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Consumer Attitude Towards

Bharathi Cement Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Submitted To


Submitted by

Ronak Taneja

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the bachelors of

business administration (BBA)




“Interdependence is a higher value than independence” Knowledge in itself is a continuous

process. Nevertheless, a day getting a practical knowledge is an important thing & most important
thing is the support, guidance, motivation and inspiration provided by the different persons of
different sections. At this moment of our substantial enhancement, I find no words to express my
gratitude towards those who helped me directly or indirectly in making this report successful. I am
indebted & thankful for the assistance received from various individuals

So I think all those people who contributed to this project from the very beginning till its successful

This project report could not have been completed without guidance of our Prof. Atul Fegde.

I extended to my sincere gratitude to Our HOD Mr.Prashant Kalshetti . For his constant and able of
guidance has been instrumental in large measure on the success of project. He suggest this study
,and it has been great opportunity to learn about a subject of which had no previous knowledge for
this, I am very grateful to him.

Last but not least I would like to thanks my faculties & colleagues who guided me for project

Ronak Taneja


o Questionnaire
o Bibliography
Aims and objective
Scope of the study
· Limitations

· Introduction
· Portland cement
· Use of Portland cement
· Product history
· Production of cement
· Modern process of manufacturing cement
· The modern process
· Types of cement available
· Storage of cement

· Cementing construction sector
· Coal requirements
· Transportation

The Bharathi Cement Company Profile

· Cement dealers in PUNE
· Marketing and policies of the firm
· Marketing problems

· Introduction
· Meaning of research
· Objectives of the research
· Limitations of the research
· Analysis of the research
· Consumer research findings
· Suggestions
· Conclusion
· Questionnaire
· Bibliography



The project was carried out at Bharathi Cement Pvt.Ltd. at Pune region

The objective was carried out for two mail objective. The first objective was carried out the
market research for knowing prevailing market condition of Bharathi Cement in Pune market.
The second objective of project was to study the sales promotion activities undertaken by
Bharathi and other competitors.

The descriptive nature of the research necessitated collection of primary data from retailers of
cement through market research. Both the methods, personal interview technique and telephonic
interview technique were used with the measure emphasis on personal interview method.
Interviews were conducted through the “ questionnaire”.

Sampling Technique
Random Sampling technique was used to select the artchitect. Randomly of population was
considered as a sample size. 50 architect were visited to collect the information about the cement
market. The project was carried out for a period of 10 days. After collecting the detailed
information from the market, analysis of the data was made. The market research has reveled
many facts and figures about cement market.



Indian Marketing Environment is largely described as sellers market. We have chronic shortages
and scarcities particularly in convenience goods. Demand is invariably greater than supply.
Purchase power do masses is limited more than 30% of our population have income below
poverty line bulk of our population resides in villages and marketers have yet to capitalize rural
marketing opportunities. The consumers are ignorant, illiterate, unorganized and hence they have
weak bargaining power. Most of our business enterprises are still having selling concept, which
is product oriented marketing approach. Bigger business houses having national markets are
adopting integrated corporate planning and market planning as well as strategic market
Marketing Research and information as well as strategic marketing planning have very limited
scope at present. A change is taking place in the marketing environment at a reasonable speed
and many consumer oriented marketing companies are beginning to realize the pressure of
competition and buyer’s market.
But the transaction to marketing orientation is a long and difficult process. Marketing research
has a bright future in the feature of matured economy.

Marketers are caked upon to anticipate changes in the marketing environment involving
opportunities risks and uncertainties. They are regained to forecast the direction and intensity of
there future change plant to meet anticipated changes in the environment and secure favourable
relationship with the changing environment. To do there intelligent planning marketers need
information. Accurate sales forecasting involves collection and processing of information. We
can have more accurate and reliable sales forecast, marketing plans and programmes through
organized information system. We should have profitable marketing activities, minimum risks
and uncertainties.
This project report offers detailed regarding marketing of Cement in general and marketing
performance and marketing share of Bharathi cement. It also deals with a case study of RAJESH
CONSTRO.PVT.LTD. PUNE, reference have been made to marketing of other Cements also so
as to bring out comparative cements.
In the modern world Cement has gained so much recognition that no building is built without
Cement. It is deemed to be the best and only construction material at present.
Even though cement is used by almost every man he does not know much about it. This project
report attempts to bring about details regarding history, manufacturing process, types of cement
available, problems in marketing if cement and other details regarding cement. Efforts have also
been made to get the opinion of dealers regarding marketing and other aspects of Cement etc.,
and consumer’s opinion regarding Bharathi Cement.
Attempts have also been made to assess the marketing performance of RAJESH
CONSTRO.PVT.LTD. and certain suggestions have also been given for improvement of
marketing strategy by adopting suitable marketing programmes.


1. To know about the process of manufacturing cement.

2. To know about the raw materials used in the process.

3. To analyze the sales performance of Bharathi cement in General.

4. To analyze the sales performance of Cement by RAJESH CONSTRO.PVT.LTD..

5. To assess marketing strategy adopted by RAJESH CONSTRO.PVT.LTD .

6. To analyze the general problems in marketing of cements and specific problems


7. To know consumer preference towards various brands of cement especially towards

Bharathi cement.

8. To give specific suggestions for improvement of marketing strategy of Rajesh

The scope of this report is restricted to the study of consumer preference and Architect opinion
regarding marketing of Bharathi Cement in Pune City.
This report includes the efforts that have been taken up by the Bharathi cement Companies
Limited to improve the quality and sales and also the efforts that have been taken up by Rajesh” to increase the sales of
Bharathi cement in Pune city.

The Method adopted to conduct this study may be classified into 2 types. The information has
been gathered through two sources.
1. Primary data.
2. Secondary data.
The primary data has been collected through personal interview and by observation. It has been
collected directly from the Firm Proprietor’s information are collected by observational methods.
Sources of Secondary data like News papers, Magazines, Books, Internet helped a lot in
preparing this case study.


Since Cement is used only in the process of construction. It is rather difficult to get respondent
everywhere. It is also difficult to known the opinion of respondences each and every one will
have qualitative knowledge about Cement. There are channel of respondent issues being this
chance whether it may be a wrong or right this; may create a bias in response. However it has
been avoided as for as possible.
The scope of study reconfirmed to pune only. The reference has been drawn with the help of
opinion of both consumer’s and dealers of Pune town. There may be channel of inference
becoming unsuitable in, such marketing environments which have completely a different set up
of marketing friend’s.
As Cement is a product confirmed to person who are involved in the process of construction. It
is very difficult to get information for every one.
Even though it is difficult all attempts as have been made and necessary precisions have been
taken to award bias and get answer to make the report a relative one.


INTRODUCTION [Origin of the word Cement]
The word “CEMENT” is from the Swan “to cut” and originally had reference to store cuttings
used in lime mortar. Then it is logical that in to middle age of the substances known as
“MORTAR” which is now used to the word was commonly called as “CEMENT”. In correct
modern age, cement generally mean the substances which binds the stones or bricks with which
are built and term may be used with respect to any materials serving such a purpose.

