian Ocean are of particular impor-
vember. The vertical entrainment neutralizes the weak
tance. The current near the Sumatra coast can also be
horizontal warming advection and is primarily respon-
influenced by the circulation in the Bay of Bengal. This
sible for the negative temperature tendency from April
detail needs to be investigated further by research.
to August. Surface heat flux intensifies from September
through December, which overbalances the effect of
5. Heat budget analysis vertical entrainment and leads to a warming in the ML.
West of Sumatra, the temperature tendency reaches
The large SST depression observed in the STIO is its minimum in August, about two months after it does
always phase locked with the seasonal upwelling in the south of Java. Cold entrainment spans from April to
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2461

FIG. 12. Mixed layer heat budget (°C month⫺1) anomalies in (top) a composite IOD event and
(bottom) the 1997/98 IOD event for the region (left) south of Java and (right) west of Sumatra. Ent
stands for vertical entrainment, Adv for horizontal advection, Tt for temperature tendency, and NHF for
surface net heat flux.

next February. Differing from what was discussed for in the composite event (Figs. 12c,d). Cold entrainment
the seasonal cycle (Du et al. 2005), the entrainment starts to appear in mid-May, and keeps cooling the re-
contributes significantly to the temperature tendency gion until next February. Its maximum occurs in De-
on the interannual time scale. Horizontal advection is cember. Horizontal advection cools the region mostly
negative, and it explains more than half of the cooling from July to next January, with its maximum in Novem-
from August to November. The cooling horizontal ad- ber. Surface net heat flux reaches its maximum in No-
vection cannot originate remotely from the ITF; in- vember, turning the SST tendency from negative to
stead, it results from the intensified southeast monsoon. positive (Tokinaga and Tanimoto 2004). The shoaling
Heated by the incoming surface heat flux, the tempera- of MLD provides a favorable condition for this conver-
ture tendency changes its sign in mid-September sion by trapping the incoming surface net heat flux in a
against the cooling of ocean dynamics. This result is thinner surface layer (Fig. 8).
consistent with earlier studies on the role of surface
heat flux in the turnabout of IOD events (Murtugudde b. Spatial distribution
et al. 2000; Tokinaga and Tanimoto 2004). The 1997 IOD event is one of the strongest since
As a special case, we examine the 1997 IOD event 1960. Despite some quantitative differences, it repre-
and compare it with the composite event. South of Java, sents most common features of the IOD events (Fig.
SST decreases from mid-May to September, mostly due 12). We select this event as an example to discuss the
to the cooling by vertical entrainment. Horizontal ad- spatial distribution of the mixed layer heat budget.
vection and surface heat flux are the primary heating In July–October, the negative temperature tendency
processes. Different from what discussed for the com- first appears near the coast of Java and Sumatra and
posite event, surface heat flux keeps warming the sur- then extends farther westward to the interior ocean
face ocean nearly all the time in 1997. Despite the cool- near the equator (Fig. 13). It turns positive in Novem-
ing by vertical entrainment, the combined effect of sur- ber–December. Consonant with this SST change, we
face heat flux and horizontal advection generates a see cold horizontal advection in July–August south of
warming in SST from October to December, which is Java and in November–December west of Sumatra
similar to the composite event. West of Sumatra, the (Fig. 13). The cold entrainment occurs only in the
SST anomaly reaches its minimum in mid-October, coastal area (Fig. 14a), and remains almost unchanged
with a phase delay of about one month relative to that from September to December. During this period, the

FIG. 13. (top) Temperature tendency (Tt) and (bottom) horizontal advection (Adv) anomalies (°C month⫺1) averaged over two
months in 1997: (left) July–August, (middle) September–October, and (right) November–December. For horizontal advection, positive
values indicate warming the mixed layer.

