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Name:____________________( ) Marks: _____________%

Class : 3 ( ) Date : ___/10/2016
Parent’s Signature:_______
A) Match and write. (4x1m=4m)
has thick white fur all over its body. has sharp quills on its body.
changes colour to match its moods. has a huge and powerful tail.
has blue, green and yellow tail feathers.

1. 2.

The porcupine_____________ The peacock _____________

________________________ _______________________

3. 4.

The chameleon_____________ The polar bear _____________

________________________ ________________________

Page 1
B) Read the information. Complete the passage. (7x1m=7m)

The duck-billed platypus

- thick coat of
slightly oily fur
- keeps it warm

- soft, flat, - webbed feet

sensitive bill - pull it
- feels for food through the
on the riverbed water when
it swims

Special characteristic : lays eggs but feeds its young milk

Habitat : banks of rivers and lakes
Diet : worms, shrimps, crayfish

The platypus is a very special mammal. It

(1)_________________________ but it feeds its young milk like other

mammals. It lives along the banks of

(2)______________________________. It has a

(3)___________________________ which keeps it warm when the water

is really cold. The platypus is a good swimmer. It has

(4)_______________________ to help it swim. The platypus is often

called the (5)______________________________ because of the shape

of its mouth, which looks like a duck’s bill. Its soft, flat bill is used to

(6)__________________________________________. The platypus

likes to eat (7)________________________________.

Page 2
C) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences. (5x1m=5m)

1. to / go / accident / in / an / sites / Paramedics / ambulance.



2. ostrich / biggest / world. / the / An / bird / is / the / in



3. cake / slice / of / is / The / triangular.



4. creatures. / extinct / are / dinosaurs / The



5. A / found / near / woodcutter / a / lake. / teapot / a



Page 3
D) Make sentences with the words given. (5x1m= 5m)
1. – avocado - table



2. – keep – oval box



3. – uses - enemies



4. – dancing - stage



5. – wings - antennae



Page 4
E) Number the sentences in sequence. (6x1m= 6m)

The Greedy Snake

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

The snake died in hunger. ( )

There was a hungry snake who came out to look for food. ( )

He saw a frog but he felt the frog was too small for his meal. ( )

An elephant came. The snake was happy. ( )

The elephant could not see the snake. It stepped on the snake. ( )

He decided to wait for a bigger animal. ( )

Page 5
F) Complete the sentences using the phrases given. (8x1m= 8m)

a ostrich. ostrich has scales on its body.

This is The
an pangolin. pangolin is a big bird.

wings but it cannot fly. fruits and plants.

It has It eats
short legs and a long nose. ants and termites.





Page 6
G) Write five sentences using the names or adjectives of shapes. (5x1m= 5m)



sandwiches food cover


Example: There is an oval clock on the wall.






Page 7
H) Answer the questions based on the pictures and the words given.

1. What are the two girls doing? ( - girls – ball )

2. What are the two boys doing? ( - boys – kites )

3. What are the boys doing in the sea? ( - boys – swimming )

4. What is the girl building? ( - girl – sandcastle )

5. Where is the man reading a book? ( - reading – tree )

Page 8
I) Write the correct simple past tense.(5x1m=5m)

The next morning, Jack ______________ (see) a beanstalk outside

his window. He _______________ (climb) the beanstalk and reached a

castle. He saw a magical harp in the castle. It could play beautiful songs.

Jack _________________ (take) the harp and quickly ran down the

beanstalk. At the same time, a giant __________________ (appear). The

giant was angry and chased after Jack. Jack quickly ______________

(chop) off the beanstalk with a sharp axe. The giant fell and died.

***************************The End*********************************
Note: Pupils who are involved in cheating during the examination will be
given 0 marks for the particular subject.

Set by : Miss Tiong Pik Ling

Vetted by: Mdm. Lee Poh Kuen

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