Port land Cement is a finely ground powder, usually grey which when mixed with water hardens
and develops strength primarily because of a large content of hydrous calcium Silicates. There
and other constitutes react chemically with the water by hydration and hydrolysis. The most
common raw materials are lime stone and clay or shell. It is produced by burning at high
temperature materials containing lime, alumina, iron and silica in predetermined proportion to
given the desired and properties.
Normally, Gypsum or its derivatives are added during grinding stage for set control. Portland
cements with special properties are produced by varying the oxide composition and also by
adding small amounts of chemicals agents at the clinker grinding stage or later. When mixed
with water alone to form hard mass. Early investigators advanced divergent theories as to why
Portland cement forms a rigid strong coherent mass when it reacts with water. It has since been
established that a colloidal of high internal surface area is formed. Whatever the extent of direct
chemical continuity, it is apparent that the large internal surface forces may also be involved.


A mixture of cement and water is called neat cement paste, whether fresh or hardens. In some
grunting operations, including oil well cementing, the paste is used as such. Generally however,
it constitute two hardening ingredient in mortar or concrete. This use of sand and stone filler
called aggregate is an economy and also reduces shrinkage. Another use Portland cement is in
soil cement mixtures used as pavement base. Portland cement is also mixed with asbestos fiber
and water and processed to make special products. Like organize plastics it derives much of its
utility from the fact that it is readily cost or molded into shape. Concrete is used, extensively for
shielding against nuclear radiation. It is used around reactor and partial accelerators and for
construction of radiation shelters. Sometimes special, heavy aggregates are used to reduce
required thickness.

The origin of cement dates back to the earlier centuries. The first people to use the materials for
binding were the Egyptians. The Egyptians used impure Gypsum plaster as mortar in
constructing the famous pyramids once of the seven wonders of the world. Greeks used slacked
lime for the purposes of construction. The Roman learned the use or the utility of the binding
materials from Egyptians and Greeks. The Romans and Greek made a pozzolanic mortar by
mixing finely ground volcanic material with lime. The word “Pozzoland” is derived from the
word “pozzuoli”, name of a place in Italy. The Romans used powdered pottery fragments as
possalana or binding materials. The pozzolanic cements as they were called were made by
mixing the volcanic stuff and powdered pottery fragments with lime and water. This mixture was
found to have the resistance needed for exposing to water and air for a long times. At that time
there were the only mixture or cement as thus are called were suitable for any type of exposure.
Such cements are used to constructing the famous structures as the Roman Pantheon and

The middle ages the quality of mortar declined. It was commonly a sand-mortar lime mixture.
The decline in the quality of the mortar was the insufficient burning of lime. It was in the 17th
century that the actual compositions by cement began to get its shape.

In 1756 when John Smeaton was commissioned to rebuild the Eddy stone light house off the
Cornwall port, in England.

At that time lime pozzalana was the only recognized material for under water construction. But
he was not satisfied with the mixture semitone. Experimented with lime and he found that clay
constituted a considerable part of lime. He is thus credited as the first person to find the
constituents of the hydraulic lime.

In 1796 James parker of England, patented a hard burned impure lime. He used it as the binding
material. It did not slake (absorb water and crumble) when it was exposed to water or air. He
called it as the “Roman Cement”. But this type if cements required as they were in the form of
crystals. This cement was the basis on which the “National Cement” as it was called was
produced in the 1820’s. But the only difference was the Natural Cement was the mixture of hard
burned impure lime and cement rock. A type of rock which was available in U.S.A. thus the
foundation for the cement Industry was laid.

In 1824, a process of making cement was patented by Joseph Apsdin in England. He named the
cement as Portland cement. This was because the cement products had the resemblance of the
Portland in England Apsdin, so confirmed the name to the cement. Modern cement in logical and
scientific development from natural cement.

Methods of production of cement have changed greatly over the years. It has changed so much
that there old process has no connection with the modern process. Earlier, the fire which was
used to burn the raw materials was done in a fixed place i.e., it was stationer; it could not be
moved or rotated. After a few years intermittently operated kilns were used. The production was
done on a small scale. The kilns which were used for burning underwent great changes. The most
notable was the introduction of the rotary kilns. In 1877 T.R. Crompton obtained a British patent
as a rotary kiln for the purpose was not a success. Fredrick Ransance obtained British and U>S>
patents in 1885 and 1886 respectively.
This was the process that achieved the 1st success in the United States. This eventually led to
complete adoption of rotary kiln for production of cement. But in Europe the continuously
operating staff kiln is even used today.



Cement is a finely ground powder, usually grey which when mixed with water hardens and
develop-s strength primarily because of large content of a hydrous calcium silicates. The most
common raw material is lime stone and clay or share. The raw mix in finely ground and heated
to about 1500 degree celcius to decompose the calcium oxide poultry fused clinker of marble
size is produce the clinker is then ground with the small amount of calcium sulphate (gypsum).
Then the content was obtained. This was the type of manufacturing process which was in use in
the earlier days.


The modern manufacturing process of cement is of two


1. Dry process.
2. Wet process.















The mixing of raw materials involves four stages. They are

a. Size reduction.
b. Blending.
c. Liberating Carbon-di-oxide.
d. Pulverizations.

The procedures are the phases are almost identical in both the process.

The phases are step that are involved in the manufacturing process is

a. Mixing of raw materials

b. Burning.
c. Grinding.


Till a few years back in India only ordinary Portland cement was produced. But they were not
ideal for extreme weather in certain part of the country. Also this cement did give good outlook
if not pointed therefore the manufacturers come to know about these factors and have
manufacture different types.

The list of cement is given here.

1. White cement
2. Color cement.
3. Water proof.
4. Acid Proof
5. Blast furnace.
6. High Alumina Cement
7. Ordinary Portland Cement
8. Expanding Cement
9. Pozzolana Cement.
10. Quick Setting Cement
11. Rapid Hardening Cement.


Cement should be stored very care fully. That is in huge closed containers that is silos. It is
stored in closed placed to avoid contact with atmosphere. This so because if it gets mixed with
the moisture in the atmosphere. It becomes useless. It can also be stored in storage shed.

Cement was previously packed in gunny bags. But by the time it reached actual consumer half it
would have been split over. This was compounded sealing problem. The bags were sealed with
threads. But was not so strong. But after the polythene or Plastic bags came into scene the loss
has been curtained. It has become easy for transportation. The bags are sealed with the help of
machine. Hence major problem of storing and transporting has been averted.

A mixture of cement and water is called heat cement paste, whether fresh or hardened. In some
granting operations, so including oil well cementing. The paste used as such generally; however,
it constitutes the hardening ingredient in mortar or concrete. This Cement paste ordinarily
amounts from 20% to 35% of the volume of the concrete.





Cement is the basis material required for all constructional works. It is vital ingredient to the
countries development.

India’s Cement Industry has experience steady progress. Since its inception in 1914. The output
of the major and mini cement plants has increased from 57.6 million tons in 2001-02. The out
put of cement may be high at 68 million tons in 2002-03. India is the fifth largest cement
production after China, Russia, Japan and U.S.A. With the turnover of Rupees 120 billion
comprising 52 companies with 101 plants.