MLD drops by more than 10 m near the coast of Java face current anomaly, a unique feature of the 1997/98
and Sumatra (Fig. 15a). With a significant decrease of event.
rainfall (Fig. 14b), the barrier layer disappears west of In July–August, as the MLD and BLT shoal (Fig. 15),
Sumatra, with a negative anomaly exceeding ⫺10 m cold upwelling water reaches the sea surface along the
(Fig. 15b). coast of Java and Sumatra. The surface current then
The surface current anomaly can be accounted for by advects the cold signature westward. As a consequence,
the westward extension of the cold signature. Careful horizontal advection shows a cooling effect in a large
examination of surface current shows a strong anticy- area between 100° and 110°E (Fig. 13d). To the east,
clonic circulation anomaly in the region between Aus- near the outlet of Lombok Strait, the warming by the
tralia and Indonesia, mostly to the east of 110°E. The ITF counterbalances the cooling by the upwelling (Fig.
formation mechanisms of this circulation are not under- 13d), and thus the temperature tendency turns positive
stood. Both the mean wind stress curl (Fig. 16b) and (Fig. 13a).
intraseasonal variations (Feng and Wijffels 2002; Yu In September–October, the MLD and BLT continue
and Potemra 2006) likely play a role in its formation. to shoal and the vertical entrainment gets stronger. Sur-
Farther northwest, we see a widespread westward sur- face current advects cold signature as far westward as

FIG. 14. Anomalies of (a) vertical entrainment (isoclines ⫺4°, ⫺2°, ⫺1°, and ⫺0.5°C month⫺1 are
given and area cooling effect stronger than ⫺0.5°C month⫺1 is shaded), and (b) CMAP rainfall (isoclines
over 50 mm month⫺1 are given and shaded, with contour interval 50 mm month⫺1) and net heat flux
(contour interval 20 W m⫺2) from OAflux, averaged from September to December 1997. In (b), positive
values indicate downward fluxes.
1 JUNE 2008 DU ET AL. 2463

FIG. 15. Anomalies of (a) MLD and (b) BLT (m) in September–December 1997.

85°E (Fig. 13e). East of about 110°E, the ITF keeps ity off Java and Sumatra. The SODA products, multi-
warming the region (Fig. 13e), and counterbalances sources satellite measurements, and in situ observations
most of the cooling by the upwelling (Fig. 14). South of have been used for this analysis. During the IOD years,
Java, the westward surface current is apparently related with the intensified southeast monsoon, the SST
to the anticyclonic circulation anomaly shown in Fig. anomaly off Java and Sumatra can reach as large as
16a. West of Sumatra, the westward surface current ⫺3°C, comparable with that in the eastern Pacific dur-
seems to be a direct response to the wind near the ing ENSO years. The delicate balance between advec-
equator (Fig. 16). During this period, the horizontal tion, upwelling–entrainment, and barrier layer forma-
advection has more influence on the SST than the ver- tion, which dominates the seasonal heat budget off Java
tical entrainment does. and Sumatra, cannot be maintained at the interannual
In November–December, the ML has dropped by time scales.
more than 20 m and the BL completely disappears. This The SST interannual variability is phase locked with
makes the SST more susceptive to the atmospheric the seasonal cycle. The mature phase of the positive
forcing and oceanic processes. West of Sumatra, the IOD always occurs in the southeast monsoon season.
vertical entrainment and horizontal advection continue As the intertropical convergence zone moves out of the
to cool the SST (Figs. 13f and 14a). However, because region, rainfall is significantly reduced, which goes
of the heat gained from the atmosphere (Fig. 14b), against the formation of the barrier layer. Surface
mostly by enhanced latent heat flux and shortwave ra- southeasterly wind enhances the coastal upwelling–
diation (Fig. 6), the temperature tendency turns posi- entrainment. The ML shoals and surface water are
tive at this episode, with a maximum of about 1°C more responsive to the thermocline entrainment, wind
month⫺1 near the coast of Sumatra (Fig. 13c). The forcing, and surface heat flux. Among these processes,
southeastern Indian Ocean begins its warming episode. the effect of horizontal advection is remarkable, and
this is different from what has been discussed for the
seasonal cycle. The SODA output reveals widespread
6. Summary
westward surface current anomalies to the west of Java
In the present study, we explore the role of ocean and Sumatra, which advect cold upwelling water from
dynamics in determining the SST interannual variabil- the coastal region to the ocean interior and cool down

FIG. 16. Anomalies of (a) mixed layer surface current (cm s⫺1), and (b) wind stress (Pa) and its curl
(107 Pa m⫺1) from ERA-40 in September–December 1997.

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