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Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

The text below is about plants.

Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. There are no spelling
errors in this text.
Underline the error and write one word to correct the error in the space provided.
An example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the

[10 marks]

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
[30 marks]
[Time suggested : 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following notice. Then, answer question (a) - (j).

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
Question 3
Read the poster below. Then answer question a-i.

Questions a-d: Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE
a The Games Carnival will be held throughout the year. ___________
b All schools in Kedah are allowed to participate in this carnival. ___________
c Every winner in this carnival will receive a trophy. ___________
d Certificates will be given to those who take part in the games. ___________
Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
Questions e-i: Read the poster carefully and answer all the questions below
e. Name the game in the carnival that is open to both boys and girls for all categories.
f. State a gift for the winners other than the trophy and cash.
g. Replace the meanings in the table with the correct word/phrase from the poster.
Meaning Word/phrase
good ties
the last day
h. Who can only participate in all the games .
i. What can the competitors learn from participating in the carnival?

Question j
Your friend is not interested in any sports. In about 50 words, encourage your friend
to take part in a game.
In your message:
-name the game that is suitable for him
-tell him the benefits of taking part in sports

You may use the details in the poster as a guide in your writing.

Dear ____________ ,

[20 marks]

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 20 minutes]

Question 4
Read the newspaper report below.

A bear pounced on a 60-year-old woman and dragged her into a jungle not
far from where she was tapping rubber in Kampung Pasir Hitam in Jengka, Pahang.
Aminah Yahaya's painful screams caught the attention of her husband, who
threw a sickle at the beast and hit it with a tree branch to force it to release her, Metro
Daily reported.
Recalling the horrifying incident from her hospital bed in Pekan, Aminah
said she and her husband Manan Othman,63, had gone on their usual routine to tap
rubber in their estate on Thursday morning.
At about 8.30 in the morning, a huge black bear, almost six feet in height, suddenly
came from behind. It attacked and dragged her for several metres into the thick jungle.
At first, she was too stunned to react but after the initial shock, she decided to fight
"I struggled and screamed but it did not let go. It bit into my head and neck.
I screamed louder and said a little prayer."
The sight of blood from her wounds and the intense pain almost made her
lose hope. Fortunately for her, her husband was not far away. Manan said he
shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if he was not nearby to hear
his wife's screams. As their plantation was in a remote area, there was no one else to
help them.
Terengganu Wildlife and National Parks Department had received a report
on the incident and would set up traps to prevent wild animals from encroaching into
plantations. The department also warned that encounters between humans and animals
are bound to increase, as hungry and threatened wild animals face a shrinking habitat.

Read the newspaper report carefully and answer the questions below.

a Name the village where the incident happened.


b How did Manan force the bear to let go of his wife?

c What were Manan and Aminah doing in their plantation on Thursday morning?
Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

d Did Aminah fight back in the beginning when the bear attacked her?

e Aminah nearly gave up fighting the bear. Why?


f Why didn't others help Manan and his wife?


g According to the newspaper report, what do the authorities plan to do to stop

encounters between humans and animals?

h Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the newspaper report.
Meaning Word/Phrase
i) frightening
ii) great
iii) surrender

i State 2 possible reasons why the bear attacked Aminah.


j List 3 precautions people can take when they work near the jungle.

[15 marks]

Question 5
Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions a-d.
My Hero
My dad’s as brave as a dad can be, He’s not afraid of vampires,
I rate him Number One, Or a wolf-man come to get him,
He’s not afraid of the dead of night, If Frankenstein’s monster knocked on our door,
Or anything under the sun. He wouldn’t let that upset him.
He’s not afraid of a late-night film, My dad’s brave as a dad can be,
Full of horrors on the telly, And he’s always ready to prove it.
And is he afraid of skeletons? So why, when a spider’s in the bath,
Not dad, not on you Nelly! Does Mum have to come and remove it?
He’s not afraid of meeting ghosts,
He’s even smile and greet ‘em,
And things that scare most dads the
My dad could just defeat ‘em. Wilson Hall
stanzas 1 – 3
What type of movies does the persona’s father enjoy and when does he watch them?