The cement industry in India is poised to scale new heights thanks to the liberalization policies of
the Government adoption of state of the art Technology and the massive investment of rupees
100 billion. By the year 2010 A.D. capacity of this Industry to reach the impressive level of 120
million tons.

India is presently producing several varieties of cement. These includes to ordinary Portland
Cement(OPC), Portland Pozzalana cement (PPC), Portland Blast furnace slag cement (PBFS),
Rapid setting cement , oil well cement and white cement. India is also producing high strength
cement like 43 grades and 53 grades. Low heat cement is produce for the massive construction of
Dames, Barrages, Deep foundation for high rise building etc.

The domestic demand is assumed to grow at 8% per annum. The cement capacity which was
62.05 million ton’s in 1992-93 rise to 84.03 million ton in 2000-01. Around 7.85 million tons
large cement capacity was proposed to add during 2006-07 of which 5.50 million ton was to be
operational in 2008-09 and the remaining 2.35 million ton would be operational; in 2008-09.
Cement consumption may reach a level of 92.65 million tons by 2010.

Mini cement plants were setup at the governments insistence during the early 1980’s due to the
storage of cement. India has been one of the pioneering countries as for as mini cement plant
sprouted up around restricted and scattered limestone deposit areas. Because of low overheads
and excise duty, the cement manufactured by mini plant is much cheaper. Mini plant enjoy
concession in excise duty to the extent of rupees 7.50 per bag. However, these plants depend
upon traditional technology leading to poor quality of cement.

Cement Machinery segment is witnessing a boom. Segment is capable of manufacturing and

supplying complete cement plants based on the dry process and precalcinations technology for
capacities upto 5000 tons per day. There are 18 units in the organized sector for the manufacture
of complete cement plant with total installed capacity worth rupees 2000 million per annum. The
total production rise from rupees 1900 million in 2000-01 to rupees 2250 million in 2001-02.
Inspite of some problem, the cement industry is at present well pleading. It looks 14 years to
double the capacity to 29 million tons in 1998. Since then upto the end of March 2000, it had
gone upto 96.5 million tons and increase of 140 %. Like wise in 1999-2000 consumption has
gone up by 6% after 1% fall in previous year of course, government consumption has down from
50% in the early 1980’s to about 20%.

The Cement has great future however certain measuresas needed to setup the space of growth of
cement industry. There is need for accelerating the building of concrete road and multi purpose
hydro project. The storage of dwelling units is currently at 35 million. Construction of houses
should priority area.

Currently India exporting cement to Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal, U.A.E., Maldives, Philippines,
Yemen, Dubai, Qatar, and of few other countries.

The international cement rate is mostly in bulk for which, India has virtually no facilities either
in the cement or in the transportation and handling.

The infrastructural facility in our ports are inadequate for receipts, storage, handling, loading and
unloading of cements for instance Japan loads over 10,000 tons of cement clinker a day as
compared to India’s 3,000 ton a day.


The availability and movement of coal has been of perennial problem of the cement industry.
90% of the coal deposits are located in four states in Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, and Madhya
Pradesh. Also burning Madhya Pradesh none of the other states have any sizable lime stones
deposit. This coal has to be handled or very long distance. Coal requirement by the industry
today stands at 13 million tons at the 6% of the coal production. Cement manufacturer are left
the mercy of traders in coal who charge exorbitant prices. The coal requirements may go upto 21
million tons in 2006-07 and 25 million tons by 2010.

Transportation whether by rail, road or sea plays a crucial role in the marketing and pricing of
cement. Transportation cost has gone up by over 100% during the last 10 years. The bright for
movement of cement for a distance of 750 km was increased from rupees 134 per ton in May
1982 to rupees 456 in April 2001. This was further stepped upto rupees 484 by the railway
budget for 2006-07.

According to cement manufacturing association (CMA) on investment of rupees 500.00 million

will be needed by the industry in the next 10 years in order to double its capacity, if it is to meet
the countries demand on other rupees 150.000 million would be required for expansion and

The cement industry has taken rapid strides in area like energy conservation, mining, cement
manufacturer and environment protection, thanks to efforts made by the nation council for
cement and building material (NCBM) and other research organization.
As a result of large scale modernization and technology up gradation, the industry is able to
produce Cement at High quality comparable to the best in the world. During the last two decades
the industry did experienced some technological changes.

This includes;
1. Introduction of pre-calcinations technology.
2. Computer controlled kiln operation.
3. Pre blending of lime stone / coal and
4. Online quality control system.

The technological changes have resulted in reduction in the overage energy consumption. The
excise and transportation of cement need to be pruned particularly in the present context of
liberalization and also the need for boosting exports. In respect of vital in put like cement and
any undue cost escalation needs to be checked.

The cost of transportation and distribution constitutes a large chunk of the price the customer
pays for cement – it can be as much as 30% at many locations in the country. For a low value
basic product like cement, minimizing of transportation and distribution is in national interest to
make the economy more cost competitive.

Today nearly 60% of cement of production units to supply points is transported by road and rest
by rail. For long distance movement of cement, rail is still the preferred option due to its lower
cost. Nearly all the cement from supply points to customer is transported by road. The cost
competitiveness of both rail and road transport has important bearing on the price of cement.
Railways have been steadily losing cement traffic due to the inflexibility of freight and the
operational; restrictions imposed on the customer. The recent improvements of operational
efficiencies of railways is indeed laudable but if this is achieved by passing on the entire burden
to its customers, We fear that the cost competitiveness of railways will worsened in a long run -
at least for a large volume low price product like cement. Railways must examine all secondary
incurred by cement producer in transportation of cement from rail heads if the cost
competitiveness of rail movement is to be improved. Railway should also consider allowing
cement producer to operate point-to-point rakes, with multiple unloading points.

Road transportation during the last years was adversely effected due to sharp and repeated
increase in the price of diesel. Taking advantages of the effective caring capacity of trucks, road
transporter were offering competitive freight rate by carrying mare than stipulated loads.
However the enforcement of carrying load restriction in the recent past in many states has
seriously disrupted road transport system in the country. Freight has shot up with the demand for
a higher number of vehicles for the same impact on the cement industry will ever more severe.
Also pollution and traffic will increase if the same volume is transported by large number of

It is apparent that motor Vehicles produced in the country have the capacity to carry large loans
per axle than is currently stipulated, with out compromising safety. It will in the national interest
to consider upward revision of the present stipulated permissible loads per axle is that the
existing stock of vehicles is more productively used. This will also meet the needs of the cement
industry which one of the largest used of road transport. Indian railway has revised upward the
effective capacity of their wagons; a similar move is called for in respect of road transport to tie
over the looming crisis.

The Bharathi Cement Company Limited

The Bharathi Cement Corporation Limited

Bharathi Cement Corporation Limited Founded by the promoters of Sakshi Telugu Daily &
Sakshi TV, Bharathi Cement Corporation Limited produces superior quality cement which helps
you to set new standards in construction. Driving this venture is a dynamic team led by Sri Y.S.
Jagan Mohan Reddy and senior professionals with vast experience in power, cement and

Mission Statement

To partner our customers in building the best, by delivering superior quality cement that’s
produced with best-in-class technology. To grow by building lasting relationships with business
associates and contribute to the well-being of society.


