FACT SHEET - Welcome To Intelstar

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Chris Martinez’s
Welcome to Intelstar
Direction by Chris Martinez

It’s 11:30 PM at the Central Office of Intelstar, a leading call center

company that specializes in U.S. directory assistance. Ma’am Chelsea, a trainer
for newly hired agents, prepares herself to welcome the newest batch. She
proceeds with the orientation with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. She
acquaints the trainees with the profile, regulations and the merits of being part of
the company and the need to use the American-sounding names and to acquire
a “neutral American accent”. Soon, the session is over and she is left alone in the
room as she reflects on her chosen career of five years. She is challenged to
face her true identity – who she really is and who she has become.

Welcome to Intelstar breaks the fourth wall by involving audience participation

wherein they will have a “feel” of becoming Ms. Chelsea’s trainees in the leading
U.S. based directory assistance call center, Intelstar. They will be taught how to
pronounce English words in the Standard American accent. This can also fall
under Futurism in the experimental genre because it involves usage of modern
technological gadgets such as laptop, LCD projector and wireless mic headset.

Ma’am Chelsea……………………………………………………..Mailes Kanapi

Duration of the performance: approximately 45 minutes.


“The play is most powerful in its beginning and end. The acting was tremendous.”
David Platz

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