How do we know the persona is very confident that his father is not afraid of ghosts?

List the monster figures mentioned by the persona.

What does the persona say about his hero and ghosts? Do you feel this is an exaggeration?
Give a reason for your answer.

Read the poem, My Hero, carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).
From stanza 3, how does the persona compare his father with others?

What does the word ‘skeletons’ bring to mind? Why does the persona mention this?

In the persona’s eyes, how do you think his father has proved he is brave?
What does the last stanza tell you about the persona’s father?
How do you think the persona feels about this?
[5 marks]
Question 5

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions a-d.
News Break
Now why so loving, darling, But surely you’re some stranger,
And why the sudden kiss? No rage or hullabaloo.
You’d help me with some little jobs? Come closer, let me look, dear,
For goodness sake, what’s this? Can this be REALLY you?
Your face is clean for once, dear,
Your clothes without a crease. Now were you struck by lightning
You saved your luncheon money? Or were you stunned at sport?
Will wonders never cease? Ah … now I see the reason.
No dropping of your school books, You’ve brought your school report!
No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love, – Max Fatchen
Where yesterday a rebel.
1. From the line ‘ your face is clean for once’ , what can you say about ‘you’
2. What do you think ‘you’ would normally do with his/her luncheon money?
3. Who is ‘dear’?
4. What normally happens to the school books when the child comes home?
5. In your opinion, how would the child’s clothes look like after a normal school
6. Who is the persona?
7. Why does the persona ask if the child is struck by lightning?
8. How do you think the persona feel when the child comes back home?
9. What might be the reason the child is acting nice that day?
10. Predict the child’s result.
11. If you were the child, would you have done the same thing? why

Revision BI- Form 3-Trail Examination © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
12. Suggest two ways to make sure we do well in school.
a) _________________________________________________________________
13. Describe the relationships between the child and the parent.
14. Where are the persona and the boy?
15. What does the boy do on seeing the mother?
16. What has he offered to do for the mother?
17. Why do you think his clothes are without a crease?
18. What happens to the school book normally?
19. How differently does the boy behave?
20. Explain the line, "Now were you struck by lightning". Why does the mother say this?
21. Why does the mother call the boy to move closer to her?
22. Explain the relevance of the title to the poem.
23. What is unusual about the boy's behavior so much so the mother calls himself a lamb?
24. Moral value
25. Moral value
26. Theme (having an ulterior motive)

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27. Theme (disobedient)
Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions a-d.
News Break
Now why so loving, darling, But surely you’re some stranger,
And why the sudden kiss? No rage or hullabaloo.
You’d help me with some little jobs? Come closer, let me look, dear,
For goodness sake, what’s this? Can this be REALLY you?
Your face is clean for once, dear,
Your clothes without a crease. Now were you struck by lightning
You saved your luncheon money? Or were you stunned at sport?
Will wonders never cease? Ah … now I see the reason.
No dropping of your school books, You’ve brought your school report!
No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love, – Max Fatchen
Where yesterday a rebel.
1. From the line ‘ your face is clean for once’ , what can you say about ‘you’
he/she always has dirty face.
2. What do you think ‘you’ would normally do with his/her luncheon money?
spend it on food/snacks/soft drinks.
3. Who is ‘dear’?
A child
4. What normally happens to the school books when the child comes home?
The child will drop the school books everywhere.
5. In your opinion, how would the child’s clothes look like after a normal school
dirty / creased/ stained.
6. Who is the persona?
A parent.
7. Why does the persona ask if the child is struck by lightning?
The persona is surprised by how the child acts.
8. How do you think the persona feel when the child comes back home?
9. What might be the reason the child is acting nice that day?