Mr. Harish C. Kamarthy, an Engineer in Electronics & Communications, has over 17 Years of
Managerial, Operations & Administrative Experience and has served in Cement, Automobile,
Infrastructure & Power Industries.

He served as a Chief Executive Officer in Someswara Cements & Chemicals from 1991-
1994. He has also been a Chief Executive and Director in MG Brothers Ltd, reputed
dealers of Telco, Ban Auto & Volvo India Ltd.

He has been instrumental in setting up a Tech Park and executing other infrastructure
projects in Bangalore.

He is at present the Executive Director of Bharathi Cement Corporation Ltd and is on the
Board of Sandur Power Company Ltd., Himurja Infra Private Ltd & Jagati Publications


Mr. M. Ravinder Reddy, B.Com (Hons.) from Osmania University and an MBA (Mktg.) from
Berhampur University has diverse work experience in Cement Industry over 22 years.

As a Chief Manager (Marketing) worked with Priya Cement (Priyadarshini cements
Limited) presently known as Rain Commodities Ltd, launched HDPE packing by
replacing Jute packing, created brands for various grade like grade, OPC 43 grade, OPC
53 grade and SRPC, introduced paper bag packing in Tamil Nadu and Kerala markets.
As Asst. Vice President (Marketing), worked with Bagalkot Cement, Karnataka (Kanoria
Industries Limited) and achieved 100% capacity utilization which as a record.

As Vice President (Marketing), worked with Penna Cement (Penna Cement Industries Limited),
established Penna Brand in South Indian markets in the year 1996. In 10 years time the capacity
of the plant of 0.40 MT was increased to 5.00 MT per annum. He was also an achiever by
successfully launching and establishing Slag Cement in South India with premium price.

He is a Director in Bharathi Cement Corporation Limited from September 2008 onwards.


Mr. G Balaji is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and a Cost &
Management Accountant having over 20 Years Experience in the fields of Finance, Accounts,
Treasury, Management Accounting, Audit, Taxation & Administration.

He has wide exposure across the major sectors of Manufacture & Service, Viz., Textiles,
Engineering, Chemicals, Multi-Media & Automotive, Event Management, ITES, etc.

Has specialized knowledge in Special Economic zones, EOUs & Management


All through his Career, he has been go-getter and achiever of the tasks and contributed
immensely in the field of Costing, Accounting , Finance & Treasury wherever he has

He has also had overseas exposure in Australia and has to his credit the graduation course
wherein he has qualified in the Australian Tax laws and Corporate laws.

At present he is Director- Finance in Bharathi Cement Corporation Ltd.


Mr. J.J.Reddy, a post graduate in M.Sc (Agr), is associated with the Sakshi group for more than a

He has over 11 Years of Managerial & Administrative Experience. He was instrumental in

setting up and successfully commissioning 3 Hydel Power Projects in Karnataka & AP

Amogha Power Projects Pvt ltd, 1.5 MW mini hydel plant

Saraswati Power & Industries a 2 MW mini hydel plant

Sandur Power Company Limited a 37.5 MW plant

His exceptional project execution skills have been put to use very successfully in establishing the
Bharathi Cement plant. Presently he is project- in charge of Himurja Infra Pvt Ltd, wherein a 480
MW Hydel project is being proposed to be set-up in Sikkim.

He is at present on the Board of Bharathi Cement Corporation Ltd, Sandur Power Company
Ltd.,Himurja Infra Private Ltd, Saraswati Power & Industries Pvt Ltd & Jagati Publications Ltd.


Ultramodern Plant

Bharathi cement corporation Limited has set up most modern cement plant with state of the art
technology at Nallalingayapalli, Kamalapuram mandal, Kadapa district of Andhra pradesh. This
area is known for its superior quality Narzi lime stone deposits , possessing high lime content
that gives high early strength and ultimate long term strength. Another characteristic feature of
this lime stone is low alkali, magnesia and low chloride contents which are highly desirable
parameters for concrete durability. The state of the art technology adopted at the plant consists of
Vertical Roller mill of LOESCHE, Germany for grinding of cement to achieve the optimum
fineness, and controlled particle size distribution of cement particles


The Bharathi Cement plant has the most advanced Vertical Roller Mill (Type 63.3) from
LOESCHE, Germany. This mill has a capacity of producing 360 tons per hour and is equipped
with a 6,700 KW gear box. The mill is designed to produce a range of high quality cements such
as Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolona Cement (PPC),Pozzolona Slag Cement
(PSC) and Ground slag at varying fineness. It has a rated capacity of 360tph OPC at 3000 Blaine
and 300tph of ground slag at 4000 Blaine
Homogenized mining
Online process control
Exclusive R&D facility for continuous product improvement

VRM Cement mill-The largest in the world

Loesche vertical roller mills are the most efficient mills in the world and achieve very high
throughputs. They are extremely maintenance friendly. Service tasks can be carried out quickly.
Downtimes are reduced to a minimum.

The Loesche grinding principle combines a horizontal grinding table with large tapered roller
under hydropneumatic loading- the best possible compromise between output and wear. The
product quality can be enhanced by altering the classifier speed. All Loesche mills can be started
with grinding rollers raised. Metal to metal contact between grinding parts does not occur. Their
quiet, smooth operation is appreciated.

In Bharathi Cement the most advanced vertical roller mill from Loesche, Germany has been
commissioned. The mill has a capacity of producing 360 MT/hour and is equipped with 6,700
Kw gearbox. The mill is designed to produce a range of high quality cements such as Ordinary
Portland Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement, Portland Slag cement and ground slag at varying
fineness. It has a rated capacity of 360 tph opc at 3000 Blaine and 300 tph of Ground slag at
4000 Blaine. The high flexibility of the system enables to produce cements of 6 different types
from the same mill. Switching from one product to other can be done with in minutes.
The great flexibility of Loesche mills:
A 6 roller mill can be operated as a 4 roller mill with a capacity of around 80%. A 4 roller mill
can be operated as a 2 roller mill with a capacity of 60%.

The VRM technology offers several benefits over ball mill technology. With VRM technology
faster initial and final setting times are achieved. This is evident from Bharathi Cement initial
setting time of 130±30 minutes when compared to that of 250±30 minutes of competitor brands.
The final setting times of ours are 250±30 minutes where as for competitor it is 320±30 minutes.

It is obvious that lesser setting time would lead to high early strength development, and quick
removal of formwork is possible in construction when good construction practices are followed.

The early setting times and the rapid strength gain makes Bharathi cement
ideal for
Residential, Commercial and industrial structures
Bridges, Dams
Prestressed concrete works
Slipform concreting
PQC works
Concrete blocks, electric poles, paver blocks etc.
All other RCC works where early deshuttering of formwork is necessary



A typical QCX/RoboLab configuration consists of a

standard industrial robot
placed in the centre of a circular arrangement
of sample preparation and analytical
equipment. Samples normally arrive
automatically from the connected automatic
sample transport system, but may also be
entered via operator sample conveyors or
special input/output magazines.
QCX/RoboLab offers a very high flexibility in terms of the number and types of equipment

handled by the robot.

