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Exercise of Degrees of Comparison

1.a Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.

necessery bad fat fast nice cheap pretty good

1.The light shines as ___________ as the sun.

2.The blood presssure moves as ___________ as the wind.

3.Herstethoscope is as ___________ as mine.

4.The woman is as ___________ as that woman.

5.That kidney dish is as ___________ as this needle.

6.The baby was as ___________ as the premature baby.

7.Herurine was as ___________ as mother`s urine.

8.The health of mother is as ___________ as the health of baby.

b. Write two of you own sentences which show an equal comparison.



2. a. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.

1.Dennis and Kiki are the twin babies. Dennis is ___________ (old) than Kiki.

2.The doctor is ___________ (tall) than the bookshelf.

3.The ambulance is ___________ (fast) than my car.

4.The laboratory room is ___________ (hot) than the surgery room.

5.The turning fork is ___________ (hard) than the band.

b. Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison usingan adjective with one




3. a. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.

1.Yuki was at hospital __________ (early) than I was.

2.Pourageat this hospital is __________ (sticky) thanthe pourage at my home.

3.This medical exercise is __________ (tricky) than the last one.

4.My little baby is __________ (silly) than hers.

5.Her baby is __________ (pretty) than the other one.

b. Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison usingan adjective with more than

one syllable that endsin “y”.



4. a. Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.

1.The ambulance is _______ ____________ (dangerous) than my car.

2.Stethoscope is _______ ____________ (expensive) than needle.

3.Doctor Sintais _______ ____________ (beautiful) than doctor Susi.

4.The grey laboratory room is _______ ____________ (colorful) than the pink one.

5.The midwife is _______ ____________ (tired) now than that midwife was this morning.

b. Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison usingan adjective with more than

one syllable that does not end in“y”.



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