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The child does not want the parent to get mad at him/her because he has
brought back the report card.
10. Predict the child’s result.
Not good.
11. If you were the child, would you have done the same thing? why
Yes, because I do not want to get punished.
No, because my parents would not be mad as long as I try my best.
12. Suggest two ways to make sure we do well in school.
a) Pay attention in class.
b) Get good sleep at night.
13. Describe the relationships between the child and the parent.
They are close to each other as they spend a lot of time together.
14. Where are the persona and the boy?
Somewhere at home/home.
15. What does the boy do on seeing the mother?
The boy gives the mother a kiss.
16. What has he offered to do for the mother?
He has offered to help his mother with some little jobs.
17. Why do you think his clothes are without a crease?
He must have stayed quietly at school and did not play around.
18. What happens to the school book normally?
Normally, they are thrown to the floor.
19. How differently does the boy behave?
He does not throw his books and does not scream and shout.
20. Explain the line, "Now were you struck by lightning". Why does the mother say this?
It means he was hurt in some ways or another. She says this because she is totally
unable to understand the change to the boy's behavior.
21. Why does the mother call the boy to move closer to her?
She wants to have a better look to make sure he is her son.
22. Explain the relevance of the title to the poem.
The title "News Break" means something unusual just happened and it is relevant
because the boy is showing unusual behavior, out of the ordinary.
23. What is unusual about the boy's behavior so much so the mother calls himself a lamb?
He is not screaming or throwing tantrum.
24. Moral value
We must try to behave well at all times and not only on certain occasions.
25. Moral value

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We must have the courage to face the unpleasant consequences of our actions instead
of finding excuses.
26. Theme (having an ulterior motive)
The child is rather sly, he is behaving well for a reason, he brought home his report
card which may contain bad grades, he tries to win his parent's heart by behaving well
27. Theme (disobedient)
The child is described to be naughty and disobedient most of the time, that is why the
parent is very surprised to see him behaving well
[40 marks]
[Time suggested : 45 minutes]
PT3 English Essay Example 1 : Recount/ Story/ Accident
Question 6
The picture shows a road accident in which you witnessed.
Based on the picture given, write about the accident for your class noticeboard.

It was a breezy Saturday morning. I was taking a walk to make a stop at my

favourite Mr Raju’s ‘nasi lemak’ stall before heading to an extra class. I was in a cloud
nine after receiving my food to fuel the day. As I was getting my change, the sound
of a loud brake screeching and a bang were vibrating through the air. I almost dropped
my change from the astonishment. There was an accident happened just a few meters
away from the stall!

Within minutes, onlookers were already crowding the place of the event. I
also joined to witness the unfortunate scene. I saw a guy in his brand new car took a
huge hit on the back of a school bus. Mr Raju quickly made a call to the authorities
while the other guys were trying to rescue the unconscious man in the car. Due to the
terrible crumple of the black Sedan, they were not able to take him out. People were
getting scared as the smoke of the car was getting thicker and thicker. We were warned
to stand afar.

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Luckily, the firefighters arrived along with the ambulance. As fast as
lightning, the heroic firemen used multiple tools to get the poor guy out and quickly
put him on a stretcher. He was then sent to the hospital. Policemen also arrived to
secure and jot details of the scene. Investigations were done and it turns out, the guy
was unconscious due to non stop working at night. He rushed home to see his family
yet he couldn’t make it. Thankfully he is now safe and sound in the hospital and there
were no one in the school bus except the driver since it was a Saturday! The driver
was also fine and the bus was able to claim the insurance. After awhile, the crowds
dispersed and I continued my journey to my extra class feeling a bit gloomy.

Accidents like this could be avoided if we take safety precautions seriously.

Drivers should not be driving if they feel like their eyes are as heavy as a stone. They
should take a rest at the nearest stop before hitting the road again. With this, accidents
will not happen and everyone will reach their destination unharmed.

PT3 English Essay Example 2 : Recount/ Story/ Flash flood

Question 6
The picture shows a scene of a village that was flooded after a heavy downpour.
Based on the picture given, write about the incident for your school magazine.