Supported, fully automated preparation & analysis disciplines relevant to the cement industry
include powder or fused bead preparation for X-ray analysis, particle sizing by laser or by
conventional sieving, colour analysis, Carbon/Sulphur/Moisture combustion analysis, physical
testing and collection of shift/daily composites. For the typical cement lab project a throughput
capacity of 10-20 samples will apply; but higher numbers in one robot cell are achievable.

The QCX computer integrates the system components. It identifies incoming samples,
downloads the relevant sample-handling specification and controls all intelligent devices in the
configuration. Sequence control includes priority handling, intelligent handling of equipment
failure situations and much more .

QCX/RoboLab (and QCX/AutoPrep) provides high quality in sample preparation and analysis.
Quality not only meets the performance of 'the very best lab technician', but is highly consistent
over time. Thus, there are no fluctuations from shift to shift in analytical levels due to small
differences in the practical procedures undertaken by human operators.

Sr.No Sampling Sampling No.of samples per

material Frequency day
1 Lime Stone Every 30 minutes 48
2 Raw Mill Every Hour 24
3 Kiln Feed Every Hour 24
4 Clinker Every Hour 24
5 Cement(Grinding) Every Hour 24
6 Cement(Packing) Every Hour 24
7 Coal Every 2 Hours 12
QCX/RoboLab, general features

Sample receipt

Identification & registration

Sample splitting & dosing
Individual sample preparation recipes
Priority management
Alternative routing in failure situations

Integrated control & dynamic supervision of

o Sample transport PLC
o Robot
o Prep equipment
o Analysis instruments

FLSA experiences with robot automation :

mature technology;
industrial robots have very high availability
client dedication
proper & detailed design is mandatory
robotics equipment prices fall
too high expectations for labor cost savings
pay-back time :
o 1 to 3 years achievable
o Can be difficult to justify solely on manpower savings
o Difficult to put value on higher & consistent quality
unbalanced technologies : often too high client emphasis on sublime technology in the
laboratory, while sampling quality is neglected
QCX(Quality Control through x-ray)/ Robo Lab

Sampling is done at different stages like

Lime Stone Crusher sample

Raw Mill sample
C.F.silo sample
Kiln feed sample
Clinker sample
Ground cement sample
Despatch cement sample

Time Required for one sample analysis - Just 20 Seconds

General Quality Assurance measures:

Virgin Lime stone deposits (Narzi lime stone) Known for their excellent compressive

Thorough Checking of all incoming raw materials as per the set standards and
rejection of sub standard material if any

Modern Cement plant with Proven German Technology

World's largest vertical roller mill for cement grinding

QCX/ Robo lab for automatic sampling and accurate testing

Tamper proof packing

Portland cement is made by grinding a mixture of limestone, iron ore and other corrective
materials, viz. Laterite, Bauxite,etc. Essential constituents mainly are Lime, Silica, Alumina and
Iron Oxide. The process of manufacturing consists of grinding of raw materials into fine powder,
mixing them intimately and burning in a kiln at about 1450o C. The resultant product is called
Clinker. Clinker is cooled, ground to fine powder with gypsum. The end product is Ordinary
Portland Cement (OPC). Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) is produced by either intergrinding
of OPC clinker along with gypsum and pozzolanic materials in certain proportions or grinding
the OPC clinker, gypsum and Pozzolanic materials separately and thoroughly blending them in
certain proportions. Each ton of PPC requires approximately 0.75 tons of clinker, 0.05 tons of
gypsum and 0.20 tons of pozzolanic material. This enables the cement manufacturer to produce a
higher quantity of cement per ton of clinker. As a result, the cement manufacturer can increase
its production capacity by making a limited investment in grinding capacity without a
corresponding investment in earlier stage production equipment such as kilns. The process of

cement manufacturing can be broadly classified into the following stages:

When cement bags are dumped on the ground, the impact causes cement to spill out of the bag.
This causes considerable loss, considering that some projects require thousands of bags, but you
incur no such loss with Bharathi Cement.

Bharathi Cement is packed in fully imported, tamper-proof PP laminated bags, which do not
allow the minutest of cement particles to spill. This ensures accurate weight and also eliminates
any possibility of pilferage. This technique of packaging is also eco-friendly.
The cement religiously processed and produced is packed in specially designed imported
polypropylene bags which are dust proof and tamper proof. This special package ensures full
quantity(i.e. 50Kg net) cement in every bag and chances of adulteration are totally eliminated.


High tensile strength is the result of a tape

stretching process, which give monoaxial
orientation to polypropylene molecular chain.

o Due to woven structure and lamination, sack has more

tear resistance compare to other packaging.

o Ordinary cement bags can be easily tampered,

adulterated and restitched.

Moisture Resistant:

Manufactured from laminated fabric, the sack is water-resistant and keeps its strength
when in contact with water.

Sack provides better resistance to humid condition as compared to kraft paper sack.

Environment Friendly:

Sack is made of polypropylene which is environment friendly degradable thermoplastic


When incinerated or put to waste it does not pollute air, soil or water with toxic residues.

Empty sack it recycled and can be used for producing new Sacks.

Bharathi Cement is packed in imported, tamper-proof, PP laminated bags. There's no

chance for any pilferage or adulteration.

Easy Handling:
Sack is required with valve that facilitates easy filling and self closing operation.
Brick shape of sack facilitates easy handling, compact storage, and efficient

Hermetical sealing instead of pasting or stitching:

Weak assembling methods based on stitching
operations or sensitive and degrading

adhesives have been avoided in production of

the sack. Instead of this heat welding/
hermetical sealing is used to assemble the


Properties Requirements as Bharathi Competitors

a)Physical per cement values
IS12269-1987 values

Fineness (sqm/kg) 225(min) 325 280

Soundness (mm)

Lechatlier method 10mm(max) 1 1.5

Autoclave (%) 0.8(max) 0.03 0.05

Setting time
Initial (min) 30 minutes 150 270

Final (max) 600 minutes 260 330

Compressive Strength (MPa)

1 day 20 16

3 days (min) 27 39 32

7 days (min) 37 49 45

28days (min) 53 70 60

b) Chemical

1) Lime saturation factor 0.8-1.02 0.9 0.88

2) Alumina Modulus 0.66 (min) 1.23 1.23

3) Insoluble residue (%) 4(max) 0.25 1

4) Magnesia (%) 6 (max) 1.1 1.23

5) Sulphuric 3 (max) 1.5 1.95

anhydrideSO3 (%)

6) Loss on ignition (%) 4(max) 0.8 1.5

7) Alkalies

8) Chloride (%) 0.1(max) 0.002 0.01

9) C3A Content 7 7.48

10) Temperature during 27 ±2 27 ±2 27 ±2


11) Humidity (%) 65±5 65±5 65±5


Speedy construction
Durable concrete
Economic concrete mix designs
Low percentages of alkalies, chlorides, magnesia and free lime leads to the production of
durable concrete.


Properties Requirements as Bharathi Competitors

a)Physical per cement values
IS8112-1989 values

Fineness (sqm/kg) 225(min) 325 280

Soundness (mm)

Lechatlier method 10mm(max) 1 1.5

Autoclave (%) 0.8(max) 0.03 0.05

Setting time

Initial (min) 30 minutes 150 280

Final (max) 600 minutes 260 340

Compressive Strength (MPa)

1 day 17 14

3 days (min) 23 35 30
7 days (min) 33 45 40

28days (min) 43 63 51

b) Chemical

1) Lime saturation factor 0.6-1.02 0.9 0.8

2) Alumina Modulus 0.66(min) 1.23 1.24

3) Insoluble residue (%) 3(max) 0.25 1.5

4) Magnesia (%) 6(max) 1 1.02

5) Sulphuric 3(max) 1.5 2.3

anhydrideSO3 (%)

6) Loss on ignition (%) 5(max) 0.8 1.5

7) Alkalies

8) Chloride (%) 0.1(max) 0.002 0.02

9) C3A Content 7

10) Temperature during 27 ±2 27 ±2 27 ±2


11) Humidity (%) 65±5 65±5 65±5


All types of
Residential and commercial complexes
Industrial structures
Bridges, dams, irrigation works
For highways, runways etc.

Hydration of blended cement:

Ordinary Portland Cement + water ----- C-S-H GEL+ Ca(OH)2 (Alkali)

This alkali is a byproduct in any OPC hydration process amounting to 25% of total gel
This is like a weak link in strong chain. Sulphates and chlorides present in water, soil or
surrounding atmosphere attacks this alkali causing deterioration of concrete.

Secondary gel formation in Blended cement:

As a result of this secondary gel formation pore refinement takes place and the
concrete becomes more impermeable to sulphate and chloride attacks leading to the
durability of concrete structures.

Properties Requirements as Bharathi Competitors

a)Physical of cement values
IS1489(part1):1991 values

Fineness (sqm/kg) 300(min) 350 300

Soundness (mm)

Lechatlier method 10mm(max) 1 1.5

Autoclave (%) 0.8(max) 0.03 0.05

Setting time

Initial (min) 30 minutes 165 260

Final (max) 600 minutes 260 340

Compressive Strength (MPa)

3 days (min) 16 33 28

7 days (min) 22 43 38

28days (min) 33 63 50

b) Chemical

1) Loss on ignition (%) 5(max) 0.8 1.5

2) Sulphuric 3(max) 1.5 2.3

anhydrideSO3 (%)

3) Insoluble residue (%) X+4(100-X)/100 17 25

4) Magnesia (%) 6(max) 1 1.4

6) Temperature during 27 ±2 27 ±2 27 ±2

7) Humidity (%) 65±5 65±5 65±5

Advantages of PPC Cement

Low heat of hydration

Resistance to sulphate attack and chloride attack
Resistance to alkali silica reaction
Reduction in water demand
Reduced bleeding due to high fineness of cement
Pore refinement leading to improved density of concrete

Technical Support


At Bharathi we believe in total customer satisfaction.

Bharathi cement offers laboratory testing facilities of
concrete at your door step. Your concrete is tested
under standard laboratory conditions and test
certificates are issued. The services
of experienced civil engineers can be availed.

Constructor Mobile van

Facilities offered

Demonstrations, Tips on good construction practices, informative lectures and onsite

video presentations
Onsite training for masons and site supervisors
Advice on concrete mix proportion
Testing of fresh and hardened concrete ensuring its superior quality
NDT(Non Destructive Testing) facilities

Good Construction Practices

Congratulations on your new home!

We are happy for you. A dream you’ve cherished for very long will soon come alive. To help
you realize it without any compromises we offer you our expertise.

At Bharathi Cement, we are obsessed with quality. From the first stage to the last, our cement is
tested at every stage. Using the world renowned Narzi limestone we produce cement that has
higher strength, low manganese and low alkalies.

Today, we bring the same expertise and commitment to quality, as we offer you the following
suggestions to make a beautiful home.



Before coming into cement industry Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal (The Managing Director) was
basically into the steel business. Then Shayadri Enterprises approached for selling asbestos
sheet. He was also selling rajeshree cement exclusively as they were in allied industry. After few
years. Mr. K.K Taparia came from Germany with the shopee concept. The main aim of shopee
concept was trade sale, launch Birla super as a strong brand, volume was not important, genuine
cement at reasonable price with after sale service for the end consumer.

With this idea in mind, they called dealers from all over India to a summit in Bangalore. From
1) Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal 2) Mr. Dasrath Jadhav were called. Accordinly “Rajesh Enterprises:
Came to the First Shoppee in Pune.

Besides these, to increase the efficiency in Services they also purchased a fleet of trucks and the
Firm Rajesh Transport was formed. The Color scheme of Trucks was in Blue the color of Birla
Super Cement

In 2002, the firm got its private identity in the name of “Rajesh Constro Trading Co. Pvt Ltd
In the coming years dealership of Allied Products like Cement bricks and Ultratech Rmc were
also taken up by the firm.


Jaiprakash associates came in the Pune market and RAJESH CONSTRO got the opportunity of
taking the dealership.

Simultaneously they took 43 grade opc i.e. jk and Acc Cement were taken and after seeing the
constant rise in the market for the 53 Grade cement grade they also took the dealer ship of other
brands such as Bharathi,Coromondal etc.
years and deals in cement.


providers for cements. Started in 1994, the company is continuously rising on the growth chart
and setting very high quality standards. Our strict emphasis on quality is combined with the latest
technology to offer our customers a competitive edge.

Since its inception, the company has established a reputation for itself as a supplier of quality
products. We focus on quality and aim to achieve total customer satisfaction, both in the
products we offer and in the service that follows.

Our highest priority is on customizing our products. We are committed to provide what our
customer wants and we provide quality and consistency at the best value


The logo of Rajesh Constro was recreated in 2010 symbolizing that they believe in creating a
long term relationship with their clients.

Across the Globe: Their supplies extend to Mumbai, Raigad, Lonavala and Pune

Products they offer

Ultra Tech RMC
Birla Super Cement
Bharathi cement
JK Cement
Coromandel Cement
Jaypee Cement

Mr. Rajesh Aggrawal (Managing Director)

He ensures operational standards are met or exceeded for service, productivity, and quality and
employee engagement..He oversees the daily productivity and work effort toward the
achievement of operational goals to ensure budgetary targets are achieved. Drive improvement in
overall service levels, transactional efficiencies and cost management.He looks Overall
administration. Zeast for looking forward,sales, superwise the work of each and every one. He
motivate and manage the marketing function thus ensuring functional excellence and alignment
in the marketing department by sharing best practices and developing overall skill level of team.

He develop and actively lead product portfolio management with right kind of product mix and
product positioning.