The annual monsoon season has arrived.This causes heavy downpours in

many areas. Last Friday night,there was a heavy downpour in Kampung Jeram. It
rained continuously that night. Everyone was sound asleep and no one imagined what
would happen the next morning.
As soon as the villagers woke up in the early morning,they were shocked
to see the rising water surrounding them. The flood has submerged the whole village.
The villagers had butterflies in their stomach when they could not find the way out.
They were trapped in the flood water.The villagers had saved the important documents
and some saved their valuables.

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The villagers quickly climbed up the roof and waited to be rescued. They
were afraid because the water was still rising. The swift flood water swept away their
belongings just in front of their eyes. Some caring villagers lent a helping hand to the
other families and helped them to climb up the roofs. All of them waited until the
arrival of the rescue teams.
Soon enough,a rescue boat arrived at the scene. The villagers who saw
the boat screamed for help. The boat can only accommodate limited villagers. Some
of the villagers were saved and brought into the boat. Soon, another boat arrived and
picked up the remaining villagers. All of them were brought to the community hall
and stayed there for temporarily.
Flash flood has been happening during monsoon season at low lying areas
like Kampung Jeram. To prevent fatalities during flash flood,precaution and early
alerts should be given. The flood relief centre have to give early warning siren so that
residents can prepare to be evacuated earlier. The news should also provide regular
weather updates during this season. The flood relief centre should also give
information on flood evacuation plans to these residents. As the saying goes,
prevention is better than cure.

PT3 English Essay Example 3 : Recount/ Story/ Flooded Village

Question 6
Composition helps the student to express his views on what is happening in the world
around him, besides expressing personal thoughts, feelings and experiences.

It was the rainy season and, for one whole week, the rain poured incessantly.
The water level in the river rose steadily until the water spilt over, flooding many low-
lying areas.

My village was one of the areas affected and we had to move our belongings
to higher ground. There, we waited for rescue teams to arrive. The whole village was
submerged in about one meter of water. The currents were swift and merciless,
sweeping away livestock and furniture.
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Red Crescent members could be seen busy evacuating old folk, women and
children trapped by the rising waters. Flood victims were taken to a Flood Relief
Centre. Here we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies. Some had to
be given clothes and blankets as they could not save anything in time.

After three days, the rain subsided and the flood waters receded. It was such
a relief to see the sun again. Flood victims began to move back home, to clean up the
place as well as to assess the damage.

Question 7

Based on the novel ‘We didn’t mean to go to Sea’, write about a character who shows
admirable character character traits and who is a good role model for teenagers.
Provide evidence from the text to support your response.

-in not less than 50 words.
-in continuous writing (note in note forms)

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[10 marks]

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[30 marks]
Question 7

You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

Based on the novel ‘We didn’t mean to go to Sea’, write about main moral value that
you learn. Provide evidence from the text to support your response.

-in not less than 50 words.
-in continuous writing (note in note forms)

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[10 marks]
Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions a-d.
What is Red?
Red is a sunset Red is hotness Red is a lipstick
Blazing and bright You get inside Red is a shout
Red is feeling brave When you’re embarrassed Red is a signal
With all your might. And want to hide. That says: “Watch out!”
Red is a sunburn Fire-cracker, fire-engine Red is a great big
Spot on your nose. Fire-flicker red- Rubber ball.
Sometimes red And when you’re angry Red is the giantest
Is a red red rose Red runs through your head. Colour of all.
Red squiggles out Red is an Indian, Red is a show-off,
When you cut your hand. A Valentine heart. No doubt about it –
Red is a brick The trimmings on But can you imagine
And the sound of a band. A circus cart. Living without it

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[40 marks]
[Time suggested : 45 minutes]

Question 6
You celebrated Teacher’s Day in your school recently. Write a recount of what you
saw and did on that day.

In your recount:
-give the date and venue
-state the activities carried out
-express your feelings on that day
-write between 150 to 200 words

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