Miss Megha Aggrawal (Director)

She supervise the working of sales department & give directions & advise for its better
performance. Plan, Design the marketing strategies and enhance revenue generation.She
performes various functions in the organization such as:-

recruiting and training sales staff;

supervising, motivating and monitoring team performance;
allocating areas to sales executives;
setting budgets/targets;
reporting back to Managing Director;
liaising with customers (which may include actual selling);
maintaining detailed knowledge of the company’s products or services;
keeping abreast of what competitors are doing.

Mr. Karan(Transport Management And Sales)

His main work in the organization is telling sales party, dispatch of the cement, He maintains all
the challan stuff which is required for the transportation
Taking care the daily transport routine work for daily transport activities.

Prepare and maintain a detailed list for each route as follows of each Centre:

i. Bus route number

ii. Names of the Students in that Bus route
iii. Class /Division
iv. Contact Number
v. Name of the Bus Stop
vi. Pick-up time
vii. Drop-Off time
viii.Fees per route

Maintain and update records of all the vehicles –Registration Number, Insurance Details, Road
Tax Details, Transport Permits and other relevant documentation.
Follow up for payment/ 'C' form with customers.

Achieving of monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets by generating revenue from existing
Responsible for client retention and Meeting the clients daily.Responsible for corporate sales,
Develop relationships with Guests, corporates companies. Establish and achieve business targets

Mr. Santosh (Accounts)

He holds the position of accounts manager he keeps all the record of purchase bill, sales bill,
BRS, ledger, etc. he is responsible for overall accounts and finance functions All accounts to be
maintained up to date, accurate and in line with rules and regulations he is responsible for
monthly budget preparation and monitoring of the budget. Identify and implement cost reduction
activities. Funds flow management – Cash and bank. Development of product costing for
existing and new products

Debtors and creditors management on all payment related items.Provide accurate accounting and
financial reporting as needed by management.Responsible for adherence to all statutory
requirements such as Excise, Sales Tax, ROC, etc.Administrative responsibility for accounts and
finance department.

Finalization of accounts up to balance sheet, Working Capital Management, Receivable

Management and Payable Management. Assisting in the day to day accounting functions.
Ensure Statutory Compliances and Audit Compliances for all accounting related transactions.
Tax Management – Analyzing & developing tax saving opportunities. Managing accounts
payables & receivables for the malls. Ensuring timely processing of bills.

Miss Deepali
She is assistant to Mr.Santosh. She helps him in the work. She is new to the organization she is
learning the things from Mr.Santosh.

Aditya (Collection)
They perform the work of collection of cheque and the amount from the customers. They also try
to build strong relationship with the network . Imparting product knowledge, Demo,
presentations to the clients. They travel frequently within the designated area . They give
Position reports to Director .Handling sales inquiry, regular visits to existing customers / new
customer development, preparation of quotation, follow-up with clients and initialization of
order and payment collection, candidate should be able to travel.
Miss Swati (Office Assistance)
Sachin(Lead Generation )
His work in the organization is to call the customers . He calls up the party and convinces them
to purchase and is in continuous touch with the clients. Manages customer relation. Responsible
for market analysis, customer targeting, developing customer relationships, negotiating and
winning new business.

Miss Pallavi:-
She handle all the work of non trade business


There are a lot of many customers of Rajesh Constro. but the customers of the company are
broadly categorizes into two major parts such as Trade and Non Trade.

Trade are those customers who purchases the material for the purpose of resale and the quantity
purchased by them is maximum 350 bags where 1 bag contains 50 kg of cements. The customers
of trade purchases along with the type of cement they purchase are:-

Serial No. Sundry Debtors Type of cement

1 Aamby Valley Ltd. Jay Pee PPC
2 A. K. Traders J.K PPC BIRLA
3 Artistic Birla 53 grade
4 Chandan Hardware & Birla 53 grade Jay Pee J.K
Electricals Bharathi
5 Chintamani Trading Co. Birla 53 grade Jay Pee PPC
6 Dr. Jagtap Birla Super 53
7 D.R. Kakde College of Jay Pee PPC
Engneering and Polytechnic.
8 DSPN Projects Jay Pee PPC
9 Gaya Guest House J.K OPC (53 grades)
10 Guru Krupa Traders Birla Super Jay Pee J.K
11 Hemant Hardware & Birla Super 53
12 Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd. Birla Super
13 Jagdamba Traders Birla Super
14 Jai Shadani Enterprises Jay Pee J.K Birla Super
15 Jay Malahar Traders Jay Pee J.K Birla Super
16 K.K.Traders Birla Super J.K Super
17 Kokan Maratha Sangh Birla Super
18 K R Dhawle Birla Super
19 Krishnai Steel Center Birla Super Jay Pee Ambuja
20 Kusale Suppliers Birla Super Jay Pee
21 Lal Traders J.K Birla Super
22 Lodha Sales Corporation Birla Super Jay Pee Ambuja
23 Mahalaxmi Hardware & J.K Birla Super Birla Shakti
24 Mahalaxmi Suppliers J.K Birla Super Birla Shakti
25 Mauli Steel Center Birla Super Jay Pee J.K
26 Mukesh Premchand Shah Birla Super J.K
27 Navnath Traders Birla Super Bharathi J.K
28 Nilambari Traders Birla Super
29 Om Hardware & Electricals Jay Pee J.K Birla Super
30 Om Sai Concrete Products Bharathi Birla Super
31 Om Trading Co. J.K
32 Pandurang Mauli Cement Birla Super
Pipe Products
33 Parth Associates Birla Super
34 Pawan Hardware & Birla Super
35 Pawan Sales J.K Birla Super
36 Pooja Steel Center Birla Super
37 Poonam Steel Yard Bharathi Birla Super Jay Pee
38 Pramila Suppliers Birla Super
39 Prince Marble Jay Pee Birla Super
40 Pruthviraj Traders Birla Super J.K
41 Pushpak Steel Industries Pvt. Birla Super
42 Ramchandra M.Thakur Bharathi Birla Super Jay Pee
43 Ravi Kiran Association. Birla Super
44 Ravi Kiran Traders Birla Super
45 Sachin Traders Birla Super
46 Sai Agency Birla Super
47 Sairaj Suppliers Birla Super J.K Jay Pee
48 Shivani Traders Birla Super
49 Shiv Shakti Steel Centre, Birla Super Bharathi J.K
Maan Ambuja Jay Pee
50 Shree Digambara & Sangam All brands
51 Shri Ganesh Timbers Jay Pee Birla Super
52 Shubhalaxmi Hardware Birla Super J.K

53 Siddhivinayak Developers Birla Super

54 Sufiyan Traders ACC Jay Pee Birla Super
55 Tanvi Enterprises Birla Super J.K
56 Tirumala Developers, Birla Super
57 Uttam Suppliers Birla Super
58 Viraj Projects (India) Pvt. J.L OPC 53 Birla Super
59 Yadav Enterprises J.K Birla Super
60 Zende Properties Jay Pee Birla Super J.K

Non Trade are those customers who purchases the material for the purpose of there own use and
the quantity purchased by them is minimum 500 bags where 1 bag contains 50 kg of cements.
The customers of trade purchases along with the type of cement they purchase are:-

Serial No. Sundry Debtors Type of cement

1 Finolex ACC
2 Vascon enginears Jay pee PPC Bharthi43 grade
3 Smith Spun pipes Bharthi 53 grades
4 Kamal cement pipes Bharthi53/JP 53
5 Varad developers Jay Pee 53
6 Akshay enterprises Birla super 53
7 Atul enterprises Bharthi 53
8 Narayani Sansthan Jay Pee PPC
9 Pethkar project Birla super 53
10 Gk associates Birla super 53
11 Universal Bharthi 53 grades
12 Runwal housing JK 43
13 Elsha Earth link Bharthi 53 grades
14 Bhojwant wagnere associated Jay Pee PPC Bharti
15 Ganraj infrastructure JK Jay pee PPC 43
16 Aamby valley Jay pee ppc
17 DNV Redity Bharathi 43
18 Dighi port Jay Pee PPC / 53 grades
19 Kalpatro Jay Pee PPC
They are again sub divided into three parts :-

Infrastructure Companies
Products Manufacturers
Infrastructure companies:- customers of Infrastructure companies are
o Dighi Port
o Jitendra Group
Builders:- customers of Builders are
o Goel Ganga Group
o Goel Ganaga Developments
o Vascon Engineers
o Aamby Valley
o Kalpataru Group of Compnies
o Finolex
o Ganraj Instrasture
o Bhojwani Homes
o Varad Developers
o Lavasa
o DNV reality
o Bhojwani Homes
Products Manufacturers:- customers of Products Manufacturers are
o Kamal Cement Pipes
o Nawale Concrete
o Smit Spun Pipes
o Eisha Eath Link
o Shirke Bricks
Stakeholder, a person, group, organization, or system who affects or can be affected by an
organization's actions.

Stakeholders of Rajesh Constro Trading Pvt. Ltd.

Managing Director (M.D.)-Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal.

Director- Mrs. Megha Aggarwal
 Trade Department Employees
 Non-Trade Department Employees
 A/c Department Employees
 General Department Employees
 Acc Cement Ltd
 Ultratech cement
 Jaypee Cement
 J K super cement
 Bharathi cement etc.
 S P Traders
 V T Parlesha
 Etc.
 Retailers(Trade & Non-Trade)
 Builders
 RMC Retailers
 Infrastructure companies
 Individuals etc.
 State Government
 Central Government
Supply chain and distribution network is the most important thing in this organisation. Supply
chain and distribution network should be good because this help to attract more and more
customer and helps to return the earlier customers.
Supply chains and distributions network of Rajesh Constro trading company is very strong.
Once the order is placed with C & F agents.
The sales manager immediately calls the dealers and place the order and makes the arrangements
of transport. Once the arrangements is done the material is located and the sales manager provides
the driver will all the stuff such as bills challan.
Then the truck moves for its destination when the truck reaches its destinations the manager there
checks the material and gives the driver a notes about the delivery of cement in the mean time the
driver also hands over the bill to the manager.
As mention by the manager the collection boy goes on the respective day to receive this collection
boys to receives this complete the process of distribution network and supply chain.







The head quarter of RAJESH CONSTRO TRADING CO. PVT. LTD is located in Chandan nagar
from where all the operations takes place.

Rajesh constro is located on the main highway after Mahindra showroom, and before Rakshak

RAJESH CONSTRO do not have any sales outlet or godown. They directly take the order from the
client and call their respective dealer for the delivery of the cement.


52/1/16, Nagar Road, Opp.Rohit
Petrol Pump,aggrawal arcade, Chandan Nagar
Pune - 411014 (Maharashtra) India
Organizational structure

Managing Director






Bharathi cement company, sales officer visit the dealer regularly that is once in every month.

Bharathi cement company should give credit facility to its dealers.

Bharathi cement company should pay much attention towards warehousing and transportation

Bharathi cement has earned a good name in the market. It should maintain and improve the same
its price is high than the other cements. Some types consumers observe only price of the product
in this regard Bharathi fails to participate in the cement market so product price will be maintain
and economic level.

Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. agency has appointed As C & F agents for their good selling
performance. So these agencies should maintain their good performance in selling of Bharathi

Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. should provide conveying service activities to dealers.

Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. agencies should adopted different media of advertising in pune city in
addition to the effort of the manufacturer.

The prospective customer should be given promotional benefit. There fore promotional efforts
are to be taken in effect continuously so that as prospective customer will develop a linking
towards the product.

Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. agencies should have sufficient vehicle to deliver the cement bag to the
dealers who comes from outside villages.

Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. Agencies should give regular Service.


The finding of the research is enough proof to show that Bharathi cements ranks high in
quality, composition etc., It is observed that Bharathi cement has a maintained better product
image among the person who have used it and are using it. The company has also vast
network of salesmanship no doubt these things will have a long way in improving not only
product image but also the corporate image. But in competitive field one should not satisfy
himself with present performance. In order to maintain higher competitive efficiency there
should be continuous product planning and market improvement.

Bharathi cement producer and their dealers in pune city may consider the preference analysis
in the report and suggestions given in the report for achieving higher standards of marketing
performance in the future.



I am a student Mr.Ronak Taneja from Indira College Of Commerce and Science, Pune studying
in final year B.B.A. As apart of my course, I have selected

“Marketing of Bharathi Cements” A case study of Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd , Pune, kindly fill it
up the questionnaire and give suggestion for the study. The information supplied by you will be
kept conditional and will be used for only academic purposes

Your Sincerely
Ronak Taneja
1. Name :

2. Address :

3. Have you ever purchase cement?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

4. Which brand does your customer prefer?

a) Bharati cement [ ] b) Acc Cement [ ]

c) Ultratech cement [ ] d) Others [ ]

5. If you purchase Bharati Cement what is your opinion?

1. Quality
a) Better [ ] c) Satisfactory [ ]
b) Good [ ] d) Not bad [ ]
2. Price
a) High [ ] c) Satisfactory [ ]
b) Low [ ] d) Not bad [ ]
3. Demand
a) Better [ ] c) Satisfactory[ ]
b) Good [ ] d) Not bad[ ]
6. Where do you purchase cement?
a) Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd. [ ]
b) Ranawat Trading. [ ]
c) S P Traders [ ]
d) V T Parlesha [ ]

7. If you purchase from Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd., how do you come to know about the Rajesh
Constro Pvt.Ltd.?
a) Friends [ ] c) Advertisement [ ]
b) Dealers [ ] d) Contractors [ ]

8. What are the factors which have influenced to buy Bharathi cement?
a) Price [ ] c) Brand Image [ ]
b) Quality [ ] d) Door Delivery [ ]

9. Do you get any facilities?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

10. What is your opinion regarding the regularity supply from Rajesh Constro Pvt.Ltd.
a) Regular [ ] b) Irregular [ ] c) Not bad [ ]

11. Will you recommend Bharathi cements to others?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

12. Are you satisfied with the service offered by the dealers?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]

13. Which laboratory report would you prefer?


Place: Signature
Marketing Management By: Sherleker
Marketing Management By: Philip Kotler
Marketing and Salesmanship By: B.S Raman
News papers Business Line
Times of India

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